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Chapter 187 Marriage

Li Dazhuang looked at the Eight Banners cavalry and Mongolian cavalry tied up with hemp ropes.

The horses under their crotches were all carefully cared for by the soldiers, gathered together, and handed over to professional grooms.

This war has ended, and as the victors of the war, they are cleaning up the battlefield.

Zhang Wansi soon returned with more than 3,000 prisoners and more than 5,000 horses.

When he saw Li Dazhuang, he said excitedly: "Old Li, this war was really fun.

Ranger tactics are completely feasible, and rifles are much more powerful than bows and arrows.

Especially the Mongols who have taken refuge with us are naturally good at equestrian skills and can shoot with guns in both hands while their horses are running rapidly.

Perfectly unleashing the powerful power of the rifle.

In close combat, a revolver is much easier to use than a knife.

His Highness the King of Qin once said that a gun is fast from seven steps away, but a gun is fast and accurate within seven steps.

We, the new soldiers, achieved an unprecedented victory against the Eight Banners soldiers and the elite Mongolian cavalry, proving the correctness of His Highness the King of Qin's words."

Li Dazhuang quickly chatted with Zhang Wansi. This was a problem encountered in the war.


A scream came from the distance, interrupting the conversation between Li Dazhuang and Zhang Wansi.

Pan Hongcai was suddenly startled and said angrily: "There were no gunshots around, this is not the prisoners resisting.

Who is killing the prisoners, and is there any discipline? Those people who are really acting as military police are just for show.

If something happens to someone in the army, I have to re-educate their mentor.

How did he manage the ideological education of soldiers?

If not, just retire me. The military academy has assigned so many talents and they are still waiting to be promoted."

They walked towards the direction where the screams came from.

They saw a woman wearing traditional Mongolian clothes, holding a steel knife in her hand, and the knife was still dripping blood.

A captured Eight Banners general, his body has been separated.

The war horse next to it has several heads hanging on it.

These heads had been treated with quicklime, and the bullets were so badly decayed that the faces could no longer be clearly seen.

Several Qin soldiers stood there helplessly.

Pan Hongcai immediately stepped forward to understand the situation.

"Master Pan Zhu, this Mongolian girl, said she would help us and persuade some Mongolian prisoners to surrender.

When she came here, she suddenly went crazy, took a knife and hacked the prisoner to death.

We were at fault and did not have time to stop it."

They had just come to their senses and saw a very beautiful Mongolian girl coming to help them. Everyone felt very happy.

Before they could react, the Mongolian girl suddenly drew her knife and cut the prisoner's neck directly.

None of them realized how this gentle little girl turned into a murderous maniac.

When they were hesitating whether to arrest him or not, the military leaders came over.

"Little girl Naren, this Eight Banners general killed my mother, and her head was hung on the horse.

He and I have a blood feud. I must avenge my mother. It is up to you to deal with me as you wish.

Please give these heads to my father Khan so that he can be buried alive."

In order for Naren to make these Han generals understand, she specially used the word mother.

The word mother is used all over the world.

Both the Han people from the south and the blond businessmen from the west can understand this vocabulary.

Pan Hongcai calmly ordered: "Let the military police push her down."

Knowing this, the most he could do was to lock her up for a few days, give her a lecture, and fine her some money.

This was on the battlefield, and she was not a soldier of the Qin Army, so the punishment would not be too severe.

When they captured Shaanxi, there were angry people who beat the gentry or Ming troops to death.

I specifically asked Qin King Su He for instructions on this matter, and the instructions given were small punishments and big warnings.


"younger sister."

When Ezhe saw Naren being taken away by the Qin army, he screamed in pain, but did not dare to lead his troops to snatch her back.

They could clearly see the fate of the Eight Banners soldiers.

The brave and skilled Eight Banners soldiers suffered heavy casualties in the face of the Qin army, let alone people like them.

Lindan Batur did not blame his daughter for her impulsive behavior. He already understood the cause and effect.

Many members of the tribe were massacred by the Eight Banners soldiers, including his wife and children.

In order to humiliate them, many Eight Banners generals mounted their horses with the heads of their relatives hanging on them.

His face can no longer be seen clearly, but with his special headdress and braids, he can be identified at a glance.

Naren's mother's head was hung on the horse of the Eight Banners general.

If he sees this situation, he may not be able to hold back the anger in his heart.

"Brother Utor, what should we do in this situation?

Do you have any way to save Naren?"

Lindan Batur lowered his head and asked Utor.

As a local here, he has good relations with the Han people, so he should have some ideas.

