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Chapter 1969 Volume Four, Nine Generations

At the moment when Cai Gen was about to collapse due to self-blame.

He was pulled back by Er Zhenbeile.

It didn't pull back much, it just avoided the golden rhythm.

Even though it was just a trace, Cai Gen felt like he was in another world.

"Well, do you know how scary Tiange is?

Is it sour enough?

I don’t know if you are really stupid or pretending to be stupid.

One more step later and you will become incontinent.

At the beginning, Emperor Xia used this kind of powerful material during the Battle of Gan.

Can you imagine the scene of millions of people kneeling on the ground, whipping themselves, and crying bitterly?

It was quite shocking, and I still remember it fresh.”

Cai Gen wiped away the tears and runny nose on his face, and nodded with red eyes.

I couldn't say a word, my voice was broken from crying.

After waiting for a long time, the god looked in the direction of King Asura.

The two huge bodies were trembling with tears, and the tears were like waterfalls, rushing.

What's even more serious is that Emperor Shaktian, in that transparent house, would slap himself in the mouth and kowtow vigorously on the ground.

The tears and blood were blurred, like a bloody gourd.

Logically speaking, the gods are protecting the Dharma. With many years of faith foundation, our hearts should not be so fragile.

However, in front of Xia Qi's Tian Ge, he was so weak and helpless like a child.

Cai Gen was really scared.

It's really a bit serious to use a recipe as a song sheet.

Especially the Kushen recipe, the side effects are really serious.

In the future, if you get an item from the God of Ku, you must use it carefully. If there is no instruction manual, you would rather not use it than use it indiscriminately. Otherwise, it may become a large-scale destructive weapon and you will not be harmed by it.

Cai Gen finally recovered from his aphasia and asked Zhen Baylor in a low voice.

"No, if this Tiange is so powerful, will it have an impact on Chat's soul?

After experiencing the baptism of Tiange, good people will become mentally ill, and when they are rescued, they will also be madmen. Isn't that terrible?"

Cai Gen glanced at the Guanta Tower. Ever since Xia Qi came out, he had remained petrified. He didn't know what he was thinking.

My father is not worried, my grandfather is not worried, Cai Gen must be worried.

After all, the purpose of setting up such a big battle was to rescue Cha Cha intact.

If there are flaws, Cai Gen, who has severe obsessive-compulsive disorder, will never accept it.

"According to my investigation, Cha Cha is contained in the soul stone.

By the way, do you know what a soul stone is?"

Erzhenbeile really didn't have much confidence in Cai Gen's knowledge, so he asked more questions to save himself from talking for a long time.

Cai Gen nodded quickly. He was too familiar with the Soul Stone of Zhutianhui.

Wasn't his son Cai Tuantuan put in the soul stone last time?

"I know, I've seen a lot of them. It can hold souls and has a very good preservation effect."

"It's good to know. Chatting in the soul stone is an extra layer of defense.

However, the power of Tiange is too strong, so it will be affected to some extent.

Call it a workout.

This is also a good opportunity for him to reborn.

Good fortune and misfortune, who can say for sure.

However, Cha Cha was destined to have this calamity in his life.

Only after nine deaths can one become a great talent.

Shamanism was introduced to his generation, and after so many years of hiding it, it finally had a chance to emerge.

The children and grandchildren of other families are just cucumbers and cabbages, none of them decent, and they cannot support their appearance. I have pinned all my hopes on Cha Cha.

Cai Gen, don’t let me down.”

The amount of information in this sentence is a bit large.

Cai Gen heard two meanings.

Cha Cha is valued by Shamanism, and he is trained as a young talent by a leader in the sect, and has high hopes.

What the Fishing God said not only represented the Gualjia family, but also definitely included the eight shaman families and all the ancestors and gods.

Do all eight families agree that Cha Cha is the leader?

Is there any basis for this?

The second meaning is that shamanism wants to stop keeping a low profile and decide to step onto the stage of history through the rise of Cha Cha.

These two meanings and the reasons behind them are too complicated.

After all, the entanglement between shamanism and the god of suffering is inextricably linked.

It was difficult for Cai Gen to ask in detail about this situation.

I can only nod as hard as I can to express my determination.

"As long as you don't hide from me, I will do my best.

You just said that Chacha is destined to have this calamity, which means he will definitely not die. Gu

But his physical body is gone, so I can give him a gift package of kindness.

Seeing that you and Mr. Guan are not that worried and seem to be in control, there must be a back-up plan.

Combined with the Tree of Ancestral Gods in the Asura world, according to what they mean, it is a gene cloning training chamber.

To sum up what I have said above, you have already assumed that the body of Cha Cha cannot be saved.

At the same time, imagine that the soul of Chat Chat can be saved.

Then trick me into entering your ancestral land, fight to the death with the demon king who destroyed the world, and find the Tree of the Ancestral God on the way to restore a physical body to Cha Cha.

Step by step, the calculation is good.

Why can't you just tell me in advance?

Aren’t my legs worth this trip?”

The Fishing God Ezhenbeile patted Cai Gen's shoulder intimately and gave him a haha.

"Cai Gen, you've been awake for so long and you haven't noticed yet?

The solutions to many problems are not achieved overnight.

You have to do it step by step. If you miss a link or skip a link, you won't be able to accomplish anything.

If, on the first day you arrived in Iceland, you were brought here, the result would definitely not be this situation, it would definitely be different."

Cai Gen lowered his head and thought for a moment, but didn't think there was anything different.

Could it be that the difference lies in his relationship with Cha Cha?

Is it because of the entanglement in Guanta Tower?

Could it be that the difference lies in my own mentality?

If you think about it this way, it is really different. There are too many factors that affect the result.

If you want to create the situation in front of you, you really must not miss a single link, just follow the order.

Thinking of this, Cai Gen nodded.

"I hope there will be a good result."

"Song of Heaven, Volume Four and Nine Generations."

The joy of winter.

Grandpa Master, I have never been able to sing this volume very well.

My mood is always a little bit off.

Maybe it's because my upbringing was too stressful.

Unable to truly understand the true meaning of happiness.

There is no way to interpret the pure and true carefreeness.

Hey, it’s embarrassing.”


Is the next volume coming so soon?

Cai Gen looked in Xia Qi's direction.

The fourth scroll flew out, and a snow-white note came from Xia Qi's mouth.

The entire cave was enveloped in an instant, and the winter atmosphere wrapped in silver was perfectly accentuated.

Why should we be happy in winter?

And is it still pure and true happiness?

Cai simply wanted to get a touch of rhythm and experience it.

However, after learning from the previous experience, we will not try it lightly.

He turned to look at Ezhenbeile.

“Why should we be happy in winter?

How can you be happy when everything is frozen and lifeless?"

Shi Huozhu started to answer.

"Boss Cai, isn't this easy to understand?

In a farming society, we have experienced a year of hard work.

Winter is the time to enjoy the fruits of labor.

Of course I am happy.

Didn’t you have a cat over the winter when you were a kid?

Right now, some rural areas in Northeast China.

After the winter, apart from leisure and entertainment, what else can we do?

You can laze at home as a matter of course.

Three people are full and one person is empty, just waiting for the Chinese New Year, don’t you know?

So lifeless?"

Is it such a simple understanding?

Is this the happiness of Maodong?

Cai Gen looked at Ezhenbeile for verification.

Er Zhenbeile nodded, indicating that what Shi Huozhu said was correct.

Cai Gen felt that he was defeated and thought too much.

This chapter has been completed!
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