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Chapter Forty-One: Blood on the Street

On the streets of Leyi Avenue in Gangzong City, many scenes happened that day that the citizens of Gangzhong City would never see in their lifetime.

Of course, these are also the older generation, and today’s scene also announces that Hong Kong Comprehensive Market has entered a brand new version.

"If you're a brother, come and chop me down!"

Bah, bah, bah, bah, it’s the century of gangsters blowing up the streets, super policemen flying around the map, and the era of Hong Kong Comprehensive 2.0.

Two vans suddenly rushed out from the corner and crashed into a police assault vehicle without even applying the brakes.

And then it wasn't over yet. There was no one in some cars parked on both sides of the street. Suddenly, someone sat up and fired wildly at several obviously police cars with guns.

The arrogance and heated scenes can be compared to Hollywood movies.

You must know that in the past, let alone shooting with submachine guns, even a .38 could become the most wanted criminal.



"Uncle, come here quickly."

Although it was the first time for the citizens to see it, they were not fools. After seeing this situation, they immediately hid, or ran away directly, or ran into a familiar store building.

The street, which was not originally deserted, became completely deserted in less than a minute.

Only a group of unknown gangsters were left, actively attacking the police convoy.

"Da da da……"

"Boom, boom..."

From the beginning to the end, the dozen or so gangsters barely spoke. They were just "beating", taking taxis and beating people.

Scanning for "movements" they could see.

The police in the car can be said to have suffered heavy losses at this time. More than one-third of the police officers were either seriously injured or directly killed.

Several police officers with weak psychological endurance even began to sob quietly.

Seeing how they were holding their heads and lying in the car, it was impossible to get them to fight back with guns.

The three Yaoyangs were lucky. Since they were wearing bulletproof vests and got down immediately, except for some minor skin injuries after the window glass shattered, nothing major happened.

Risking the risk, Yaoyang glanced at the situation inside the car, stood up slightly, and carefully scanned the situation outside the car.

With Yaoyang's eyesight, he could already see the place where the shot came from with a quick glance.

This head-on shooting of the police convoy was obviously not simple but planned.

Because in addition to about five killers who were sweeping around with AK47s in the front, more killers were hiding in parked cars on both sides of the street.

In other words, there may be killers shooting suddenly from all directions. If you step out of the car now, even if you have eight eyes, it will be difficult to take care of all locations.

Ma Jun is also a bold guy. When Jiang Zhen observed the situation, he also observed it. He had some understanding of the serious situation at the moment and asked anxiously:

"Head, what should I do?"

"Stabilize our position first, and we will be beaten passively. If they come up, we will be sad."

Yaoyang thought for a while and gave an answer. At the same time, he picked up a rifle in the car and fired two shots out of the car window.

Boom, boom...!

The rifle shot was loud. Although it didn't hit anyone, the sound was definitely enough.

The two gunshots really startled the killers outside, at least letting them know that the police were only suppressed, not all dead, and still had the ability to fight back.

The killers were wary and did not dare to suppress them directly at the first time, so they chose to shoot from a distance.

Da da da……!

Amidst the sound of gunfire and bullets, Yaoyang glanced at the No. 2 assault vehicle. At this moment, the No. 2 assault vehicle was the one with the least damage due to its position in the middle.

Only three uniformed police officers were shot, and four survived. Including Yaoyang and Ma Jun, there were six.

"Sergeant Zhu, immediately order your team members to pick up their guns and be ready to fight back at any time!"

Yaoyang climbed into the car and began to make arrangements. The first target was the commander of the No. 2 assault vehicle, an old police officer in his forties, named Zhu.

"yes, sir!"

Although Chief Zhu had never encountered such a situation, fortunately, the policeman had been working for a long time and his hand holding the gun was shaking, so he was able to respond immediately.

He held a .38 in his hand and quickly began to greet the convoy members, either comforting or ordering them to get their guns and prepare to resist.

In this No. 2 car, the mental quality of the team members seemed not to be very good. After Sheriff Zhu greeted him for a long time, two of them picked up their guns tremblingly, and one had a mental breakdown. He covered his head and ears and refused to obey orders at all.


"What a waste!"

Ma Jun was angry and cursed.

Yaoyang understands: the police is just a job, for a salary of a thousand dollars, after all, only a few people are so desperate, especially the new police officers who face such ruthless gangsters who dare to face the police for the first time. They cannot accept it for a while and cannot adapt.

, itself is quite normal.

"Miss Yang, follow me and crawl forward slowly. Ajun, go to the front!"

After giving the order, Yaoyang took the lead, leading Ma Jun and Yang Qian'er, starting from the end of the assault vehicle and climbing towards the front.

Fortunately, the military uniforms in the car did not block the road. Perhaps they thought it was safer between the seats, so they all huddled there, including Sergeant Zhu, whose hands kept shaking, staring at the movements of Jiang Zhen and others, without asking, and even more

Not helpful.

Soon, Yaoyang and the others climbed into the driving position of car No. 2.

Picking up the walkie-talkie, Yaoyang called:

"Hello, hello, Sir Li, do you receive it? Chief Yang, are you still safe?"

"Hello, hello, I'm Lei Yaoyang, senior inspector of the Mong Kok Anti-Gangster Group. Who's not dead yet? Answer me immediately!"

"Tsk...tsk...Sir Lei, I am Wang Kexi of the Witness Protection Team, Sir Li was shot."

"Ahem...Sir Lei, call for backup!"

Soon, the communication between several vehicles began to be smooth again. Fortunately, there were still police officers alive in each vehicle. Although the casualties were serious, the entire army was not wiped out.

"We were shot on the street. We don't need to notify the headquarters. Support will arrive soon. Before support comes, what we have to do now is to save our own lives and protect the safety of Ms. Yang!"

"Now you all listen and do as I say."

"Sir Lei, tell me!"

"No problem, Sir Lei, what do you want us to do."

A group of police officers were stunned. They did not dare to fight back randomly in this situation. Almost all of them squatted in the car and relied on the car to protect themselves. If they stood up, they would be shot. No one dared!

Now that someone is willing to step forward and lead everyone to work together, that would be great.

Yaoyang felt happy and secretly thought that the result was not too bad.

Holding the walkie-talkie, he preached seriously:

"Listen, all of you, we don't care about the casualties for now. Each car is assigned a person who can drive and prepare to start in reverse. After a while, I will count one, two, and three, and we will retreat together with several cars and exit this street."

"If we have a gunfight with the gangsters here, we have no chance of winning. Our car won't last long either, it will explode!"

When they heard it would explode, no police officer thought it was alarmist.

Especially the No. 1 assault vehicle and the last police car, they withstood the most bullets. The hood of the car was blown up until it started to smoke, and it was about to explode!

Car No. 1 quickly responded and said hurriedly:

"Okay, Sir Lei, we are ready."


"I'm also sitting in the driving seat."

All the military uniforms were lying prone on the assault vehicle.

"Okay! I counted, one, two, three, retreat!"


With an order, several police cars that were blocking the road started to move back at the same time. Unfortunately, the tires of several cars were blown out, so they did not dare to back up too fast, almost at a turtle speed.

On the street, a group of gangsters were stunned when they saw the police car start up again and start to retreat.

For the first time, one of the gangsters shouted loudly:

"Come out, they want to retreat, we will chase them!"

"Kill them!"

"Da da da……!"

In an instant, many gangsters walked out of parked vehicles on both sides of the street.

They all held firearms and ran after the police car, as if they wanted to hit the police car until it exploded before they would stop.

At the same time, the voice came from the intercom in the car:

"Sir Lei, two more vans appeared behind me and they blocked the road. What should I do?"

