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Chapter 199 Battle of Guangdong and Guangxi

Su He came to the Dudu Mansion and listened to Li Fengming, the chief of staff, about the plan for the Guangdong and Guangxi campaigns.

He and the military attache of the Dudu Mansion were sitting below.

Li Fengming held a pointer and stood in front of a large map of Guangdong and Guangxi.

"Your Majesty, the battle arrangements for this Guangdong and Guangxi campaign are to dispatch three armies to capture the Guangdong and Guangxi areas.

The lion still needs to fight the rabbit with all his strength, so we must use the irresistible power of the Ming army to completely crush the stubborn resistance of Xiong Wencan, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi."

Li Fengming waved the pointer in his hand and continued to draw the military route on the map.

He also described the strategic goals of each army.

"This time, the First Army and the Second Army under the Southern Governor's Mansion were dispatched, as well as the newly formed Eighth Army.

Su Xiong, as the commander-in-chief of the Guangdong and Guangxi campaigns, launched the Guangdong and Guangxi campaigns.

The First Army, as the main force, went south from Liping Prefecture in Guizhou and captured Guilin Prefecture in Guangxi.

Follow the line of the Xunjiang River to Xijiang River, and after capturing Wuzhou, go straight to Guangzhou Prefecture along the Zhaoqing Prefecture.

The Second Army, as a mountain unit, crossed mountains and ridges from Yunnan into Guangxi.

Control the mountainous forest area in western Guangxi, which is densely forested and sparsely populated, making it suitable for mountain troop operations.

Zhang Yuliang of the Eighth Army was good at artillery.

After he cooperated with the First Army to capture Guilin Prefecture, he divided his troops and went south to Nanning Prefecture, Qinzhou and Lianzhou Prefecture in Guangdong.

After seizing the outlet to the sea, they captured Leizhou Prefecture and Gaozhou Prefecture.

If conditions permit, we can capture Qiongzhou Prefecture and march towards Guangzhou Prefecture.

Follow the king's instructions.

Under the Central Governor's Office, the Department of War and the Department of Navy were established, and Su Xiong concurrently served as the Minister of War.

Li Qingmu served as the Minister of the Navy and was in charge of all the navy and river water divisions under the Dudu Mansion.

He was responsible for establishing our first navy, the South China Sea Fleet."

Su He listened to Li Fengming's strategy, which was just a rough arrangement.

Detailed combat deployments will be distributed to the Southern Governor's Office and all military headquarters.

Frontline generals adjust the army's combat plan according to the combat plan and changes in the frontline, and based on the situation on the frontline.

The frontline generals of the Qin Army have great autonomy, but the strategic goals must be achieved.

Li Fengming continued to explain the arrangements of the staff department.

"The First Army and the Second Army entered the Guangdong and Guangxi areas to fight.

The Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan areas will inevitably be empty.

Our staff decided to deploy the Sixth Army to garrison the important border towns of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan.

Now the Ming Dynasty is unable to attack us. It can defend the Ming army's attack with the strength of one army and a garrison.

As long as we prevent the Ming army from attacking immediately, we will have enough time to deploy our troops.

The defense tasks of Xing'an Prefecture are handled by a part of the Imperial Guard."

Su He was quite satisfied with this strategic arrangement.

Xing'an Prefecture is now under the jurisdiction of Hanzhong County and is also a defense area of ​​the Imperial Guard.

With the Guards on defense, there is no need to arrange other troops.

"Chief of Staff Li Fengming, I will mobilize all armies according to your plan."

Su He looked at the military attache in the Governor's Office and ordered: "The Military and Administrative Department should do a good job in the ideological work of the soldiers before going to war, and assess the military merit of each unit.

The Logistics Department immediately mobilized to transport a large amount of military supplies to the southern region.

I will ask the bank to transfer military expenses to the account of the Logistics Department as soon as possible.

The Military Law Department does a good job in maintaining military discipline. Good military discipline is the guarantee of our military's combat effectiveness."

