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Chapter 162: Return of Carriage

In the early days when the "radar" technology was just born, clouds, fog, rain, and haze would cause certain echo interference to the radar. The electromagnetic waves emitted by the radar would be reflected, absorbed or scattered by these things, causing the results to be unstable.

However, with the advancement of technology, radar has become more and more accurate, and the electromagnetic waves it emits are often limited to a very narrow frequency band, and the interference noise floor can be filtered out through modulation technology.

By the 21st century, except for a small number of weather radars that specifically limit electromagnetic waves to specific bands, most radars will not be interfered by clouds and fog.

However, the essence of "fog" is an aerosol of water particles using air as a dispersant. If these "particles" are replaced by metal sheets, then things will be different.

The frequency band of electromagnetic waves that water molecules can absorb and reflect is quite limited, but metals can interfere with most electromagnetic waves.

A cloud of less dense aerosol may not be much different from a small flying object in the field of view of microwave radar.

Such moving objects that have not passed the identification of friend or foe are very likely to be judged as "enemy" by automatic weapons, and then fire autonomously.

This is a complete waste of ammunition facing the air, and will expose its own layout in advance.

Balbo immediately closed his eyes and ordered the entire unit to disconnect the microwave radar from the fire control system and connect it to the sonar radar instead.

Most tanks are equipped with both functions.

However, Balbo soon opened his eyes angrily, and an "angry" red light burst out from his prosthetic eyes [this is the built-in emotional expression mechanism of the prosthetic eyes]

Communication barriers.

This time, Tiehua is not a dense mass like the conventional one, but is scattered over a wide area, so it cannot perfectly isolate all communications and active exploration based on electromagnetic waves like normal.

In this situation, communication can still be used from time to time, and active detection can only easily detect false targets.

In addition, because the density of Tiehua is too low, it does not have the ability to cause a short circuit instantly, let alone ignite.

But for large armies, this will cause serious disruption to the command system.

Before Balbo could make any further reaction, sporadic gunshots and gunshots were heard from the front. There were also a few flashes of fire.

"It's too late..." Balbo turned to the technical officer: "When did you discover this?"

"The communication failure ahead was reported ten minutes ago. It was just that the technical team was investigating other matters at that time." The technical officer stood at attention and said: "Since we triggered an EMP mine half an hour ago, some people suspect that maybe that

But I found that the scope of this communication barrier showed a tendency of diffusion, and the diffusion speed was positively correlated with the wind speed, so I made an electromagnet and tried it."

Balbo nodded: "You did a good job. The commendation order has been uploaded to the internal system of the Gene Bank Arms. Soldier, you will get better treatment when you go back. Forward the information to me."

"Yes!" The technical officer was ecstatic and immediately adjusted his previous statistical results.

Balbo looked at the scope of the communication failure and the subsequent data. As soon as he thought about it, he downloaded more accurate data from various nearby weather monitoring stations and meteorological satellites in the sky. However, the download speed was very unstable and could change at any time.

Jumps between a few hundred bits to several gigabytes.

"The range is very large." Balbo thought: "If we want to reach a density that can cause communication obstacles, but also ensure that it is invisible to the naked eye, it would require dozens of tons of iron and steel."

"Dozens of tons... How is this possible? Ordinary Jianghu people only carry a few groups, which is a hundred kilograms. The regular reserve of Green Forest Village is only a few tons at most. And that is a long-term reserve for hundreds of people to use."

"What exactly is happening ahead?"

The person who should be most suspicious should be the target they are tracking, the knight who assassinated the deputy leader of the Mana Knights. He should be one of the few people who consciously spread Tiehua.

However, this is a little hard to believe.

"Wide-area low-density Tekka" is actually a very old tactic. But the problem with this tactic is that it is really too old.

This tactic was born before the War of Sublimation. In that era, the global logistics system, financial system and information network were highly integrated. An experienced hacker could hide himself, parasitize in this huge system, and steal resources endlessly.

Weaken the enemy while strengthening yourself.

But now, the difficulty of doing so has been infinitely increased. The asylum management system has more preventive measures against knights. Most knights are also physically isolated from the asylum's logistics system.

Even if a master of internal energy has great skills and hides a batch of goods and sends it to the wrong area, there is no way to actually receive the goods. All nodes of the logistics system-large warehouses are all managed by senior cadres of the gene bank armed forces.

down, and are mostly placed inside giant buildings.

