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Chapter 1736 chat group in the heart

Now, if Medusa's head was still there, it would be larger than Cai Gen's psychological shadow.

It was a perfect ambush, but why did an excavator appear?

Even if she wanted to explode all the snakeheads in her head, she couldn't imagine an excavator appearing in front of her eyes.

And it also carries the power of rules that it cannot resist.

This was so sudden, I was completely unprepared.

The petrification skill that I can't resist should have more effect.

I should use more light and heat.

Then, just like her perfect appearance, it ended perfectly, and all the unhappiness was taken away by the excavator.

Although Cai Gen could not nod, the situation in front of him made him very happy.

Fortunately, I was prepared in advance, otherwise it would have been ruined by Pu Luo's reminder.

If you encounter any ordinary danger, you will be taken away by a wave of excavators.

Currently, only Shi Leilei has been spared. I wonder if she can survive this level.

After everything calmed down, Shi Leile poked her head out and passed the two statues in front of her. The scene in front of her completely confused her.

Medusa's head has been taken away by an excavator.

Moreover, the excavator never stopped. While taking away Medusa's head, it also passed through a large ship and flew into the distance, as if it had penetrated the world.

Looking at the companions around him, everyone was covered with a layer of gray and turned into statues. No one could move except himself.

Shi Leilei was completely panicked and shouted to the petrified people, but there was no response.

The entire space was eerily silent, except for the snowman's body, which had changed.

A line of small words appeared.

"Bitter Calendar Year 7442, Sea World."

Did you really change the map?

What just happened happened in the human world, now it’s in the sea world?

So are there any sea fighters?

Cai Gen just started to have a brain twitch and felt that petrification was just that.

Even though I couldn't move my body, I still couldn't stop my brain from twitching.

"Cai Gen, the sea realm is the territory of Poseidon, the king of the sea.

There are Ocean Five here, but no Marine Fighters."

Pu Luo's voice sounded in Cai Gen's heart, like telepathy.

Cai Gen suddenly had the idea of ​​​​Puo Luo in his mind and was shocked.

Then he continued to brainstorm and communicate in his mind.

"Call Xiaosun, call Xiaotian, call Axiong, are you there?"

"Third uncle, I'm here, are you okay?"

"Smelly monkey, has your brain been petrified too?

There must be something wrong with the master, he has been petrified, is he okay?"

"Brother Sun, Brother Tian, ​​don't argue, listen to Boss Cai."

Well, does this count as creating a chat group in your heart?

"I actually have nothing to do. I just reminded me that when everyone is able to move, I will beat Pu Luo as soon as possible. I have to cut his brains out and fart.

They were all rubbish that failed to accomplish anything and failed more than they should have, and they were all ruined in his hands.

By the way, Yang San and Jiahao, aren't you guys here too?"

"Master Cai, I admire your witchcraft very much. If you have a chance, can you teach me? The tuition fee is easy to talk about."

Lang Jiahao didn't care at all that he was petrified, his mind was still on the Ruoshui excavator just now.

"Brother Cai, I'm Yang San, I'm here too, I'm fine, don't worry about me.

Fortunately, Datou is fine, but how can we resolve it?

The rules of this space are very powerful. Medusa's eyes are more ruthless than my three eyes. The petrification cannot be resisted and the degree of restoration is very high.

It’s just that it’s not as powerful as Brother Cai’s excavator. It took ten excavators with one force and excavated everything. It really opened my eyes and made me enlightened. My admiration is like a torrential river, continuous and endless, like that.”

Cai Gen listened to Yang San's non-stop chatter, and the flattery was not distracting at all, and there was no creativity at all, so he interrupted him in his heart.

"Yang San, shut up first and think about how to praise me before you speak.

Jiahao, what did you just say?

What tuition fee?

To be more specific, how much does one class cost?”

After Yang San was banned by Cai Gen, Lang Jiahao started again.

"It's up to you, Master Cai, how much it will cost.

As long as I can teach me how to dance, I don't care."

Do you still need to provide teaching and skills?

This is a bit difficult.

In fact, it is not difficult to learn. The key point should be that after you have learned it, it is not dead after using it, which is the most difficult.

Cai Gen felt that Lang Jiahao's destiny should not be able to withstand God's backlash and he would die after one use. Can he agree?

He can agree, but his aunt Lang Mintao can't agree either.

Cai Gen thought about it for a while and felt that the tuition fee was not easy to earn, and it was too messy. He gave up the next Shaman Grand Prize for a few dollars, and he couldn't explain it out of emotion and reason.

"Okay, Jiahao, don't even think about it.

Whoever has the authority can bring Shi Leile into the group chat.

After all, she is the only one who can move now, so we all have a rest."

Silence, deathly silence.

Finally, Xiao Sun spoke.

"I can't do it, third uncle.

In our group, it seems that only those who have been petrified can enter.

Those who are not petrified cannot enter.

I don’t know why.”

Is this a backdoor opened by Golden Apple?

Cai Gen thought, if the back door was really opened, how good would it be to go directly to the top of Badaohao Mountain?

Why are you so petty?

I wanted to curse Golden Apple, but I was afraid of offending the other person.

"Cai Gen, I feel like I'm stronger after being petrified.

I am much stronger than before, this feeling is so strange."

Na Qi's voice suddenly came out, and Cai Gen was startled.

"Naqi, are you also petrified?

Why do you owe so much? You won’t be able to get anything from me, so you’re so afraid that you’ll suffer a loss?”

"Cai Gen, just be satisfied. Fortunately, I lowered the curtains in the car when I was watching.

Otherwise, every car would be filled with stone people.

You’ve all seen it, why shouldn’t I?”

Fortunately, the old people were fine, and Cai Gen felt relieved a little.

"No, you watched it, did Wu Sheng also watch it?"

Wu Sheng's voice sounded, and it seemed that he had joined the group.

"Of course, Qi Qi was afraid that I would suffer a loss, so he specially asked me to watch it."

"That's not right. Aren't you immortal? How can you be petrified?"

"I'm not dead, why can't I be petrified?

Who do you look down on, Cai Gen, please speak clearly.

Why can't I be petrified?

Are you discriminating against me?

It seems that deep-rooted prejudice is everywhere.

Cai Gen, you are not exempt from vulgarity.

I want to file a complaint against you for discriminating against Chongchong.

By the way, I forgot to tell you that petrification also counts time.

We are petrified, but the golden apple’s countdown is not petrified.”

Cai Gen began to feel uncomfortable from the inside out.

The last time I was struck by lightning, I lay on the ground.

This time he was petrified by Medusa again and stood on the ground.

Can't you just have a normal fight?

My hot blood has nowhere to be released and nowhere to cool down.

Do we have to win along the way?

Or stand to win?

If that's really the case, that's too much

Thinking of this, Cai Gen felt relieved, and he was actually quite comfortable.

Although it's not as delicious as dumplings, it's better to sit down than sit down.

I lay down for a long time at the last station, but standing now is pretty good.

Traditional Chinese medicine says well that lying down for a long time damages Qi.

The program arranged by Hai Dalun is quite healthy.

This chapter has been completed!
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