This time, without waiting for Yaoyang's response, the person who seemed to be in the fourth police car suddenly said happily:

"Sir Lei, there is a shopping mall next to it. The car can drive in. Let's go in quickly!"


"Shopping mall? Come in quickly, the car is about to explode."

Hearing such good news, all the police officers except Yaoyang were very happy.

And without Yaoyang's instructions, the last car took the lead and turned the steering wheel, no longer retreating in a straight line, but in a curved shape.

"Yeah, how come it's such a coincidence?"

Yaoyang could only follow the crowd, but he cursed in his heart and looked very ugly.

In the car, Ma Jun, Yang Qian'er and Yaoyang were very close, and of course they noticed something was wrong with his face.

Ma Jun immediately asked:

"Tou, what's wrong?"

"Something's wrong!"

Yaoyang said seriously:

"The police dared to intercept our police on the street, took us by surprise, and suppressed us from beginning to end. The opponent was not easy."

"Since he dared to choose this street, he must have been fully prepared. How could he leave obvious loopholes for us to exploit!"

"It's an obvious shopping mall. Doesn't he know that as long as our police enter, it will be difficult to pursue him?"


Ma Jun and Yang Qian'er suddenly realized.

Yang Qian'er also started to get nervous and said:

"Brother Yaoyang, why didn't you tell those sirs?"

In such a tense moment, Yang Qian'er even forgot to call her, and reflexively called out the night name.

Smashing things with a wry smile, indicating the gunshots that never stopped outside, he shook his head and said:

"The car is about to explode!"

Four words, which are both helpless and more of a kind of resentment.

Yes, even if he knew that the mall might have traps, what could Yaoyang do?

If it was a bare-handed fight, one against ten, Yaoyang wouldn't necessarily be afraid. But facing a firearm, even if Yaoyang's cultivation level was high enough, even if he took a few shots, he would still be "dead".

Apart from using your limited mind to overcome possible dangers, what else can you do?

Too late, but not too long ago, several cars drove into a shopping mall, smoking, being pursued and suppressed by the gangsters.


"Run quickly...!"

When they saw the police car entering, they already knew that there was a shootout on the street. The customers in the mall were in a mess, some ran out and some ran upstairs. People came and went, and it was impossible to tell who was who.

Yaoyang saw that Yang Qian'er, who had difficulty carrying her legs and feet, immediately picked up Yang Qian'er, held a pistol in one hand, and greeted:

"Ajun, let's go quickly!"

"Head, then brothers...!"

Ma Jun was stunned, a little confused.

"If we don't follow those guests now, all the guests will run away in a while, and the killer will chase us, and we won't be able to leave. Brothers, nothing will happen to them. Their target is Miss Yang. As long as we protect Miss Yang, they will only chase her."


Yaoyang was quick-thinking. After a brief explanation, he opened the car door and ignored the others. He followed the large group of people on his back and ran to the second floor of the shopping mall with Yang Qian'er on his back.

Yaoyang was quick-thinking. After a brief explanation, he opened the car door and ignored the others. He followed the large group of people on his back and ran to the second floor of the shopping mall with Yang Qian'er on his back.

"Sir Ma, what Sir Lei said makes sense, go ahead!"

From the beginning to the end, Sheriff Zhu, who had a little cooperation with Yaoyang, now that he was no longer under the shooting oppression of the gangsters, finally regained some sense, agreed with Yaoyang's statement, and said.

"Okay, be careful."

Ma Jun nodded fiercely, picked up a rifle, jumped out of the assault vehicle, and chased Yaoyang.

Perhaps because Yang Qian'er was carrying Yang Qian'er on his back, Yaoyang's figure was too obvious. Just as Yaoyang ran up from the elevator, a killer appeared in the mall and gunfire rang out.

Bang, bang, bang...!

Several gunshots rang out, and several people around Yaoyang were hit. Several flowers of blood spattered out, and they either fell to the ground and twitched, or rolled down the elevator, bleeding all the way.

If the police car had just entered and a gunfight broke out on the street, only the people on the first floor of the shopping mall would know about it.

But now everyone is clearly aware of the gunshots happening around them.

This is a shopping mall with eight floors. After the gunshots were heard, piercing screams erupted from every floor, and it descended into chaos.

The ant-like crowd dispersed with a bang, running around, some going up, some going down, some hiding in the store, and some simply holding their heads and shaking in place.

"The enemy is in the dark, but you are in the light!"

Faced with this situation, Yaoyang glanced around and for the first time did not see any killer. He could only lower his body slightly to make himself and Yang Qian'er appear shorter, and followed the taller people running.

Ma Jun caught up from behind and hurriedly supported Yaoyang, paying close attention to the running guests. The hands holding the guns were covered with sweat.

There is no other way. In such a chaotic scene, he is as arrogant as a horseman and has great worries in his heart.

Who can know who is the killer and who is the public?

If he shoots the wrong person, he may not be able to rest assured for the rest of his life.


It was too late, but it was too late. Just as Yaoyang and the other three were running with the people, gunshots rang out again, and the two people in front of Yaoyang were shot and fell to the ground.

But this time, Yaoyang saw that less than ten meters in front of him, two guys in blue suits were pointing guns at him and wanted to shoot.

"Ajun, front!"

With a loud roar, Yaoyang straightened up and raised his gun to strike. Ma Jun got the hint and fired with one strike.


Two gunshots rang out, and one killer fell to the ground. Another killer was pierced, and the huge impact pushed him down, and blood spilled on the spot.

"There they are!"

"They're over there, on the second floor."

Fortunately, the two of them didn't shoot, and no one said anything to the killers in the mall. Some saw Yaoyang and the others, while others didn't.

Shooting like this now will undoubtedly reveal his position.

Several killers standing on the third floor were condescending, calling their companions, and striking with guns:

"Bang, bang, bang...!"

Killers have no humanity, and they don't have as many scruples as the police.

At least six or seven guns were fired randomly, causing several customers in the mall to fall to the ground. The screams were deafening, and the already chaotic mall became even more chaotic.

Seeing this situation, Yaoyang quickly ran into the second floor with Yang Qian'er on his back, out of sight from the third floor.

The Ma army fired two shots into the air at will and followed closely behind, not wanting to fight.

At this time, the second floor was already very empty, and the sight was clear. The guests either ran away, or crouched in the corner, hiding.

Inside the second floor of the shopping mall, there is a vast expanse of plains, and the view is excellent.

Yaoyang was carrying Yang Qian'er on his back and was followed by Ma Jun. As soon as he arrived here, he was discovered by several killers.

Of course, Yaoyang also discovered the opponent at the same time, struck first, and then drew his gun and hit:

"Bang bang, bang bang, bang bang..."

Just when Ma Jun raised his gun, Yaoyang finished firing six bullets, and the three killers were shot in the middle of their eyebrows. They didn't even scream, and slowly fell to the ground with unwillingness and disbelief in their eyes.

Yaoyang quickly changed the bullet, and recalled some things in his memory. Combined with what he saw in front of him, he whispered:

"Ajun, you see clearly, there is a pen in every killer's pocket!"


Ma Jun hurriedly looked at the killers who had fallen to the ground, and looked again after being reminded:

Sure enough, every killer has a red pen in his jacket pocket. Although it is not conspicuous, it is not conspicuous, but it is indeed a symbol.

After making this discovery, a person happened to poke his head out of the small facade next to him.

Ma Jun didn't even look at the person's head, he only looked at people's pockets:

The red pen is gone!

With a fierce heart, Ma Jun fully learned to follow Yaoyang, and fired a rifle shot first:

"Holy shit! Boom...!"


With a scream, the man fell out completely, and a Black Star pistol full of bullets fell to the ground at the same time.

"it is as expected!"

Ma Jun was overjoyed, not only because he didn't hit the wrong person, but also because he finally found a way to identify the killer.

