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Chapter 198 Thoughts of the Masters, Sugar Medicine

Su He looked at the map in front of him and finally made up his mind to give priority to the direction of Guangdong and Guangxi.

He had been hesitant before.

From which direction, continue to attack the Ming Dynasty.

Now in Henan and Huguang, the rebel armies such as Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong are at war with the Ming army.

When the Qin army enters these two battlefields, they will definitely turn their guns and join forces with the Ming Dynasty to fight against the Qin army.

This is inevitable and is determined by their respective interests.

The merger of the rebel army and the Ming army had some impact on the unification of Suhe, but not much.

Su He was worried that once the Ming Dynasty was pressed, they would definitely join forces with Jiannu to resist the Qin army.

The Ming Dynasty seemed to be controlled by Emperor Chongzhen.

In fact, it is in the hands of the literati group.

The gentry were the real masters of the Ming Dynasty.

Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty seemed to have the highest power in the Ming Dynasty.

Without the permission of the civil servant group, he could not accomplish anything.

If the civil service group wanted to accomplish something, Emperor Chongzhen had to compromise.

What's more, Emperor Chongzhen was irresponsible and indecisive.

He has no ability to fight against the civil servant group of Ming Dynasty.

Emperor Chongzhen is not as capable as his brother Emperor Tianqi.

Emperor Apocalypse reused eunuchs and was able to compete with the civil service group, but his death was unclear in the end.

During the Southern Ming Dynasty, the small imperial court of Nanming also united with Jiannu to eliminate banditry first.

This extremely short-sighted approach, which only focuses on immediate interests, is a common practice among civil servant groups.

Even though the Ming Dynasty had some far-sighted talents and outstanding loyal ministers and good generals.

They have no way to use their talents.

Su He believed that he had really driven the Ming Dynasty civil servant group into a panic.

These people can definitely do what they did to lure construction slaves into the country.

The Ming Dynasty now also masters basic firearms, and the military level and organizational capabilities of the slaves far exceed those of the Ming army.

Once Jiannu mastered perfect firearms manufacturing.

Even old bronze cannons and flintlock guns can cause great damage to the Qin army.

This is still a small problem, spreading firearms to the entire grassland and allowing grassland forces to take control of firearms manufacturing.

This problem is more serious.

Su He planned to pass through the grassland and deal with Jiannu first.

The last step is to cut off the connection between Jiannu and Ming Dynasty.

If you want to achieve this strategy, you cannot overly stimulate Ming Dynasty.

Shanxi and Henan cannot be the main targets.

With Shanxi and Henan as barriers in Northern Zhili, the Ming court would feel safe.

Su He had previously considered two combat directions, marching into Huguang or going south to Guangdong and Guangxi.

March into Huguang, and after capturing Huguang, you can go directly to Jiangnan along the waterway.

In this way, half of the country was captured and the strategic initiative was taken.

Choosing this strategy takes a long time.

The secret guards and the Military Intelligence Bureau have both discovered it.

The gentry groups in each province control the armies of each province.

Among them, the Donglin Party in the Jiangnan area was the most active.

In the Ming Dynasty, no regiment training armed forces were officially formed in various places.

In fact, the Ming army in some places has completed the blood exchange.

For example, the Ming army in southern Zhili has become a township party army.

Su He raised a butcher's knife against the gentry. They had learned their lesson and knew how to control the army to protect themselves.

This kind of gentry control is similar to the Ming army that trained in regiments and armed forces.

Their resistance to the Qin army will definitely far exceed that of other armies.

Suhe still needs to fight for a long time if he wants to take over Jiangnan and other areas.

Another option is to capture the Guangdong and Guangxi regions.

Then from west to east, from south to north, it slowly eroded the entire Ming Dynasty.

If you choose this method, it will be easier to start with.

But as the Ming Dynasty slowly developed firearms, gentry from various places took control of the Ming army.

It will become more difficult to attack the southeastern region of Ming Dynasty later.

