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Chapter 286 Penghu Naval Battle

Zheng Zhihu stood on the deck of the battleship Qin Shihuang.

He used the Qin army's military telescope to constantly look at the situation on the sea in the distance.

Zheng Zhihu looked at the Qin army's fleet, which is called the navy.

Before them, it was just a small fight.

Zheng Zhihu took out the map he drew himself and handed it to the captain of the battleship Qin Shihuang, Lu Yuanshan.

"Admiral Lu, this is what I drew. The conditions of the reefs around the Penghu Islands are also marked with hydrological information.

I will also draw the hydrological information near Taiwan Island soon."

Lu Yuanshan looked at this picture and smiled.

The most important information for the navy is hydrographic information.

No matter how big the ship is, once it hits a rock, the ship will inevitably need to be overhauled.

This is okay under other circumstances, but in times of war, it will affect the outcome of the war.

It is impossible to know where there are things like reefs in advance. We can only rely on the experience of previous generations.

Without previous experience, we can only explore it bit by bit at a huge cost.

If you go to fight in unfamiliar waters, you must be extremely cautious.

Lu Yuanshan immediately handed this picture to Chief of Staff Wei Jingtao.

Based on this information, the staff will draw detailed military maps and make a military sand table.

The staff acted very quickly, and soon the military map was distributed to the captain of each warship.

Based on his experience, Zheng Zhihu reminded: "Admiral Lu, we still have an hour before we reach Penghu."

Lu Yuanshan nodded and ordered: "Advisor Cao Zhengyuan, determine the location of the fleet."

Zheng Zhihu saw that the staff officer named Cao Zhengyuan took out a strange instrument.

He played with the instrument for a while, took out his pen, and drew directly on the chart.

"Admiral Lu, we are due west of the Penghu Islands. According to the fleet's current sailing speed, we will reach Penghu in another hour and eleven minutes."

Zheng Zhihu opened his mouth wide when he heard what Cao Zhengyuan said.

He learned the meaning of hour, one hour equals two hours.

Qin Jun actually had such a magical instrument in his hands that could determine his position in the sea.

The emergence of this instrument, just like the compass, changed the sailing habits from then on.

The Qin army's fleet was very close to Penghu.

Li Qingmu immediately ordered all warships to enter combat readiness and be ready for combat at any time upon receiving orders.


Machel and Orit looked at the Qin army transport ship captured by the warship.

Most of the items on these transport ships are grain.

There are also some things they can't understand.

Orit held a thumb-long copper bullet and loaded it into the captured rifle.

They had already asked the prisoners about the use of rifles and artillery.

Machel looked at the cannon and rifles they had dismantled from the transport.

Just now they had people test the power of these weapons.

When Macher saw the power of these weapons, he regretted offending the Qin army.

The Qin army's firepower was really powerful, and its rate of fire was very fast.

Macher said with some fear: "We only besieged a mere twenty transport ships and lost four warships.

I don’t know how they made the Qin army’s cannons, but they were so powerful.

And these muskets are so exquisitely designed.

Our muskets require front loading and the rate of fire is very slow.

The Qin army's muskets fired too fast. As soon as my men made contact, they could fire one shot in two or three seconds.

There were too few artillery shells captured, and the Qin army could no longer use the dozens of powerful artillery pieces.

The transport ships are full of these bullets, and the firearms we disarm are very rare.

I have no idea what effect these guns can have, and so many bullets have been wasted.

There are also bullets packed in cloth bags, I don’t know what they are used for.”

Viscount Orit opened a can of yellow peach and said happily: "Mr. Machel, we have seized a lot of canned food.

These foods are very rich and taste extremely delicious.

Don't worry about those firearms. Give them to our craftsmen and they will be imitated in no time.

I have sent a fast ship to send these samples back to Europe.

Our technology in the colonies is simply incapable of analyzing these firearms."

Viscount Orit tasted the delicious canned food.

Marcel was not in the mood to taste the delicious canned food.

He has realized that he may have offended a giant.

It is very difficult to defeat the Qin army, and there is no chance of promotion.

Keeping the current colony is the best outcome.

They made mistakes in their early intelligence and still looked at the Qin army with the same eyes as the natives.

Looking at these advanced muskets and artillery now, Europe has not yet manufactured them.

It must be a great civilization that can produce such advanced firearms.

Macher wants to correct his mentality. He now wants to raise the status of the Qin army to the same level as the Spanish and prepare for war.

We cannot be careless like we did with the natives.

He immediately noticed that there were several weaknesses in Penghu that needed to be adjusted.

Machel heard a roar suddenly coming from outside.

"You can't stop me. I have important matters and I want to see the Governor."

He then heard a scream.

This attracted Macher's attention, and he immediately sent his guards out to see what was going on?