"Kill them."

"Shoot together."

"Kill those two policemen first!"

The killer hiding on the second floor saw that his brothers were suffering a loss and shouted in unison. People suddenly came out of several stores and shot Yaoyang and Ma Jun with guns.

"Ajun, free fire, take care of yourself and enter the furniture store."

Yaoyang carried Yang Qian'er on his back, squatting, crawling, running or jumping to avoid the gunfire, but also shot back repeatedly.

The Ma Army's rifles also kept firing. As soon as they glanced around, they immediately discovered the furniture store Yaoyang was talking about.

It was a larger store on the second floor of the shopping mall, and it was indeed filled with furniture, whether it was sofas, beds, coffee tables, etc.

All joking aside, these gangsters must be lucky that it is Ma Jun and not Chen Jiaju who is with Yaoyang, otherwise there would be dozens of them, even Captain America would have to return with hatred.


Bang bang bang...!

Of the seven or eight killers, Yaoyang, the sharpshooter, quickly took down four of them, and Ma Jun also took down one.

On the other hand, the three Yaoyang men, who were wearing body armor, were also shot, but it was not fatal.

He just looked a little embarrassed and ran away into the furniture store.

Using an iron cabinet as a cover, Jiang Zhen and Ma Jun squatted down to rest.


Ma Jun gasped and kept taking out bullets from his bag to refill his rifle.

Yang Qian'er hugged Yaoyang tightly and wiped the sweat from Yaoyang's forehead with her sleeves.

Yaoyang frowned slightly, and after reloading the bullet, he spoke:

"Ajun, how many bullets do you have left?"


Ma Jun clicked his rifle, signaling that this was the only round.

At this time, several killers ran down again from the third floor of the shopping mall.

This time, the two killers did not have pistols in their hands, but the classic AK47.

They received a signal from their companions on the second floor and knew that Yaoyang, Ma Jun, and Yang Qian'er were hiding in the furniture store.

Da da da da…

Immediately, two AK47 flames stretched out, and the two killers roared and swept wildly inside:

"Come out, bastard!"

Yang Qian'er was frightened, and she held Yaoyang tighter and tighter. Ma Jun also lowered his head unconsciously, as if he was afraid that the AK47 could penetrate the iron cabinet and shoot through him.

Only Yaoyang remained calm and said with a cold glint in his eyes:

"Ajun, as soon as the gunfire outside stops, we will rush out together. Remember, we don't go upstairs when we go downstairs. There are still many killers in the mall!"

"It's been so long now, it's time for the backup guys to arrive."

Ma Jun nodded repeatedly and affirmed:



Coincidentally, Ma Jun's answer had just ended when the gun and bullets were fired, and the sound of jamming was clearly audible, replacing the continuous sound of heavy firepower.


Yaoyang was unequivocal, he immediately rushed out with Yang Qian'er on his back, fired his pistol continuously, and hit as he felt.

The cavalry troops jumped in the air, firing their rifles twice in the air.

The killers did not expect this situation. The other party dared to come forward. He was unprepared and blocked the door and was beaten.

The six killers were killed immediately, with blood everywhere. It was extremely miserable.


Yaoyang was very confident in his marksmanship, and the Ma army used rifles, so he didn't even take a second look. He gave the order and ran away.

When he ran to the door, Yaoyang picked up a Black Star pistol that was full of ammunition and replaced it with his own pistol that had no ammunition at all.

Right now, on the first floor of the shopping mall.

The uniformed police officers and witness protection team officers who had previously protected Yang Qian'er used vehicles as cover and were also engaged in a gun battle with the killers.

Since they were right next to the assault vehicle, they had plenty of ammunition. After relieving their tension, they fought "vividly".

The killers they fought were also acting strangely. They were crazy in the streets before, but now they seemed to dare not enter the mall at all. They stayed at the door, shooting inside from time to time, or firing a few shots.

More like procrastination than rush.

Moreover, the police did not know when they received an additional reinforcement.

Seven or eight mall security guards wearing security uniforms and hoods were on the side of the vehicle, responsible for rescuing the injured police officers who were lifted out of the vehicle.

When Yaoyang and Ma Jun ran down from the second floor again, they immediately discovered this strange situation when they got closer.

"Sir thunder!"

"Sir Lei, support will be here in two minutes."

Several police officers from the Witness Protection Team also immediately discovered that Yaoyang had returned to the team behind Yang Qian'er's back.

Seeing that Yang Qian'er was safe and sound, their faces all showed joy, and they were extremely impressed by Yaoyang's ability.

You know, the killers are all here for Yang Qian'er.

Yaoyang diverted the killer's attention alone, walked upstairs for a while, and was now able to safely protect the witness and come down.

This kind of ability is really beyond the reach of the witness protection team.

"Who are they?"

When Yaoyang heard about the reinforcements, there was no joy on his face, but a serious look on his face, and he immediately questioned the security reinforcements.

"They are mall security guards! Sir Lei, it's thanks to them this time, otherwise our brothers would be in more danger."

Sergeant Zhu from Car No. 2 fired at the entrance of the shopping mall repeatedly while taking advantage of the opportunity to explain.

His words were full of praise for the preservation of this shopping mall.

"How dare the mall security guard be so bold?"

Yaoyang immediately raised another doubt and looked at the security guards carefully.

The security guards pulled their hats so low that it was difficult to see their faces clearly.

At the same time, they acted a bit too calmly. Facing the injured police officer who was dripping with blood, they were bandaged up in a familiar way without even a trace of trembling.

What makes people even more suspicious is that each of the several security guards has a strong body and should be a young man.

Isn’t it a little too unmotivated to be a mere mall security guard at this age?

The most important thing is where did they get the guns?

Regarding the doubts about protecting his identity, Yaoyang did not hide it at all and pointed it out to his face.

Ma Jun and Yang Qian'er were closest to Jiang Zhen, and they immediately became wary.

On the other hand, other uniformed police officers and officers from the witness protection team thought that Sir Lei was overly concerned. If there were problems with these security guards, they should have taken action long ago, and they would have been defeated by the killers long ago.

In the world, sometimes, whatever you think about will happen, and whatever you fear will happen.

One of the security guards suddenly raised his head, and with a pair of ferocious eyes like a beast, he looked at Yaoyang for an instant.


Yaoyang was cautious and raised his gun immediately.

"Do it!"

I never thought that the security guard was fast enough. With a loud shout, he took the brim of his hat with his right hand and threw it toward Yaoyang, blocking his sight.


"Bang bang...!"

"What are you doing...?"

Other security guards reacted quickly and suddenly attacked many police officers, either punching or kicking them, or grabbing their guns and beating them randomly.

The police officers were caught off guard, and four or five of them fell instantly.


Returning to Yaoyang's side, he saw the hat being thrown towards him, and Yaoyang shot immediately. Being blocked by the gunshot, a big hole appeared in the hat and it fell to the ground.

The security guard who took action first had already arrived in front of Yaoyang at this time.

Of course, not the whole person, but a kind of slender bayonet.

"Wang Jianjun!"

The name of the visitor instantly appeared in Yaoyang's mind, and he also knew the identity of the visitor.

Just as he was about to dodge the bayonet and shoot Wang Jianjun to death, the Ma Jun next to him took action.


Ma Jun was also weird enough. Perhaps he thought Yaoyang was so dangerous that he didn't even bother to fire his rifle, but directly hit the bayonet with the rifle body, causing it to lose its trajectory.

At the same time, Ma Jun kicked him over and fought with Wang Jianjun.

"Oh shit!"

Yaoyang cursed secretly, and could only temporarily give up on Wang Jianjun, quickly pull out the black star, and help other police officers eliminate the killer wearing a security uniform. Bang bang bang...!

