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Chapter 1970 Understanding of Tiange

Cai Gen has not yet realized the true meaning of this winter happiness.

Xia Qi stopped abruptly and put away the scroll.

He smiled awkwardly at Cai Gen.

"Grandpa Master, this is the fourth volume of Nine Generations.

My performance wasn't very good and I didn't understand the essence of it, so I won't show off.

Grandpa Master, what do you think?

I just finished this set of Tiange, are there any flaws?

Please give me some guidance."


Cai Gen was immediately embarrassed.

What I just said was a bit nonsense, I was just trying to fool him.

Unexpectedly, his acting was so real that Xia Qi believed him.

So what should I give you?

Do you want to tell Xia Qi that you mistook the recipe for a song sheet and split it up?

The God of Bitterness has no expectations placed on you at all.

In your life, you just think too much.

Cai Gen didn't dare to say that the knife was on his neck.

Apart from the considerations of human nature and sophistication, if Xia Qi was provoked and pointed the finger at himself, wouldn't that be idle?

Oops, why is it so troublesome to wipe your neck this time?

Just go back after finishing your work. Why are there still so many ink marks?

Cai Gen was so anxious that he was sweating. He wanted to wipe his neck again and ask for the next favor to get rid of Xia Qi.

Cai Gen felt that it was better to use defense as offense, and decided to drag the calf further and further away.

"Well, Qiqi, your performance is pretty good, the big frame has a bit of a look.

None of these external forms matter.

What matters is your understanding of Tiange.

How do you understand Tiange?

In the social practice of educating the world, how do you practice it?"

After Cai Gen finished speaking, his heart was pounding nervously.

I don't know if the direction I have found is correct.

Have you made some fatal common sense mistake?

However, judging from Xia Qi's performance, Cai Gen should be right.

Because Xia Qi fell into deep thought after hearing Cai Gen's words.

It seems that I am very cautious about this issue, and I am very afraid of saying the wrong word.

After all, the greatest achievement in his life is not to become the Emperor of Xia, but to educate the world with Tiange.

"Master Master, I do have my own understanding of Tiange.

The first volume of Tiange contains nine songs, the joy of spring.

The plan for a day begins in the morning, and the plan for a year begins in spring.

Nine songs are full of expectations and hopes for the future.

My understanding is that you must have dreams and hopes in life to make your life wonderful.

If there are no hopes, no dreams, and no expectations for the future, then life will be like a walking dead, meaningless.

Therefore, this chapter of Jiu Ge is to let people understand that life needs hope.

Do you think I’m right?”

Cai Gen nodded.

"Well, you go on without asking me for my opinion."

Then he stepped on Shi Huozhu hard, signaling him to write it down quickly.

This is Emperor Xia's interpretation of Tiange, which is of great research value.

Shi Huozhu was very discerning, so he quickly took out his cell phone and started recording.

Seeing that Cai Gen didn't express his position, Xia Qi couldn't help but feel uneasy. He didn't know if he was going astray.

"The Nine Debates of the Second Volume of Tiange, The Wrath of Xia.

Everything in the world is full of laws and rules.

The slogan that man can conquer nature is true and his spirit is commendable.

However, in actual life, one should have the most serious respect for the objective laws of nature, otherwise the punishment will be severe.

In the face of the laws and rules of all things in the world, people are fragile, so they must learn to use laws and rules, and remember not to be proud, complacent or arrogant.

Therefore, this chapter of Jiubian is to remind people that life requires awe.

If I expand it further and explain it in a more understandable way, it would be don’t argue with God, even if you have nine mouths, it will be in vain.”

Cai Gen nodded again and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Many things depend on how you look at them.

Originally, Jiubian was just a hotness unit, but after Xia Qi's explanation, it became that even nine mouths can't argue, which seems to make sense.

Perhaps Kushen didn't even expect that Jiubian had such an explanation.


The four words "different people have different opinions" are really powerful.

The four words "seeking common ground while reserving differences" are so wise.

When it comes to subjective feelings, there is no unified standard.

Thousands of people with thousands of faces, thousands of people with thousands of thoughts.

All arrogant behaviors that want to impose one's will on others are just a show, a farce, and a funny farce.

In the end, it was just a joke.

"Nine moves in the third volume, Autumn's Sorrow.

Pay and reward are not necessarily causal relationships.

Many times, it is not fair and what is lost is much more than what is gained.

Just like working hard to the end, nothing is the norm, and success is an accident.

When you are full, you must never forget the days when you were hungry.

When you receive rewards, never forget the suffering you have suffered.

During the harvest season, you must have a grateful heart.

Harvest is not destined, it is a gift from God.

Therefore, this chapter of Nine Moves is to make people understand that life requires gratitude.

If I could explain this truth in one sentence, it would be that if you want to do something, you will die if you don’t do it. No one owes anything to anyone. There are not so many things that should be taken for granted, only gifts from fate."

Ouch, Cai Gen's eyes lit up.

I didn’t ask Ezhen what cuisine Baylor’s Nine Moves was just now, but through Xia Qi’s explanation, Cai Gen suddenly became enlightened.

Xia Qi is very understanding of human nature and the impermanence of things.

I really understand the essence of life and the true meaning of life. Although I am a bit pessimistic, at least I have the courage to face reality.

Many times, idealism can indeed make people feel more comfortable physically and mentally, but from a rational point of view, realism is more effective, even if reality is cruel most of the time.

Especially the sentence, "If you want to go, if you don't, you will die, and you owe nothing to anyone." Cai Gen likes it deeply. Only when your thoughts reach such a height, can you truly have a grateful heart.

Otherwise, if you take everything for granted, who will you be grateful to?

"Volume 4, Nine Generations, the Joy of Winter."

I can't understand it, and I have never experienced that kind of true, pure, heartfelt, carefree happiness.

In other words, you can only let go of yourself who is not good enough.

You can only accept your imperfect self and reconcile with yourself.

Only then can you experience the joy of winter.

Those who are content will always be happy; those who are deficient will have no happiness.

No one is perfect. Chasing success blindly and busying yourself all your life will not lead to true happiness.

Just like me, I have been pushing myself.

Let yourself do better, stand higher, and see further.

In the end, it was all in vain and almost ruined everything.

Looking back on the past, I never lived a truly happy day.

Of course, I don’t regret it. This is the path that my grandpa helped me choose. I will finish it with gritted teeth and tears. I can’t live up to your expectations.

Therefore, this chapter of Nine Generations is to let people know that life requires contentment.

Well, I can understand it like this, but I can't do it any more.

Indeed, I am not familiar with this chapter, maybe because I am never satisfied."

After listening to Xia Qi's words, Cai Gen fell into deep thought.

He even started to blame himself for the god of suffering.

What a wonderful child, let the god of suffering delay him.

This chapter has been completed!
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