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Chapter 42: Dragon and Tiger Portland Street

In the court, because of Yang Qian'er's naturally willful and unyielding temper, Zhou Dazhuang used words to make her lose her grace.

This kind of behavior is usually nothing.

But now in court, for strict judges and jurors, this kind of emotion is absolutely intolerable.

This also casts great doubt on their testimony.

It was at this time that Yi Congxin suddenly stood up and said:

"Your Honor, our prosecution has new witnesses!"

Are there any witnesses? Hearing this, the judge was stunned, Zhou Dazhuang was stunned, and everyone present was stunned.

There were not only three people who reported the crime, but now two are dead, and only Yang Qian'er is left.

And the witnesses, where did they come from?

Fortunately, this case is a murder case of the chairman of a listed company. It is of a vile nature and has huge social impact.

The prosecution said there were witnesses, but no one dared to deny them.

Even the judge, after being silent for five seconds, completely agreed.

Under the gaze of everyone, the tall Yaoyang stood up from the hearing room and walked to the witness box.

At this moment, Yang Qian'er, who was still sitting in the witness box with red eyes and a wronged face, and almost everyone thought that this sir only helped Yang Qian'er leave.

In fact, Yaoyang did the same. In full view of everyone, the princess picked up Yang Qian'er, gave her warmth, and walked back to the hearing room.

In Yaoyang's arms, Yang Qian'er felt that kind of "protection" again. She wished she could hold this man in her arms and cry loudly to vent her emotions.

Huo Xixian, who was sitting next to the prosecutor, looked envious but had no other emotions.

After all, she believed that Yaoyang was just protecting Yang Qian'er.

Many Hong Kong citizens now know that Yang Qian'er is Song Shichang's girlfriend and there is no way she has anything to do with Yaoyang.

Putting down Yang Qian'er, under everyone's doubtful gaze, Yaoyang sat directly in the witness box and completed the oath.

"What's wrong with this?"

"Isn't he a policeman? Why is he a witness again?"

Under extreme confusion, Zhou Dazhuang did not even wait for the prosecution to ask questions. He stood up and said first:

"Witness, please identify yourself!"

"Senior Inspector Lui Yaoyang of the Mong Kok Anti-Gangster Unit!"

Yaoyang's sitting posture is serious, like that of a professionally trained sergeant. He is tall and upright. First of all, he gives people the impression of heroic posture and rigorous work.

"You are sitting in the witness box now. What do you want to prove?"

Zhou Dazhuang continued to inquire.

Several people on the prosecution side also stared at Yaoyang, and no one stopped Zhou Dazhuang from inappropriate behavior when he asked the first question.

Because they also don’t know why Yaoyang asked to be a witness and what he can prove!

"I can prove that Ms. Yang's testimony about the murderer is absolutely true and reliable!"

Yaoyang was full of confidence and answered every question.


Zhou Dazhuang smiled contemptuously and asked again:

"Oh? Sir Lei, you were at the scene and saw my client murder someone?"


"Then the first police officer who received the call had his own unique point of view and speculation?"


"It's nothing, how can you prove it? Sir Lei, was it that when you were protecting Miss Yang today, you were also attacked by the killer and hit your head?"

Zhou Dazhuang was more confident and already felt that he had a chance to win, and his words were completely unpleasant to listen to.

The judge may also think that Yaoyang is extremely shameless and doesn't know anything. He is just kidding himself by sitting in the witness box.

If you are in contempt of court, you will not be able to escape.

"Witness, what exactly are you trying to prove? Please answer clearly immediately."

The judge finally gave him a chance and said in a cold voice.

Ma Jun was waiting for the police, Huo Xixian was waiting for the prosecution, Yang Qian'er and others all looked at Yaoyang with concern, thinking something was wrong in their hearts:

"Brother Yaoyang is really too impulsive. He didn't prepare anything. He stood up for Yang Qian'er for the sake of justice. It's useless now, and it's easy to be held accountable by the court."

Facing everyone's doubts, worries, anger, disdain and other looks, Yaoyang sat upright, like a mountain in Taiyue, and spoke calmly:

"More than ten days ago, our Mong Kok anti-gang team received an order from our superiors to temporarily put down the work at hand to protect an important witness in a case with great social influence, that is, Ms. Yang Qian'er."

"On that day, our Mong Kok Anti-Gangster Group dispatched a capable police force, led by me personally, and took over this protection task from the Witness Protection Team of our Police Department. This was also the first time I met Ms. Yang Qianer."

"On the second day after the protection mission began, an unknown killer sneaked into Ms. Yang's residence and connected all the water in Ms. Yang's bathtub with high-voltage electricity. If we hadn't been prepared, Ms. Yang would have died at that time.


"It was also that day that although Ms. Yang was greatly frightened, it also gave her an endless sense of justice. She told us that the members of the Mong Kok Anti-Gangster Group would never shrink back when encountering such difficulties and were willing to believe that we in Hong Kong

"Given the capabilities of the city's police and the fairness of Hong Kong's laws, they will definitely appear in court to testify against the real murderer."

"At the same time, Ms. Yang also told me everything she saw in the villa on the day of the incident."

"At that time, Ms. Yang was not injured, her thinking was clear, and her condition was stable. I remember everything she said."

As he spoke, Yaoyang looked at Zhou Dazhuang, as if he were a pioneer of justice, and his tone became more and more high-pitched:

"This lawyer just used some psychological talking skills to make Ms. Yang lose her temper in an attempt to prevent her testimony from being accepted by the respected judges and jurors."

"This is just a poor technique, and it is not enough to overturn the factual evidence."

"In addition to showing that Miss Yang is a bit willful, does Miss Yang's gaffe also reflect Miss Yang's personality of not concealing the truth and hating evil as much as she hates it?"

"As for how the murderer killed, I remember Miss Yang once told me about it."

"The murderer grasped the wire with both hands and strangled the victim alive. There is no answer to the question of which one is on top, right hand or left hand!"

"Because the strangulation marks can only show that the deceased died of suffocation due to wire tightening and lack of oxygen. It is impossible to show anything else. The so-called report in the hands of the defense lawyer is not a report at all."

"I wonder if what I said is right?"


Yaoyang's long words can be said to have shocked everyone.

Even Zhou Dazhuang was shocked and did not interrupt.

What did the police officer say?

Simple! He did exactly what the prosecutor did and refuted everything the defense had said previously.

Didn’t you say that Yang Qianer might have been hit in the head and was talking nonsense?

Well, just treat her as hitting her head, but Yang Qian'er had already explained the situation to the policeman many days ago.

Now that Yang Qian'er hit her head, it would be the same for him to answer.

Aren't you a little dissatisfied with Yang Qian'er's attitude?

Well, the policeman directly explained that Yang Qian'er had been living in dire straits recently and was being assassinated almost every day. Not only should she not be disgusted with her bad mood, but she should be sympathized with.

For a moment, the judge and jurors were really moved by Yaoyang deep in their hearts.

When I think of a girl in her twenties, she is being assassinated every day for more than ten days! She is lucky that she has not collapsed now, because her attitude is just a little bit worse.

But one thing is impossible to deny:

That is Yang Qianer repeatedly identified Zhao Guoming!

Yaoyang's words can be said to have turned the entire situation around.

Zhou Dazhuang's face changed drastically, he quickly interrupted and asked seriously:

"Sir Lei, since you admit that Miss Yang Qian'er was ambushed by a killer on the way here, and her head may be injured! What about you as the police officer who protects Miss Yang?"

Smiling slightly, Yaoyang responded very calmly:

"I was wearing a bulletproof vest. I was lucky, so it didn't cause any serious problems."

"It's nothing serious, you mean you're injured?"

Zhou Dazhuang grasped the problem of speech and spoke.


Yaoyang firmly rejected it.

"Sir Lei, you have mentioned from the beginning that you are personally leading the team and are responsible for protecting the safety of Miss Yang Qian'er. Based on the facts we all saw when you first arrived in court, do you think anyone will believe your answer?


