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Chapter 742 The Integrity of the Great People

When Cai Gen ran to the door of the store, he was surprised to see Shi Huozhu lying in front of his house.

I was in a hurry when I came out just now, so I didn't look over there.

"Brother Shi, what kind of skill is this? Do you practice Sanjiu in winter and Sanfu in summer? Isn't the ground cold?"

Shi Huozhu's face turned pale, and he stretched out his hand feebly,

"It was a little cold at first, but then it was so cold that I just felt numb and couldn't feel it anymore."

"Then you're numb from the cold, why don't you get up?"

"I just fell and it seemed that I twisted my waist and couldn't get up."

"Then we passed here just now, why didn't you call us?"

"I was asleep and didn't see when you passed by. When I woke up, I realized that I couldn't move.

No, Brother Cai, can you pull me up first and then ask? I've been raising my hands for a long time."

Cai Gen then stretched out his hand and picked up the stone fire bead.

"Brother Shi, I have to ask clearly.

If you lie down and have sex, won't I take care of you?

Besides, if you practice some secret magic and magic, if I pull you away and then go crazy, wouldn't you be doing bad things with good intentions?"

Shi Huozhu thought about it with his half-frozen brain, and he was right. It doesn't matter if you are careful. Cai Gen was really careful in his life.

"Brother Cai, did you forget to bring something when you came back?"

Cai Gen really wanted to say it directly, I forgot to bring you with me. I wouldn’t be sure if I didn’t bring this big precious mascot with me.

If Zhen Shui Yin doesn't go and you don't go either, then it's all down to luck, Cai Gen agrees.

But at this time, the balance of luck has been broken, and Cai Gen has to think more.

"I think, Brother Shi, you should be there.

What a big thing happened in this small city, how could it be solved smoothly without your leadership?

If you don't participate, who will be credited with the reputation of ensuring peace in the future?

Whoever tries to push him down will be dishonest and dishonest."

Well, what he said was so clear that Shi Huozhu felt like his numb head was straightened out.

"Brother Cai, you are really impeccable in your conduct and work.

First of all, I would like to thank you on behalf of my company. If there is any reward in the future, I will never forget you, brother."

They are all understanding people, and they understand everything without talking about water, drain, water and soup.

Cai Gen laughed aloud and felt in his heart that if you don't believe in fate, you can't do it.

As soon as Zhen Shui Yin came, I had so many worries.

After just saying a few words to Shi Huozhu, my mood suddenly became bright and comfortable.

After struggling to push Shi Huozhu into the car, Cai Gen returned to the co-pilot position and pointed forward as enthusiastic as a captain sailing on the sea.

"Set off."

When Zhen Shuiyin saw Shi Huozhu getting into the car, she remembered the scene just now, and thought about it. Why did she blame Cai Gen for bringing him here?

asked angrily.

"Where to go?"

Cai Gen turned around and glared at Zhen Shuiyin, destroying his newly rising self-confidence.


Zhen Shuiyin was very surprised and asked quickly.

"What are you doing there? Not learning from it?"

"If you ask questions even though you know this, of course you are going to the pit."

I was in a good mood just now, and immediately let Zhen Shui Yin break my gong. Cai Gen could only curl up in a ball and shut himself up for a while.

The car finally moved. It definitely didn't take an ordinary road. It hit the curb and drove onto the road. Accompanied by the braying of a donkey, it roared towards the pit.

When passing the bank, Cai Gen did not slow down.

If the spirit child mother could do it, she would have said it a long time ago. The reason why she didn't say it must be that she couldn't do it, or she didn't want to do it. Even if she asked, it would be useless.

This point was completely clear to Cai Gen after he compared his feelings with his own.



"Brother, did Cai Gen really agree to come?"

“Will Cai Gen’s coming over really help?”

"So everything is under Cai Gen's control?"

The teddy bear actually has no confidence in his heart, but he can't say it himself.

From the day he was born, he was destined to be a lonely and wise soul, suffering in his heart that he could not express.

He had been helpless, he had been hesitant, and he had given up on himself, but he couldn't say it out loud.

Who allowed him to have these three stupid brothers?

I can only tell myself in my heart.

"We'd better pray that everything is under Cai Gen's control, and he still has the ability to resolve it. The most important thing is that he will really come."

When translated, the words spoken to the brothers became something else.

"Don't worry, scheming, clever tongue, and deceitful deception are all things that can only be accomplished by people with low level of ability.

Great people always follow the rules of their word, are based on integrity, and are magnanimous between heaven and earth.

Cai Gen must be a big shot, there is no doubt about it."

It should be, I hope it is, it must be.

What interrupted the teddy bear's thoughts was the blood ball in the center of the circle.

A voice came out from the blood cell, echoing continuously in the empty underground.

"Moo, I won't give in. Moo, I won't give in."

It’s finished. Is it almost ready?

When will Cai Gen come?

The bulls are already barking, so it’s not far off to break the ball.

"Fourth brother, work harder, the frequency of speaking is up to you."

Dai Nisi felt uncomfortable. He was already at his maximum strength, how could he increase it?

He punched his forehead and sacrificed the image of the King of Heaven, thus stabilizing the frequency of his restraint.

Seeing that the fourth child was already working hard, the other brothers were not watching.

If everyone works together, Dai Nisi can hold on longer. If he only relies on himself, he will be finished soon.

The other two people and one bear also sacrificed the statue of the King of Heaven at the same time, and the restraint strength was increased, which slightly eased the pulsation speed of the blood cells.

"Brother, if you fight for your own money, you won't be able to hold on for long."

"When will Cai Gen come? What did you say?"

"We are all dead. What's the use of him coming?"

The words of the three silly brothers were like a thunderbolt that shattered the teddy bear's brain.

It’s over, no way.

Cai Gen's original words seemed to be just that it was good for us to persevere, and he enjoyed it very much.

Then express an aura of being at ease and in control.

As for what was actually said?

Everything I said was metaphorical, not directly stated.

He didn't say he would come, nor when he would come, nor did he say he would definitely help us.

It seems that I have only said that I will be responsible for what I say.

The key is, he didn’t say anything. What is he responsible for?

The teddy bear's brain is now running very fast, its computing power is fully activated, and it is about to overclock and smoke.

No, it’s not because I understood it wrong.

Even if he comes, he is capable of solving the problem. Didn't he really say he would help us?

Is it okay if he comes back after we are all dead?

Is it okay to watch us all die before he can deal with it?

I am usually very strict, but why am I not sure about such an important matter?

The more I think about it, the less sure I feel, and the more I think about it, the more I feel that things are going to be worse.

Is it really mature to place all your hopes on Cai Gen's specious words?

But do all big shots talk like this?

Could it be that Cai Gen doesn’t regard himself as a big shot?

Just when the teddy bear was about to fall into the abyss of despair and couldn't extricate himself, he heard Cai Gen's call.

"Where can you put your toys if you don't have the King of Kingdoms? Please guide me, I'm here."

This chapter has been completed!
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