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Chapter 1038 Achievements of the Royal Academy of Sciences (5)

Liu Dongliang accompanied Emperor Su He and introduced the results of the Institute of Physics during this period.

"Teacher, physics is a theory derived from our human exploration of the world.

The empire has provided sufficient funds in the field of scientific research in recent years.

The Institute of Physics has enough talents, a good scientific research environment, and sufficient funds.

In recent years, both theoretical breakthroughs and technological research and development have achieved explosive results.

The research results in mechanics provided sufficient technical support for the empire to design roads, bridges, and buildings.

The Empire State Building is a thirty-six-story building. It is the tallest reinforced concrete building in the world to date.

Without in-depth research on mechanics and understanding the complexity of building structural forces, it would be impossible to build such a huge floor.

Such a tall building will collapse in an instant if the foundation is not well laid.

There are many academic achievements in physics research institutes that do not produce actual things, but are silent and influence all walks of life.

The empire's industry has entered the electrification stage.

The Institute of Physics has also conducted more in-depth research in the field of electromagnetism and achieved results that have attracted the attention of the world."

Liu Dongliang knew that those who wanted to limit the funding of the Royal Academy of Sciences would shut up and could only produce eye-catching results and slap these people in the face.

The ministers of the empire who really have the power to make decisions will pay attention to their face and will not let themselves become clowns.

They have seen scientific and technological achievements that have far-reaching impacts and can bring huge benefits. Even if they want to limit the funding of the Royal Academy of Sciences, they do not have the confidence to say so.

They came to a laboratory called Radio Broadcasting.

There are a lot of electrical equipment in this laboratory, and the lights above are flashing.

The laboratory has a thick wire connected to an iron tower more than fifty meters high outside the laboratory.

Liu Dongliang pointed to a rectangular electrical appliance placed in the center of the laboratory, one meter long, twenty centimeters wide and twenty centimeters high.

There are several knobs on this appliance, and a metal antenna about one meter long extends out.

Liu Dongliang said excitedly: "Teacher, the only channel for people to exchange information before was through books or newspapers and reading the information on them.

Newspapers appeared very late, but the way they carry information is very old.

Obtaining information through books and newspapers is extremely inefficient.

Whether it's an eight-hundred-mile rush or slow transportation by horse-drawn carriage.

What happens in Shandong cannot be transmitted to Guangdong in one day.

Even if the fastest carrier pigeon is used to transmit letters, it cannot be done to this extent.

The development of electromagnetism has brought the transmission speed of information to the speed of light.

It only takes a few seconds for a message sent from the empire to be transmitted to Zhao across the Pacific Ocean, including the equipment delay.

The emergence of the telegraph allowed people to know about any major event in the world.

If a disaster occurs in a certain county in the empire, the central government will know about it immediately.

At first, the telegraph required a long metal wire.

Technology has developed rapidly and iteratively. My disciple Mei Hongyun invented wireless telegraphy, which freed telegraph from the shackles of wires.

With the advancement of technology, electromagnetic technology can not only carry words, it can also carry sounds.

The invention of the telephone further facilitated people's communication.

My disciple Mei Hongyun was thinking at that time that radio could transmit text and whether it could transmit sound like a telephone.

His initial idea was to develop a device that would allow two people thousands of miles apart to communicate directly with each other without metal wires.

After several years of hard work, my disciple Mei Hongyun achieved partial success in his project.

I think this project, which was not completely successful, deserves the empire’s attention.”

When Liu Dongliang first heard about his disciple Mei Hongyun's wild ideas, he thought it was too difficult and would not succeed in a short time.

But for the purpose of training talents, he agreed to let his disciples study this project.

Mei Hongyun’s wild and unconstrained idea did indeed fail.

But the by-product of this project's research and the effects he can achieve are enough to shock the world.

Everyone heard Liu Dongliang talking about his desire to develop a device that uses radio communication.

They immediately realized that if this technology was really successful, it would bring about earth-shaking changes to the world.

A person with little knowledge cannot become an important minister of the empire.

Some people want to target the Royal Academy of Sciences, but they just want to limit the funding of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

He believes that breakthroughs in science and technology require long-term persistence and that progress in science and technology cannot be promoted by throwing money at it.