A smile appeared at the corner of Zhou Dazhuang's mouth and he spoke.

As he spoke, Zhou Dazhuang walked out of the defense table, looked around at the people around him, and said:

"Everyone, it's amazing that a police officer who was assigned to protect witnesses was unscathed in a killer ambush when even the witnesses were injured!"

"If such a confession from such a sir can prove the authenticity of witness Ms. Yang Qian'er's confession, it is really misleading and unfair."

"If Sir Lei doesn't have memory problems, he must be lying."

Speaking of this, Zhou Dazhuang looked at Yaoyang again and said seriously:

"Brother Yaoyang, sir, according to your self-introduction, you are now a senior inspector of the Police Department."

"At your current age, it is rare for you to be able to achieve the position of senior inspector in the entire police department of Hong Kong Comprehensive City."

"Could you have deliberately lied for the sake of promotion and meritorious service, so that my client would be innocently convicted and your credit for protecting witnesses this time would be greater?"


As Zhou Dazhuang exerted his strength again, his purpose was obvious.

He had previously tricked Yang Qian'er into not trusting her confession, and now it was clear that he was trying to make Yaoyang's confession also doubtful.

If he is allowed to succeed, according to the legal spirit of the Hong Kong Comprehensive City, guilt is beyond suspicion. When it comes to homicide cases, the judge and jury may not be sure. They would rather not accept the confession than convict the person after accepting it.

Thinking of this, the reporters quickly started writing and drawing, with eager faces, secretly thinking that Zhou Dazhuang was worthy of defending the Dazhuang who had never lost before. It was really not easy!

Ma Jun, Yang Qian'er and others all looked at Yaoyang nervously, their eyes full of worry.

The prosecutor, Yi Congxin, was not idle either. He stood up immediately and offered help:

"Objection, your honor, I object to the defense lawyer making..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Yaoyang looked upright and waved his hand:

"No need to object, I can answer all these questions!"


Yi Congxin looked at Yaoyang, frowning and feeling speechless.

How to answer this kind of question?

The defense already suspects you suffered a head injury or lied.

This is basically a matter where the public is right and the mother-in-law is right. No matter how you answer, it is impossible to be 100% trusted by others.

Especially in courts where evidence is important.

Zhou Dazhuang was overjoyed. He seized the opportunity and said immediately:

"Okay, sir, please answer."

"First of all, a few months ago, I was just the Chief Correctional Officer of Stanley Prison. Because I assisted the police in solving the case of kidnapping hostages and carrying out armed robbery at the Cointreau Hotel, I was specially transferred by the Police Department to work in Mong Kok.

Police station, as senior inspector."

"In the few months since I joined the Mong Kok Police Station, I have cracked many major cases, including the Bank Center bombing in Central, the Tsim Sha Tsui car theft case, and the Mong Kok smuggling case..."

Yaoyang gave the answer loudly, reading more than a dozen cases at once, and most of the cases had been heard by everyone present.

In particular, the Cointreau Hotel case and the Galaxy Center case in Central are major cases that have been widely reported by the media in the past few months and bombarded with news all day long.

Even the judge became serious when he heard Yaoyang detailing these achievements.

At the same time, everyone remembered that in the Cointreau Hotel case, there was indeed a correctional officer who rescued Mr. Consul and his wife.

It turned out to be none other than Sir Lei who is now in the witness box.

"My performance and work history after joining the police force are enough to prove myself. As a police officer, I, Lei Yaoyang, have never cared about myself, and I am willing to sacrifice everything to serve the public. I will not deliberately perjury or wrongfully accuse an innocent person just for the sake of merit.


"Everything I said is the truth, not a single lie."

"As for my memory, your honor, I ask for it to be verified on the spot!"

The pursuit of perfection, something that Virgo Yaoyang has always required, has undoubtedly become the most effective evidence at this moment.

It is enough to prove everything about a police officer, whether it is character or work.

At least everyone present looked at Yaoyang with admiration.

Huo Xixian and Yang Qianer's eyes lit up when they heard this, and they stared at Yaoyang.

The judge was more polite to Yaoyang now and asked immediately:

"Sir Lei, how do you want to verify it?"

"Your Honor, I wonder if you can let me see the records you have? Can they be made public?"

Yaoyang glanced around the courtroom and finally fixed his gaze on the table in front of the judge.

There is a notebook on top of which the judge keeps writing and drawing, which are some of his own records.

This is also the method that every judge is accustomed to.

They will write down all the evidence, everything they heard, and even their first impression of trust after hearing the testimony.

The final summary is used to assist in the judgment of the case. Of course, each judge has a different personality and writes differently.


The judge was stunned. This was the first time he had encountered such a request in his decades as a judge.

However, this judge is a good official. What he writes can be made public to others without any personal emotions of his own.

He didn't mind, handed it to the secretary, and finally handed it to Yaoyang.

Yaoyang took the record, his eagle eyes were as sharp as lightning, he concentrated on it, and in less than ten seconds, he read the two large records, and then handed them back to the secretary.

Speaking at the same time:

"Record of the murder case of Zhao Guomin, chairman of the listed company Yihui Group, time, May 23 this year, 3:05 pm, location..."

Without trembling, the whole court could only hear Yaoyang's loud words.

The content was a bit strange. At one time it was case records, and at another time there were opinions from the prosecution, but it was obviously the judge's records. Everyone looked sideways at the judge frequently.

The judge had already put the record in front of him. As Yaoyang recited it, his face became serious and solemn. Finally, he looked at Yaoyang with endless appreciation in his eyes.

During this recitation, Yaoyang spoke neither too fast nor too slowly, and he recited it for three minutes.

When the last word fell, the court was completely silent.

Zhou Dazhuang was already like a deflated rubber ball, sitting in his seat unable to get up.

On the prosecution side, Huo Xixian, Yang Qian'er, Ma Jun and others were all in high spirits and beaming with joy. The judge raised his voice and praised as if he had forgotten that he was in a courtroom:

"Sir Lei, with your super memory, if you come to work in our Legal Department, you will definitely achieve something."

In a murder trial full of surprises, with Yaoyang's astonishing performance, Yang Qian'er's confession was accepted.

There is no shortage of witnesses, physical evidence, and oral confessions, and the evidence chain is perfectly formed.

In the end, Zhao Guoming, who could not be defended, went to jail and was sentenced to life imprisonment by the judge. He must serve the entire sentence.

And the verdict was handed down, which meant that Zhao Guoming was finished!

Even though he owns his boss's company, he seems to be very wealthy and powerful and can still accomplish something.

In fact, as long as others are not outside, there are countless people in the business community who will take notice and carve up the "leaderless" group.

What's more, he has now been convicted of a murder case, and there are still many commercial cases waiting for him. Under multiple blows, he will never be able to turn around again in this life.

The most important thing is that Stanley is where he, Yaoyang, has the final say. Let alone life imprisonment, he might choke to death after drinking water due to excessive excitement in three months.

At the main entrance of the court, a large group of reporters were notified by their colleagues and had gathered here.

They need to interview the judge, interview witnesses, interview everything about Zhao Guoming's case, and also interview the senior inspector whose performance is "astonishing" in the words of colleagues.

Unfortunately, the experienced court personnel had already left through the back door.

Yang Qian'er also returned to the hospital under the protection of many police officers to undergo some injury examinations and take a confession.

In the underground parking lot, Yi Congxin, Cheng Tianlan, and Huo Xixian were shaking hands with Yaoyang, with eager expressions on their faces, expressing their gratitude:

"Sir Lei, you are the best police officer I have seen in court in the ten years I have been a prosecutor. I also absolutely believe that you are one of the best police officers in Hong Kong. The conviction of Zhao Guoming this time depends entirely on you."

Yi Congxin is so happy:

In the legal world, Zhou Dazhuang never lost as a defense lawyer.

This time she lost at her own hands, which really made her feel happy, and it also gave her a sigh of relief.

You know, this is not the first time Yi Congxin has fought against Zhou Dazhuang.

