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Chapter 186 Machine guns show their power

Li Dazhuang, Commander of the Seventh Army, received a report from Chief of Staff Zheng Ruide.

"The army commander, Utor, leader of the Chahar tribe in Mongolia, reported that 60,000 troops from the Eight Banners of the Later Jin Dynasty were invading the Hetao area."

"What? The Eight Banners soldiers dared to invade our place, who gave them the courage?"

Li Dazhuang then smiled and said:

"Finally an enemy allows us to train our troops.

The Second Division is on duty today, let Zhuang Renyi go to the battlefield first, and the others will gather immediately and then go over to support."

Li Dazhuang quickly issued combat orders, and the entire Seventh Army was immediately mobilized.

Zhuang Renyi, the commander of the Second Division, ordered his troops and horses. Because of the battle with the cavalry, he purposely moved all the machine guns of the Second Division on horses and prepared sufficient ammunition.

The bullets of the machine gun have been loaded, the spring has been loaded, and the machine gunner can open the safety and pull the trigger at any time.

The commander of the First Division, Tan Fangyuan, a great Han from northern Shaanxi, saw that the Second Division had already lined up to leave.

He immediately yelled: "Everyone, hurry up and gather together. You can't keep up with the heat even if you are grinding and moaning."

Cui Xiuzhu, the commander of the Third Division and a scholar from Jiangnan, was not in a hurry at all.

"Before everyone sets off, check the firearms for me.

Many of you are on the battlefield for the first time.

The officer must instruct the soldiers to load the bullets and load the firearms in advance.”

Li Dazhuang watched as the troops began to assemble.

He said to the military commander Pan Hongcai: "Go and inform the cavalry division Zhang Wansi that their cavalry division has completed the change of equipment.

You should also go to the battlefield to test your quality and compete with the strongest cavalry in the world, the Eight Banners Soldiers.

It is difficult for our infantry to keep the cavalry, but it still depends on the performance of the cavalry division and whether they can defeat the Eight Banners soldiers."

Li Dazhuang and Duan Ruide mounted their horses and followed the troops.

This was the first time they collided with a large-scale cavalry after they came to the Hetao area and changed their army's equipment.

Will new rifles and cannons work on the battlefield?

It still depends on the outcome of this war.

The outcome of the war will determine the future research and development of weapons by the Qin Palace.

Chief of Staff Duan Ruide was riding on the horse and said to Li Dazhuang: "Commander, I think this matter is very strange.

Sixty thousand Eight Banners soldiers, what are they doing here in Hetao?

Liaodong is thousands of miles away from here. Running so far on the grassland must be to achieve some purpose.

Is it because Huang Taiji wants to unify the grassland and now sends the Eight Banners army to attack here?"

Li Dazhuang waved his hand and said: "Huang Taiji will not move so fast, they want to unify the grassland.

It was also a far-reaching attack, bit by bit eating away at the surrounding Mongolian tribes.

To fight thousands of miles away is not to expand one's own power.

They seemed to be chasing a certain tribe, I guessed it was Lin Dan Khan.

Only Lin Dan Khan could attract the Hou Jin army to attack.

That Utor, who is also from the Chahar tribe, must have avoided the important and concealed some circumstances."

Duan Ruide nodded in approval and said:

"This is obvious, and this is the only explanation that makes sense.

We just use the Eight Banners Soldiers to establish our authority and let the tribes on the grassland take a look at our strength.

If these tribes are obedient, we can form more cavalry and control large areas of grassland.

On the grassland, except for important resource points, there is no need to build cities elsewhere.

Each city is still very far apart, so a large number of cavalry must be maintained to control the entire grassland area."


Naren looked at the cavalry left by Utor and had already fought with the vanguard troops sent by Horqin Mongolia.

These people, after a year-long migration, are already very weak physically.

You can only support from the side, not as the main force.

These people look very strong, even though they are a bit old, but they have a lot of battlefield experience.

Especially the steel knives in their hands, which can directly break the knives in the hands of Horqin Mongolian soldiers with one slash.

The chain armor on their bodies could also withstand the knife in Horqin Mongolia's hand.

Ezhe said to Naren: "The knives and armors in the hands of these people are of great quality.

This is definitely not something that our Mongolian tribe can produce.

They must have stolen this from the Han people.

The Han people have such advanced knives and armor, but they can't protect themselves. This is such a waste."

The Horqin Mongolian soldiers saw that they could not defeat these people in close combat.

They immediately distanced themselves and shot with bows and arrows.

Chain armor was ineffective against bows and arrows, and many people were injured.

These people's bow and arrow skills were very crude and were suppressed by the Horqin Mongols.

"Ezhe, you take the archers to help them, and you must suppress these people's bows and arrows."

Lin Dan Batur, seeing the situation on the battlefield, immediately asked his son to lead troops to support.

While fighting, they retreated in the direction where Bator left.


Bartol led the way. He was smiling, bending down and lowering his eyebrows, looking like he was trying to please.