There are indeed some voices in the court who want to abolish the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Such people will never be able to enter the decision-making level of the empire. No matter how loud they shout, it will have no effect.

When everyone heard that the project failed, they thought it was natural.

Two people only need to communicate through devices and do not rely on long phone lines.

This scene is too dreamy for the empire's current industrial strength.

When they heard about this project and its partial success, everyone's curiosity was immediately rekindled.

They immediately realized that Liu Dongliang said this deliberately to attract everyone's attention.

When Liu Dongliang saw his words, he attracted everyone's attention.

He immediately signaled to his disciple Mei Hongyun and asked him to introduce the new technology he had developed.

Mei Hongyun saw the teacher's signal and was already prepared. He immediately introduced humbly: "I am not very capable, but I am too ambitious. I want to develop wireless communication equipment."

Mei Hongyun pointed to the large outdoor iron tower and the many indoor equipment and said: "My research results were partially successful. After several years of hard work, I really developed this equipment, but it is too huge.

This is also a very energy-consuming device, consuming hundreds of kilowatt hours of electricity every hour.

This equipment weighs hundreds of tons and cannot be carried at all. It can only be placed in a fixed place.

It is definitely not possible to make calls between two devices as conveniently as a phone. This usage scenario is definitely not possible.

But my initial idea was successful, that is, electromagnetic waves can really carry sound.

Electromagnetic waves can carry text and sound, which are both types of information.

I believe that in the future, electromagnetic waves will be able to carry images captured by cameras."

The saying "Mei Hongyun" has made many people enjoy it.

They don’t know how long it will take for technology to develop, and most people may not survive until the technology is reached.

But watching the rapid development of technology and everyone participating in it, there is a sense of accomplishment.

Mei Hongyun continued: "This equipment is indeed too huge.

The cost for two devices to send sound signals to each other is too high.

I consider one device sending a sound signal and another device receiving the sound signal.

The equipment that sends signals needs to be very powerful and cover enough area.

The equipment for receiving signals does not need to be too large, it can be similar to the size of a radio station.

The device that receives signals removes the sending function, its function will be simpler, and its manufacturing requirements will be lower.

I worked hard with the project team to finally create the broadcast system."

After Mei Hongyun finished speaking, he saw that everyone was wondering what the broadcast system was.

He walked over to the radio and turned on the radio's knob.

The speaker of the radio emitted a clear sound.

"There is a flood in the county, and the local people have been relocated.

The important news in "Yanhuang Daily" has been broadcast.

Now play Mr. Lan Hong’s storytelling "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"."

Mei Hongyun said: "The huge antennas inside and outside the house form a broadcast system. The current broadcast system can cover a county.

The broadcasting system in the laboratory can already cover the capital.

Broadcasting systems transmit electromagnetic signals carrying information into the air.

The device at the receiving end is called a radio.

Whether it's one radio or a million radios.

They receive signals from the air and have no impact on the broadcast system."

Prime Minister Lin Wenjing saw Mui Hongyun operating the radio and heard about the performance of the broadcasting system.

He said excitedly: "The invention of radio is really great.

The imperial court should invest heavily in building broadcasting equipment and establishing broadcasting institutions in every county.

We can refer to the management methods of newspaper offices and let the court directly manage the players."

The thing that worries Prime Minister Lin Wenjing the most right now is the huge number of unemployed people.

The major infrastructure projects carried out by the imperial court only absorbed part of the working population.

The key to solving the problem of unemployed people is to restore industrial vitality.

The imperial court promoted the broadcasting system, and the manufacturing and installation of the equipment required a huge number of workers.

When each county builds a broadcasting agency, it still needs to absorb most of the talents.

Prime Minister Lin Wenjing estimates that the employment generated by the broadcasting system alone will be at least 300,000 people.

Broadcasting can be regarded as a new technology and new industry. If the court spends money on it, it will not happen that this technology will be eliminated by the market soon and the investment will be in vain.

Once this happens, the officials who promote this matter will definitely be criticized by the enemy.

This kind of safe project is what all officials in the imperial court are motivated to implement.

Some officials saw that Prime Minister Lim Wen Jing wanted to push the project.

They said in a strange way: "It is enough to have newspapers in various places. It is completely unnecessary to promote broadcasting to cover the whole country. This is a waste of people and money."