However, in those cases in the past, even if it was known that the prisoner was guilty, Zhou Dazhuang's "unreasonable defense" mouth and many external conditions could often win the defense.

The entire prosecution department hated Zhou Dazhuang endlessly.

Today I can win the Zhou Dazhuang, which will be an inspiration to myself and the entire department.

As the biggest hero today, Yaoyang, Yi Congxin has a great impression of him.

"Ten years?"

Yaoyang smiled slightly, looking at Yi Congxin's face that resembled A'Zhu in Tianlong, he felt that he was not very old!

Yaoyang said politely:

"Winning this case is entirely the result of the Department of Justice's serious and responsible work before the trial. I am just telling the truth and I have no merit."

"Sir Lei, you are too humble."

Yi Congxin has a greater liking for Yaoyang and wants to say a few words.

Cheng Tianlan pulled Yi Congxin's clothes and said with a half-smile:

"Senior sister, please stop saying a few words! Sir Lei did not return to the police station immediately. Instead, he accompanied us down to pick up the car. This was not a convenient way."

"Tian Lan, what did you say!"

Huo Xixian, who was nearby, certainly knew the meaning of Cheng Tianlan's words, and shouted with a shy look on his face.


Yi Congxin was only in her early 30s, and her personality in private was not much different from that of a girl. She made a funny noise and nodded with a clear face:

"I know, you know what's going on! Tianlan, let's go, senior sister is in a good mood today, I'll take you home even if you don't have a way."

"As for Helen, Sir Lei, please give it to me."

"Hee hee hee……!"

After saying this, while Huo Xixian was chasing and beating him, the two women ran away with a smile and went to get the car.


Seeing the two women running very fast, Huo Xixian felt a little embarrassed and straightened his appearance and looked at Yaoyang.

Yaoyang also had a great impression of Huo Xixian. Looking at the shy girl in front of him, he suggested:

"Helen, if you don't have anything to do, what do you think if we go to dinner first and then watch a movie?"

"Okay! I have nothing to do. I'm just doing an internship now. I don't have to do a lot of things. Senior sisters and the others will complete the follow-up work..."

Huo Xixian was overjoyed and agreed quickly.

Halfway through the words, perhaps he felt that he was being too unreserved, so he lowered his voice and said even more embarrassedly:

"Brother Yaoyang, are you free? How about we go to the hospital for a checkup first? You met a killer today and you were really not hurt? Brother Yaoyang, you don't need to eat or watch a movie. If you are tired, I will take you home to rest.

Ah! I have learned to cook, I..."


Yaoyang raised his hand to interrupt Huo Xixian's chatter. He could fully feel the other person's sincerity towards him and smiled:

"All I have to do now is take a shower and change clothes, then eat and watch movies."

"By the way, I forgot to ask you. If you didn't say you were a solicitor last time, why did you choose to be a prosecuting lawyer in the Legal Affairs Department?"


In the underground parking lot, the two people's voices became farther and farther away until they got in the car and left.

The next day, police headquarters.

Song Shichang, who had not been seen since entrusting Yang Qian'er's safety to the police, appeared.

Song Shichang made a special trip to send a banner and a large donation, which he personally delivered to Brother Yi.

Brother Yi felt that he had gained face by this, and he did not let down the big business owners who trusted him and had always cooperated well with the police.

I highly appreciate the anti-gangster group in Mong Kok, especially Yiu Yang.

Brother 1 even decided that Yao Yang, who had only been in the job for a few months, had insufficient qualifications but had great achievements, and would be promoted to Chief Inspector as soon as the Mong Kok Police Station was repaired.

Later, as his performance continued to be so good, he was promoted to trainee superintendent and commissioner of Mong Kok Police Station.

Anyway, no superintendent should be willing to go to Mong Kok Police Station.

By promoting yourself to become a superintendent and become the director, firstly, you can get rid of this embarrassment, and secondly, you can gain a close confidant.

Especially for someone like Yaoyang, who is extremely capable and works on the front line, Yi Ge feels like he doesn’t have any confidants.

On the contrary, Liu Jiehui is a close confidant who is very good at deceiving outsiders and helping with public relations.

However, after several months of constant bombardment of major cases, Brother Yi finally understood:

It would be great to have a confidant like Liu Jiehui, there is no shortage at all.

There is a great shortage of confidants who can really get things done.

Otherwise, even if they try to fool the public, it will be of no use if the police never solve the case!

Someone like Yaoyang who can solve crimes and bring glory to the police is really needed.

It's really not too much to promote someone out of the ordinary.

Especially when Brother Yi was having afternoon tea, he saw numerous newspapers reporting on Zhao Guoming's extraordinary witness performance during yesterday's murder trial, and Yaoyang used this as an excuse to praise the whole group.

The police's performance this time.

The idea of ​​promoting Yaoyang continued to deepen in Brother Yi's mind.

I don't know when it started in the police headquarters, but the news that Brother Yi was very optimistic about Yaoyang and wanted to promote him started spreading in various offices.

Time flies and five months have passed.

Portland Street, a famous red light district in Hong Kong City, extends from Yau Ma Tei to Mong Kok. It has developed water and land transportation, numerous commercial and residential buildings, a long history of community problems, dense population, colorful nightlife, mahjong parlors, clock hotels, and hometown clubs.


To be precise, it is difficult to distinguish the police stations under the jurisdiction of this street.

It can be under the jurisdiction of Yau Ma Tei Police Station, or it can be under the jurisdiction of Mong Kok Police Station, or it can even be under the jurisdiction of Kowloon Police Station.

That night, Ma Jun, Yao Yang, Er He who had just come out of the hospital, Yu Zilang, Fang Jiexia, etc., everyone from the Mong Kok anti-gangster group arrived.

A few people were walking along the crowded Portland Street, moving forward slowly as if they were going to a market.

If you go a little faster, you can step on other people's heels.

"Head, Wang Bao's territory is right up front. In the past few months, many clubs have been looking for trouble for him, but he did manage to hold on to his territory with a group of young and Dangerous boys, and he also successively won over many nightclub owners.


"The protection fee he offered was 30% lower than that of ordinary societies. Most of the nightclub owners chose him because they saw that he could protect the venue. Now the entire street is almost his territory, and he calls it Wangbao Street.


Ma Jun was beside Yaoyang, introducing people while walking forward.

Lei Lei nodded repeatedly, but Fang Jiexia and others around him frowned and said unhappily:

"This is too arrogant. Why didn't anyone call the police?"

"Call the police? Those who run nightclubs, who like us as errands? We can't guard their shops 24 hours a day. Even if we call the police, those gangsters will run away immediately. Seeing that we are not around, they will go back to cause trouble.

It's just smashing things, it doesn't hurt anyone, and they can be released after a few days of detention. Then they will continue to make trouble in the store, and at worst they will be caught again."

"But this way of doing things will make it impossible for those bosses to do business. They can't recognize the protection money without pinching their noses."

"It's been an old rule for decades, who doesn't know it? But what can we do? Even if we kill some people, some will show up soon, there's nothing we can do!"

Ma Jun catches gangsters on the street all year round and spends a lot of time dealing with the young and Dangerous.

A few words clarified the formality, leaving office-trained police officers like Fang Jiexia speechless.


Yaoyang heard this and sneered again and again and said disdainfully:

"We have dozens of streets in Mong Kok, big and small. Even if we occupy a corner, we dare to claim the title of king! Wang Bao Street? That's just right. Let's get rid of Wang Bao this time and change the rules! Wang Bao Street, within a week,

I'm going to change its name."

Yes, Yaoyang and others' target tonight is none other than Wang Bao.

The purpose is also simple, just five words: to cause trouble and clear the scene.

It is said that in the case of protecting Yang Qian'er, Wang Bao and Chen Yaoqing took Zhao Guoming's money and jointly sent people to cause trouble on the streets of Mong Kok.

Attracting colleagues who can provide personal support to Yao Yang and others, just a little bit puts the lives of the entire Mong Kok anti-gang group in danger.