Utor shook his head and said: "I have never encountered such a thing. I don't know if the Han generals I know can put Naren back.

I feel like there’s not much hope, so I need to be prepared, and I’ll try my best to find connections.”


Li Dazhuang and others quickly cleaned the battlefield, brought a large amount of fire oil, and poured it on the corpses of the Eight Banners soldiers and Mongolians.

A big fire burned all the bodies directly.

A small number of corpses of soldiers of the Qin army were cremated under the ceremony presided over by Zhu Shi in the army.

The Qin army escorted the prisoners back to Baotou City.

By interrogating these prisoners, Li Dazhuang already knew why these people came to Hetao.

They were ordered to pursue the Chahar tribe where Lin Dan Khan belonged.

"Inform Lin Danhan that the situation here will be reported to His Highness King Qin, and they will be allowed to live in the pasture near the city first."

Utor has been running around for Naren's affairs.

He also wanted to know that Lin Danhan came to the Hetao area.

Will there be any changes in the attitude of the Han people towards the Mongols?

He ran around for a while and got a few soft nails.

These generals all said that Naren was taken away by the military police and that ordinary soldiers could not intervene in the matters of the Military Justice Department.

Utor listened to these generals and told him that Naren was fine.

He just listened to it, a fool believed this rhetoric, and now he must find a solution.

Otherwise, if a complete person goes in and is put back, we don’t know what will become of him.

Utor received another notice, asking him to notify Lin Dan Batur and stay near Baotou City.

They have already reported this news to King Qin, and will soon receive notification on how to deal with them.

Utor was in a depressed mood and came to meet Lindan Batur.

"Brother Lindan Batur, I didn't accomplish what you asked me to do.

The Han people have nothing to do with Naren's affairs.

Now I'm worried that there are higher-level Han people who are attracted to Naren's beauty.

There are also Han people who want you to stay in the grasslands near the city.

They wanted to report to the King of Qin, the leader of the Han people.

I think we need to be more proactive before they report it.

These Han officers cannot be allowed to act freely."

Lindan Batur's heart felt cold when he heard Utor's words.

He was at a loss. When the Chahar tribe was strong, which force would dare to touch his daughter.

Now that things have reached this point, we need to arrange the tribes first.

Under the guidance of Lindan Batur, they came to a pasture to allow the tribe to settle down.

In his royal tent, Lindan Batur called Utor and his son Ezhe to discuss the problems they encountered.

"Brother Utor, what you just said is true.

Brother, I don’t know much about the Han people in this area.

If you have any good ideas, tell me."

Lindan Batur saw Utor's eyes flashing before and hesitated to say anything.

He was anxious to settle down the tribe and didn't ask any questions before.

Utor heard Lindan Batur's inquiry, but he did not give his suggestion.

Instead, he asked Lindan Batur several questions in succession.

"Brother Lindan Batur, do you think our Chahar tribe, when it was at its strongest, could withstand the Qin army's attack?

On the grassland, the strong is king, and when we are at a disadvantage, we must correct our mentality."

Lindan Batur shook his head and said: "Don't say it was when our Chahar tribe was strong.

Even when Mongolia was strong and occupied most of the world, the Mongolian cavalry could not resist the Qin army.

Their muskets are too powerful, especially the muskets that can fire continuously, which is simply a nightmare for the cavalry.

I saw that this kind of musket does not require complicated formations and is very convenient to shoot.

They used horses to pull muskets, which could be fired at any time, and the range was very long.

The cavalry has no choice but to be used as a target."

Utor asked again: "Brother Lindan Batur, do you think the Han people will also seize large tracts of pasture to herd horses and sheep?"

Lin Danbaatar shook his head and glanced at the very spacious Baotou City next to him.

"Brother Utor, I learned some of the situation here from you.

Han people are good at farming, and they usually live in cities.

They are not good at herding horses and raising sheep. The large pastures here are managed by Mongolian tribes like you.

I heard that they mine minerals here and occasionally trade goods. They have no idea of ​​herding horses and sheep.

These Han people all buy livestock from our Mongolian tribes.

The grassland has always been our Mongolians’ world.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent Wei Qinghuo to Qubing and defeated the Huns.

Tang Taizong sent Li Jing to defeat the Turks.

Ming Taizu sent Lan Yu to defeat us Mongols.

They only eliminated the royal court and left the nomadic tribes without unified leadership.

None of these Han people could stay in the grassland for a long time, and I don’t think King Su He of Qin could do it either.”

Lin Dan Batur saw that the Han military here was so strong.