When Wen Jingming, Jiang Zhiyu and Su Ying heard Su He's instructions, they immediately stood up and saluted Su He with a military salute.

"Your Majesty, I promise to complete the mission."

Su He continued to give instructions: "As the territory expands, the military will also establish relevant agencies.

After the Battle of Guangdong and Guangxi ended, the Southern Dudu's Palace was divided into two parts, namely the Southwest Dudu's Palace and the Southeast Dudu's Palace.

The Southwest Governor's Mansion is headed by Su Zhuang, commander of the Second Army, and has jurisdiction over the Second Army and the Sixth Army.

The Southeast Governor's Mansion is headed by Su Xiong, commander of the First Army, and has jurisdiction over the First Army and the Eighth Army.

Arrange new barracks to follow the army and recruit enough recruits. The Southeast Governor's Mansion is preparing to form the Ninth Army.

The commander of the Ninth Army will choose generals who have performed outstandingly in this Guangdong and Guangxi battle."

Many officials in the Dudu Mansion began to mobilize efficiently in accordance with the order of King Qin Su He and the plan of Chief of Staff Li Fengming.

Su He came to the cabinet, where Prime Minister Wang Zhongce was waiting.

"Your Majesty, are we ready to launch a battle between Guangdong and Guangxi?"

"That's right, Su Xiong and others will receive my order by the end of July, and their march will go smoothly, and they will be able to capture Guangxi by the end of this year."

“The arrangement of officials in the cabinet needs to be carried out simultaneously with the army.

We would rather let officials wait for the military's actions than let local governments wait for officials.

Now that the number of officials is large enough, both the Jinshi selected by the imperial examination and a group of officials who have grown up can be promoted immediately.

The governor of Guangdong is served by Jinyinhua, the prefect of Hanzhong County.

The prefect of Hanzhong County is served by Li Tianyang, the prefect of Baoning Prefecture.

The governor of Guangxi is Gu Qiandao, the prefect of Baoji.

The prefect of Baodi is served by Zhou Yang, the mayor of Hannan Industrial Zone.

Li Zhisheng was appointed to the cabinet and was responsible for managing industry, agriculture and commerce.

Han Cuibai, the prefect of Zunyi, was promoted to governor of Sichuan.

As for the arrangements for vacancies of officials in other places and officials in Guangdong and Guangxi, you will make a detailed plan and I will make the selection."

When Wang Zhongce heard Su He's order, he immediately responded.

Li Zhisheng's entry into the cabinet is a signal that more and more governors will enter the cabinet in the future.

If King Su He of Qin had not stipulated that one must have experience in managing a party to enter the cabinet, there would be many cabinet members now.

From now on, Wang Zhongce must learn to decentralize power and learn how to get along with his colleagues.


Inside Deguilou Restaurant.

The Hanzhong Chamber of Commerce is meeting.

"It hasn't been announced in the newspaper, but everyone should be able to feel that something has happened now."

Ding Wannian looked at everyone. He had previously leaked several half-truths and half-false information to find out the insider in the chamber of commerce.

The members of the current Hanzhong Chamber of Commerce are more pure and there are no half-hearted people.

Yang Tengfei cupped his hands and said, "My father is going to do big business, and he is not in Hanzhong.

Now my nephew has temporarily taken over the family business.

Everyone can notice that things on the market, especially the textile industry, have changed from a state of oversupply.

This is partly due to the contribution of the Logistics Department of the Governor's Office.

The Logistics Department of the Dudu Mansion purchases a large amount of cloth and ready-made clothes, including three tons of medical gauze.

This purchase volume will directly clear the inventory of major factories in Hanzhong.

Under normal circumstances, we would not purchase so much medical gauze.

Medical gauze requires disinfection and other processes, and the cotton selected also has high requirements.

Its function is also extremely limited, and it only has the function of bandaging wounds.

Production quantities and sales have been stable.

Purchasing so much medical gauze now means that a war is about to break out."

