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Chapter 51 True and false mental illness

When Fei Fei walked up to Liu Xiaohua, he also smelled a strong smell of alcohol and said happily,

"Sister, give me 20,000 yuan and leave quickly. I won't call the police. Otherwise, your driver's license will be revoked for at least 15 days and you will have to repair the car."

Liu Xiaohua was stunned for a moment, as if she suddenly woke up, but she was still struggling.

"Why should I give you 20,000 yuan? How much does it cost to repair a car? How much does it cost to insure a broken Nissan?"

The fly is very patient. He has always been very patient about making money.

"Haha, you drank all night yesterday, and you can still drive your children in the morning? How dangerous, this means you met me, otherwise you won't be given 50,000 yuan. Hurry up, or I will call the police."

Drinking all night? This statement is not accurate. Liu Xiaohua drank until more than 4 o'clock to be exact. It is not 8 o'clock now, and she only finished drinking for 4 hours. Such a strong smell of alcohol must be from the liquor she drank.

In fact, she didn't know that the fly only drank the wine 2 hours earlier than him. However, the fly drank beer. After 6 hours of digestion and absorption, there was basically no alcohol smell anymore, unless there was a blood test.

Liu Xiaohua, who didn’t know the details of the fly, sobered up and began to surrender.

"Brother, what are you asking for 20,000? I'm in a hurry to send my child off, so I'll give you 500. You can repair the car."

Just like a face change in Sichuan Opera, the fly's face became worse and he said very angrily,

"You can't miss 20,000 cents. Give the money quickly and leave quickly. During the morning rush hour, the traffic police will be here soon. There is an ATM next to it."

When Liu Xiaohua heard the traffic police, she became more awake. She quickly took out her phone and called her. It seemed she was calling her husband. After asking for a while, she hung up the phone. Instead of going to the cash machine, she went directly into the car and took it from her bag.

20,000. He stared at the fly with a very unkind look and handed it over.

No fly dared to push the envelope. A woman who carried 20,000 yuan in cash and drove an Audi wouldn't be a bad person. But she did realize her shortcomings. She took the money, got in the car and drove away without saying anything else.

Watching the fly's car drive away, Liu Xiaohua also got in the car and left to see the child off.

As for how to get angry, these Cai Gen don't know.

Cai Gen saw the fly's little joy, and looked like a villain who had succeeded. 20,000 yuan, and repairing a bumper only cost 300 yuan. It was a windfall.

"I seem to have seen that woman. My husband is not an ordinary person. Are you afraid that she will come to you in the future? How can you make all the money?"

With a look of disdain on his face, the fly started to drive hard,

"I've got the money, but am I still afraid of her looking for it? It's okay. If I call the traffic police, she won't be able to get the 20,000 yuan. Now in a society ruled by law, who is afraid of whom?"

It is normal for people to love money. Cai Gen also loves money, but because he loves money fearlessly, Cai Gen still admires the fly, at least he can't do it himself. Xiaoqiang has been silent, and then he said,

"Should we raise the standard of food at noon? If we don't spend the money we get, something will happen."

The fly has no faith, let alone ghosts and gods. He didn't take Xiaoqiang's words to heart at all, and kept his head down while driving without answering any questions.

The city is very small. If there is no traffic jam, you can go anywhere in this small city in 20 minutes. We soon arrived at the entrance of the Fourth Courtyard. Fei Fei parked the car in the courtyard and took Cai Gen and the others upstairs.

The city is very backward, and the medical environment is even more backward. Especially the mental hospital, which is full of iron bars and gates, is like a prison. The three of them only reached the first floor before they were stopped.

Fly said to the little nurse at the service desk,

"I am Liu Ying's family member. I'm here to take a look. Could you please open the door or ask her to come out."

The nurse may be working the night shift and hasn't turned over yet after 8 o'clock. She looks sleepy and impatient.

"You can take a look if you want. What's your name? Is it on the family list?"

The fly came prepared. He took out a 100-yuan note, rolled it into a small ball, and stuffed it under the nurse's registration book.