He not only asked Utor about the situation here.

Many people from the tribe were also sent to help the Han people clean up the battlefield in the name of helping, and took the opportunity to ask for some information here.

Lindan Batur's knowledge is still too shallow, and he can only speculate on the future situation here from the perspective of small farmer economy.

In the era of small-scale peasant economy, places that cannot cultivate land will not bring in profits. If they rule for a long time, they can only continue to invest money in such places.

No farming dynasty can survive.

The power of King Qin has developed into an industrial civilization, far beyond Lin Dan Batur's imagination.

Utor heard what Lindan Batur said.

He kept nodding. Lin Dan Batur was someone who was educated by the royal court.

His vision and knowledge far exceed his own.

After Utol laid the groundwork, he directly expressed his suggestions.

"Brother Lin Dan Batur, we can also see that the Han people cannot stay on the grassland for a long time.

Why don't we use the power of the Han people to develop and strengthen our own tribe?

Naren's niece has been captured, why don't we take the initiative to get married.

In the past, it was all Han people who married each other, and they thought it was a loss of face.

If we take the initiative to form a marriage, we are doing it in favor of the Han people, and there is a high probability that it will succeed."

When E Zhe heard these words, his heart immediately moved.

He also advised: "Father Khan, after the Huns and Turks were defeated by the Han people, they immediately surrendered.

They recuperated their strength on the grasslands, and finally took advantage of the weakness of the Han people to directly attack the Central Plains.

It is better for us to marry the Han people than to marry other tribes.

We are very weak now. The Han people will not annex us, but other tribes may not.

Now it is obvious that the Han people are more powerful, and by marrying the Han people, they will gain more things.

Tolerate temporarily is for the sake of future glory.

We must be like the wolves in the prairie, patient and able to endure.”

Lindan Batur weighed the pros and cons, thinking about the current situation of the Chahar tribe.

The role of the daughter of a Mongolian man is to form a marriage alliance.

When they were strong, they would marry their subordinates to consolidate the relationship between the monarch and his subjects.

When they were weak, they married powerful allies and gained good opportunities for the survival and development of the tribe.

The most powerful force around now is the Han people.

Lindan Batur said with some worry: "Marriage with the Han people is indeed a good choice.

It is impossible for us to marry Houjin, they will definitely annex our tribe through marriage.

The Han people will not annex our tribe.

It’s just that we don’t know what King Qin likes, so what should we do if he doesn’t want to marry us?”

When E Zhe saw his father Han relenting, he immediately came up with an idea and said: "Father Khan, opportunities are won by fighting for them.

If we want to marry, we must implement it as soon as possible. We will directly write the letter of credence in the name of the Mongolian Khan.

Let his sister Naren personally serve as an envoy to Hanzhong to preside over the marriage.

Naren's beauty may be able to impress the King of Qin and become an important bargaining chip.

Naren's wisdom also allows her to adapt to situations when she encounters them in Hanzhong.

Father Khan, if we take that thing as a dowry, I don’t think any Han prince would refuse.

King Qin has not yet unified the world, so that thing is very important to him.

Even if he already dominates the world, he will still agree to our conditions."

"That thing." Lindan Batur said with some heartache.

That was one of the few valuable things left to him by his ancestors.

"All right!"

Lindan Batur made up his mind and agreed.

Utor watched the father and son play riddles.

The Chahar tribe has been passed down for hundreds of years, so there must be some good things.


Li Dazhuang and others are dealing with matters related to the prisoners.

At the same time, summarize the gains and losses of this war.

These things must be written into official documents and reported to King Su He of Qin.

Pan Hongcai quickly walked into the room, carrying several pieces of parchment.

"I thought the Mongolian tribe was going to rebel.

I didn't expect that they would surrender to us and want to marry His Highness the King of Qin.

Everyone, take a look at this credential and see how we can report to Hanzhong."

Li Dazhuang took the credentials and glanced at it.

"As for the marriage, I will avoid any suspicion and will not express any opinions."

He is a foreign relative, and nothing he can say is right on this occasion.

Many officers except Li Dazhuang are discussing how to deal with this matter?

Zhang Wansi said: "What are we discussing here? Can we get involved in this matter?

Once we send the people to Hanzhong, our mission will be over."

Everyone heard Zhang Wansi's opinion and agreed with him.

Seize the Eight Banners Soldier Baylor's armor and the Eight Banners Soldiers' flag and pack them up.

Li Dazhuang sent these things to Hanzhong together with a group of Mongolians such as Guan Wen and Na Ren.


Thanks Liulichan for the tip

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