Yaoyang has never forgotten this incident.

After not taking action for several months, Yaoyang was just waiting for He Shangsheng and He Zhanwen to be discharged from the hospital.

He wants to take action with the Mong Kok anti-gangster team and take this opportunity to establish his power in front of the Young and Dangerous.

After all, the fight against gangsters cannot rely entirely on favors and connections. Sometimes when it is time to take action, there should be no ambiguity at all.

I usually have some authority, and I can display it better when handling cases.

Soon, under the guidance of Ma Jun, everyone came to a branch street of Portland Street.

This street is not long, but although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs.

Including Wang Bao's headquarters, a private club funded by him, a game room, a bar, a nightclub, and a phoenix on the first floor, you can all see it.

It was still early at this time, and the streets were no different from other streets, and there were people everywhere.

"Head, this is Wang Bao Street. Wang Bao said in public that after 12 o'clock, he has the final say on this street."

Ma Jun immediately began to introduce.

"12 o'clock, right?"

Yaoyang raised his right hand and looked at his watch. It was too early, just past 9:30.

Looking around at the crowd, Yaoyang ordered:

"It's still early. Let's sit somewhere and wait until 12 o'clock. I'm very interested in knowing what Wang Bao has the final say after 12 o'clock."

"Head, where are you going to sit?"

Fang Jiexia moved around. Although she was asking questions, she was obviously ready to find a place to sit on Wangbao Street.

"Don't go in yet!"

Yaoyang immediately grabbed Fang Jiexia and turned around to see a bar. This bar was in a very good location, right on Wangbao Street, just across the street from the so-called Wangbao Street:

"Let's go there."

Everyone had no objections to Yaoyang's proposal.

Eight people walked into the bar like ordinary guests.

The bar is called "Xinyi".

Since following Yiu Yang, members of the Mong Kok anti-gangster group have often gone to Huadu, and their views on nightclubs have become less prejudiced. Even newcomer Yu Zilang and Fang Jiexia, who rarely went to nightclubs in the past, are now very fond of these places.


The eight of us found a seat at a table and sat in.

To be honest, this bar is really clean and serious, even more serious than Huadu.

Except for a few sporadic drinkers, you can hardly see the young and Dangerous people everywhere on the street outside.

And such a bar is actually located on Portland Street, which has to be said to be strange.

After all, in the famous red light district, if you play in such a situation, it means that the bar owner will make several times, or even dozens of times less money than other bar owners.

Either the boss is very rich and doesn't care about this, or the boss has a very good moral character.

As soon as I sat down, a tall, conservative yet attractive woman wearing a black dress came over:

"Guys, it's your first time here. What would you like to drink?"

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

The woman was very beautiful, but she was no more than 30 years old. This made single Zhou Qiang’s eyes shine, and he cried out in shame:

"Isn't it? Are the waiters so high-quality now? It's a pity to be so beautiful and become a bartender."

"What do you do if you don't work as a waiter? Do you have a good introduction?"

Fang Jiexia undoubtedly didn't like hearing this very much. Perhaps she felt that Zhou Qiang had lost the face of her group of people, so she immediately spoke coldly.


Zhou Qiang was very afraid of Fang Jiexia. When he heard her speak, he immediately lowered his head and did not dare to say anything more.

"Eight beers will be fine."

Yaoyang spoke at the right time to relieve the embarrassment and waved his hand to the woman.

"OK, just a second!"

The woman seemed a little curious about the relationship between these guests. She was stunned for a moment before she responded, smiled slightly, and then left.

After a while, I saw her walking over again holding a wine barrel with multiple bottles of beer in it.

Yaoyang and others were not polite and took it upon themselves to take out the drinks, but after taking them, they found that there were four extra bottles.

With a trace of doubt, Yaoyang said:

"We didn't call so much, did we?"

The woman smiled politely and explained:

"It's the first time guests come to us. I'll pay for any extra guests."

"you please?"

Several members of the Mong Kok anti-gangster group were startled, but then they immediately reacted, because Zilang shouted:

"Are you the proprietress of this bar?"

Facing Zilang's questions, the woman kept a friendly smile on her face and nodded:

"Yes, I own this bar."

Just as a few people were talking, the curiosity of the people in the Mong Kok anti-gangster group became more intense, and they wanted to ask again.


There was a loud bang at the bar door, and several men with green hair and weird clothes broke in.

The leader is a man with yellow teeth and an ugly face. He has several gold chains hanging around his neck. He wears a suit with no bottom underneath, revealing tattoos that look like dragons and monsters on his body. You can tell at a glance that he is not a good person.

However, Yaoyang glanced at this man and found that he was still an acquaintance: United Flower Buddha remembered that when he was working in Stanley, he had been caught and imprisoned.

This guy was once repaired by himself in Stanley.

The reason is that just after he was imprisoned, he took advantage of his seniority and robbed the business of Xianshi, a fellow in the prison.

At that time, Yaoyang had already established rules in Stanley, and Hua Buddha's behavior was undoubtedly a taboo.

Then the leather whip, the milk tea black room, and then nothing more.

I didn't expect that we would be so lucky today. He didn't know when he was released and he met her.

Of course, Yaoyang saw the Flower Buddha, but the Flower Buddha didn't notice Yaoyang.

Because Yaoyang and others were sitting at the card table with a wooden board blocking their view, it would be difficult to see the flower Buddha without them coming over. Moreover, they were busy working now.

"Get out!"

"Boy, get out of here. If you want to drink, go somewhere else. This place needs to be renovated."

"When we work together, everyone who knows how to do it will crawl out. I'm going to be missing an arm or a leg. Don't blame us for not explaining it in advance."

Hua Buddha stood at the door arrogantly, letting his younger brother drive away the bar patrons.

There were not many customers in this bar. Apart from Yaoyang and others, there were only a dozen in total. Seeing this situation, they didn't want to get into trouble, so they didn't even want drinks and ran out of the bar.

Ma Jun, He Shangsheng and others' expressions changed, and they wanted to stand up and speak out:

It's so arrogant to do this in front of the police.

But before the two of them could stand up, the woman who claimed to be the owner of the bar had already hurried over and said angrily:

"Hua Buddha, what do you want?"


When Hua Buddha saw the woman coming out, he shouted loudly to stop his younger brothers.

Then, a trace of lust flashed in his eyes, and he said with a smile on his face:

"Su Xin, I have told you many times that it is dangerous for you, a woman, to open a bar alone on Portland Street, and it is not our own place."

"I've prepared a place for you over there in Yau Tsim Mong. It's big and beautiful. Wouldn't it be nice to go over and do some work for me?"

"I won't go, please go ahead!"

The woman's face suddenly turned cold, she raised her hand outside and said goodbye.

Flower Buddha may have been treated like this often, so he showed no anger and said with a smile:

"Su Xin, I know, you think the place in Yau Tsim Mong is my name, not yours."

"In this way, as long as you are willing to follow me, we will go through the transfer procedures tomorrow. What do you think?"

As he said that, Hua Buddha stretched out his hand and explored the woman's face, undoubtedly wanting to touch her.

"Hua Buddha, please respect yourself, I won't follow you!"

The woman ducked sideways, very strong, with no fear on her face, and spoke righteously.

"Okay, let's not talk about who is with whom, let's just talk about business!"

Hua Buddha didn't mind either. After saying one word, he started to walk in a small circle in the bar and said:

"Look, the business of your bar is so bad. If nothing else, you can't even afford a waiter, and you, the boss, have to serve the guests drinks in person. It's definitely going to be a loss!"

"I'll give you 50,000 yuan, plus a well-run bar in Yau Tsim Mong, in exchange for your place. I'm sincere enough!"

"This bar was bought by my dead husband in exchange for his life. I will not sell it. No matter how good your conditions are, there is no need to negotiate."

The woman's attitude was very firm and she refused again.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Yaoyang's group started talking in the bar.