"Commander Zhuang, the warriors of our tribe will feel comfortable using them in your army!"

"I received some from the recruit camp. They have better obedience and better riding skills. They are good scouts."

Zhuang Renyi was quite satisfied with the Mongolian soldiers in the army. These Mongolian soldiers were very able to endure hardships.

In Zhuang Renyi's eyes, today's soldiers are already very capable of enduring hardship, and these Mongolian soldiers are even more capable of enduring hardship.

They seem to be very afraid of being eliminated by the army.

Zhuang Renyi rode a horse, and most of the soldiers walked.

They marched quickly with combat supplies on their backs and quickly followed Utor to the battlefield.

Utor looked anxious, but he knew that these were infantry, and they were already moving at a faster speed now.

Soon they saw the slowly retreating team in front and heard the screams coming from the front.

Utor breathed a sigh of relief. It's good that these people can hold on.

"Sir, the people of our tribe are in front of us, and you see that is the flag of our tribe.

The people chasing behind and trying to surround us are the invading Eight Banners soldiers."

Zhuang Renyi used his binoculars to see the flags of the Eight Banners soldiers.

The Eight Banners soldiers were enemies rather than friends. After confirming the enemy's identity, he immediately issued combat orders.

"Be prepared for battle. Artillery and machine guns must be sent to protect the enemy."

In the encounter on the grassland, there was no way to dig trenches or lay out barbed wire fences.

Zhuang Renyi could only choose to destroy the enemy troops through the firepower of artillery and machine guns.

Cannons and machine guns were unhooked from their horses.

The artillerymen and machine gunners all adjusted their cannons and machine guns to a firing state.

They pushed the artillery carriage and machine gun carriage, followed the team, and slowly advanced towards the enemy.

The soldiers of the Second Division took off their rifles from their backs, held the rifles in both hands, loaded the bullets, and cocked the bolts.

The army bypassed the Chahar tribe and moved towards the flank of the Eight Banners soldiers.


Haug looked at the Mongolian cavalry in front, which had already entangled Lin Danhan's troops.

Lin Danhan ran too fast and had already reached the Loop. This old guy ran away so fast, but he couldn't escape from his grasp.

"The whole army attacks and Lin Dan Khan must not be allowed to escape."

He was already imagining that he would capture Lin Danhan and achieve great success.

You can take over the throne of your father Khan after his death.

They were preparing to surround Lin Dan Khan with their entire army when the situation on the battlefield changed and another army entered the battlefield.

"Report to Mr. Beile that there are more than 10,000 Han people. They want to rescue Lin Danhan and are besieging us."

When Hauge heard this, he laughed directly.

"Lin Danhan colluded with Ming Dynasty and wanted to unite Ming Dynasty to check and balance us. Now it seems that the rumors are true.

These Han people, numbering just over 10,000, dare to attack us.

Let the Mongolian cavalry continue to pursue Lin Dan Khan, and our Eight Banners soldiers will directly defeat this group of Han people."

Hauge directly led the Eight Banners soldiers with yellow flags and launched a charge against Zhuang Renyi's troops.

His father, Huang Taiji, suffered the loss of firearms in Daling River and would never do this.

Hauge had never seen the power of firearms. He thought the Qin army was the same as the Ming army he encountered before.

If he leads the Eight Banners soldiers to attack, these Han people will flee in confusion.


Utor has come to Lindan Batur's side.

"Brother Lin Dan Batur, the Qin army has arrived on the battlefield, so don't worry!"

Lindan Batur was stunned. He looked at Utor in disbelief.

"You actually took refuge with the Han people. It's such a disgrace to the Golden Family. I don't have any relatives like you.

If you do this, you will bring shame to our ancestors."

Lindan Batur's face immediately turned livid. He did not expect that Utor would defect to the Han people.

Utor shrugged and pointed in the direction of Zhuang Renyi.

"Brother Lindan Batur, I hope you can still have such a strong tone for a while.

If you look in this direction carefully, you will know why this place has become the territory of the Han people.

Anyone who does not abide by the rules of the Han people will return to the Heaven of Immortality."

They stared at the battle between the Eight Banners soldiers and the Qin army. Lin Danwutol, Naren, Ezhe and others all looked shocked.

This was not the first time Utor saw this. When he saw this scene again, beads of sweat kept dripping from his forehead.


When Zhuang Renyi saw the Eight Banners soldiers, he actually charged them.

"Great, God has helped me, there are such stupid enemy troops.

I'm worried about them escaping. On the grassland, two legs can't run as fast as four legs.

I didn’t expect these cavalry to charge our army.”

Zhuang Renyi excitedly issued the order, saying: "The artillery will wait for a while before attacking. If the Eight Banners soldiers are found to be retreating, they will immediately cover it with artillery fire.

This is the performance time of the machine gunners. All machine gunners move to the front and form cross fire on the cavalry.

If the cavalry rushes within rifle range, everyone is free to fire."

His order was quickly conveyed to the entire army.