"Beauty, I'm cousin Liu Ying. I'm not on the list. Please be accommodating."

Seeing the little movement of the fly, the little nurse was stunned. She had been working for so many years and had not been paid. She could not earn 100 yuan for one day's work. She pressed the registration book and began to search carefully.

After a while I found Liu Ying’s name and said with embarrassment,

"Brother, Liu Ying is seriously ill and cannot be visited."

Could it be that the money was too little? He would get angry if he gave a hundred dollars to a fly that was already feeling distressed. He would not hesitate to report the little nurse in order to achieve his goal.

"Impossible. When did you become seriously ill? Aren't you pretending to be sick?"

The little nurse might know something about the inside story. For the sake of saving a hundred dollars, she whispered to the fly,

"Liu Ying used to pretend, but in the past few days, she went really crazy. She banged her head against the wall and committed suicide several times. Now she is tied up in a straitjacket. Judging from her state, she must be really crazy."

What the little nurse said was true. The fly was half-convinced.

"No, I called her last time, and she even yelled that I was in a mental hospital and no one could do anything to her. How is this really crazy?"

The face of one hundred dollars was worth it. The little nurse revealed a little more and said in a lower voice,

"A few days ago, it was said that Liu Ying's mother was forced to death by debt collectors and committed suicide at home. When she found her body, it smelled bad. When Liu Ying found out, she started to really go crazy."

This news was like a thunder that hit the fly. His face turned pale and he said numbly,

"Laogen, let's go. Xiaoqiang, you drive. I need to slow down."

Feifei gave Xiaoqiang the car keys and pulled Cai Gen into the back seat.

Sitting in the car, still holding Cai Gen's hand, Cai Gen found that Fei Gen's hand was cold, as if he was really frightened by something.

The car drove out of the fourth courtyard. Cai Gen looked at the five-story dilapidated building. In a window on the third floor, there was a woman with disheveled hair. She was staring at the fly's car through the window. It was far away, but Cai Gen still felt that the woman was there.

Staring at a fly's car is like trying to see through it.

Turning back to look at the fly, he also stared at the building in the fourth courtyard. His lips were a little white, and he couldn't help but tremble, muttering softly,

"Xiaoqiang, find a restaurant and open it quickly."

There weren't many restaurants that opened after 8 o'clock in the morning. Xiaoqiang drove around and searched for a long time before he found a small shop that served shabu-shabu in a copper pot. Since it didn't require a kitchen, it was a small mom-and-pop shop.

The three of them parked the car and walked into the store. Only the hostess was there, looking at three or four tables piled with various vegetables they just bought.

Cai Gen asked,

"Is it open?"

The hostess came over to greet me enthusiastically,

"It's open. Should we sit outside or in a private room?"

Cai Gen thought that there must be something wrong with the fly.

"Let's sit in the private room. Let's get a pot. First, five plates of fat sheep. If you don't want vegetables, let's have a bottle of Erguotou."

With that said, I came to the private room in the small shop. The decoration was very old and the tables were also shabby. Fortunately, it was very clean.

The copper hot pot needs to be fired with charcoal. The boss first served some pickles and white wine, and then went out to make the charcoal fire.

The fly opened Erguotou, poured a cup, drank half the cup in one gulp, and looked at Cai Gen as if asking for help.

"Lao Gen, last time those small loan organizations went to Zhao Ying's mother's house to cause trouble, I went along with them. They pulled banners and spray-painted. I didn't participate. I just joined in the fun. Her mother committed suicide. It doesn't count as me forcing her to commit suicide.

He's dead, right? You think it's not me who forced him to death, right?"

Seeing the look in the fly's eyes asking for help, Cai Gen softened his heart. This boy seemed to be easygoing, but in fact he had no education and was not a treacherous person. He was really troubled and timid, so he could only comfort him first.

"No, it doesn't matter. So many people went there together. It's considered you who forced me to death."

This chapter has been completed!
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