Ma Jun had the most interaction with Young and Dangerous. He could see through Hua Buddha's tricks at a glance and said disdainfully:

"There is a saying in the Tao, it is said that Hongxing brings out the gangsters, Dongxing brings out the fans, and the Union brings out the horseboys. There are bastards like Hua Buddha in the Union who talk things over. No wonder they are becoming more and more shabby. Now they even bully women."

Yu Zilang, a newcomer, seemed to have not yet seen the essence of the incident, and said stupidly:

"Brother Jun, how do you say this? Apart from the excessive attitude at the beginning, the Flower Buddha is pretty good now. Isn't this a business deal? What's wrong with it?"

Fang Jiexia, Liang Jianbo, and Zhou Qiang had not interacted with Young and Dangerous in their previous work. They were equally curious and looked at Ma Jun.

This time, without waiting for Ma Jun to explain, Yaoyang spoke:

"Zi Lang, after you return to the police station, if you have nothing to do, you should also read more information about the club. Don't just read detective novels every day."

After teaching Yu Zilang a lesson, Jiang Zhen explained in detail:

"The Yau Tsim Mong District is the territory allocated to Hua Buddha by the United Society. In that district, Hua Buddha manages all the venues of the United Society."

"The business he is negotiating now is for a bar in Yau Tsim Mong District. Is it sincerity to exchange it for this bar?"

"If that woman agrees, I can almost imagine that in less than a month, this woman will be swallowed up by the flower Buddha, and she will end up miserable."

"United Nations has always relied on grooms to make its fortune. Do you understand?"


Everyone is a smart person, and after Yaoyang gave some advice, almost everyone understood.

Not bad! A single woman went to the territory of another society to start a show, and it was a society that relied exclusively on women to make a living.

It is not difficult to imagine what the outcome will be.

So any change of field, no matter where it is, is even more powerful than grabbing.

Stealing the show will only result in a loss of money at most. Now it is obvious that Hua Buddha wants even people. Such behavior is definitely excessive.

"Grass! Bang...!"

On the other side, Hua Buddha was repeatedly rejected by women. He was so weak that he began to prepare to change his tactics.

After slamming the beer bottle on the ground, Hua Buddha looked at the woman with a ferocious look and threatened:

"Zhu Suxin, are you planning to drink a toast instead of eating it? Do you think I won't dare to touch you with such a bunch of trash from the car dealership covering you?"

"Can they really protect you? Believe it or not, I will cut them down first and then come to you."

"don't want!"

The woman who had always been very strong finally showed a trace of panic at this time. She looked at Hua Buddha and said seriously:

"This place belongs to me, and this matter is between me and you, and has nothing to do with anyone else."

Seeing the woman's nervousness, Hua Buddha was secretly happy. He decided that he had caught the woman's sore feet and said with a strange smile:

"Okay, let's talk about it later. Should you come with me, or change the scene..."

At this time, a somewhat neutral voice that looked like a man or a woman came from outside the bar:

"Why is the scene change so great? Why don't you come and let me hear it!"

The bar door was pushed open, and another group of uninvited guests came in.

There were six people here, four women and two men. The leader was short in stature, delicate in appearance, with large eyes and a feminine face.

But he was wearing a men's suit.

Facing a group of uninvited guests who suddenly broke in, Hua Buddha's expression changed drastically.

Especially after seeing the face of the leading woman clearly, he became even more unhappy and said coldly:

"Thirteenth sister, what does my business deal have to do with you, Hongxing? You are not welcome here!"

On Yaoyang's side, Ma Jun, who is most familiar with people in the world, explained again:

"They are from Hongxing. The one who takes the lead is called Thirteenth Sister. I heard that she has made great contributions to Hongxing recently and has been appointed as one of the twelve people in Hongxing. The site is on Portland Street."

Thirteenth sister of Hongxing!

Everyone in the anti-gangster group nodded, and Yaoyang became even more interested. He knew that Thirteenth Sister was a famous and well-known figure in her previous life.

What's more, in the Battle of Huoshaozhou, "I" was also killed by lightning because I kidnapped Thirteenth Sister.

This is one of the characters bound by Lei Yaoyang's fate.

After hearing Hua Buddha's words, Thirteenth Sister looked disdainful. She took several younger brothers and younger sisters as if no one else was around and sat directly on several seats, shaking:

"Hua Buddha, this shop belongs to you? My thirteenth sister wants to drink, so I need you, Hua Buddha, to welcome her?"

As she spoke, Thirteenth Sister looked directly at the female boss, waved her hand and said:

"You are the boss of Xinyi Bar, right? There are guests here and you still don't serve them drinks!"


The woman was stunned at first, but she also saw that this uninvited guest seemed to be the same as the Flower Buddha. Her face lit up and she immediately agreed:

"I understand, the guest will wait a moment."

With that said, the woman went directly to the bar and got a drink.

Hua Buddha was even more dissatisfied with this. He squeezed out one of Thirteenth Sister's younger brothers, sat down opposite Thirteenth Sister, and said coldly:

"Thirteenth sister, what do you mean? Are you deliberately causing trouble for me?"

"Hua Buddha, what you said is an injustice to me."

Thirteenth sister continued to shake and said lazily:

"You came here to discuss business, and I came here to drink. How can you say that I deliberately caused trouble for you!"

"It's you, when will the joint opening be able to drive to Portland Street? Who is causing trouble!"

In the last sentence, the Thirteenth Sister stared at the Flower Buddha with an angry look, obviously knowing the purpose of the Flower Buddha and expressing her dissatisfaction with it.


How could Hua Buddha be afraid of a new talker like Thirteenth Sister? He smiled coldly. After understanding Thirteenth Sister's meaning, he was unambiguous and said forcefully:

"Everyone is open to do business, and outside business has always been done according to their own abilities. I have the strength to unite, so what if we send a flag to Portland Street? Besides, I am here to help you!


"Hua Buddha, what did you say?"

"Hey, do you know where this place is?"

"Hua Buddha, you have crossed the line."

The younger brothers brought by Thirteenth Sister saw Hua Buddha being so arrogant, and they all started shouting, slapping the table and roaring with great momentum.

Not to be outdone, Hua Buddha's younger brothers quickly gathered around and said something to each other:

"What did you say? Girl, don't be too arrogant. Believe it or not, we will touch you right away."

"That is, our boss is talking, what qualifications do you have to speak? You Hongxing really have no rules."

The two sides were noisy, and Hua Buddha sneered at Thirteenth Sister, not paying any attention to Hong Xing's new talker.

There is contempt in both eyes.

"Shut up!"

Thirteenth sister also immediately spoke loudly and took control of the situation.

Immediately, his mood seemed to ease a lot. He looked at the Flower Buddha and said calmly:

"I really want to hear, what does it mean to help me?"

Hua Buddha thought that the Thirteenth Sister was subdued, and with a proud face on his face, he said:

"Who on the road doesn't know that Wang Bao came to Portland Street and occupied a whole street in just a few months. Two of your Hongxing sites were robbed. In the end, the two sides arranged a fight.

I lost the fight."

"Why would Wang Bao go to Portland Street to steal the show? Why would he steal the show from you Hong Xing? It's not because you are easy to bully!"

"It's okay now. We are jointly willing to come over. Based on the years of friendship between our two societies, we will help you deal with Wang Bao. Why I chose this place is because it is closest to Wang Bao's territory. It shows that we

The sincerity of the alliance."

"So, I should still thank you?"

Thirteenth sister could not tell her emotions and her tone was very calm.

"Thank you, no need. We are all our own people."

Hua Buddha smiled even more proudly, leaned his head forward, and whispered:

"If you really want to thank us, we can cooperate! Thirteenth sister, I got the news that you have found more than a hundred girls from Vietnam, and the goods are very good. Let's do this, I will also buy a share and share half of it, and we will be our own from now on.

People, how about we deal with Wang Bao together?"


Hearing Hua Buddha's words, Thirteenth Sister sneered this time and touched the edge of the card table with her right hand, as if she was about to flip the table.