Ding Wannian looked at Yang Tengfei talking eloquently.

It seems that external training can really cultivate talents.

His eldest son Ding Dezhen will also be sent to Guangdong and Guangxi areas for training.

Doing business in this newly occupied area will train people more.

His old friend Yang Wencai has a good relationship with the military. This time he was taken care of by the military and received a big order.

Ding Wannian only knew that his old friend Yang Wencai purchased five tons of rice and twenty tons of rice from his grain processing factory in Sichuan.

As soon as Yang Tengfei finished speaking, another businessman said: "I am in the canned food and biscuit business.

This type of fast-moving food with a long shelf life is usually purchased by fishermen or caravans traveling long distances.

This time the logistics department made a large purchase, and all the inventory of our Hanzhong cannery was emptied by the logistics department.

I heard that factories in Sichuan have also been overwhelmed by a large number of orders.

Food for the army is generally provided by farms.

There is no shortage of salted fish and live pigs on the farm.

Now that we are buying cans and biscuits in large quantities, I predict that war is about to break out.

President Ding, do you know where the war will break out this time so we can prepare in advance?"

Ding Wannian looked nervous and waved his hands quickly: "I don't know where the war will break out this time.

If you keep an eye on the news in the newspapers, there will be news soon."

Based on various circumstances, Ding Wannian guessed that the war was in Guangdong and Guangxi.

But he couldn't tell this, it would be embarrassing if he guessed wrong.

If he guesses correctly, the trouble will be even greater. His identity is unusual. No one thinks that he guesses correctly and will be involved in the leaking incident.

Ding Wannian looked at the many members of the chamber of commerce.

“Everyone needs to be prepared, have cash in hand, and don’t expand your business now.

If war really breaks out, there will be many more profitable businesses.

Don't let us eat meat then, and you won't even be able to drink the soup."

Ding Wannian looked through the glass window at the billowing black smoke in the industrial area.

Based on his understanding of Qin Wang Suhe, if he really takes over the coastline, he will definitely reopen sea trade.

Sea trade is an extremely profitable business.

The gentry of the Jiangnan Donglin Party control the interests of maritime trade, and merchants from other regions cannot interfere.

The Ming Dynasty banned the sea, but ordinary businessmen without money could not go to sea.

Now that there is hope for sea trade, he is also preparing to do sea trade business.


Li Wenfang, the new chief of staff of the First Army, approached the Southern Governor's Mansion with a stack of unopened mail.

Su Xiong saw the bright red mail cover in Li Wenfang's hand.

"The highest-level top-secret official document, something big is going to happen."

Li Zhengfeng, who was sitting nearby, congratulated the master and he also raised his head.

The last time I saw an official document with a red cover like this was when we sent troops to attack Yunnan and Guizhou.

This time King Su He of Qin issued an order. Will he send troops again, to Huguang or Guangdong and Guangxi?

Su Xiong opened the official document. It was a secret message specially prepared by the staff department.

The three of them used the newly replaced code books.

Every time I return to Hanzhong to report on my work, I change my code book.

They began to decrypt the contents of the official document and checked the decrypted contents.

"Great, this is launching the Guangdong and Guangxi campaign with our First Army as the main force.

We don’t have to be envious now that we have seen great gains from the north’s attack on the grasslands.

Chief of Staff Li, go to the Eighth Army in person to coordinate relevant plans with the Eighth Army.

Master Li Zhu, go and convene a meeting with the officers of each division.

I personally communicated with the local authorities and asked them to coordinate the supplies for the war."

The three of them took action immediately. Su Xiong communicated with Sichuan Governor Li Zhisheng to provide military logistics supplies.

Officers from various divisions under the First Army have also arrived at the First Army headquarters.

Su Xiong looked at the officers under his command and said loudly: "King Qin, issue a new order.

Our First Army is responsible for capturing Guilin Prefecture, breaking through Wuzhou Prefecture, and heading straight to Guangzhou Prefecture.

Our army has completed the change of equipment and is studying new tactics in depth.