The Second Division had already set up its formation to welcome the Eight Banners' attack.

Hauge saw the Han people standing stupidly in front. He raised his bow and arrow, preparing to aim at the enemy general.

His archery skills are second to none among the Eight Banners soldiers, and he has no problem piercing a Yang Yang with a hundred steps.

Zhuang Renyi put down his telescope, estimated that the Eight Banners soldiers had arrived at the designated position, and raised his revolver.

He pulled the trigger, and a green flare shot directly from the barrel of the gun.

This is the signal to open fire. Fifty-four machine guns are deployed on the front line, making their own roar.

Every two machine guns, one on the left and one on the right, formed a crossfire, shooting at the Eight Banners soldiers in front.

Zhu Linbai held the trigger of the machine gun, and the machine gun made its own unique clicking sound.

He moved the machine gun only a little from left to right, and the Eight Banners soldiers in front fell in pieces.

He felt himself pulling the trigger, but the machine gun stopped rotating.

"Don't be stunned, load up the machine gun quickly."

He saw the deputy squad leader busy arranging the machine gun's bullet chain.

The deputy squad leader immediately shook the handle twice urgently, and the sound of the machine gun sounded again.

Zhu Linbai emptied three bullet chains. He felt that the machine gun had jammed. He manually moved the machine gun back in a circle to re-fire the bullet.

The machine gun clicked again, and he was filled with a sense of security.

Zhuang Renyi looked at the Eight Banners soldiers in the front row, falling down in groups.

One machine gun has 300 rounds of ammunition per minute, and fifty-four machine guns have 16,200 rounds of ammunition per minute.

Even if one hundred rounds of bullets can kill one Eight Banners soldier, they can kill one hundred and sixty-two people in one minute.

What's more, the formation of the Eight Banners soldiers was very dense. He expected that twenty rounds of bullets could kill one of the Eight Banners soldiers.

"This is the invincible cavalry. Under the flames of the machine gun, all living beings are equal."

Hauge saw that these Han people's firearms were too violent, and the five Niulu he sent disappeared in an instant.

He felt frightened and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Withdraw the troops, withdraw the troops quickly, we can't fight any longer."

The Eight Banners soldiers in the back row were originally frightened by the tragic situation of the Eight Banners soldiers in front.

When they heard the order to withdraw their troops, they immediately prepared to withdraw from the battlefield.

When Zhuang Renyi saw the Eight Banners soldiers trying to run away, he immediately ordered: "The artillery fire is covering them. Shoot all the shells out for me."

The artillerymen received the order, and they finally waited for their chance to perform.

As soon as the artilleryman pulled the rope, the firing pin of the cannon began to hit the primer of the shell.

With a bang, the cannonball flew out of the barrel.

The artilleryman opened the gun breech, hooked out the shell case with a small hook, reloaded the previous shell, and closed the gun breech.

The artillery shell exploded in the formation of the Eight Banners soldiers, directly disrupting the formation of the Eight Banners soldiers.

At this moment, a cavalry force of more than 10,000 people entered the battlefield directly and circled behind the eight cavalrymen.

These people held rifles and fired directly at the panicked Eight Banners soldiers.

Many of these people are Mongolians, and their ancestors mastered the art of shooting bows and arrows from horses.

They now also master the technique of holding a gun with both hands on horseback.

After the cavalry division soldier fired a shot, he hung his rifle on his horse, took out two revolvers, and prepared to approach the Eight Banners soldiers and shoot.

Zhuang Renyi saw that the cavalry division had broken up the formation of the eight cavalrymen.

He raised his pistol and issued the order: "Charge the entire army."

The soldiers held rifles and attacked the Eight Banners soldiers.

At the same time, the cavalry division had also rushed into the Eight Banners Army formation.

Battle is the fastest to charge. He is already a deputy platoon leader and is working hard to become a full-time employee.

He saw a man in armor who looked like a general of the Eight Banners soldiers, bending his bow and setting an arrow.

He was holding the rifle in his hand. The rifle in his hand had not been fired. He wanted to give the bullets to a more important target.

He held the rifle in both hands, and his hands remained very steady even on the galloping horse.

Battle pulled the trigger and aimed at the general's rear.

There was a bang.

Battle saw the Eight Banners Army general swaying twice and then fell off his horse.

The people around him shouted in pain: "Master Baylor."

Battle took out his pistol and fired twelve shots at these people. Each shot could take away one person.

The Mongols who were attacking Lindan Khan saw the miserable situation of Houjin, and they immediately turned around and prepared to escape back to their tribe.

There are still some Mongolians who cannot be separated from the team of Lin Dan Khan and others.

Zhang Wansi led the cavalry division to pursue the fleeing Mongols.

Li Dazhuang quickly led his troops to the battlefield, and he directly surrounded all the Mongols who had not left.

Horqin and other Mongolian tribesmen still wanted to resist.

They were blocked by machine guns and artillery, and after suffering heavy casualties, they surrendered directly to Li Dazhuang.

This chapter has been completed!
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