"What kind of investment? How about I also buy a share?"

At this time, Yao Yang, who had been sitting far away, stood up, and the Mong Kok anti-gangster group also stood up and swarmed over.

There's nothing we can do! The words Hua Buddha and Thirteenth Sister spoke in became softer and quieter, and even with Yaoyang's hearing, they couldn't hear them clearly.

There was something to do tonight, and Yaoyang didn't want to cause more trouble, so he had to step in to stop it.

Hua Buddha and Thirteenth Sister had completely different reactions when they heard the sudden voice behind them.

Thirteenth sister relaxed her hands, returned to a relaxed posture, and looked back.

Hua Buddha looked back and started to curse: "Who said that? His... uh... Lei... Boss Lei!"

Before he could even finish his scolding, Hua Buddha had already seen the tall figure's face clearly. The muscles on his face were trembling unconsciously, and his words were trembling.

He has never forgotten how much education he received when he was in Stanley!

It is no exaggeration to say that those few years in prison almost drove Hua Buddha crazy.

"Who are you?"

"Where do you hang out?"

"We are united. Why don't we tell you to get out? Why are you still here? Do you not want to live?"

The younger brothers of Hua Buddha didn't know the situation, so they only heard the boss scolding them. They followed closely and followed the tradition of the United Society and started threatening him with his words.

"Shut up!"

Hua Buddha's face changed even more, turning green. He immediately bounced up like a spring, and slapped the three younger brothers in the face twice with his right hand.

"Pah pah pah...!"

Then, Hua Buddha bowed his head to Yaoyang who came over, showed a smile that was uglier than crying, and said politely:

"Mr. Lei, you...you are drinking here too!"

The union boys were stunned, the Thirteenth Sister group was stunned, and the female boss who brought the wine was stunned:

"What is going on? Who is this person? Is he so prestigious? He just showed his face and let Hua Buddha hit his younger brother first, and now he is so humble. What the hell is going on?"

"Is it possible that this person's identity is from the leader of some society?"

At the same time, members of the Mong Kok anti-gangster group also looked at each other frequently, some wondering why their heads were so intimidating.

Although they already know that their family has a wide range of friends, and they have friends from all over the world.

But they never expected that a community talker like Hua Buddha would be so humble, fearful, and frightened when facing his own family.

Yaoyang walked up to the Flower Buddha with a heroic spirit, sat directly where the Flower Buddha had just been sitting, and said:

"I haven't seen you for a while. You're doing well! When did you come out?"


Flower Buddha had a respectful face, stood upright involuntarily, and said with a forced smile:

"Mr. Lei, I've been out for a few months!"

"You've just been out for a few months, and you're so dedicated to grabbing territory. Why, you want to go in and sit there again?"

Yaoyang had a smile on his face, but his words were hidden.

"Boss, there's a misunderstanding. I'm just talking about business, not grabbing land. I want to buy this bar, not..."

Hua Buddha quickly explained that when he heard the word "imprisonment" now, he had a psychological shadow.

"That's it!"

Yaoyang raised his hand and directly interrupted Hua Buddha's words, and his tone began to become cold and stern:

"Do you think I'm a fool? Do you believe you talk about business?"


Hua Buddha did not dare to refute, he lowered his head and broke out in a cold sweat. It was true that at that time in Stanley, he was so badly repaired by Yaoyang, and he was too scared.

He is a gangster on the road, and he is not afraid of the police, but he is afraid of Yiuyang, a powerful man in Stanley!

After all, people like him will be imprisoned someday if they are not protected.

If he offends Yaoyang outside, it is really uncertain whether he will be able to come out next time he is imprisoned.

Seeing that Hua Buddha had a good attitude, Yaoyang actually didn't want to cause trouble, so he waved his hand and said:

"Get out of here right away! By the way, I'll go back and tell you, United Dragon Head, that I will allow you to do business within Mong Kok in the future. However, business negotiations like this must never happen again, unless both parties are absolutely voluntary."

"Now the whole of Mong Kok is my territory, and I will soon re-establish the rules. I don't want to see girls being forced into prostitution."

"The ancient business has always existed. I can't stop it. If there is demand, there will be buying and selling. I can understand this. But if someone plays tricks and forces people to go to sea, I know that one by one will be destroyed."

"It seems that this company's intentions are clear. The boss has expressed his intention very clearly. There is no need to discuss this business."

"I understand, I understand, Mr. Lei, I will never appear here again. I will convey your words to you."

The Flower Buddha nodded and bowed, with a flattering smile on his face.

After finishing speaking, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, he quickly waved to his younger brothers and left the bar in a panic.


Seeing that Yaoyang said a few words and taught Hua Buddha to be like a grandson, he ran away in despair and promised not to have any thoughts about this bar again.

Thirteenth Sister and a group of Hongxing people were shocked, but the female boss was extremely happy. With a smile on her face, she hurried over and served wine to Thirteenth Sister and others.

No matter who ordered the drink, Yaoyang picked up a bottle of beer on the table, opened it and took a sip. Then he looked at the neutrally dressed girl sitting opposite him:

"Are you the Thirteenth Sister of Hongxing?"

"Who are you and what is your name?"

The Thirteenth Sister did not dare to be careless when facing Yaoyang, let alone be as arrogant as she was when facing the Flower Buddha, she said seriously.

Although she didn't know Yaoyang's identity, she could clearly hear what she just said.

The tall man opposite said that the whole of Mong Kok was his territory, and Hua Fo had no intention of refuting.

Although I have just taken the position of Hongxing's talker, I have never heard of such a person on the road!

"My name is Lei Yaoyang, and I am currently the senior inspector of the Anti-Gangster Group in Mong Kok! If this identity is not weighty enough, when you go back, ask your Hong Xing, the younger brother who came out of Stanley in the past two years, they should tell you."

Yaoyang spoke very confidently, as if he was a world-famous figure and many people should know about it.

"Are you a cop?"

Thirteenth sister stood up suddenly, then slowly sat down again, frowning, and Yaoyang's self-introduction was a bit unexpected.

Although Hua Buddha is rubbish, the Thirteenth Sister is very familiar with him. The Thirteenth Sister knew about Hua Buddha even before he came to power.

In the United Association, Hua Buddha was a very stubborn person. He often got into fights and stabbed people, and it was never said that he was ever afraid of the police.

If Yaoyang was a Taoist boss, Thirteenth Sister's attitude toward Hua Buddha would be understandable.

But the other party is the police, so what happened to the Flower Buddha?

Doesn't he know that for a gangster on the street to lower his head like that in front of the police, it is a shameless thing to do?

In other words, the policeman in front of me is different from ordinary policemen and has a potential identity?

"I don't like the name Tiaozi! I prefer others to call me Sir Lei."

Yaoyang took another sip of beer and tapped his fingers on the table:

"I know that you are Hong Xing's new boss, in charge of the Portland Street area. That's just right. With the new personnel and new style, I should be vigorously improving the environment in Mong Kok and rectifying some underground order recently. The notice has been received, please remember to cooperate!"

Still in a commanding tone, Yaoyang immediately ordered Thirteenth Sister, whom he met for the first time.

This behavior made the men and women brought by Thirteenth Sister dissatisfied. They all slapped the table and stood up, shouting:

"What did you say? Why do you ask us sisters to cooperate with you, just because you are a police officer?"

"That's right, the police are amazing!"

"Hua Buddha is a coward, he is afraid of you, but we Hong Xingzi are not afraid of you. You idiot, please save it!"

"Sit down, sit down right away!"

Ma Jun and the others were not of the same generation, so how could they spoil a few gangsters? They immediately pointed their fingers at a few people and shouted loudly.

He Shangsheng and He Zhanwen even stretched out their hands, ready to hold down a few gangsters before talking.


When Yaoyang saw this, he quickly stood up, glanced at Ma Jun and others with his eagle eyes, and said:

"Don't forget we have something to do tonight, don't get into trouble!"

