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Chapter 50

Cai Gen was woken up by the alarm clock in the morning, washed his face and ran to the kitchen.

The fly has gone away to cook for his two children. No matter what he does, he is definitely a qualified father when it comes to taking care of his children.

Xiaoqiang was still sleeping, and the camp bed after the flies had left was occupied by Xiaoqiang, who continued to lie in bed with a hangover.

Because Xiaoqiang was there, Cai Gen cooked an extra bowl of porridge, and at the same time took out a bag of barbecue sausages, and put them in my microwave to defrost.

Cut into the shape of octopus, my son loves it most.

Heat the pot, add oil, fry the sausage until the eight claws of the sausage are bent, add garlic sauce, cumin, and sesame seeds, and then take it out of the pan. The taste is similar to barbecue and very fragrant.

I fried another pot of frozen dumplings, 4 eggs, and breakfast was done.

Cai Gen came to the bar, lit a cigarette, and looked at the quartz clock. It was 5 minutes to 7 o'clock. The time was just right.

Before I finished smoking a cigarette, my wife and son came into the house. My sensitive wife smelled the smell of alcohol in the house.

"Lao Gen, you drank again yesterday. Why is Xiaoqiang here? Did you drink too much?"

Cai Gen and his wife are also high school classmates, so they are in the same class as Xiaoqiang and have always been familiar with each other.

Xiaoqiang was woken up by his wife's words. He turned over and wanted to continue sleeping, but was kicked up by Cai Gen.

"Don't go to bed either, get up and have breakfast together."

The son was still very sensible. He brought bowls and chopsticks to Xiaoqiang, and also served Xiaoqiang a bowl of porridge.

However, Xiaoqiang, who was still hungover, looked confused and ate and drank whenever he was given.

My wife didn’t ask Cai Gen about WeChat. After taking two bites, she suddenly said,

"Lao Gen, if someone asks you to do something, don't be stupid and agree. You need to ask me."

Cai Gen had no resistance to his wife's words and was accustomed to agreeing, but he quickly reacted.

"Honey, who would ask me to do something? What can I do?"

I continued eating, but my wife didn’t answer. After 15 minutes, they all finished eating.

Those who work have left, and those who go to school have also left.

Xiaoqiang didn't leave, he continued to stay here and wanted to sleep in his cage, Cai Gen couldn't drive him away, the relationship was too good.

We rented a house together when we were in high school, and the two older men slept in a double bed.

It was the same time and the same person. Fly opened the door and saw that the breakfast on the table had been eaten up. He looked at Xiaoqiang with a resentful look on his face, as if Xiaoqiang had eaten his breakfast.

Sitting at the dining table, I didn't see Cai Gen's cigarette, so he took one out of his pocket, lit it, and said to Cai Gen,

"Lao Gen, come with me to the Fourth Courtyard in the morning."

Fourth Hospital? A mental hospital in this small city. Why go there? Cai Gen joked,

"Is your condition finally out of control? Do you need to be hospitalized? Yes, I will take you there."

The fly was not in the mood to joke around. The psychological pressure he endured every day was still quite high, and he was always wary of putting money out. Although he got something for nothing, the inner torture was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"A person who borrowed money from me went to a mental hospital to avoid the debt. It was useless to sue him in court."

This is a bit serious. In order not to pay back the money, would you rather go to a mental hospital?

Cai Gen knew it was a serious matter and refused righteously.

"If I don't go, I still have to do business and look after the store."

The fly is not forcing it, it is just saying,

"Lao Gen, it's not to accompany me. The main reason is that I want to treat you to hot-boiled mutton at noon and stop by the Fourth Courtyard."

Well, this is the art of language. Cai Gen hesitated.

"Xiaoqiang is still here, lock him in the room?"

When Cai Gen turned around, Xiaoqiang actually sat up from the cot, looking energetic, not like he was hungover at all.

"Where are you going to cook mutton? Let's go. I just didn't have enough to eat in the morning."

Who are these people? Don’t you mean to go back to sleep?

When he saw that there were three people, the fly felt a little regretful.

"Brother Qiang, aren't you going to work? It's not good to delay work."

Xiaoqiang stood up, lit a cigarette, and said very seriously,

"It's okay. I'm going to the head office for a meeting today. I'll give my uncle a call later. I can't make it. Let's go. I happened to drink too much yesterday and I need to clear up."

It was really impossible to escape, so the fly had no choice but to accept its fate, but still struggled and said,

"Lao Gen, why don't you just look after the store? I'll just take Brother Qiang to the Fourth Courtyard. It won't be good to delay your business. You guys have just finished breakfast."

Cai Gen is still very enterprising. A small shop is the foundation for his livelihood. He put on his coat and walked to the door.

"It's okay. I have no work in the morning. It's more important to accompany you to do things."

After saying that, he walked out and prepared to lock the door.

The fly had no choice but to follow Xiaoqiang out of the store, and then drove outside the community.

After sitting in the car, Cai Gen asked the fly,

"You dare to borrow money from a mentally ill person, you are so cruel."

Fly started the car and said helplessly,

"This bitch is so ruthless. She used to work in a bank. She got a date and said she was doing engineering. Then she relied on her formal job to borrow money in various ways. The amount I borrowed was relatively small, more than 200,000.

, it is said that I have borrowed more than 4 million yuan in total, several small loans have been defrauded, I have lost my job, I am hiding in a mental hospital, and I can’t even go to court.”

Xiaoqiang sat in the back and asked puzzledly,

"Then what's the use of going to the Fourth Hospital? Since he is determined to pretend to be mentally ill, he will definitely not pay back the money."

The car got on the road. It was the morning rush hour and there were many cars on the road.

The fly drove the car very driftingly and changed lanes in various ways.

"She said that all the money was taken away by the target. I don't believe it. I feel that they are still connected. They defrauded more than 4 million yuan, and I am still short of 200,000 yuan. I will go and keep an eye on it. If I get annoyed, I will pay back a few dollars.

Wan is also pure profit."

Cai Gen understood what the fly said. The interest must be very high. The interest collected was already higher than the principal. He was increasing his income. Alas.

"You have your capital back and are hiding in a mental hospital. Why are you still looking for trouble?"

The fly looked dissatisfied and said while driving,

"That's not right. If I don't lend to her, but to someone else, I won't lose the principal or interest. Damn it, I won't let you. I'll hit you."

Fly's car was going straight, and an Audi car changed lanes to cut in line. He turned on the turn signal and honked the horn, but Fly still didn't give way and hit the front of the car.

The car stopped as soon as the brakes were applied. A female driver got out of the Audi car and started to curse.

"Are you stupid? Can you die if you let me in? Can you die if you let me in? Are you sick? You really hit it?"

The fly also got out of the car. His bumper was relatively brittle in winter, so he hit a hole. He didn't tolerate it because the other party was a woman.

"Have you learned the traffic rules? I'm going straight, why should I ask you to stop inking on me and call the traffic police?"

The woman was probably used to being domineering, so she continued to curse,

"I am anxious to send my children to school. Are you a man? Can you kill me if you let me?"

The fly walked up to the female driver and smelled the smell of alcohol from the open door of the Audi. He was overjoyed and suddenly stopped being excited. He even waved his hand to Cai Gen, who was about to call the police, indicating not to call the police yet.

Cai Gen saw that the female driver who got out of the car turned out to be Liu Xiaohua, whom he had met at the master's place. What a coincidence. Anyone who went to the master's place to see something was unlucky. It seemed that she didn't jump over.

This chapter has been completed!
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