With Yaoyang joining in, all the security guards fell to the ground quickly, and the police officers finally managed to escape with their lives.

Ta da da da...!

The killers outside the door seemed to have had a plan for a long time. I don't know who saw that the security guard had taken action. They were unambiguous and began to invade the mall.

Several machine guns once again suppressed the vehicle, with so much firepower that the police did not dare to shoot to help the Ma army, and could only fight back at the killers at the door from time to time.

Because the battle between Ma Jun and Wang Jianjun was a fierce battle, both of them were masters, and they fought outside the bunker.

Now there were only two of them standing outside. They were moving so fast that no one dared to shoot at them.

It's not that I don't have the confidence to hit the enemy.

Instead, after the enemy is killed, one of your own will stand there alone. The opponent's people can also focus their fire to kill the remaining one.

People on both sides are wary. Who dares to shoot at them casually?

In other words, the only way to help the two of them was with fists and kicks, not shooting.

"Qian'er, if you stay here, Ajun may not be Wang Jianjun's opponent!"

Yaoyang put down Yang Qian'er, explained a little, and ignored the other killers. He stared at the battle between Wang Jianjun and Ma Jun, his body tense, ready to seize the opportunity and rush out to kill Wang Jianjun.

Swish, swish, swish...!

Wang Jianjun played the military thrust very well, like a poisonous snake, sometimes stabbing, sometimes pulling, and sometimes sweeping. His offensive was so fierce that it could be said that he completely suppressed the cavalry army.

Ma Jun's main disadvantage was his weapon. He was holding a rifle, but he had no chance to fire it. He could only use it as a fire stick to constantly resist the opponent's fierce attacks.

If it weren't for his powerful leg skills, Ma Jun would have been almost injured by Wang Jianjun several times.

After all, Wang Jianjun's martial arts, military stabs and kicks were all honed through hard training and on the battlefield.

What about Ma Jun? His leg skills are great, but his cold weapons can only be considered average, not to mention that what he is holding now is not a cold weapon.

After a few rounds, a bloodstain was scratched on his face, but Wang Jianjun was only kicked by Ma Jun.

"You bastard, good work. It seems you were the one who killed my brother."

Wang Jianjun received a kick and stabbed Ma Jun's rifle to death so that he could not fire. His eyes were filled with murderous intent and he said fiercely.

"Ha! I'm a policeman. I don't know how many trash like you I have to kill every year. Your brother? He should be a trash similar to you. I killed him, so what?"

Not to be outdone, Ma Jun held the rifle in both hands and thrust the soldier outward with all his strength. His face turned red and he used 100% of his strength.

"It's great if it's you!"

Hearing Ma Jun's admission, Wang Jianjun's murderous intent became even more intense. He loosened his right hand holding the military thorn and slammed the rifle hard.

He reached down with his left hand, caught the spur, and thrust it towards the horse army.


The Ma Jun was so frightened that he could only push his rifle fiercely, release the gun, and use the force to move back.


Everything happened in a blink of an eye. In one move, the rifle changed hands. Wang Jianjun was already holding a gun in one hand and a stab in the other.

As soon as the gun was loaded, Wang Jianjun looked indifferent and pointed his rifle directly at the horse army.

"I killed Wang Jianguo!"

At this moment, a shout came from behind Wang Jianjun.


Wang Jianjun turned around and saw a tall figure standing under the cover of the vehicle, staring at him.

"It's you?"

"Yes, it's me!"

Yaoyang nodded, holding the pearl of wisdom in his hand and said:

"Let him come here, and I will fight you! Otherwise, you will never have to think about revenge in your life."

"go to hell!"

Wang Jianjun was very crazy and had no scruples at all. He seemed not to be afraid of death. After hearing Yaoyang's words, there was no room for negotiation at all and he shot Yaoyang twice with his rifle.

Boom boom...!

Yaoyang squatted down, rolled to the side, and hid.

"Sir thunder!"

When the other police officers saw this, they all screamed and pointed their guns at Wang Jianjun.

However, the Ma Army is still outside, without a bunker, and now they are being pointed at by many killers, and they dare not even move.

The police still had scruples and did not dare to shoot Wang Jianjun.

The current situation is undoubtedly that Wang Jianjun will die, and Ma Jun will also be killed by killers from outside. There is no possibility of anyone surviving.

Wang Jianjun is a desperado. He is not afraid of anything. He will do anything for revenge, but the police do not!

If you kill a gangster or kill a colleague, you will definitely be held accountable afterwards.

Even if you are fired, you may still be held criminally liable.


Fortunately, after two shots, the rifle, which was already low on bullets, was empty. Wang Jianjun's face was full of unwillingness and resentment, and he said:

"Okay, come out and fight me, I'll let him go!"


Yaoyang got up from the ground, with a bright smile on his lips, raised his feet and slowly walked out of the vehicle shelter.

"Sir thunder!"

"Brother Yaoyang, don't go out!"

All the police officers and Yang Qian'er were moved and worried, and they all shouted. Ma Jun's face was also red, as if ashamed, but more of a kind of hatred:

"Head, don't come out."

Ignoring everyone's obstruction and blocking everyone's shouts, Yaoyang slowly walked towards Wang Jianjun and stopped within five meters of him.

Wang Jianjun's face flashed with shock at Yaoyang's actions, and he couldn't help but say:

"You have the guts! You are so courageous! I am a soldier, and I admire people who are not afraid of death. If you had not killed Jianguo, maybe we could still be friends."

"Soldier? Are you still? A policeman and a squirrel can never be friends!"

Yaoyang shook his head and said with a hint of approval in his disdain:

"But you are indeed very smart. The plan can be said to be perfect. One step, two steps, three steps. If it weren't for you and me, you might actually be able to win this battle."

"It's just that I don't understand one thing. With your skills, wouldn't it be better to deal with us directly? What do you want to do by pretending to be a security guard? Take the police as hostages and take all your brothers to escape safely?"

Wang Jianjun shook his head and his words were very disdainful and cold:

"Our brothers are leaving, and we don't need hostages at all. It's just that I'm afraid of being tricked by your pawns and missing Yang Qian'er. I'm even more afraid that my identity will be exposed and I won't be able to continue to take revenge. Just before you came forward, I didn't know what Jianguo's death was.

Who did it!"

"You know now? Why don't you do it yet?"

Yaoyang nodded and stood there relaxedly, not at all nervous, and even raised his hand in provocation.

"Are you confident?"

Wang Jianjun threw the rifle on the ground, held the military spur in his right hand, and said coldly:

"I am the strongest soldier. In order to avenge Jianguo, I will even risk my life. You are just a policeman. No matter how skilled you are, you only get a few thousand yuan a month. How dare you risk your life?"

"Don't you dare? You'll know when you come here! What you say will only make me take you lightly. If you want to take revenge, fists and kicks are the most practical way, and words are the most incompetent way."

Yaoyang looked a little impatient and raised his right hand again, signaling Wang Jianjun to attack.

Wang Jianjun frowned, deeply feeling that he was being looked down upon, but he was also vaguely afraid of Yaoyang:

"I used to always say that I am the strongest soldier and have fought in battles. In fact, it is indeed a kind of rhetoric."

"This sentence can not only enhance your own momentum, but also make your opponents feel a little timid."

"Now that someone has said it to you, the opponent is not easy!"


Wang Jianjun, who paid great attention to his opponent, gave a fierce shout and casually hooked his right foot on the ground. The rifle he had just thrown was pulled by the ground and flew towards Yaoyang's door.


At the same time, Wang Jianjun's movements were as fast as the wind, and he rushed towards Yaoyang. He didn't make any moves or feet, he just rushed forward.

It seems that he wants to wait for the opponent's action and then temporarily chooses to change his move.

