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Chapter 1036 Achievements of the Royal Academy of Sciences (3)

Dean Tian Jiapeng looked at the reward handed over by the accompanying eunuch, but he was not too excited. Others in the project team were also very calm.

Members of the electrolytic aluminum and other project teams met Emperor Su He for the first time and received rewards from Emperor Su He for the first time.

Their achievements were recognized by the emperor, which was the main reason for their joy.

The mechanical computer project team can often see Emperor Su He visiting, and they are all used to the rewards from Emperor Su He.

Dean Tian Jiapeng led everyone to visit other projects.

As they walked in the corridor, they heard a rhythmic thumping sound coming from ahead.

Most people can tell that this sound is similar to the movement of an engine piston.

But this huge sound makes far more noise than the internal combustion engine of a large truck.

Everyone soon came to a semi-open-air factory. There was a huge shelf in the center of the factory, and on it was a huge internal combustion engine that was dozens of times the size of a diesel engine.

Its thick cylinder is about half a meter in diameter.

Prince Su Shu saw the leader who was directing everyone. He was Professor Jiang Qing, the inventor of the internal combustion engine.

They were concentrating on observing the various data of this huge internal combustion engine and ignored the arrival of Emperor Su He and his party.

When Emperor Su He saw the scientists who were attentive, he asked everyone to wait at the door to stop them from disturbing them.

Dean Tian Jiapeng lowered his voice and introduced: "This project is a heavy oil internal combustion engine project, and is in charge of academician Jiang Qing, the inventor of the internal combustion engine.

For this project alone, the Royal Academy of Sciences has allocated six million taels of silver coins."

Even palmist Lin Wenjing, who has seen huge expenditures, heard that the Royal Academy of Sciences spent six million taels of silver coins on just this one project.

This huge consumption of funds is really scary.

The Royal Academy of Sciences is like a bottomless pit. It can swallow up no matter how much money the court invests.

It is precisely because the Royal Academy of Sciences consumes too much court funds and affects the interests of other yamen.

Only the Royal Academy of Sciences will encounter opposition from some people.

Chief of General Staff Qin Xiangkun heard about this project and spent six million taels of silver coins.

He exclaimed: "What kind of machine is this? The imperial court is willing to invest six million taels of silver coins."

As a smart man, Qin Xiangkun definitely doesn't believe some rumors.

How corrupt must the imperial government be to allow such a large amount of funds to be secretly divided?

Their metropolitan government wants to increase military spending every year and purchase more battleships and tanks.

This matter is extremely difficult, let alone the Royal Academy of Sciences project that is placed under the sun.

If something goes wrong with the project, those who want to destroy the Royal Academy of Sciences will definitely use this evidence to take the case to the imperial court.

Dean Tian Jiapeng explained: “This is a heavy oil internal combustion engine, which is the core power of the 10,000-ton battleship.

In the tens of thousands-ton battleships and 10,000-ton cargo ships produced by the future empire, their internal combustion engines will no longer be just diesel engines, but heavy oil internal combustion engines."

Chief of General Staff Qin Xiangkun heard that this machine was used to propel 10,000-ton battleships.

He said excitedly: "Is this project successful?"

Dean Tian Jiapeng pointed to the internal combustion engine that was emitting black smoke and making a loud noise.

"As you can see, the heavy oil internal combustion engine is undergoing life testing and the project has been successfully developed.

A heavy oil internal combustion engine will never hold back a 10,000-ton battleship."

After Dean Tian Jiapeng finished speaking, he saw that this round of testing was coming to an end.

He immediately called Academician Jiang Qing over.

They were not near the heavy oil internal combustion engine, the huge machine was running.

There was a lot of noise in the surrounding area. Academician Jiang Qing and others all wore earplugs and got close to the heavy oil internal combustion engine to observe.

After Academician Jiang Qing received the notice, he immediately led the core members of the project team to meet with Emperor Su He and others.

Academician Jiang Qing led everyone in saluting. He apologized repeatedly: "There are some problems with the operation of the heavy oil internal combustion engine. I and my people have just finished handling it, which resulted in a timeout and made Your Majesty wait here for a long time."

Emperor Su He waved his hand and said: "Scientific research can never be smooth sailing. Problems are normal.

Is the problem solved now? Can heavy oil internal combustion engines be industrialized?"

Academician Jiang Qing immediately answered: "Your Majesty, the problem is that the strength of the cylinder is insufficient.

I communicate with my colleagues that the application of new materials and new processes can solve the problems encountered in our projects.

The heavy oil internal combustion engine has been tested many times. Only the cylinder has problems and other parts are fine.