There is no distinction between these two strategies.

Su He had been in a dilemma before.

The current industrial surplus directly helps Suhe choose its strategic direction.

To implement the strategy of Guangdong and Guangxi, we must first control the access to the sea and solve the problem of industrial surplus.

As long as industry develops, the gentry of the Ming Dynasty who do not master advanced productive forces will be nothing but chickens and dogs.

Su He determined the strategic goals and wrote them down.

He asked his secretary to send his instructions to the staff department.

The staff department planned a combat plan based on Suhe's strategic goals.

After Su He saw his secretary leaving, he opened the Yanhuang Daily.

He also read newspapers every day. The Yanhuang Daily recorded important events under the rule of the Qin Palace.

This was one of the ways he understood the lives of the people under his rule.

Today's Yanhuang Daily's front page headline is about businessman Yang Tengfei, who made millions of taels of silver coins through the wool textile industry.

This is Su He's intentional guidance. The power of examples is infinite and can give people sufficient confidence.

When other people see a businessman earning so many silver coins through the grassland, they will definitely be tempted to try their luck on the grassland.

Now the Qin Palace is constantly immigrating to the grassland areas.

Mainly in the two cities of Baotou and Ordos.

It absorbs a large number of immigrants, mainly engaged in the mining and woolen textile industries.

Some immigrants also began to raise cattle, sheep and other livestock on the grasslands.

The Han people have the technology provided by the Academy of Sciences, and their breeding technology is no worse than that of the Mongols.

Breeding technology requires continuous investment, and the Academy of Sciences cannot make money by relying solely on breeding technology.

But it is an indispensable technology for herders to survive.

This kind of industry with large input and low output can only rely on government investment.

By the time the Academy of Sciences’ breeding technology surpassed the Mongolian experience.

Let the Mongols earn several times more silver coins than before, and these Mongolian tribes will be unable to do without the Qin Palace.

Su He saw the newspaper, and the second page was about the debate between Maoxiang and others and Xinxue.

Maoxiang is now a seventh-grade official in the Ministry of Personnel.

Many of his classmates chose to become county magistrates and formally enter official careers.

Maoxiang was a man who started academia.

He did not know what stimulation he received, and set off a wave of studying the thoughts of hundreds of pre-Qin philosophers.

There are many people who don't like Xinxue, and they also know that Su He hates Zhu Chengxue very much.

They followed Maoxiang and studied the pre-Qin thoughts.

Most people have not left Confucianism.

But there are some people who directly use the banner of Legalism and Mohism, and they are still a minority now.

Seeing that King Su He of Qin ignored them, these people gradually grew in power.

Su He was even more delighted with this change. All the civil servants in the court were learning from their own hearts.

The emergence of a more powerful civil servant group would also be harmful to the royal power.

He is the founder of the force, with supreme authority and the support of a powerful army.

Descendants of Su He may not be able to compete with the powerful civil service group.

Now the civil service group is beginning to split ideologically, and interest groups will inevitably form.

This is a good phenomenon, and Su He is still behind it to add fuel to the fire.

The ideas of hundreds of schools of thought in the pre-Qin period should also be passed down.

Su He released newspapers, and these various schools of thought set up their own newspapers to publicize their own ideas.

Among them, the editor-in-chief of the Confucian newspaper was Maoxiang.

But these people still like to have wars of words in Yanhuang Daily.

Yanhuang Daily has the greatest influence and can have a great propaganda effect on their school of thought.

Su He originally thought that Maoxiang's propaganda was a Confucianism that emphasized Zhou etiquette.

After reading Maoxiang's propaganda, he discovered that he believed in the Gongyang Sect.

Maoxiang abandoned the content of restricting royal power and focused on promoting the theory of great revenge.

Is it possible to take revenge in nine lifetimes? It can be done in a hundred lifetimes.

Under Maoxiang's instigation, the marriage between Su He and Na Ren caused some waves.