After saying this, Yaoyang stood down from a high position, looked down at Thirteenth Sister, and said indifferently:

"Thirteenth sister, this is the first time you and I have met, and we are getting to know each other. I will give you enough face this time. When you go back, teach your little brother the rules! They lack education, and if they hang around outside like this, sooner or later

I'll cause you a lot of trouble."

"As for whether the police and the public can cooperate in the future, please think carefully before you answer."

"Perhaps, if you have time, you can go to Stanley and see your other Hongxing talker, Liangkun."

After saying this, Yaoyang led the way away, took Ma Jun and others back to the previous location, continued to chat casually, and waited for 12 o'clock.

Looking at Thirteenth Sister again, she immediately waved to the younger brothers to sit down, her face was gloomy, and she was muttering secretly:


Liangkun is actually very familiar to Thirteenth Sister. I remember that Thirteenth Sister’s father is Liangkun’s younger brother.

However, a few years ago, Liangkun got into trouble because he was doing things for the society and was imprisoned in Stanley.

Thirteenth sister's father also died in an accident.

So there was basically no communication between the two parties! I met such a strange policeman tonight and said some strange words to myself.

Maybe he really should go visit Liangkun and find out what kind of person Yaoyang is.

What do you mean by re-formulating the rules in Mong Kok?

Fortunately, she had some intentions, because the former Thirteenth Sister of Enmity had long been on Yaoyang's must-kill list, and if she couldn't surrender, she would definitely die.

In Xinyi Bar, Yaoyang and others were sitting at the card table near the back, drinking small drinks and chatting.

About ten minutes later, the female boss took the initiative to come over with a beer and a charming smile.

"Sir, thank you for your help tonight. I'll buy the wine."

While putting the wine on the table, the female boss was full of gratitude in her words and started drinking directly.

"No need, boss lady."

When Yaoyang saw this, he immediately stretched out his hand to stop the female boss from opening drinks, and said sternly:

"When we encounter young and Dangerous people who endanger the public, since we are the police, of course we have the responsibility and obligation to take action."

"Madam boss, if you insist on thanking me, just come and have a drink with us!"

"Okay! Then I'll toast you all, sir."

Since the female boss dared to open a bar, she really had a lot of skills. Without saying a word, she picked up a bottle of beer and blew it away.


Ma Jun, He Shangsheng, and He Zhanwen are all good-natured people. They admired it greatly and had a great impression of the female boss.

Fang Jiexia kept a straight face the whole time and suddenly spoke:

"Madam boss, you are also in a club. I wonder which one you belong to?"


Fang Jiexia's words really cooled the originally good atmosphere.

After all, drinking with the police and the young and Dangerous is definitely not a fun thing.

The female boss was stunned for a moment, then immediately smiled bitterly and said:

"Madam, you misunderstood, I'm not here to fool around."


Fang Jiexia didn't believe it, so she asked again:

"You're not here to fool around. Why did that Hua Buddha say earlier that someone from the garage was protecting you? If you weren't with the boss, someone would be protecting you? Who did you pay the protection fee to?"

"Madam, no. Actually..."

The female boss waved her hands repeatedly, stood aside without sitting down, and began to explain. It turned out that this woman's name was Zhu Suxin, she was 29 years old, and she was once a married woman.

Two years ago, she was still living a happy life with her husband.

Her husband is a well-known stuntman in the film industry and has a very good relationship with many similar stuntmen and car dealers.

Unfortunately, "unforeseen circumstances can happen". Two years ago, Zhu Suxin's husband died in a car accident due to a filming accident.

After losing her husband, Zhu Suxin could only grit her teeth and shoulder the burden of life after being sad for a while. After all, life has to go on.

She had never done business before, so she didn't know how to do most businesses. After investigation, she felt that the bar industry was quite reliable.

She might as well use her husband's insurance money to buy this store and open a small shop.

The tragedy is that Zhu Suxin has always been under the wing of her husband and has little social experience.

She just thought that opening a bar on Portland Street would be a good business because all the bars here were full, so she chose this location.

She didn't take into account the problems of the club or the intrigues in the bar at all.

In this way, she opened a vegetarian bar in Mong Kok, a famous red light district, without properly managing the club staff. The results can be imagined.

Not to mention that the society comes to collect protection fees every now and then. People like Hua Buddha even want to swallow up both the person and the shop.

It can be said that these days made Zhu Suxin miserable.

As for the people who own the garage to stand up for Zhu Suxin, they are all her husband's former brothers. They are not members of the club at all, but some stunt workers, garage mechanics, etc...

"So that's it!"

All the members of the anti-gangster group suddenly realized, including Fang Jiexia, who was originally not very fond of Zhu Suxin, but now they looked at this woman with a hint of admiration.

A weak woman can open a vegetarian bar in a place surrounded by such societies and still be able to persist for almost a year. You can imagine the hardships.

As a woman, Fang Jiexia was very touched! After pouring a glass of wine, Fang Jiexia's attitude changed drastically and she said with an apologetic look:

"I'm sorry, boss lady, I misunderstood you. Come on, let me toast you!"

"It's okay, madam!"

Zhu Suxin seemed to have a good temper and didn't care at all about Fang Jiexia's previous attitude, smiling and toasting to her.

The other members of the anti-triad group in Mong Kok were finally able to let go. Except for Yao Yang, most of them had a drink with Zhu Suxin.

And what is Yaoyang doing?

At this moment, I am in shock:

Xinyi, Zhu Suxin, how could Yaoyang not have heard of such a familiar name?

Isn't this the famous boss lady among Senior Sister Tuoqiang!

It's just that what happened to Senior Sister Tuoqiang happened in the late 1990s, when the proprietress was already in her thirties.

Now this landlady is just 29 years old because her husband just died. No wonder she didn’t feel familiar at first.

"Sir Lei, come here, I'll toast you too. Sir Lei, Sir Lei..."

Zhu Suxin said a few words in succession,

Only then did Yaoyang come back to his senses:

"Uh, okay, let's have a drink."

Noticing Yaoyang's trance just now, He Shangsheng remained silent and curious, and asked:

"Tou, what were you thinking about just now?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I was just thinking that the boss lady is having such a hard time, and the business happens to be on Portland Street, which is under the supervision of our Mong Kok Police Station. In the future, we can come over more often and help law-abiding businessmen like the boss lady."

Yaoyang explained casually, never thinking that this sentence was nonsense. Fang Jiexia nodded repeatedly and agreed:

"Yes, boss lady, if anything happens to you in the future, please remember to call our police station. We will be here within a few minutes. If there is any young and Dangerous guy charging protection money, don't talk to them, just call the police!"

Even Fang Jiexia made such a statement. Zhou Qiang became more energetic and followed closely behind him, looking like a powerful policeman, and said:

"Yes, boss lady, as long as you give me a call, I will come over and help you right away! What a little bastard, you are so confused, scratch, scratch, scratch...!"


When the others heard Zhou Qiang's words, they immediately started cheering.

Who doesn't know that this guy usually cheats and plays tricks, following Liang Jianbo, he doesn't learn anything else, but he just learned it 100% because he is lazy.

Asking him to catch the thief is not as reliable as the newcomer Yu Zilang.

This guy obviously has a crush on the landlady, and he knows that the landlady is a serious person, so he plans to come over and get close to her.

The bar also became lively for a while, everyone put aside their personal differences, Zhu Suxin took a seat, and everyone chatted animatedly.

After a few rounds of chatting, everyone’s name for Zhu Suxin changed from boss lady to

"Su Xin, Sister Xin".

And the time unknowingly reached 11:30.

Zhu Suxin is familiar with everyone, so it stands to reason that everyone should be welcome to drink until they are drunk and will not return.

But at this moment, Zhu Suxin suddenly spoke and began to persuade:

"Sir Lei, if there's nothing else, just come here tonight. It's time for me to close up."

"Closing?" The bar closes at half past eleven. Isn't this nonsense?

