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Chapter 1737 Unlucky prizes

Cai Gen is thinking about which one is more embarrassing, lying down or standing.

Suddenly, a dark figure, like a rabbit in a dog chasing a rabbit, ran over quickly.

He was also holding a dung fork in his hand. He was sneaky and didn't look like a good person.

Seeing the headless Medusa, he was obviously stunned, then ignored Shi Leilei's presence and squatted behind Cai Gen.

He completely used Cai Gen as a cover, as if he was avoiding pursuit.

"Cai Gen, the grandson hidden behind you is Poseidon, the King of the Sea.

My heart is as high as the sky, my life is as thin as paper, and I have no other ability except to wander."

Puro tried his best to maintain his presence in an attempt to offset his own mistakes.

Poseidon, the king of the sea, flashed past, and Cai Gen didn't know what state he was in, nor could he clearly see what he looked like.

"Lao Pu, why is he hiding from me?"

"Maybe he is avoiding some enemy."

"My Faco?

He is already the king of the sea. This is still the sea world. Isn't he the biggest?

By the way, what happened in the sea world during your 7442 years of hardship?

Let me briefly introduce it to everyone. Although you can’t move, you can’t understand it if you don’t watch the fun without thinking.”

Pu Luo felt that this was Cai Gen giving him a chance to make up for his past mistakes, and he was very positive.

“In the bitter year 7442, two hundred years after the War of the Gods, Apollo, the sun god, snatched the golden apple.

But instead of handing it over to his father, the young boy ran to the sea, hoping to join forces with his second uncle, Poseidon, the King of the Sea, to overthrow the rule of Zeus.

As a result, his second uncle was even more ruthless. After cheating the golden apple, he kicked the sun god Apollo away and put him under house arrest.

In fact, it is excusable. If I had the opportunity to become the king of the gods, why would I help my nephew to ascend to the throne? If it were me, I would have to teach the sun god Apollo a lesson.

However, who would have thought that the little cutie has already invaded the sea world, awakened the first-generation sea god Pontos, and aroused his desire for power.

So, the first-generation Poseidon, Pontos, led his sons and daughters and began to hunt down Poseidon, the King of the Sea, and snatch the golden apples.

Later, Poseidon, the king of the sea, was really forced to do anything, so he asked his younger brother, the god king Zeus, for help, gathered the Olympian gods, and suppressed the first generation of sea god Pontos.

The original history was like this, and it was called the Rebellion of the Sea Realm.

But looking at it now, there should be no Olympian gods to assist Poseidon, the king of the sea, otherwise he would not be chased in such an embarrassing state like his third grandson.

By the way, Medusa is also a descendant of Pontos, a typical mixed race, with only skin and no brains.

However, her petrification attack is indeed invincible.

Zeus had been thinking about her for a long time, but he didn't dare to look into her eyes and gave up.

I once suggested that Zeus should close his eyes, wouldn't it be better?

But Zeus said that it would not be irritating if you closed your eyes, and also said, "

"Oh, that's enough, Lao Pu, please don't tell anyone about the dirty gossip, as if you're afraid that we might have any respect for Zeus.

Don't worry, just because he ran away before he finished speaking, I will look down on him for the rest of my life.

Well, Poseidon, King of the Sea, doesn’t have any helpers?

How can you say that he is also the current King of the Sea, so his popularity is so bad?"

"Cai Gen, have you also read the history of our Laxi world?

The popularity of Poseidon, the king of the sea, is really that bad.

The main reason is that he is too wild and always wants to show off his presence.

Moreover, this example of taking money and not doing anything has brought disgrace to our race of Gods.

What’s more important is that in the sea world, his four beams and eight pillars are basically descendants of the first-generation sea god Pontos. They help relatives or not, and it’s the same everywhere.”


Taking money and not doing things is indeed contrary to their Olympus Protoss program of action, violates the spirit of the contract, and is indeed hateful.

Cai Gen has now begun to despise Poseidon, the King of the Sea.

"What unscrupulous things has he done?"

"The people of the world of Rashi will definitely make large sacrifices to him every time they sail away.

As the saying goes, do not bully the mountains but the sea. It is a matter of wealth and life. No one dares to be vague. They all want to be happy to answer Poseidon, the god of the sea.

But this grandson, after accepting the gift, did nothing and always played with the ships on long voyages, euphemistically called it to temper the will of the navigator and make people always be in awe of the sea.

Don't you think this is wasteful?

If things go on like this, sacrificing to the sea will be the same as not sacrificing at all. Who will care about him? Can his popularity not be bad?

In particular, most of the sailing heroes are mixed descendants of the gods, but he doesn't give face to anyone, so he can just let his temper be wild, how can he not be hated by others?

Therefore, when he was in trouble, we did not follow him and add insult to injury. Even if we have a high moral standard, we would not be able to help him.

Even if Zeus takes action in the end, it is not to help him, nor to wipe his butt for the sake of the stability and safety of the sea world."

Don't bully the mountains but the sea?

That is to say, the waiter is not here, otherwise he would be beaten to death by his big mouth.

What a nonsense saying, it is not friendly to the mountain gods at all.

If Poseidon, the god of the sea, keeps being so arrogant, he will be beaten to death without any injustice.

I was just about to ask Puo what will happen next.

Then I saw five tall figures flying over and appearing behind Medusa's headless body.

At first glance, he looked like a sea tribe. Apart from shells and corals, he didn't have a piece of cloth on his body.

Both men and women were so beautiful that it made Cai Gen blind.

"Come out quickly, Poseidon, and hand over the golden apple.

Otherwise, we”

"Forget it, stop talking nonsense, the script has been changed.

Whether he pays it or not, he will die."

"Wait a minute, they said the script has been changed.

Everyone must die, even those who are petrified must die.”

"Medusa, go crush them all and turn them into sea sand. I want to bake them with salt."

"Medusa, what are you looking for?"

"Medusa, I'm talking to you. Have you lost your wallet?"

"Fuck, Medusa, where's your head?"

The five newly arrived sea tribesmen finally discovered something strange about Medusa, and they lost their heads.

"Cai Gen, we are in trouble, and we are going to be a tough guy.

A direct descendant of the first generation of Poseidon, the Five Heroes of the Ocean.

In terms of status and strength, he is second only to Poseidon, the King of the Sea.

Of course, I'm talking about a one-to-one situation.

Five against one, Poseidon has no chance.

Cai Gen, come and see, I will give you a detailed introduction.

The tallest man is Nereus, Friend of the Sea.

The shortest man is Taomas, the Wonder of the Sea.

The woman with the longest hair is the Furious Falls of the Sea.

The fattest woman is Beas, the power of the sea.

That dazzlingly big woman is Ketos, the Danger of the Sea.

In fact, they are very easy to distinguish. They are named according to the five characteristics of the sea and have distinctive personalities.

I once had an in-depth exchange of feelings with Ketos, the Danger of the Sea.

Oops, how should I put it, it's too dangerous.

Let me understand the broad mind of the sea."

It was indeed dazzling and dangerous. Cai Gen agreed with Pu Luo in his heart.

But stopped him from continuing.

After all, in the public channel, many topics are suitable for private chat.

"How many do you think Shi Leilei can kill?

There will be a prize for guessing it right, benevolence or a lunch box, take your pick."

Everyone fell silent for a moment.

Both prizes are unlucky.

This chapter has been completed!
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