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Chapter 1039 Unshakable National Policy

Emperor Su He and his party left from the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Emperor Su He did not return to the palace, but discussed state affairs with ministers in Qianqing Palace.

Instead, he led everyone to the Cloud Restaurant on the top floor of the Empire State Building.

The Empire State Building is owned by the royal family and is the most important commodity trading center in the empire.

Whether it is warships and tanks necessary for national defense, or sugar and cloth consumed in large quantities by the people, there are all kinds of products here.

Products allowed to be sold by the Empire can be found at various counters in the Empire State Building.

Emperor Su He and his party looked at the busy Empire State Building. Instead of taking the elevator, they took the stairs next to them and climbed to the Cloud Restaurant on the top floor.

They had just reached the tenth floor when Cabinet Minister Honeysuckle was holding on to the handrail of the stairs, breathing heavily.

"Your Majesty, I can't walk anymore. I really can't walk anymore."

Emperor Su He also had a slight sweat on his face. He saw that some officials in the Governor's Office were in relatively good condition.

Many civil servants were gasping for air and their faces were dripping with sweat.

When Emperor Su He saw the ministers like this, he ordered: "Okay, let's all rest for a while.

I ask you to exercise more, but some of you are too weak."

Honeysuckle leaned against the wall and said helplessly: "I was in good health before, but I got cold several times and my health is getting worse day by day."

Honeysuckle is also helpless. He is the prince's rival, and as the prince's position gradually becomes more stable.

He can only pretend to be frail and sickly. Once the situation in the government goes wrong, he will immediately choose to retire.

Then he led his family and left the empire to live in a vassal country.

As long as Emperor Su He chooses to retreat bravely before he abdicates, the family can be preserved.

If Emperor Su He really walked in front of him, it would be his fate, and he would have no choice but to accept his fate.

Honeysuckle took a few breaths and asked, "I saw many businessmen coming to the Empire State Building, and they all took a device called an elevator.

It only takes a few minutes to go from the first floor to the top floor.”

Prince Su Shu's eyes widened and he said loudly: "Honeysuckle, you don't have good intentions.

Elevators are indeed convenient to use, but they have major safety hazards.

The Empire State Building is more than 100 meters high. Once a piece of equipment like an elevator falls to the ground from a height of more than 100 meters, how can the people inside survive?

There have been three accidents involving the Empire State Building's elevators alone, claiming eight lives.

You just want to put your father in a dangerous environment for your own convenience, what are your intentions?"

Honeysuckle's face changed drastically, and he immediately said with fear and fear: "Your Majesty, I don't know about this situation."

Emperor Su He waved his hand and said: "Those who don't know are not guilty. The elevator is a new equipment. Before it appeared, there must have been various problems.

We cannot stop eating because of choking, we must look at the problem from a development perspective.

When the elevator equipment is really mature, I will naturally take the elevator.

Under the current circumstances, it is still safe to take the stairs."

Emperor Su He and others talked about what they saw at the Royal Academy of Sciences. They stopped and walked and soon arrived at the Cloud Restaurant on the top floor of the Empire State Building.

This is an extremely empty restaurant with huge floor-to-ceiling windows on all sides.

They stood in the restaurant and looked down from the Empire State Building, the tallest building in the capital, and could see a panoramic view of the capital.

The layout of Yunshang Restaurant is very flexible, with large round tables for groups of ten, long tables that can seat more than fifty people, and small square tables for single people.

Emperor Su He asked Yunshang Restaurant to arrange a small square table for one person and one seat this time.

The banquet invited by the emperor himself, whether it is a long table or a large round table, is not suitable for this occasion.

As long as there are seats for more than two people, they will be deeply interpreted by the outside world.

A small square table for one person to sit alone can best reflect the relaxed and happy atmosphere, so that the ministers do not have to be tense all the time.

The waiters at Yunshang Restaurant quickly served sumptuous meals.

Everyone can order the dishes they like according to their own taste.

Emperor Su He raised his glass and said: "Today I drink this glass of wine with all my dear friends. With our joint efforts, the empire will definitely get out of the haze of the economic crisis.

The Royal Academy of Sciences and his team gave me full confidence.

My dear friends, please share your opinions."

Everyone present saw Emperor Su He drinking wine. They raised their wine glasses and toasted in the direction where Emperor Su He was, and then drank the glass of wine.

After everyone finished drinking, they all looked at the reactions of the people around them.