The guards quickly brought Guo Qi in with a bleeding nose.

Guo Qi immediately knelt down and kowtowed and said, "Mr. Governor, I use a telescope and stand on the observation deck to observe.

It was discovered that a huge fleet was approaching Penghu."

When Machel heard the news, his expression changed.

"The Qin army will attack Penghu so soon."

Macher has now raised the status of the Qin army to the same level as Spain.

He believed that the Qin army was not sure of victory and would not take the initiative to attack Penghu.

Viscount Orit couldn't understand what they were talking about at first.

The translator who waited beside him translated the conversation between the two into Portuguese.

Viscount Orit said in surprise: "Well done, if the Qin army dares to come, we can destroy the main force of the Qin army's navy.

After the Qin Army's navy is eliminated, Guangdong will become an undefended big girl. At that time, we will not only seize the Qin Army's technology.

A large piece of land must be cut off as a colony.

These Han people can make such powerful weapons, they must be very good slaves."

Viscount Orit is extremely confident that no matter how strong the local navy can be, it will be as strong as it can be.

Especially the navy, a branch of military service, requires a long period of accumulation.

He has received definite information that the Qin Army's navy has only been developed for more than a year.

When he got the news, he was immediately overwhelmed by the huge surprise.

When they attack the Qin army, they can win easily by beating children with adults.

Even if the weapons of infant navies like the Qin Army were stronger than theirs, they could not stop the Portuguese battleships at all.


Li Qingmu could already see the outline of Penghu Island with his naked eyes.

The signal flag was raised on Qin Shihuang's battleship.

The South China Sea Fleet started taking action according to the previous plan.

The First Fleet and the Second Fleet were the main attack force, responsible for defeating the Westerners head-on.

The Third Fleet stopped between Penghu Island and Taiwan Island to prevent the Xiyi people from escaping.

There are three Western battleships including the Hawkeye. They are faster, but the firepower of the warships is not enough.

As a reserve force, after the Xiyi people fled, they were responsible for chasing the remaining soldiers of the Xiyi people.

Zheng Zhihu stood on the deck of Qin Shihuang's battleship and looked at the coastal defense batteries in Penghu through binoculars.

When Penghu was in the hands of the Ming Dynasty, there were only three forts of average quality due to the lack of cannons.

Now it fell into the hands of the Dutch, and more than twenty forts were built in a short period of time.

The cannons on these forts are all powerful Hongyi cannons.

The red cannons made by the Xiyi people, especially the red-haired people of the Xiyi people, are the real red cannons.

It's not that the Ming Dynasty copied those inferior Hongyi cannons.

If he led the Zheng family's warships to attack Penghu, he would have to pay an extremely heavy price.

Zheng Zhihu expected that Penghu's coastal defense artillery would fire after advancing two or three miles.

When warships and coastal defense guns shoot at each other, the warship will definitely suffer.

Coast defense artillery is very sturdy and can take a few shells without any problems.

If a warship is hit by one cannonball, it will be damaged, and if it is hit by a few more rounds, it will sink to the bottom of the sea.

Zheng Zhihu discovered that Qin Shihuang's battleship lowered its sails and stopped, and the ship turned sideways.

The side of Qin Shihuang's battleship was aimed in the direction of Penghu.

The battleship Yue Fei stopped in front of the battleship Qin Shihuang to protect it.

Zheng Zhihu was confused, what was Qin Jun going to do?

Did they use a special method to lure the Xiyi people out of Penghu?

These Xiyi people are very thick-skinned, and ordinary methods cannot provoke them at all.

Lu Yuanshanhui, captain of the battleship Qin Shihuang, reported: "Governor Li, our ship's main gun has been aimed at the enemy's coastal defense gun."

"Fire the guns. If the Westerners want to hide in the turtle shell, we will knock the turtle shell off.

If they really don't dare to rush in, our army will dare to rush in.

It’s much easier to hit a fixed target than a moving target.”

The two 205 naval guns on the side of Qin Shihuang's battleship were already aimed at Penghu's coastal defense guns, and they opened fire one after another.

Zheng Zhihu discovered that the huge main gun on Qin Shihuang's battleship fired directly.

Huge smoke rose, and the sound of cannons stung his ears.

He saw that the artillerymen beside the cannon were all wearing earplugs.

Zheng Zhihu picked up the telescope and looked at the coastal defense guns on the coast.

This shell hit directly the edge of the coastal defense battery.

After the huge explosion, a big hole was blown directly into the ground.

He could see the sharp shrapnel from the cannonballs embedded in the fort made of boulders.

Huge cracks had appeared on the fort, and he could see them clearly with a telescope.

The battleship Qin Shihuang quickly fired its second shot.

However, he did not feel that the battleship Qin Shihuang was shaking violently.

The slight shaking when firing for the first time should be that the battleship was not stationary.