Su He did not punish Mao Xiang. Within a force, there will definitely be doves and hawks.

As long as you are not a capitulationist, there is no need to deal with it.

Now Zhu Chengxue's Neo-Confucianism has led to the overall social atmosphere that is cruel internally and cruel externally, which is not conducive to future overseas development.

Su He looked at Maoxiang's article that caused a big discussion.

He directly used the title Su He to explain the matter.

He accused the Prince of Qin of not having a Ministry of Rites in his palace, all the officials were just wine sacks and rice sacks, and the courtiers did not have a proper title for the Prince of Qin.

Maoxiang named and criticized Song Kangnian, the minister of Taichang Temple.

It is said that when he presided over the King of Qin's proclaiming ceremony, he was completely fooling around and brought shame to the literati.

If he were Song Kangnian, he would definitely jump into the river in shame and have no shame in living in this world.

Maoxiang quoted scriptures and proposed that everyone should call King Qin Suhe "the king" or "the king".

The title "Your Highness" is obviously a title used by the vassal king, and is inconsistent with the status of the princes and kings of King Qin.

This title implies that the status of King Qin is inferior to that of Chongzhen.

Even with sinister intentions, he wanted to hint to everyone that the King of Qin only wanted to live in a corner and had no intention of conquering the world.

When Su He saw this, he was also speechless.

He didn't think much about it at that time. He just asked Song Kangnian to choose a title that was most commonly spoken and familiar to the people.

Song Kangnian was not a person who specialized in etiquette.

Confucian scholars who specialized in etiquette were all hanged in front of the Yamen of Dali Temple.

Now Maoxiang has begun to incite public opinion and attack Taichang Temple Minister Song Kangnian.

Su He flipped through a few more newspapers and found some tabloids secretly attacking Prime Minister Wang Zhongce and other officials.

It is said that these people did not remind them to use the title "Your Highness", which is wrong. They are demeaning themselves as the King of Qin, and they have bad intentions.

Su He immediately called over Tian Jiapeng, Director of the Secretariat, who was waiting outside the door.

"Prince Qin's Palace..."

Su He looked at Tian Jiapeng scratching his hair, looking embarrassed.

“I didn’t expect that this matter would become so big and affect the communication between our monarch and his ministers.

You are my close minister and your influence is so great.

The impact on other ministers will be greater.

The Secretariat has announced that from now on, I will be called ‘Your Majesty’, and it will be more convenient to change it to ‘Your Majesty’ later on.

Spare these scholars who are making wild guesses, causing all officials, both civil and military, to have no peace."

When Tian Jiapeng heard Su He's instructions, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Majesty, I will do it right away.

This is a minor matter and will subside soon."

Su He felt that these people were too idle and wanted to find something for them to do.

He remembered that there were many ancient tombs in Shaanxi.

Some of the tombs contain well-preserved ancient classics, including the Analects of Confucius, the Tao Te Ching, Han Feizi, Mozi and other works written by hundreds of scholars in the pre-Qin period.

If these people want to promote various schools of thought, they cannot come up with some classics that have been deleted and altered at will by future generations.

The discovery of these classics will overturn the words of many saints.

This will also promote the collision of ideas among various schools of thought.


Jiang Zhiyu, the head of the logistics department of the Dudu Mansion, asked to see Su He with a look of joy on his face.

"Your Majesty, Academician Lu Minghua and Lu have created another big guy."

Su He remembered Lu Minghua, the genius who invented mercury fulminate.

He was promoted to an academician of the Academy of Sciences and made an earl.

Unexpectedly, Lu Minghua would now come up with a big killer weapon.

Seeing Jiang Zhiyu's happy expression, this kind of killing weapon is very powerful.

Su He led the guard group to the shooting range outside Hanzhong City.

He saw a relatively large rocket launcher set up on a carriage.

Qin Shanshui and his guard group had already tested the rocket launcher in advance.

After confirming the safety, King Su He of Qin was allowed to watch from a distance while they operated the rocket launcher at the shooting range.