As expected, this is what I learned in the military: regardless of means, regardless of martial ethics, the purpose is to kill people.

Yaoyang reached out and grabbed the rifle, which was spinning towards him, and accurately caught it in his hand. The muzzle of the gun was pointed at Wang Jianjun.

If the rifle had not run out of bullets, Wang Jianjun would have tragically died in just this instant.

"What a quick move!"

Wang Jianjun could see clearly, his pupils shrunk, the rifle was not light in weight, and with his own hook, it rotated and attacked with great impact.

The opponent was able to catch the target accurately and easily, without even moving his body. It was really not easy.

"Okay, I want to see if you can grab the gun and the knife?"

Although Wang Jianjun was a little shocked, he did not feel any fear of war. With his soldier's instinct, he immediately chose the method he thought was the most direct and effective.

The white light suddenly appeared, and the Mitsubishi Army Thorn was like a "spirit snake spitting out a letter", heading straight for Yaoyang Middle Road.

"Well come."

Yaoyang has sharp eyes and quick hands, and he also has instinct, which is the instinct of a warrior. He points the muzzle of his rifle at the military stab and pushes it out smoothly.

Hee hee hee…!

Under the watchful eyes of all the spectators, sparks were flying in front of Yaoyang and Wang Jianjun. The Mitsubishi army's spear blew sparks from the muzzle of the rifle, but it just happened to penetrate.

Just like a long sword is sheathed and a sword is returned to its shell.


Wang Jianjun was really shocked this time. He never expected that a move that he had tried so well and that his opponent could only avoid could be broken like this.

Wang Jianjun immediately let go, and at the same time he spun his body, then thrust out his right foot again, sweeping across and attacking Yaoyang's waist and abdomen.

"Ha! What a good kick."

Yaoyang secretly praised it, then dropped the rifle in his hand, turned his hands into claws, and quickly grabbed it, using his hands against his legs.



Everything happened in a flash of lightning. When many people reacted, Wang Jianjun's right foot had been firmly grasped by Yaoyang with both hands, and it was twisted strangely, showing a strange float.

Even Wang Jianjun, as cruel as he was, could not bear the huge pain in that moment, the pain of his bones being broken.

"Ajun, come here quickly!"

Murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and after Yaoyang shouted hello to Ma Jun, he grabbed Wang Jianjun with his claws, extending from his legs to his body, and finally to his neck.

Wang Jianjun couldn't resist at all. Yaoyang's hands were as white and fleshy as iron claws. Everywhere he was grabbed, Wang Jianjun felt as if his bones were broken and he couldn't exert any force at all.

His whole body soon fell limp to the ground, and his neck was held in Yaoyang's hand.

When the Ma Jun saw this situation, they were overjoyed and quickly ran towards Yaoyang, quickly rushing to a safe vehicle cover position.

The killers at the front door had expressions of horror on their faces. They couldn't believe what they were seeing. Their boss was in the hands of the policeman in front of them, and he was captured alive without even making a move.

"Let go!"

"Stop, let our boss go!"

The killers were so excited that all their guns were aimed at Yaoyang.

But what was Yaoyang's reaction? The reason why he didn't kill Wang Jianjun right away was just for now.

Using force on his hands, Yaoyang pinched Wang Jianjun's neck and blocked him in front of him. He ignored the killers' words and quickly returned to the vehicle bunker.

"People inside, listen, you are surrounded now. We are the Hong Kong City Police. We should immediately put down our weapons and come out to surrender...!"

At the same time, outside the shopping mall, the police team arrived. As a police officer shouted a warning, it also meant that Wang Jianjun and his gang's operation to kill Yang Qian'er was a complete failure.

All the police officers, including Yaoyang, were overjoyed.

The killer's side is in complete chaos. Wang Jianjun is their backbone. Now that Wang Jianjun is in Yaoyang's hands, no one knows what to do!

As for Wang Jianjun himself, he seemed to be aware of the current situation in his heart. His whole body was weak. Wang Jianjun's eyes were still full of murderous intent and his words were extremely vicious:

"Damn it, I, Wang Jianjun, was not starved to death by famine or killed by the enemy on the battlefield. I never expected that I would fall here today."

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go see my brother together!"

After saying that, whether it was perseverance or obsession with revenge, Wang Jianjun had a grenade in his hand.

Where did the grenade come from and how did Wang Jianjun get it? To be honest, even Yaoyang didn't notice it.

"Fuck, grenade!"

"Head, be careful."

"Brother Yaoyang...!"


With a deafening bang, a small explosion occurred on the first floor of the shopping mall.


The Queensway High Court in Hong Kong Comprehensive City is where the murder case of Zhao Guoming was held.

Because of Zhao Guoming's identity as the CEO of the listed company, two witnesses in this case died mysteriously, so reporters were like cats that smelled fishy, ​​and they came a lot.

Although cameras and other equipment are not allowed in the court, many reporters were excitedly sitting in the hearing room with pens and papers, preparing to record the proceedings of the case and find headlines for their newspapers.

So today's court is much more lively than before.

When the time reached nine o'clock, the judge, who was about sixty years old and wearing a wig and looked majestic and upright, made the announcement on time.

"All rise!"

"The court is now in session!"

Following the judge's announcement, the prosecutor as the litigant began to submit an indictment. But today, the prosecutors on the prosecution side are all women.

There are three women in total, one is about thirty years old, wearing a wig and a large robe, with beautiful appearance and serious face.

The other two are both in decent suits. One has dark skin, big eyes, and the same serious look. He seems to have been taught by the same teacher as the former.

Although the other person also had a straight face, his brows showed excitement and his eyes were full of excitement, and he seemed quite happy.

No need to say much, I believe everyone can understand.

In Hong Kong Comprehensive City, lawyers always bring disciples and assistants to court, even for prosecutors.

These three are the protagonists of today's case, senior prosecutor Yi Congxin, trainee prosecutor Cheng Tianlan, and a new assistant, Huo Xixian, who has also just passed the prosecutor's entrance examination and is appearing in court for the first time.

Yes, the last one is Huo Xixian, Huo Jingliang's daughter.

Speaking of which, Huo Xixian had already obtained a lawyer's license and planned to focus on developing as a solicitor.

However, after getting to know Yaoyang, she suddenly became more interested in prosecuting lawyers for some reason, and she simply applied for the prosecutor's position.

Today is her first time in court.

"Helen, don't be so nervous. Senior sister is a prosecutor and handles many cases like this every year. This time with all the witnesses and material evidence, we will definitely win."

Cheng Tianlan was very kind when she saw Huo Xixian "looking around" and could not help but comfort him softly.

"Tian Lan, I'm not nervous, it's just my first time in court and I find it novel."

Huo Xixian pretended to sort out the documents, feeling a little embarrassed and replied in a low voice.


Cheng Tianlan suddenly realized and muttered:

"Your father is Huo Jingliang. You have never seen any big events, but I am so troubled. How can you be nervous!"

"It's not a joke. There are many things I still have to ask my senior sister for advice."

Huo Xixian was very well-behaved and did not look down on his colleagues because of his status. He said politely.


Cheng Tianlan was embarrassed, thinking that there was something wrong with her mentality and that she had never looked up to the children of rich families since she was a child.

Facing the innocent and kind Huo Xixian, Cheng Tianlan whispered:

"Okay, don't say any more, just watch Senior Sister's performance!"

"Your Honor……"

The case slowly kicked off with the prosecutor Yi Congxin's words.

To be honest, it is not difficult to prosecute a murder case.

Because in the Hong Kong Comprehensive City, prosecutors don't like to waste taxpayers' money. They will only initiate prosecution for serious crimes like this with an almost 80% certainty.

Just like Zhao Guoming's case, there are both personal and material evidence, and it is simply indisputable. But today, the situation is different.