This is a new tactic, used in actual combat for the first time.

This time when we go south to fight, if anyone performs poorly, I will personally remove him from his post.

For those who have outstanding performance, I will take credit for them and have the opportunity to form the Ninth Army."

When the officers of the First Army heard Su Xiong's promise, their eyes lit up.

Su Xiong was very satisfied when he saw that the officers under his command were happy to hear the battle.

"The Lu Chenyang Division of the First Division serves as the vanguard.

The Second Division and the Third Division left one regiment to hand over to the Sixth Division, which took over the defense of Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan.

Other troops immediately followed the military headquarters.

We need to catch the Ming army off guard before Xiong Wencan, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi in the Ming Dynasty, reacts."


Zhang Yuliang rode a horse and walked on the cement road.

Next to him, soldiers of the Eighth Army wearing linen clothes and leggings, carrying rifles, kept passing by.

Most of the soldiers wore a big bamboo hat.

The infantrymen lined up and walked on the cement road.

Most of the artillerymen rode horse-drawn carriages.

The Eighth Army has a lot of artillery, and you can often see artillery trucks passing by.

Zhang Yuliang said with emotion: "Capturing the Hetao area will have a great impact on the army.

With enough horses, we don't need donkeys and mules to pull the artillery cart."

"Chief of Staff Wang, how far are we from Guiyang?

Governor Su ordered our army to arrive in Guiyang before August 12th."

Wang Kun immediately responded: "Commander, we are still two days away from Guiyang.

If it doesn't rain these two days, we can arrive in Guiyang before August 8."

As soon as Wang Kun finished speaking, he saw a dark cloud floating not far away.

Soon it started to rain heavily.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Zhang Yuliang immediately picked up the coir raincoat from his horse, put it on and buckled the hat.

The marching soldiers also picked up their raincoats from their backpacks and quickly put them on.

Judging from their skillful movements, this is not the first time they have encountered this situation.

The Eighth Army wishes Division Guan Yuntao to put on his raincoat and bring a bamboo hat.

He said with some annoyance: "The weather in Guizhou really changes at a moment's notice.

It looked sunny, but suddenly there was a heavy rain.

I heard that in the Guangdong and Guangxi areas, it also rains constantly.

Fortunately, our army has brought enough medicine so that the soldiers are not afraid of typhoid fever and colds.

At this time in the south, the rainy season has passed.

If it’s the rainy season, we won’t be able to send troops.”

Zhang Yuliang looked at the heavy rain pouring from the sky.

"There are cement roads here in Guizhou, and our army's artillery can walk on them.

Guangxi is in trouble. We can only take the water route as much as possible. We would rather take a detour than go over the mountain road."

Zhang Yuliang led the Eighth Army to Guiyang City on August 9th.

Their Eighth Army and the First Army met in Guiyang.

Su Xiong walked out of Guiyang in person to greet Zhang Yuliang and the Eighth Army.

Zhang Yuliang said with an apology on his face: "Captain Su, our Eighth Army has delayed the movement of the army."

Su Xiong said with a smile: "The Eighth Army did not miss the deadline and arrived in Guiyang as planned. Now the time is perfect.

Our army immediately launched an attack on Guangxi."

Su Xiong and Zhang Yuliang met, and they immediately discussed the combat arrangements for entering Guangxi.

The First Army and the Eighth Army worked together to capture Guilin Prefecture.

The First Army marched eastward to Wuzhou Prefecture, and the Eighth Army marched southward to Nanning Prefecture.

4331 (the seventh year of Chongzhen), August 23rd.

The Lu Chenyang Division of the First Division of the First Army under the Southern Governor's Mansion launched an attack from Liping Mansion in Guizhou to Huaiyuan County in Guangxi.

Eighty thousand regular troops and 40,000 garrison troops, a total of 120,000 troops, invaded Guilin Prefecture in Guangxi.

The Battle of Guangdong and Guangxi officially begins.

This chapter has been completed!
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