Qin Shanshui pulled down the gun rope of the rocket launcher and fired several rocket launchers.

Su He observed this rocket launcher, and he found that the rocket launcher's firing rate and range were better than the previous rocket launchers.

The current range of rocket launchers has exceeded the range of fortress artillery.

After the rocket landed, it did not explode, but instead formed a sea of ​​​​burning flames.

These flames are extremely viscous and stick to objects and continue to burn.

There were soldiers from the Guard Regiment, holding water pipes and watering the area in the distance.

The sea of ​​​​fire was not extinguished. Instead, these things floated on the water and continued to burn.


When Su He saw this thing, his first impression was of napalm.

This is an extremely powerful ammunition that has been banned from use in later generations.

The power of this rocket now does not reach the level of napalm bombs.

But its performance is basically the same as napalm.

When Su He saw this ammunition, he immediately thought of how to use it.

This kind of ammunition is extremely effective in siege. Now the houses in the city are basically wooden buildings.

If a few rounds of this kind of ammunition are fired, a sea of ​​​​fire will form in the city, and no matter how strong the fortified city is, it will be unable to defend it.

This method of siege is simpler. When he attacks Jianmen Pass, he still relies on hot air balloons to drop bombs.

Now you just need to light a few rocket launchers outside the city gate.

This kind of ammunition is also very suitable for naval battles.

The rocket deployment time is very short, making it easy to launch from the ship.

Nowadays, all naval warships are made of wooden structure.

With just one shot of this kind of ammunition, a ship of any size will be burned down.

After Su He saw the ammunition demonstration, he praised: "Academician Lu's level is really high. This kind of ammunition can be adapted to many scenarios and enhance the military's foundation.

The range and rate of fire of rockets have been increased.

Have you developed a better gunpowder?"

Su He was very confused. The new propellant was the project he focused on.

He didn't hear that the Academy of Sciences had made a breakthrough on this project.

When Lu Minghua heard Su He's compliment, he said with a smile on his face: "Your Majesty, this is not a new propellant, it just adds some other ingredients to the black powder.

After a long period of practice, I found that adding some sugar and a small amount of potassium chlorate and other compounds to black gunpowder.

The performance of black powder can be doubled.

It burns more quickly and produces less residue.

It has a longer range and rate of fire, but is not without its shortcomings.

This kind of gunpowder is extremely susceptible to moisture and is not very stable, so it needs to be temporarily prepared before use.

It is not suitable for use as bullets and shells, weapons that require long-term storage."

Lu Minghua pointed at the sea of ​​​​fire that was still burning.

"Your Majesty, I was inspired by the fierce oil bombs and conducted experiments with a large amount of crude oil produced in the Laojunmiao oil area.

It was found that something similar to kerosene was separated from the crude oil, as well as some viscous substances in the crude oil, plus white sugar.

It will form a highly viscous ammunition that will stick to objects and continue to burn, and will not be extinguished even by water.

I named this ammunition Fire Bomb.

This kind of ammunition can be stored for a long time.

It can be fired from a cannon or a rocket.

It can be used together with rockets to achieve better results."

Su He gave Lu Minghua a thumbs up and praised his achievements.

"The emergence of newly improved gunpowder and fire bombs has turned the already extremely important sugar into an important strategic resource."

Su He was not surprised at all that sugar could increase the power of ammunition.

In later generations, some underdeveloped areas purchased large amounts of sugar to make weapons and ammunition.

Su He had not done this before, mainly because white sugar was too expensive, lacked many compounds, and the technology was not mature at all.

Now the chemical industry has matured and can produce some chemicals.

He had previously read Hanzhong's industrial report and found that under his rule, sugar production was extremely scarce.

The output is not even enough to supply sugar for normal consumption by the people.

There is simply no way to supply so much sugar as a raw material for weapons.

Su He has another reason to win the Guangdong and Guangxi.

This is an important sugar production area.

This chapter has been completed!
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