The lawyer hired by Zhao Guoming is a very famous defense lawyer in Xiangjiang named Zhou Dazhuang.

This Zhou Dazhuang is in his sixties, has gray hair, and wears gold-rimmed glasses. He looks as gentlemanly and polite as a university scholar.

But as a person, he is known to be greedy for money, and he has friends with many members of the society and scum businessmen.

What he likes to do most is to use the legal knowledge he has learned to defend those wealthy people who commit crimes, thereby making huge profits.

The same thing happened this time, when the "murderous" weapon curtain wire, which was the object used to strangle the deceased, was presented to the prosecutor.

Zhou Dazhuang seized the opportunity and immediately stood up to object:

"Your Honor, I have great doubts about the fact that my client's fingerprints are on this piece of evidence, so the prosecution believes that it was my client who used it to kill someone!"


Seeing Zhou Dazhuang take action for the first time today, everyone was both surprised and a little surprised.

Surprisingly, the murder weapon had Zhao Guoming's fingerprints on it, which was completely beyond doubt.

It is a bit unwise for Zhou Dazhuang to speak out in such a hurry and to overturn the evidence. Suddenly, this is in line with Zhou Dazhuang's behavior all along.

He is always able to mix up many obvious evidences with red lips and white teeth, so that the effect of "the final word" is lost.

"Defense, what doubts do you have?"

The judge was impartial. Seeing that Zhou Dazhuang had different opinions, he immediately asked.

"Your Honor, gentlemen of the jury!"

Zhou Dazhuang was very familiar with such scenes. He greeted everyone in the courtroom respectfully and then spoke eloquently:

"The scene of the murder was on the yacht registered under my client's name. And since the yacht is owned by my client, it means that my client is very familiar with everything on the yacht and even knows everything about it.

Might have stayed."

"On the day of the incident, my client happened to return to his yacht and saw with his own eyes that the deceased was strangled by a wire and was dying."

"For the sake of saving lives, my client kindly stepped forward and removed the wire from the deceased's neck so that his fingerprints could be printed. What's wrong?"

"Also, Your Honor! My client is the chairman of my superior company. He has always been law-abiding and has a good reputation. He has never done anything that violates the law or harms the public. He has been driving for 20 years and has not even received a violation ticket.

Never received it.”

"In addition, this information contains some of my client's charitable donations in recent years, which is enough to prove his philanthropy."

While talking, Zhou Dazhuang picked up a thick stack of information on the table and handed it to a girl in a black suit next to him.

The girl in a suit has thin eyebrows, big eyes, and black hair shawl. She is also considered a beauty.

After receiving the information, she immediately handed it to the secretary in the court, and finally handed it to the judge.

While the judge and jury were looking through the documents, Zhou Dazhuang continued to speak, his voice was high and he said emotionally:

"I would like to ask, if a person like him who is charitable and enthusiastic about public welfare sees someone going into shock in front of him, will he immediately step forward to rescue him?"

"So, your honor, fellow jurors, I sincerely ask you to think carefully about whether the so-called wire evidence, which is used as evidence against my client in this case, is inappropriate and unfair to my client?"

"If you are enthusiastic about saving people, you will be prosecuted as a murderer. How do people in Hong Kong society formulate their own values?"

In the High Court of Queensway, Hong Kong Comprehensive City, Zhou Dazhuang made an impassioned speech. Every sentence could be said to be unreasonable, but it still held truth.

Under Hong Kong's comprehensive laws, under the general premise that "the benefit of the doubt belongs to the defendant", the fingerprints on the murder weapon really cannot convict Zhao Guoming.

In the prisoner box, Zhao Guoming, who was wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses today, looked honest and reliable, had a sneer on his lips, and said secretly:

The money is really not wasted, Zhou Dazhuang is indeed Zhou Dazhuang.

Huo Xixian saw the situation in a real court for the first time and was very angry. He whispered to Cheng Tianlan next to him:

"There is clearly only Zhao Guoming's fingerprint on the murder weapon, so this cannot be used as evidence?"

Cheng Tianlan was well-informed, but very calm, and whispered:

"If Zhao Guoming had pleaded guilty, there would not have been today's trial. We had expected this move."

As soon as Cheng Tianlan said these words, Yi Congxin, as the prosecutor, stood up slowly and said:

"Your Honor, I have another piece of information here that can prove that Zhao Guoming is the murderer."

As he said that, he turned his head to indicate to Cheng Tianlan. Cheng Tianlan understood, and under Huo Xixian's curious eyes, he stood up and moved around, and handed a thick piece of information to the court.

Yi Congxin’s words start at the right time:

"Your Honor, fellow jurors, this is the collection of evidence from the crime scene by the police."

"At the crime scene, apart from the footprints and fingerprints of the deceased, the only person who left fingerprints was Zhao Guoming, and there was no one else."

"Afterwards, the police intervened in the investigation and found that the yacht had just been washed and cleaned by workers just the day before, so that was why it happened."

"Moreover, the other party's dander tissue was found in the nails of the deceased and Zhao Guoming. There were many scars on Zhao Guoming's hands, which were identified as being caused by the nails of the deceased."

"From this, we can almost deduce that the deceased and Zhao Guoming had a violent physical conflict at that time. Both parties were grabbing and pulling, leaving such traces..."

Yi Congxin talked eloquently and laid out all the physical evidence in an attempt to form the entire evidence chain at the scene. Looking at Zhou Dazhuang again, he looked indifferent and seemed to have been prepared for the prosecution's move.

Before Yi Congxin could finish speaking, he had already stood up and said:

"Your Honor, I object to the prosecution inferring all physical evidence as evidence of my client's murder based on some subjective logical thinking. This is extremely unfair to my client!"

"I have explained it to my client before. My client did happen to arrive at the scene when the incident occurred and saw the deceased seriously injured lying on the ground. In order to save people, my client stepped forward to untie the neck of the deceased.

The rope above. The deceased may have been too nervous before his death and harmed my client. Can this be another kind of logical reasoning?"

"As for the fingerprints and footprints of only two people at the scene, this is even simpler! Because the real murderer was well prepared and committed the crime with gloves and other tools. Can that also be explained?"

"So the prosecution's subjective inference is absolutely impossible to establish until new evidence emerges. Please consider it, your honor, and all jurors, and consider the judicial spirit of acquittal in our Hong Kong Comprehensive City. Don't let the police or the prosecution

Incompetent, without catching the real murderer, he unjustly accused a good man, a good man, and convicted him."


The judge is not a fool. He actually heard that Zhou Dazhuang's plea was far-fetched, but being far-fetched does not mean that it is impossible.

The suspect he is facing now is the chairman of a listed company. Even as a Hong Kong Comprehensive Municipal Judge, he does not dare to be careless without combining all the complete evidence.

"The objection is valid. Does the prosecution have more evidence?"

Following the judge's words, the reporters sitting in the court were in a small uproar:

"Damn...! This can be broken, Zhou Dazhuang is too awesome."

Journalists have always thought that they belong to a group of people who are very fluent in spoken language.

After seeing Zhou Dazhuang's "unreasonable argument" momentum, they now feel that their vote is really a good person!

On the prosecution side, the three girls were a little depressed when they heard that the judge did not even accept such a complete chain of evidence.

However, the courtroom was like a battlefield. None of the three girls gave up until the last moment. Yi Congxin immediately looked back and glanced at Cheng Tianlan and Huo Xixian.

It was Huo Xixian's first time in court. He was still inexperienced and didn't know why.

Cheng Tianlan knew what it meant, and shook his head slightly to remind Yi Congxin. Then, he opened his mouth slightly with the word "drag" in his mouth shape.