Everyone was puzzled. Before Yaoyang could speak, Fang Jiexia had already said curiously:

"Sister Xin, it's closed so early? It shouldn't be! Although I rarely come here on Portland Street, I also know that business is best in the early morning."

Zhu Suxin smiled bitterly, nodded and said:

"It used to be, but half a year ago, it wasn't here anymore."

"Wang Bao?"

Yaoyang suddenly spoke and said two words. Although it was a question, his tone was very sure.

"Sir Lei, do you all know this?"

Zhu Suxin was a little surprised. She also had good intentions and did not mention Wang Bao at first because she knew that the people present were police officers and was afraid that if she mentioned it, it would make it difficult for everyone to step down.

Now that Yaoyang suddenly said it, she no longer had any scruples.

Everyone frowned, and He Zhanwen, who rarely spoke, said coldly:

"Is Wang Bao really that arrogant? He won't let you do business?"

"It's not that we are not allowed to do business! It's just that as soon as the morning comes, no customers dare to come here anymore."

Zhu Suxin shook her head and said something that sounded "unbelievable".

In the Hong Kong Comprehensive Market, which has freedom of speech and movement, there are places where no one dares to come after 12 o'clock.


This had to arouse the curiosity of the members of the anti-gangster group present. At the same time, they also felt a sense of insult, and they said:

"Really? Then we really need to see it."

Darkness has completely fallen, and when the clock rings at twelve o'clock, it means that a new day has begun.

During this time, most working-class people around the world take a break.

But for most of the young and Dangerous boys in Hong Kong Comprehensive Market, it has just begun.

Especially for the Flying Eagle Gang and Wang Bao's men, the best time of the day has arrived.

Located at the off-road of Portland Street, within the so-called Wang Bao Street.

Beautiful neon lights lit up the entire street, and at least a few hundred young and Dangerous people began to take to the streets and occupy the entire street.

Some of these people were holding wine bottles and smoking cigarettes, sitting on the spot, surrounded by small groups, making fist-pumping noises and making constant noises.

Some dressed up in avant-garde clothes and played music from a huge tape recorder, dancing like crazy people in the street.

In particular, several young and Dangerous girls danced happily and even performed some restricted dances, which caused constant whistles and cheers.

Some even put out gambling equipment and placed bets in the middle of the street, which can be described as extremely arrogant.

Yaoyang, Fang Jiexia, Ma Jun and others stood at the door of Xinyi Bar, across the street, looking at the depravity in Wangbao Street, with shock on their faces.

This is simply too arrogant!

What is Wang Bao doing? He has indulged his young and Dangerous men to such an extent.

Did he still think it was the 1950s and 1960s? He could cover the sky with one hand if he came out to hang out!

What he did was simply "seeking death"!

Hong Xing Thirteenth Sister and others don't know why, but they haven't left their minds. They have been drinking until now.

Seeing Yaoyang and others going out, she followed him out.

Standing not far from Yaoyang, Thirteenth Sister said nothing. She seemed to be very interested in Yaoyang and others and wanted to know what these policemen wanted to do.

At this moment, three or four British youths who were obviously not young and Dangerous entered Wangbao Street from the other side of the street.

Several British young people seemed to find everything in Wangbao Street extremely novel, especially the young and charming girls dancing in the street, which aroused strong interest among the young people.

Among them, a young man with blue hair and a hooked nose was the most unrestrained, chatting and laughing, and jumped up as he walked forward.

Everyone knows about dancing: with the blessing of music, young people and several young and Dangerous girls are getting closer and closer, and they may bump into each other accidentally.

This scene also immediately attracted the attention of several young and Dangerous boys.

In particular, there was a bull-eyed, blue-haired young man whose expression suddenly changed. He was sitting on the ground, but he immediately got up and shouted:

"Fuck, you blue-eyed foreigner, you dare to flirt with me! Beat him to death and beat him to the street."


The foreign young man still didn't understand what was going on and asked in surprise.

Unfortunately, it was already too late. A dozen young and Dangerous boys were already bored. When they saw something to do, they immediately rushed over and surrounded the foreign young people and beat them up.

More than a dozen of them, with punches and kicks, beat the foreign young man to the ground in less than five seconds. He could only hold his head and cry for help, without the ability to fight back!

"What do you do?"

"Stop it!"

Several other young foreign companions reacted at this moment and hurried forward to try to dissuade him.

"They are in a group, kill them!"

I don't know which young and Dangerous boy shouted out at the same time, and more than ten or twenty people on both sides of the street gathered around him. It couldn't be explained that the young people surrounding him were ruthless.


Scenes like this seem to be "commonplace" in Wangbao Street.

No one stood up and said a word of dissuasion. Instead, people gathered around, laughing, cursing, whistling, etc.


On the street side, Ma Jun was not used to seeing such a scene. He clenched his fists slightly and looked at Yaoyang, undoubtedly asking for "should I step forward to stop him?"

Fang Jiexia, He Shangsheng and others also had ugly faces. Although they were not as obviously angry as Ma Jun, there was hatred between their brows.

Undoubtedly, what Wang Bao's younger brother did was simply out of his league.

The existence of such a thing should be considered a shame for the entire Hong Kong comprehensive city police force, as if telling the world that the police are incompetent.

Yaoyang also felt dull about this, his face was gloomy, and he coldly ordered:

"Bring out your ID and let's go there."

After saying that, Yaoyang jumped over the hurdle beautifully, took out his police officer ID card, hung it on his clothes, and walked towards Wangbao Street opposite.

Ma Jun and others did the same thing. They all hung up their IDs and walked over.

Seeing that Yaoyang and others finally took action.

Zhu Suxin, the proprietress of Xinyi Bar, had a hint of worry on her face. Although they had only met for a short time, she already had a great impression of these sirs.

The younger brothers and younger sisters of Thirteenth Sister began to laugh softly:

"Sister, those few notes have passed, I wonder how Wang Bao will deal with them? Hehe..."

"You'll find out after you read it!"

Thirteenth sister took out a cigarette, lit it and smoked it, and said calmly:

"That guy named Lei has such a loud voice. What kind of material is he? We will see him soon. I am very interested in knowing whether he is as great as he says."

Returning to Yaoyang, as soon as he stepped into Wangbao Street, Yaoyang had already spoken out and started shouting:

"Hey, hey, what are you doing? Stop, I'll tell you all to stop!"

The young and Dangerous boy who was beating the foreigners looked up at Jiang Zhen and others. When he saw their number clearly, he smiled disdainfully, ignored them and continued to beat them.

The young and Dangerous boys watching the excitement all around whispered:

"Ha! It's a note."

Immediately, everyone put down what they were doing and surrounded them, blocking the sight of Yaoyang and others. While their companions continued to beat them, they stared at Yaoyang and others with cold eyes and disdain, without fear at all.


An empty beer bottle, thrown out by someone unknown, exploded directly at Yaoyang's feet. Yu Zilang, Zhou Qiang and Liang Jianbo behind Yaoyang all reflexively took a step back and pressed thirty-eight on their waists.


Fang Jiexia was like an angry tigress, she exploded, faced hundreds of pairs of eyes, and shouted angrily:

"Whoever threw the bottle, come forward! We are the police. Do you want to attack the police? Ah?"

When Fang Jiexia got angry, most of the young and Dangerous boys sneered and stared.

Wearing a yellow T-shirt, denim pants, and sneakers, a young and Dangerous boy with earrings looked arrogant and domineering, without any fear at all.

I don’t know if I just want to be in the limelight or if I have a brain problem, I really stood up:

"I threw it, so what?"

"Police, right? Do you have to catch people who litter? No! It's just a fine at most. How much, sirs, tell me! We in the Flying Eagle Gang don't have much in anything, we just have more money and more brothers.

, quite heroic."

"If you, sir, are short of money, you can come to us to count the wine bottles and collect fines. Each of our brothers will give you one dollar, which is higher than your salary."


The whole audience burst into laughter. Young and Dangerous, maybe they think that being able to trick the police is an achievement.

This chapter has been completed!
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