As long as the cylinder problem is solved, heavy oil internal combustion engines can be industrialized."

Emperor Su He heard Academician Jiang Qing's exact answer and said happily: "The heavy oil internal combustion engine is an important weapon of a great country and is extremely important for the development of the navy and shipping.

Your hard work is seen by me and the court.

I will be richly rewarded this time."

After Emperor Su He finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the young eunuch immediately stepped forward and distributed the prepared rewards to the members of the project team.

Academician Jiang Qing doesn't care about the deposit certificate of tens of thousands of taels of silver coins, he cares most about the medal awarded this time.

Projects developed by the Royal Academy of Sciences, as long as they can be industrialized, are authorized to be produced by the company.

Whether it is a government-owned company or a private company, they must purchase patent rights.

As those responsible for R&D projects, they can all share some money from patent rights.

Professor Jiang Qing's previous diesel engine patents and gasoline engine patents made him a multi-millionaire.

What he pursues now is not money, but a sense of accomplishment.

Dean Tian Jiapeng immediately said: "Academician Jiang, please introduce the situation of heavy oil internal combustion engines."

Only then did Academician Jiang Qing realize that he wanted to use facts to eliminate the rumors in the market and rectify the name of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

He bowed and said: "Your Majesty, please allow me to introduce the heavy oil internal combustion engine."

Academician Jiang Qing looked at Emperor Su He and nodded. He pointed at the heavy oil internal combustion engine and said: "I have developed a diesel engine and a gasoline engine. The diesel engine has greater power output.

A multi-unit diesel engine can propel a 10,000-ton cargo ship to sail on the sea.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Only a small part of the petroleum will be smelted into diesel and gasoline, and most of the by-products will still have a certain value if they can be used as chemical raw materials.

Asphalt can be used to pave roads, and some can be processed into paraffin.

Most of the by-products can only be used as fuel.

Chen found that heavy oil has a higher calorific value. If it can be used as fuel for an internal combustion engine, it will output more powerful power.

Chen led the team to develop and finally achieved success.

A heavy oil internal combustion engine can easily propel a 10,000-ton battleship to cruise at a speed of more than thirty knots.

The price of heavy oil is also cheaper, which can also effectively reduce shipping costs."

When Academician Jiang Qing said this, he signaled the members of the project team to add fuel to the heavy oil internal combustion engine.

Everyone has seen the properties of heavy oil, which is a semi-solidified liquid at room temperature.

After the heavy oil is heated, it becomes extremely viscous and enters the heavy oil internal combustion engine.

The heavy oil internal combustion engine ignites quickly, and the machine runs at high speed and outputs strong power.

Academician Jiang Qing saw the heavy oil internal combustion engine and he successfully started it in full view of everyone.

He showed the joy of success on his face and introduced: "Your Majesty, due to its nature, heavy oil is relatively viscous at room temperature and needs to be heated before it can be transported into the internal combustion engine.

This is a shortcoming of heavy oil internal combustion engines, and the solution is very simple.

Equip it with a diesel engine to push the ship from standstill to start when sailing at low speed away from the station.

When the ship travels to a certain speed, the heat delivered by the diesel engine can also heat the heavy oil into a liquid state. This is the moment when the heavy oil internal combustion engine starts.

There is another disadvantage of heavy oil internal combustion engines, because heavy oil is relatively viscous.

After a heavy oil internal combustion engine has been used for a period of time, it must be cleaned."

Emperor Su He praised: "There is just a small flaw, which is a normal problem for a new project.

Your achievements will not be erased because of a small problem."

Dean Tian Jiapeng led everyone to leave the building belonging to the Mechanical Research Institute.

He pointed to the green building in front and said: "Ahead is the Institute of Medicine, which is one of the key research institutes of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

The Institute of Medicine is a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, a research institute that has always been able to produce its own hematopoiesis and does not require additional funding from the court.

The main projects of the Medical Research Institute are vaccines and new drugs."

When Prince Su Shu heard what Dean Tian Jiapeng said, he immediately echoed: "The queen mother led many doctors to develop the most basic vaccine, and used the cowpox vaccine to solve the problem of smallpox, a plague that has taken away countless lives.

Vaccines have been a key area of ​​investment for the empire ever since.

The cowpox vaccine does have some side effects, and we need to acknowledge the facts.

But this side effect is completely acceptable, and the people affected are not at the same order of magnitude as those taken away by the smallpox plague."

Not only Prince Su Shu was lamenting, many officials were also discussing whether a new drug could be developed.