Zheng Zhihu saw the details of the Qin army's cannon firing for the first time.

He saw that the Qin army's artillery mount was extremely special. It could restrain the cannon to the mount instead of causing the cannon to retreat sharply.

He saw that the second shot had just been fired, and the cannon that had been fired just now was loaded with ammunition.

Zheng Zhihu was very lucky that they chose to surrender to the Qin army.

The Qin army's artillery was too advanced, and the Zheng family really chose to fight the Qin army to the end.

With only the strength of the Qin Shihuang battleship, the Zheng family cannot win it.

When Zheng Zhihu saw the battleship Qin Shihuang, he felt like whack-a-mole.

Move its position from time to time to destroy the coastal defense guns on the shore of Penghu in addition to the Xiyi coastal defense guns.


Machel and Orit watched as the outermost coastal defense guns on the Penghu shore were directly blown up by the Qin army.

Orit frowned and said: "I originally thought that the performance of this battleship was similar to ours, just a little stronger.

Now it seems that the gap is still quite big.

We can no longer wait like this, we must lead the army and rush out.

In order to escort the transport ship, they only came with two battleships.

Our eleven battleships fought against two battleships.

Even if the battleships are inferior, they can still win.

The Qin Army and Navy had just been established for more than a year, and their quality was extremely poor.

We can use our superb combat skills to make up for the gap in warships.

If the Qin army blocks the port, our warships will not be able to function.

That is a living target, and the power of the Qin army's warships can be fully unleashed."

Viscount Orit's eyes were fiery. They could defeat the Qin Navy and seize such advanced shipbuilding technology.

Portugal will rise in Europe and reap huge benefits.

Machel also agreed with what Viscount Orit said.

Only when warships are on the sea can they exert their full strength.

It would be a big joke if we were blocked in the port.

Fixed in one position, no matter how powerful a warship is, it is not as useful as a coastal defense gun.

Only when warships move can they unleash their capabilities.

Since the emergence of the navy, there have been many battles in which the weak defeated the strong, and many famous generals have been produced.

What's more, they are now a powerful party, with eleven battleships and more than thirty other warships.

The training time of the navy far exceeds that of the Qin army.


Liu Guangsheng, the Commander-in-Chief of the South China Sea Fleet, put down his telescope and said with a smile: "These Western Yi people finally escaped from the turtle shell.

This great sea battle will test whether the warship I designed has excellent performance."

He personally sailed on a warship designed and built by himself.

This is enough to prove that he is full of confidence in his warship.

This is a warship designed based on the latest research results of the Academy of Sciences and using knowledge such as mechanics.

He dismantled the Xiyi battleships and was able to determine that there were many errors and omissions in their ship design.

The only thing Liu Guangsheng is worried about is that the naval training time is too short and there is no way to bring out the strength of the battleships.

Li Qingmu showed a confident smile and ordered: "Raise the battle flag and form a battle line according to the established sequence."

Corresponding flags were raised on the main mast of the battleship Qin Shihuang to convey military orders.

The battleship Qin Shihuang immediately raised its sails to seize a favorable position.

The battleship Yue Fei followed closely behind, and the other cruisers lined up according to their respective positions.

They formed a straight line on the sea, forming the strongest combat formation of sailing battleships.

This formation can give full play to the powerful power of the battleship's broadside artillery.

Li Qingmu saw the Xiyi fleet on the opposite side.

Their eleven battleships also lined up to form a battle line.

The remaining thirty or so warships rushed directly towards their fleet.

The battle line composed of two warships drew an arc on the sea, slowly approaching the distance.

When the opposing battleship is within the range of the Qin Shihuang battleship.

The main gun of the battleship Qin Shihuang opened fire immediately.

When a warship is moving and shooting at moving targets, the accuracy of naval guns is very low.

Ten cannonballs are fired, and only one can hit the target.

But the battleship Qin Shihuang's main gun fire rate is very fast.

The Xiyi battleships and naval guns had a shooting distance that could reach the Qin army's warships.

They have lost two battleships.

Machel's eyes widened, and the red bloodshot eyes were clearly visible.

He roared angrily: "Fire the cannon, hit me hard with the hot bullets.

Chain bullets attack the opponent's sails."

He finally endured the initial frustration, but the short time just now felt like a very long time.

Just as soon as they made contact, two battleships were lost.

The Qin army's artillery shells were too sharp. After hitting the warship, the artillery shells would explode directly.

As long as it is hit to the mast or below the waterline, the warship loses its combat effectiveness.

One of the warships sank, and another warship was hit on its mast. The warship slowed down and was destroyed by Qin warships' concentrated fire.

Qin warships and Xiyi warships opened fire frequently, smoke filled the battlefield, and the Penghu naval battle officially began.

This chapter has been completed!
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