Yi Congxin understood and immediately said:

"Your Honor, we still have an important witness who has not arrived. She witnessed Zhao Guoming's murder and was the first to report the case to the police. She is now under the protection of the police and on her way to the court. I hope she can

Adjournment, your honor, give us a little more time.

"The efficiency of the police's work is too low. They are still late for the court, which lasted about 40 minutes."

The judge felt a little unhappy, and Zhou Dazhuang stood up at the right time and said:

"Your Honor, if the prosecution is not prepared on such a day, it would be extremely disrespectful to our judicial system in Xiangjiang. In addition, it would also be unfair to my client."

"I hope your honor will not admit the so-called important witness, a person who has no integrity and is late."


After receiving the opinions of the prosecution and defense, the judge was silent for more than ten seconds, then tapped the hammer and said:

"The court is now adjourned for ten minutes."

Just as Yi Congxin and others showed joy on their faces, the judge continued:

"Prosecution, if the witness is still absent after ten minutes, then I will no longer accept the so-called testimony and will make a default judgment."

"Your Honor!"

Yi Congxin's expression changed, and he wanted to say something else.

It's a pity that the judge and jury also have tempers. In accordance with the laws of Hong Kong Comprehensive City, they stopped deliberating at all and stood up to leave.


Seeing this situation, Zhao Guoming laughed in the trial seat and looked at Zhou Dazhuang with extremely satisfied eyes.

Zhou Dazhuang looked back and looked at Zhao Guoming, with the message that "victory is guaranteed" in his eyes.

"Master, let's go take a rest."

The female assistant beside Zhou Dazhuang was very discerning and suggested in a low voice.

"Not urgent!"

Zhou Dazhuang waved his hand, but with an arrogant look on his face. He walked to Yi Congxin and said with a thin smile but not a smile:

"Junior, if you really can't do it, it's not shameful to admit defeat now. There are no witnesses. It is the responsibility of the police, not the prosecutor. If you keep playing like this, it will do no good...!"

"I have never been a prosecutor for benefits, only for justice! Unlike some people who will help anyone for money!"

Yi Congxin stood up suddenly, looked back and said:

"Tianlan, Helen, let's go!"


A flash of anger flashed in Zhou Dazhuang's eyes, and he cursed coldly.

How long is ten minutes?

Ten minutes is too long between life and death.

But in a lawsuit, ten minutes is a blink of an eye. After everyone took a short break, they quickly returned to the courtroom.

But this time, a hint of anxiety and irritability began to appear on the faces of Yi Congxin and the other three girls. However, Zhou Dazhuang and the female assistant smiled lightly and were confident.

"Prosecution, has your important witness arrived? Can you arrange to appear in court?"

After the judge sat down, he was unambiguous and directly asked the most important matter as the first question.


Yi Congxin looked ugly, stood up and lowered his head:

"Your Honor, not yet!"


There was another uproar in the hearing room, and the reporters were really excited now.

Who would have thought that Zhao Guoming, who was predicted by all the media to be in trouble this time and would be convicted, would actually be about to make a comeback or be acquitted.

There are three witnesses!

On the day of the trial, two died early and one did not show up.

This could actually be on the front page of gossip magazines.

The reporters didn't care who was right or wrong. They only knew that they had headlines, so they wrote and drew quickly and were happy.


The judge knocked the small hammer in front of him. Compared to the reporter's excitement, his face was a little dissatisfied and he said:

"In view of the absence of important witnesses for the prosecution, I have decided..."

After the decision was made, Zhao Guoming couldn't hold back at all. He sat inside the iron bars and smiled.

Zhou Dazhuang was also very proud, knowing that he would add to his glory in his many years as a lawyer.

At this moment, a loud bang covered the judge's announcement.

The court door was suddenly violently kicked open, and a majestic figure appeared:

"Your Honor, the witnesses are here!"

Everyone looked carefully and saw that it was a tall man with a gray face and some blood stains on his clothes.

On his back, a pretty girl with a sweet face was hugging him.

Girls, on the other hand, look like men, with a gray head and a lot of dust on their heads and faces.

When the bailiffs saw such a person breaking in, they originally wanted to stop him and reprimand him.

But as soon as they moved, another group of people broke in right after them.

The first person to break in was a sturdy man in casual clothes, holding a rifle in his hand and breathing heavily:

"Head... huh huh...!"

Then, there was a group of police officers in military uniforms, all of them had their hats pressed, and it was obvious that they were running up quickly.

The judge, jury, and reporters were all shocked when they saw the person coming.

However, Huo Xixian became excited. Regardless of the majesty of the court, he stood up and greeted:

"Brother Yaoyang!"

"Huh?" Yes, the person who came was none other than Yaoyang.

It is said that Wang Jianjun and Yaoyang wanted to die together. At the critical moment, Yaoyang responded and threw Wang Jianjun out with all his strength.

But in mid-air, the grenade exploded.

With such huge power, Wang Jianjun was shattered to pieces on the spot and turned into dregs of flesh.

As for Yaoyang, Yang Qian'er, who was closer to Yaoyang, was also affected by the aftermath. Her mind was buzzing and she took several minutes to recover before she recovered.

In the end, with the support of the police brigade, the killer either dies, retreats, or is caught. Finally, with the support of the police brigade, the killer either dies, retreats, or is caught.

Everyone rushed to the court as quickly as possible. After taking a look at Huo Xixian, Yaoyang smiled slightly, then with a straight face, without using a microphone, and with a loud voice, he explained directly to everyone present:

"Your Honor, because we were ambushed by more than thirty killers on the way to the court, we were late. Please, Your Honor, give us the police a chance and give the witnesses a chance to tell the truth. Don't let

Those heinous criminals escape justice."

This explanation, coupled with the embarrassed appearance of Yaoyang and others, also shows the image of Ma Jun holding a rifle.

Everyone present knew that this was absolutely true, and nothing could be said to refute it. A killer ambush!

This is no joke, it’s as simple as eating and drinking.

They rushed out of the killer's ambush. Looking at the female witness, she could only be carried on her back. She was obviously seriously injured, but she still hadn't forgotten to come to the court.

If such a witness is not admitted, who will be admitted?

The judge instantly forgot all about what he wanted to announce just now and said loudly:

"Witness, can you still testify now?"

"I can!"

On Yaoyang's back, Yang Qian'er nodded firmly. Yi Congxin seized the opportunity at this time and quickly stood up to help:

"Your Honor, now I ask the witnesses to take the seat, tell the truth and identify the murderer."


The judge nodded, and the court immediately became busy.

The police officers were sitting in the hearing room. Yang Qianer was carried by Yaoyang to the witness box and sat down. The others took their places, and their mood was different again.

The reporters were very excited. The headlines came one after another. It was so exciting.

The prosecution was happy, especially Huo Xixian. She did not expect that she would meet Yaoyang for the first time in court. The other party still appeared at this time, which was an extremely difficult time for her.

Of course, she never thought that in today's lawsuit she was just an assistant, not the prosecutor.

But women are so stupid sometimes. If they see someone they like, they will do whatever they want.

People who don't please you shouldn't show up at any time.

Zhao Guoming, Zhou Dazhuang and his female assistant were in this mood at this time.

Especially Zhao Guoming, whose face was ashen and cursed secretly:

"The strongest soldier, the best squirrel, it doesn't matter if you don't kill someone, you can't even delay it. Your money is wasted, and the other party has screwed you up."

"If you can escape this time, Wang Jianjun, you are dead!"

Zhou Dazhuang communicated quietly with his female assistant, constantly discussing the next strategy.

After all, they actually received a hint from Zhao Guoming from the very beginning that no witnesses would appear today.

Otherwise, in order to ensure a 100% chance of winning the case, Zhou Dazhuang might not accept it no matter how much money there is in a case with witnesses, evidence, and testimonies.