The Institute of Medicine of the Royal Academy of Sciences is the most popular research institute among the many research institutes of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Every time a new drug appears, it can solve a certain disease.

For people in high positions, diseases will be treated equally. No, because they are of the first rank in the dynasty, they will not be infected with certain plagues or suffer from certain diseases.

When everyone came to the door of the Medical Research Institute, Emperor Su He suddenly asked: "The Medical Research Institute studies vaccines. There should be live bacteria here."

Dean Tian Jiapeng knew what Emperor Su He was worried about, and he immediately replied: "Your Majesty, we are just going to the Drug Research Institute to see new drugs.

Will not go to areas where germs are studied.

There are many scientists at the Medical Research Institute who are studying the germs that cause plague.

They conduct research on small islands in artificial lakes in order to prevent the leakage of plague germs as much as possible."

Emperor Su He heard what President Tian Jiapeng said, and he vaguely remembered that the Royal Academy of Sciences had a problem with germ leakage.

After the Royal Academy of Sciences learned its lesson, it made some laboratories that study germs independent.

Emperor Su He entered the Institute of Biology with confidence.

They soon arrived at the hall where the results were displayed.

A person wearing a white coat and a thick mask was waiting for everyone in the room.

Dean Tian Jiapeng introduced: "This is Academician Li Yunfeng of the Institute of Materia Medica.

He has been exposed to various germs for a long time and is used to taking precautions. Please be more considerate."

Dean Tian Jiapeng looked at Academician Li Yunfeng who just nodded in greeting without saying a word. He had a headache.

Academician Li Yunfeng is not good at handling interpersonal relationships at all.

Dean Tian Jiapeng would always get angry at his attitude when discussing projects with him.

But Academician Li Yunfeng's ability is too strong to cover up his weakness in interpersonal relationships.

Dean Tian Jiapeng immediately said: "Academician Li Yunfeng, please introduce the latest results of the Institute of Drug Research."

Academician Li Yunfeng nodded. He entered working mode and immediately gave people a different feeling.

He took down several glass bottles from the display cabinet shelf.

"Everyone knows about tuberculosis, formerly tuberculosis.

After the emergence of penicillin, it can effectively inhibit Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Tuberculosis is no longer a feared terminal disease.

But it is still a highly sporadic plague, especially for children and the elderly, and is extremely lethal.

Through unremitting efforts, our Drug Research Institute has successfully developed a tuberculosis vaccine.

Make most people resistant to tuberculosis.

As long as you don't live with tuberculosis patients for a long time and occasionally come into contact with tuberculosis patients, you will not be infected with this difficult plague."

When everyone heard the good news, their eyes lit up.

Tuberculosis, an ancient disease, had always been a terminal illness before the advent of penicillin.

Now tuberculosis is not a terminal disease, but if you get this disease, you will lose half your life.

The emergence of vaccines means that most people will not suffer from this disease.

Academician Li Yunfeng took out a glass bottle again.

"This is the new drug we developed, Jinliu San, which is a substance extracted from willow bark.

In cooperation with the Institute of Chemistry, we have been able to produce this drug in the laboratory.

This medicine is a fast-acting fever-lowering medicine.

Fever in children is an important cause of premature death in children.

Jinliu Powder can treat fever and reduce death caused by fever.

This must also have a certain analgesic effect, and it is the best breakthrough recently achieved by medical research institutes."

After Prince Su Shu heard this, he asked in surprise: "Is it really an antipyretic medicine? This is really good news."

Prince Su Shu was also very interested in medicine because of his mother.

He knew that most of the patients who died of infection had lost their lives before penicillin and other drugs took effect.

The main culprit is a high fever that doesn't go away.

As long as they have antipyretics, most of these people can survive.

Academician Li Yunfeng replied in a relaxed tone: "It is indeed an antipyretic medicine. We have done many experiments to prove that its effect is accurate."

When everyone heard the exact answer, they were all happy for the news.

Everyone will get sick one day, and of course they hope that there will be special medicine that can solve their condition.

When Academician Li Yunfeng saw everyone's happy expressions, he shook his head and said: "This simple drug only needs to be researched by exhaustive methods, and it is not difficult to research it.

These drugs are just rumors, and drug research has made more important discoveries."

Dean Tian Jiapeng turned a little pale when he heard what Li Yunfeng wished to say.

Academician Li Yunfeng has this kind of character. He never cares about the occasion when he speaks and does things. He just wants to say whatever is on his mind.

Dean Tian Jiapeng looked nervous and listened carefully to what Academician Li Yunfeng had to say.

He was very worried because he heard inappropriate words from Academician Li Yunfeng.

This chapter has been completed!
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