Prime Minister Lin Wenjing spoke first: "Your Majesty, the results of the Royal Academy of Sciences shocked me.

Whether it is broadcasting technology, a new technology that brings the court closer to the people.

Or the advancement of materials technology will definitely bring about a new round of market prosperity.

The imperial court invested heavily in the Royal Academy of Sciences and achieved ideal returns.

The minister supports the imperial court's heavy investment in the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Advances in science and technology can greatly enhance confidence in the market.

The minister concluded that it took the empire several decades to develop a powerful strength that was stronger than the accumulation of thousands of years in ancient times.

The main reason is that the empire has completed its industrialization.

In the era of industrialization, we must attach great importance to technology.

I now dare to assert that any industrialized country that wants to stop developing science and technology will inevitably be eliminated by the times."

Chief of General Staff Qin Xiangkun lamented: "Your Majesty, I believe that the Royal Academy of Sciences does not pay attention to the development of military technology.

The Grand Governor wanted more powerful gunpowder, but the Royal Academy had no solution.

The Metropolitan Government wanted more stable rockets, but the Royal Academy had no solution.

The Royal Academy of Sciences' scientific research technology is powerful, but their scientists are only willing to develop things that interest them.

I think this is not possible. There are many technologies, and only the Royal Academy of Sciences has the technical strength to solve the problem.

The Royal Academy of Sciences can indeed solve many problems, but I suggest that the Royal Academy of Sciences must not monopolize the research and development of all cutting-edge technologies in the empire.

The Royal Academy of Sciences should learn from universities, accept external cooperation, and designate the development of certain technologies."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! When Qin Xiangkun visited the Royal Academy of Sciences, he felt extremely disappointed.

He had previously understood the technological progress of the empire, including the progress of military technology.

Only this time, most of them are scientific theories and materials, as well as some very important equipment in the industrial field.

The only new technology that stands out is the portable communication system.

After the advent of the telegraph, military command became easier.

They only need to sit in the rear to understand the situation of the frontline generals.

There will never again be a situation where military orders abroad will be ignored.

The emergence of the telephone made military command more streamlined.

Generals can give orders to grassroots directly through the phone, and the army can be quickly mobilized to carry out more complex tasks.

The reason why the army has so many levels is because in an era of poor communication, each general can only command a small number of direct troops.

The only way to mobilize the army more conveniently is by delegating power to generals at different levels.

The portable communication proposed by scientist Mei Hongyun has profoundly changed the military's combat methods.

The current radio transmits sound, and the terminal equipment can only receive it but not send it. There is no possibility of this technology being used in the military.

Emperor Su He waved his hand and said: "The main task of the Royal Academy of Sciences is to study basic science.

A nine-story tower starts from the base of the earth; a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Only by laying a good foundation can technology explode.

The Royal Academy's main mission will not change.

The emergence of some new results is only a side result of the Royal Academy of Sciences' research on basic science.

The Metropolitan Government can definitely cooperate with various universities.

The Royal Dean of Science is responsible for basic research, and they may not be as good as university professors in a certain professional field.

The Metropolitan Government felt that cooperation with universities was not enough to complete the task.

It is entirely possible for the Grand Governor to take the lead, with the Weapons Research Institute as the backbone, to establish a special Academy of Military Science to study advanced military technology.

I have always believed that there is specialization in the art industry.”

Emperor Su He's attitude was very clear. The main task of the Royal Academy of Sciences is to study basic science.

In a field like basic science, the investment is huge but the output may not be produced, and the investment must be led by the state.

In the field of basic science, one cannot rush for rewards.

When Chief of General Staff Qin Xiangkun heard Emperor Su He's promise, he immediately bowed and saluted: "Your Majesty, I understand what the Governor's Office should do."

Prime Minister Lin Wenjing and Chief of General Staff Qin Xiangkun spoke successively.

Everyone in Yunshang Restaurant immediately understood the current situation.

They put forward their suggestions one after another.

Some people want the Royal Academy of Sciences to transfer technology at low prices to promote the empire's industry to flourish again.

There were officials vying for the jurisdiction of the radio station, and they all could see that this new technology would bring huge benefits.

The speeches made by these officials were very one-sided, but they all supported the development of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

These people have just visited the Royal Academy of Sciences and seen the results of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Even those who oppose the Royal Academy of Sciences will not oppose it at this time.

As soon as the Royal Academy of Sciences achieved impressive results, they began to oppose it.

