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Chapter 743 Deviating is the norm

Cai Gen's call directly penetrated the teddy bear's tears, and the big tears flowed down the stuffed face.

"Brothers, Cai Gen is indeed a good and honest man. He is really here. He is here to save us. It's so scary."

It was the first time that several brothers saw their eldest brother lose control of his emotions and even cried.

"Brother, why are you crying?"

"Brother, didn't you say Cai Gen would definitely come?"

"Brother, what are you excited about?"

Of course, the teddy bear could not answer the brothers' questions, let alone say that he was unsure.

At the same time, I was holding my hands and couldn't hit my brothers to vent my anger. I felt so aggrieved that I felt uncomfortable.

"Cai, Boss Cai, why are you here? Come down quickly, I can't stand it anymore."

Cai Gen sat in the passenger seat and looked at the large crater below. Sure enough, it was within the sensing range.

I can hear whatever I say, but I wonder how far the signal is transmitted?

"Are you late? Panic, everything is under control."

At this time, when the teddy bear heard these words again, his mentality was completely different.

Yes, why are you so panicked?

Isn't that a good thing?

You should judge the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, right?

I'm so ashamed that I was so despicable to try to figure out Cai Gen. This is so heartless.

"I'm sorry, Boss Cai, it was my fault, my eye sockets are shallow.

I will send you the location and ask you to come over.

Take your time and go at your own pace.

Even if we, brothers, die, we will persist until you come."

The teddy bear spoke extremely sincerely, treating Cai Gen with great respect just like he treated his senior masters.

When the brothers around me heard this, they thought that such a big brother was so rare, so what?

"Brother, why aren't you in a hurry? This is urgent work?"

"Shut up, shut up if you want to live."

Seeing that the eldest brother was so anxious, no one dared to say anything, and they all struggled to hold on.

When Cai Gen heard the teddy bear's attitude, he made a huge turn. What's the reason?

This is an apology and an expression of determination. What happened?

"Xiao Sun, you have good eyesight, can you see the coordinates of that bear hair?"

"Third uncle, I saw it. It's very faint, but very clear. It's right under the bottom of the pit."

Cai Gen followed Xiao Sun's fingers and saw the pile of scrap machinery at the bottom of the pit, as well as the invisible bottom.

How does this go down?

It’s not difficult to get to the bottom of the pit, but how do you get to the soil?

In the soil?

Earth Escape!

"Xiao Shui, you drove the subway once before. How was it today?"

Zhen Shuiyin concentrated on it, as if she was sensing it, and shook her head feebly.

"I can't do it. There is a huge magic circle running under the pit, which disrupts my control of the earth element."

I knew it, I knew it would be like this. If I don't let go at the critical moment, I am not the Great Master of Sanshui.

Cai Gen looked at Zhen Shui Yin's eyes, and his eyes changed from hope to disappointment, and finally started to complain.

"Okay, there's no need to explain so much, you're not working anyway.

Alas, it takes a thousand days to raise an army, but its deployment is far away.

Xiaoshui, tell me the truth, when you were working in Tianting, did you ask someone to go there?"

Zhen Shuiyin didn't hear Cai Gen's subtext, and her eyes immediately lit up.

"Brother Cai, how did you know that I was sent by someone else? This starts with the origin of our species."

Cai Gen quickly interrupted Zhen Shuiyin's explanation. He didn't want to hear about the origin of earthworm essence and all related things. He knew too much and was afraid that he would not be able to face Zhen Shuiyin in the future.

"Stop talking, let's get down to business first. Brother Shi, please bring in two excavators, the kind with professional drivers, they can work quickly."

Shi Huozhu was very obedient and glanced at Zhen Shuiyin proudly, "Look, am I more useful than you? I want you to kick me."

Zhen Shui Yin quits. It’s okay not to let me talk about the origin. It’s okay to talk about it later. Why is Shi Huo Zhu so proud?

"Brother Cai, what do you need an excavator for?"

"Pick your ears."

"Ah? Stop making trouble, this is business."

"I'm not making trouble. If you don't know how to find an excavator, how can you get in?"

"If I don't work, isn't there still Naqi?

As long as he penetrates the edge of that magic circle, I can control the earth escape."

Ah? Well, Cai Gen is a little subjective, thinking that usually Zhen Shui Yin is useless most of the time, so it will always be useless. This is an empiricist mistake.

No, it couldn't be so smooth. Cai Gen covered his chest, stabilized his heart, and asked Na Qi carefully.

"Uncle Na, can you pierce the edge of that magic circle?"

Na Qi didn't answer at first. He opened his mouth and burst into laughter. As if he suddenly thought of the appendix, he quickly closed his mouth and smiled proudly.

"A small magic circle, what the heck?

Uncle Na, I can even pierce the space barrier, it’s just a matter of a hair.”

Well, you are an ox, you are a donkey, you are the most powerful. What is difficult for Xiao Shui to reach the sky, you can do it with a piece of donkey hair. How can you let Zhen Shui Yin live?

When Cai Gen looked at Zhen Shuiyin, he was not angry at all, and looked indifferent at all.

Well, you have such a big heart. Look at your heartless look. I feel really sad for you.

"Xiao Shui, let's walk. We'll be hungry at noon and there's no place to eat. We should finish our work early and go home early.

I promise, today will be finished beautifully and we will have a good dinner."

Cai Gen tried hard several times and selected several delicious foods as incentives, but due to price issues, he ran aground.

I draw a vague picture, let’s just take a look at it, the effect of motivation or not is not big, they are all gods that I have seen and seen, just showing off.

Xiao Tmall was very supportive, and was afraid that Cai Gen's words would fall to the ground, which would be embarrassing.

"Master, don't worry. Even if there is no delicious food, I will be exhausted and try my best. Who would do it for a bite? I am impressed by the master's character. Just like the sun shining in the sky, give me sunshine.

Make me brilliant, better than that"

"Okay, Xiaotian, it's too much to say it again, I still want face.

It's been pretty today, let's eat pickled cabbage pot, big pork belly kind."

Xiao Sun suddenly became interested.

"Third uncle, is it the kind with blood sausage? Charcoal hot pot?"

"Yes, the one with blood sausage."

Zhen Shuiyin seemed to be describing it in her head, and she was getting a little excited.

"Brother Cai, do you need to add some prawns to make it more fresh?"


Forty plus a pound.

Can using dried shrimps also improve the freshness?

"Well, Xiao Shui, don't worry, it must have seafood. When sauerkraut and seafood are combined, forget about the small taste."

Shi Huozhu is well-educated. He has never eaten anything in a big city. How could he be attracted to a pickled cabbage charcoal hot pot like others?

However, everyone is very enthusiastic. If you are cold, you will be too unsocial, so you have to pretend to be excited.

"Brother Cai, actually it would be good to add some sea rabbit to make it fresh."

Aplysia, isn’t that the cuttlefish?

This is half cheaper than prawns, but much more expensive than shopee.

Cai Gen hesitated.

This chapter has been completed!
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