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Chapter 161 I dont want to go.

Facing the questioning of the main body, Sagittarius did not refuse this time. A port popped open on the back of his neck. He inserted a receipt wire into the port, and then threw the other end toward Xiangshan.

The main unit plugs the other end of the data cable into the interface on the inside of its wrist.

The magnificent inner strength has taken over everything.

[Full process self-inspection, 1%...3%...7%...18%...]

[The self-check of the verification process is correct. Start the permission verification]

Sagittarius closed his prosthetic eyes and fell to the bottom of the sea.

But he saw something through the prosthetic eyes of his original body.

The squids gathered around, the light and shadow on their bodies flowing.

This is their song. This is their farewell.

Sagittarius told them that as long as he takes the initiative to throw out the data line, it means everything goes well. He will also complete his mission and merge into his original life.

The next time we meet, he will still be him. He will meet these life-and-death friends in another face.

The squids may have misunderstood something. Sagittarius thought. This is not death.

【Do you need to say goodbye?】

This sentence directly appeared in Sagittarius's thinking. If it came from the ontology, the fusion has already begun. He has begun to download the data for self-updating from the ontology. And his own memory files have also been uploaded and transcribed.

finish quickly.

The main body said: [Anyway, it’s not a short amount of time. 】

[I am you.] Sagittarius said: [There is no need to say goodbye anymore. I am still here, just in a bigger me.]

The ontology said: [We are one person.]


[If you refuse this process, we can interrupt him.] Xiang Shan said: [Let's exchange the necessary information, and we can be two people from now on, even brothers. I know how I feel at this moment. In human history

There are already enough Xiangshan, not even more than you.】

[It’s completely unnecessary. As you said, there are already too many Xiangshans in human history.] Sagittarius thought for a while and said: [Although I am you, I am also an AI. Human beings are aimless.

Human beings are born into the world, while AI is born with its own mission.】

[Your AI has a learning function. You can find a new meaning of survival by yourself. 】

[For me, my most important mission will not be successfully completed if it does not merge into another larger self. "Xiangshan" may feel sorry for this AI, but AI will not.

It’s a pity for AI. After weighing the balance, I think the best choice is still this.】

【Is this so.】

[Of course, it is not without regrets. The world is still very big. Even as an AI, I can still do many things. However, in comparison, the mission I have been given and the meaning of existence I have gained

, and must not be given up. We are one person. Maybe when we did that thing, it was not the electrons in the chip that carried the consciousness, but the sparks between the nerves. This prosthetic body has long been abandoned. But it is still

it's me.】

fantuankanshu rice balls reading

[Well, okay. You have more say in this matter. Just make the decision. 】

[Write this down. It might be useful to study the sociological and anthropological significance of AI in the future.]


Finally, the progress bar is full and the update begins.

The two Xiangshans have begun to synchronize.

But after the start, the last idea that has been written to the cache is executed.

[But after all, there is a line that I have really wanted to say again for a long time.]

【Ah...what's the plot?】

The Sagittarius prosthetic performed the last act of prefetching.

"I don't want to go. (I don't want to go.)"

That's what he said.

Then, it was as if the TV's power-off button was suddenly pressed.

Then, two completely different emotions burst out from Xiangshan's heart.

One is shame.

It's like the kind of person who sees a diagnosis of a terminal illness, tells his friend Barabala all the bad things he has done, then confesses his love to his crush, then scolds his dog boss on behalf of his colleagues, creates many love scenes, and ends up in the hospital A notice was sent saying that the medical certificate was taken in the wrong form.

Damn, he said it so solemnly, but the physical sensation was just like "suddenly switching from that body to this prosthetic body", "just changing positions"!

How could he not feel ashamed when he just changed his position and said so many loving words?

But the other half is sad. This feeling is as if something has really been lost.

The memories are seamlessly bridged, but the final thoughts of the brain and the chip are completely opposite, as if a sad tragedy and the most ridiculous comedy are mixed together.

Xiangshan couldn't help but hug his head.

After a long while, he muttered to himself.

"The Yawgmoth content of the AI ​​in this series is still too heavy and poisonous. I don't really like British science fiction dramas that look like old ladies wrapping their feet, okay..."

——And I prefer the early-century version of Seasons 5, 6 and 7. Even if you tell me the classic lines from Season 4, I would... Bah! This is definitely pollution!

The Sagittarius machine then looked at the squids. He took out a display screen from behind and said to the squids: "Okay, friends, it's still me. Just like this, the new me. Bring the data. "

Sagittarius actually made two preparations. He separated the really important information from his memory bank in advance and gave it to Squid for preservation.

In this case, even if the main body assimilates to itself without saying a word, it will not be able to obtain the most meaningful information. And the squids will have a little room for negotiation.

Although this little margin, it must also rely on Mingshan's own integrity. Although the main body that can snatch is undoubtedly despising.

However, as long as Xiangshan, who is willing to side with the squid, merges into the true body, maybe the true body... will change a little bit.

And this is also the mission mentioned by Sagittarius Xiangshan.

As an AI, Sagittarius Xiangshan was given two "purposes" when he was written. "Playing Xiangshan" and "bringing the Sagittarius body to merge with the main body". And through the deep learning function, he obtained the first

The three "purposes" are to "fight for the rights that every intelligent life deserves for these squids."

And these three goals all require him to merge into his own body.

Yes, Sagittarius believes that only when Xiangshan, who once stood with the squids, merges into the original body, can the original Xiangshan truly understand the position of those squids and ensure that there is no partiality towards mammals.

Even if he says "I don't want to leave," AI is AI. He embraces his innate mission.

Ah Hun glanced at Sagittarius warily, feeling vaguely familiar. He waved his arms and legs, and then left.

Unlike whales, squid lack the ability to communicate long-distance in the sea. The social nature of these squids is even given by chips. Some things they can only do by themselves.

Soon, Xiang Shan got a storage device.

After reading the memory, Xiangshan gradually understood the whole story.

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