Even if there really is a batch of resources in the corner of the warehouse that have been wiped out by internal masters from the past and the future, the knights cannot get them.

"Preparing dozens of tons of iron and steel" was not that difficult for knights in the past, but it is not that simple now.

"There might be a Green Forest Village right ahead? After that knight rushed into the Green Forest Village, he destroyed all the Green Forests, and then took all the metal reserves and energy reserves of the Green Forest Village to produce Tiehua."

"If you don't consider the service life of the 3D printer, it's really too late to prepare."

The 3D printer can produce Tiehua very quickly. A small amount of powder is sprayed on the base plate, and the shape is assisted by a magnetic field. The crystal is formed using sound wave interference, and the laser heats it instantly.

If a green forest village does not consider metal reserves at all, it can indeed produce a lot in a short period of time.

He checked and found that there was indeed an area directly ahead that was suspected to be the area where the Green Forest Force "Sandstorm Ghost" was entrenched. Their stronghold was likely to be there.

It's a bit troublesome. The government had no plan to clear out the "Sandstorm Ghosts" before. Therefore, the "range of suspicion" marked on the map is a bit large. If you apply for the use of natural punishment for such a large area, it will not only waste ammunition, but also hinder the march of the troops.


If the tactics are not handled properly, the real target may be able to escape just like that.

While he was thinking, a line of fire suddenly appeared on the edge of the horizon.

Then, there was a flash of light in the sky, like a few stars. After a few seconds, there was a muffled thunder.

"This is..." Balbo almost cursed: "Who launched the medium and short-range multi-warhead missile! This is used to deal with fighter jets."


With the help of the flash, Xiangshan could clearly see the surrounding troop divisions.

He threw out the remaining foil airplanes one by one.

It’s really not his fault. In the early years, Xiang Shan and a group of friends threw paper airplanes in a wind tunnel in the Russian Federation. His understanding of paper airplanes is really not good.

These metal foil airplanes prioritize "flying further" - after all, the environment this time is different from the previous one, and there is no continuous updraft caused by the high temperature left by the explosion. These paper airplanes do not take the radar reflection cross-section issue into consideration.

But this time Xiangshan didn't just do it on the spur of the moment.

The front end of all paper airplanes drags a bullet-reflecting spherical object, like a small glass bead.

This thing is called the "Longbo lens", a spherical multi-faceted refractive lens that can form two mutually refracted and infinitely magnified images on both sides of the lens.

To put it simply, this thing shines like gold in the eyes of radar.

In the past, if stealth fighters wanted to participate in air shows, military parades, training and other activities, they had to be detected by radar so that ground crews could plan and manage them. However, the problem with many stealth fighters lies in their stealth performance

It's so good that even if the route is known in advance, it will be difficult for radar to lock it.

At this time, the stealth fighter will attach an external Longbo lens to amplify its own signal and ensure that it is visible to radar observers.

And when the paper plane flew over with this thing, in the observation of those radars, it was equivalent to a medium-sized drone, a small tank or a warrior rushing over.

Nature will trigger a reaction.

"It seems that the density of troops is indeed not very high and is within the acceptable range. Thank you to those broadcasters. They have indeed done something very meaningful."

Xiangshan was constantly simulating the movement of metal aerosol clumps in his mind. He released the temporarily sensed wind direction and wind speed detection instruments and had been calculating for a long time. At the same time, he dropped all the metal aerosol slow-release bombs.

He knows all initial values.

It is true that long-term accurate simulation is not possible, but short-term simulation is possible.

"In some areas, aerosol clumps were hit, but no fire was heard. But logically speaking, the search network would not have such a big flaw. This shows that there are troops in this area, and they have already used microwaves.

The radar was separated from the fire control system."

"But not every unit has received the order."

"Possibility one is that one of their teams discovered the aerosol and then reported it. Possibility two is that the intermediate command system discovered the aerosol and then issued an order."

"The troops that were still firing at the aerosol clumps after the 'order was issued' momentarily lost communication with the command center. At that point in time, there must have been a large aerosol gap between them and the command center.

Sol clumps.”

"So, where the command center may be..."

Large areas appeared in Xiangshan's mind. And these areas continued to shrink...shrink...

Then, there was a firefight in an area not far in front of the mountain.

He lowered his body towards the mountain.

here we go.

This chapter has been completed!
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