At this moment, Zhou Dazhuang was also secretly scolding Zhao Guoming:

"What kind of chairman of a listed company is not as reliable as the big boss of the society! Now that the witnesses have arrived, they still appear in this image, preconceived, and won the favor of the judge and jurors. If they testify a little, they will be in big trouble."

Soon, the trial continued.

Yi Congxin was in high spirits, and faced with this situation of having witnesses, his words became excited:

"Ms. Yang, please describe what you saw around 3 o'clock in the afternoon on May 23 this year."

"Okay! At 3 pm on May 24 this year, I was driving..."

Yang Qian'er remembered the incident very clearly and told the police everything she said at the time.

And at the end, he pointed his finger at Zhao Guoming in court and said:

"He is the murderer!"

"Your Honor, I have no problem!"

Yi Congxin smiled with satisfaction and sat down again. Then, with a serious look on his face, Zhou Dazhuang stood up and began to ask questions.

In the court, everyone's eyes were focused on Zhou Dazhuang, especially the reporters.

They were very interested to know how Zhou Dazhuang could still be fooling around now that he had witnesses. Zhou Dazhuang looked serious, and his first question was very strange:

"Ms. Yang, a police officer just said that you were ambushed by a killer on the way to the court, right?"

"Yes!" Yang Qian'er didn't know why and nodded. "Then I wonder if you were injured in this ambush?"

Zhou Dazhuang continued to ask questions.

"No, I was not injured due to the protection of sirs from the police."

Yang Qian'er answered again and glanced at Yaoyang as she spoke.

"No? Miss Yang, really no? Then how do you explain the ashes on your head and the injuries on your feet?"

Zhou Dazhuang became more serious and his tone gradually became louder.

"be opposed to!"

Yi Congxin saw that something was getting more and more wrong the more Zhou Dazhuang asked, so he immediately stood up and said:

"Your Honor, the questions asked by the defense lawyer have nothing to do with this case!"

"Your Honor, I can prove immediately that the question I am asking now has a great bearing on this case."

Zhou Dazhuang explained seriously. The judge was silent for five seconds and gave his decision:

"The objection is invalid! Witnesses please answer truthfully."

"My foot injury was caused by an assassination attempt at home a few days ago. The dust on my head was caused by the explosion of a grenade thrown by the killer."

Yang Qian'er explained freely, and as she spoke, she dusted off her head, feeling a little unhappy.

I didn’t realize it before, but I realized now that my current image is too bad. Will Yaoyang not like it?

Probably not, right? Brother Yaoyang saved his life again today and kept coming here with him on his back. He must be a good man?

Yang Qian'er is a young woman who is willful and has out-of-the-box ideas.

Although I was still being questioned, my thoughts wandered far away, and I thought about image issues.

It was at this time that Zhou Dazhuang seemed to see some opportunity and suddenly said loudly:

"Ms. Yang, you testified that my client committed the murder and said that you saw him commit the murder. Now I ask you, which hand was he holding the wire with? His left hand or his right hand? Or both hands? Which hand was there?

Up, which hand is down, and in what position?”

Yang Qian'er was also weird enough. Her mind was not on the court. She was suddenly interrupted by Zhou Dazhuang. She burst out willfully and said loudly:

"Why are you so loud? Do you think I'm deaf? Are you right-handed or left-handed? Are you crazy?"


At this moment, the whole place was in an uproar.

The reporters were talking in low voices, Yaoyang, Ma Jun and others frowned, and Yi Congxin's face became even more ugly.

As for Zhao Guoming, he originally thought he was doomed, but he suddenly became energetic.

Dong dong dong…!

The judge knocked the hammer in front of him continuously and immediately took control of the situation and said:


Immediately, he looked at Yang Qian'er and said sternly:

"Witness, please answer truthfully! Did you see it or didn't you see it?"


Of course Yang Qian'er realized at this moment that she had been tricked by the sanctimonious lawyer in front of her. She lowered her head and felt a little sorry. Then she thought about it carefully and replied:

"At that time, Zhao Guoming used two hands, with his right hand higher than his left hand, to wrap the wire around the man's neck."

"The right hand is higher than the left hand? Miss Yang, I hope you think clearly. In my autopsy report of the deceased, there is a clear presumption by the medical examiner!"

"I'm asking you again now, is it that the right hand is higher than the left hand and the victim is hanged like this?"

Zhou Dazhuang asked again, making movements while asking, which was a movement to wrap around someone's neck.


Yang Qian'er hesitated. To be honest, she didn't remember clearly the circumstances of the killing.

Yang Qian'er hesitated. To be honest, she didn't remember clearly the circumstances of the killing.

After all, she saw it from a distance and immediately called the police.

She was also frightened at that time, and she would not pay attention to someone who was being killed.

"Well...! I don't remember."

After all, Yang Qian'er was a conscientious citizen. She was afraid that the other party would catch her to argue if she answered wrongly, so she said this.


There was an uproar in the court again.

A smile appeared on Zhou Dazhuang's lips, and he asked loudly:

"You don't even remember this. Have you forgotten it? Or you didn't see it at all? How can you identify my client if you didn't even see how he killed someone."

"In other words, has Ms. Yang been hit on the head after being attacked by killers many times? Are there any problems with her memory, mental state, etc. now?"


Zhou Da's adverbials are extremely fast and full of firepower.

"Objection, your honor, object, object!"

Yi Congxin stood up and objected several times without stopping.

As for Yang Qian'er, she was also annoyed by Zhou Dazhuang's questioning, and her emotions broke out. She stood up and pointed directly at Zhao Guoming and said:

"He is the murderer. I saw with my own eyes that the murderer was him. There is nothing wrong with my head, but there is a problem with you. You tricked me..."

Dong dong dong…!

Seeing the chaos in the scene, the judge kept banging the hammer for five seconds before bringing the situation under control.

And his face, and the faces of the jurors, all showed doubts about Yang Qian'er's testimony.

They all saw that Yang Qian'er's character had a lot of flaws. She was not a very honest witness, and her testimony might not be worthy of acceptance.

The judge and jurors could see that Yaoyang next to him also saw everything clearly.

"Zhao Guoming must go to jail. Only by going to jail can he lose everything. Otherwise, with his financial resources, he will continue to pursue Yang Qian'er. Who can bear it?"

"Yang Qian'er is now my woman, I have to help her."

As soon as he thought about this, Yaoyang coughed loudly on purpose, which attracted Huo Xixian's eyes.

He secretly made a gesture to Huo Xixian. Huo Xixian understood and quickly stood up and walked towards Yaoyang.

Fortunately, the scene was very chaotic at the moment, and no one except the prosecutor and Cheng Tianlan cared about what Huo Xixian wanted!

Huo Xixian is Huo Jingliang's daughter. She has a very high social status. She has never been afraid of anyone since she was a child.

She didn't care about other people's opinions. When Jiang Zhen greeted her, she immediately dropped everything and came over:

"Brother Yaoyang, what's going on?"

"Tell the prosecutor that I can testify that Zhao Guoming is the murderer, and I will be a witness!"

Yaoyang whispered in Huo Xixian's ear. Huo Xixian's cheeks turned rosy because of Yaoyang's intimate way of speaking.

But after hearing what Yaoyang said clearly, he was shocked:

"What? Brother Yaoyang, how can you be a witness? You didn't witness it at all."

"The situation is very unfavorable for you now, I believe you can see it. Believe me, I naturally have my own methods and qualifications to become a witness and let the prosecutor apply to the court!"

Yaoyang asked again with a serious look on his face.


Huo Xixian still hesitated, but suddenly felt his hand being enveloped by a kind of heat.

At the same time, a calm male voice came into my ears:

"Believe me and you will definitely win."

This chapter has been completed!
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