This kind of opposition, which is similar to being a scoundrel, will make Emperor Su He think that they are engaging in party disputes.

This approach is to bury their future. People who are stupid to this level will never become important ministers of the imperial court.

Emperor Su He was very satisfied with the ministers' views. They did not strongly object, which was the greatest support for the Royal Academy of Sciences.

The Royal Academy of Sciences has not yet laid its foundation.

As the empire industrialized, the technology required became more and more complex, and the problems encountered could only be solved by powerful scientists.

In this case, the status of the Royal Academy of Sciences is completely stable.

Emperor Su He looked at Prince Su Shu and asked, "What does Shu think of the Royal Academy of Sciences?"

Prince Su Shu had long thought that his father would ask him this question, and he had already prepared it in his mind.

After hearing this question, he immediately answered fluently: "Father, I think the overall performance of the Royal Academy of Sciences is very good.

If the empire wants to continue to develop, it cannot do without scientific and technological progress.

Scientific and technological progress is not achieved overnight, but through gradual accumulation and problem solving bit by bit.

When the accumulation of science and technology reaches a critical point, it will surely usher in a spurt of development.

The Royal Academy of Sciences was extremely important to the Empire.

But the Royal Academy is not without its problems.

The biggest problem of the Royal Academy of Sciences now is that it relies too much on the flash of inspiration of a few scientists.

Most of the people in the Royal Academy of Sciences, they just muddle along.

Erchen suggested that scientists from the Royal Academy of Sciences should also be assessed.

It is true that some basic research takes a long time and may not yield results.

Once the results are achieved, it will be a major achievement that affects the empire.

Before success, most people would not understand this research.

Scientific research is an extremely professional job, and any layman's comments will attract the contempt and ridicule of scientists.

Erchen's idea is to let scientists formulate relevant systems.

Only their own people can know how to restrict people who are cheating.

The empire’s limited funds must be spent wisely and must not be stolen by moths.”

Emperor Su He was very satisfied when he saw that Prince Su Shu did not follow others' opinions but had his own opinions.

He raised his glass, looked at the imperial ministers at Yunshang Restaurant, and said solemnly: "Developing science and technology is an unswerving national policy of the empire, and my descendants will adhere to this national policy.

The empire's army only needs a few hundred men, equipped with machine guns and rapid-fire cannons, to block the attack of tens of thousands of ancient cavalry.

This is the power that the military has with the blessing of technology.

As the level of science and technology improves, weapons that we can't imagine now will be developed one by one.

Once the empire's army falls behind, it is very likely that the empire's tens of thousands of troops will not be able to withstand the attack of thousands of enemy troops.

Those who fall behind will be beaten, and the stagnation of scientific and technological development is the beginning of the empire's backwardness."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! When the important officials of the empire present saw Emperor Su He say this, they all clearly understood the clear attitude of Emperor Su He.

The development of science and technology has now been determined as an unshakable national policy by Emperor Su He.

Not only is this national policy unshakable now, even if Emperor Su He dies, the succeeding emperor will not shake this national policy.

In order to prove the legitimacy of his succession, the emperor who succeeded to the throne must uphold the national policies of the founding monarch.

Some officials were thankful in their hearts that they saw that the situation was not developing well and did not stand out.

With Emperor Su He's current resolute attitude, if they had really stood up and proposed dismantling the Royal Academy of Sciences just now, Emperor Su He would definitely use it to scare others.

Prime Minister Lin Wenjing immediately toasted and celebrated: "Your Majesty has elevated the development of science and technology to the level of a national policy, which will definitely inspire the confidence of scientists.

Let them concentrate on researching technology and not be affected by the external environment.

The strength of the empire comes from the strength of industry, and the strength of industry cannot be separated from the strength of science and technology.

I support Your Majesty in making the development of science and technology a national policy. This national policy will definitely lead the empire out of the quagmire of economic crisis."

When everyone was still shocked, they saw that Prime Minister Lin Wenjing was the first to express support. They all sighed that there was a reason why Lin Wenjing became prime minister.

Everyone rushed to express their support for Emperor Su He's decision to develop science and technology as a national policy.

This national policy has very little impact on officials. Their interests have not been affected, and they will not risk huge costs to oppose Emperor Su He's establishment of the development of science and technology as a national policy.

Emperor Su He saw a faint smile on his face when he saw the important ministers of the empire expressing their support.

He chose to lead ministers to visit the Royal Academy of Sciences in order to unify their thoughts.

This chapter has been completed!
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