Emperor Su He said at this moment: "Lin Aiqing's suggestion is very good. The emergence of radio has a very good effect on entertaining the people.

It will definitely cover a wider group of people than a newspaper, which is conducive to the promotion of national policies."

Emperor Su He asked: "The empire wants to build a radio station similar to Yanhuang Daily. Is it technically difficult to transmit the content to all broadcasting equipment?"

Mei Hongyun heard the question from Emperor Su He, and his father-in-law saw the key to broadcasting technology sharply.

His team has cracked the technology.

Mei Hongyun said confidently: "Your Majesty, there is no technical difficulty.

The device broadcasts broadcasts over the radio to cover a certain area.

People listen to broadcast programs through the radio.

Current broadcasting equipment can only cover frontline areas.

Broadcasting equipment does not have the ability to receive signals, it only sends signals to the outside through the antenna.

But we can transmit signals through wires.

We only need to build a few transfer stations across the country and amplify the signal through the transfer stations, so that the signal can be transmitted to all broadcasting equipment."

Emperor Su He heard that the current broadcasting technology could already broadcast programs uniformly.

He said happily: "I think broadcast technology has been fully mature, and this research by the Royal Academy of Sciences is excellent.

I decided to cover all counties in the country during the broadcast.

When equipment improves and broadcasting equipment covers a wider area, vast rural areas will also be able to receive radio signals in the future."

Emperor Su He attached great importance to broadcasting technology.

Radio stations are more important propaganda channels than newspapers, and the royal family must have this important propaganda channel in its hands.

People who have the habit of reading newspapers are high-level intellectuals.

These people are all very capable people, and the court wants to win over these people.

But they are not the largest group of people.

The majority of workers and farmers do not have the habit of reading newspapers.

The way they understand national policies is through the radio, storytellers in teahouses, and reading content in newspapers.

The emergence of radio stations will replace the role of storytellers and directly promote the content that the court wants to promote.

The content in newspapers is too high-end and the reading threshold is very high.

The radio station can broadcast storytelling, opera, songs and other entertainment programs, and it will surely enter thousands of households.

Emperor Su He was not worried at all about excessive investment in the broadcasting system.

As long as the broadcasting system can cover most cities across the country, the advertising revenue it generates will not only cover its components, but also make a profit.

Everyone saw that Emperor Su He clearly supported the construction of a nationwide broadcasting system.

Some smart people can already think of the reasons why Emperor Su He gave his full support.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Radio can cover a larger crowd than newspapers, and its publicity effect must be stronger than newspapers.

The royal family will never give up on this powerful publicity channel, including newspapers.

They have already seen the power of newspapers.

It can be said that whoever controls the newspaper controls the right to speak.

Forces with the right to speak can implement many things at very low cost.

Emperor Su He praised: "Just because of the technology of broadcasting, the money invested by the imperial court in the Royal Academy of Sciences has not been lost."

Dean Tian Jiapeng heard Emperor Su He publicly say that the imperial court's funding for the Royal Academy of Sciences was not lost.

He knew that from now on, no official from the imperial court would ever attack the Royal Academy of Sciences from the perspective of funding.

The status of scientists will also be improved to a certain extent.

Dean Tian Jiapeng had always stayed away from newspapers before.

He has realized that the Royal Academy of Sciences' voice is lagging behind.

He has decided that this is to cooperate with the imperial court in building a broadcasting system. The Royal Academy of Sciences must form a friendship with the radio station.

The Royal Academy of Sciences has lost the public opinion position of newspapers, and it must not lose the new public opinion position of radio stations.

President Tian Jiapeng must change the world's view of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

He would never allow anyone to erase the achievements that the Royal Academy of Sciences deserved.

Dean Tian Jiapeng is now focusing on his own work.

He and Liu Dongliang, led Emperor Su He and others, continued to visit the Institute of Physics.

Other projects at the Institute of Physics, no broadcast technology can shake the sound.

But these technologies are all upgrades of previous technologies.

Machine tools with higher precision, machines produced by combining new theories.

These scientific and technological achievements kept Emperor Su He smiling.

Dean Tian Jiapeng led Emperor Su He and others to visit the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Seeing the smiles on everyone's faces, he stood at the door of the Royal Academy of Sciences and laughed wildly.

This chapter has been completed!
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