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Chapter 318 New Dynasty System (1)

Civil and military officials arrived in the capital one after another.

During this time, King Su He of Qin received them separately.

Consult their opinions and listen to their suggestions.

Su He discussed with Wang Zhongce, Li Fengming, Su Xiong and others at night and determined the basic system of the country.

4333 (AD 1636), August 29th.

Su He held a small court meeting in Qianqing Palace to discuss the name and system of the new dynasty with civil and military officials.

Su He sat on the main seat, with Wang Zhongce and other civil servants sitting on his left, and Su Xiong and other military officers on his right.

Zheng Ziliang, secretary-general of the Secretariat, took out pen and paper to take shorthand with the staff of the Secretariat.

It records this Umrah meeting that is crucial to the new dynasty.

Su He looked at everyone with a smile on his face and said: "We have completely eliminated the Ming Dynasty, and now it is officially time for the new dynasty to be established.

The new dynasty must have a new atmosphere. Our decisions today will determine the rise and fall of the new dynasty for hundreds of years.

Today, everyone and I will decide on the system for the new dynasty.

Let’s discuss first the name of the new dynasty.”

Everyone present at Qianqing Palace was extremely excited.

This occasion can only be enjoyed by the founding heroes.

By participating in this Umrah meeting, they will be recorded in history books.

Song Kangnian, the Minister of Rites, bowed his hands to his colleagues and spoke first: "Your Majesty, most of the new dynasty titles in the past dynasties are fiefdoms or the title of the founding monarch.

The king rose up in the land of the Three Qin Dynasties and was also called the King of Qin. It is fitting that the new dynasty will be called Qin."

As soon as Song Kangnian finished speaking, Chief of General Staff Li Fengming immediately retorted: "The Qin Dynasty is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and Qin Shihuang's achievements are deeply bound to the Qin Dynasty.

If the name of the new dynasty is Qin, it wants to highlight our post-Qin state.

It will inevitably degrade the former Qin Dynasty, even discredit the former Qin Dynasty, and make them compare with us.

The historical background of Qin Shihuang and the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period will gradually be lost or forgotten by the public.

Only some historians record these things.

The cohesion and unification ideas of our Han people are based on the unification of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods and the Qin and Han Dynasties.

Denying this period of history is tantamount to betraying our nation, artificially reducing the cohesion of the people, and not conducive to the rule of the new dynasty.

I do not recommend using the name of the former dynasty of the Great Unification as the name of the new dynasty.

The Eastern Zhou Dynasty and the Western Zhou Dynasty were not unified dynasties, so I will not discuss them.

The Eastern Han Dynasty succeeded the Western Han Dynasty, which was the direct inheritance of the Liu family.

The Southern Song Dynasty succeeded the Northern Song Dynasty and was founded by the Zhao clan.

In addition to having a clear inheritance relationship, the country inherited the title of the previous dynasty.

Most of the remaining dynasties that used the title of the previous dynasty appeared in the Southern and Northern Dynasties and the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period.

Such as the Early Qin, the Later Han, the Later Tang, etc., they were all very short-lived.

It is also very unlucky to use the name of the previous dynasty.

Take all aspects into consideration.

I suggest choosing a vassal state from the Spring and Autumn Period, or choosing another country name with a good meaning."

When Su He heard what Li Fengming had said, he smiled and said, "I quite agree with Li Aiqing's suggestion.

Let’s follow this process to discuss the name of the new dynasty.”

All civil and military officials expressed their opinions.

They believe in Yan and Huang, and some people propose that Yan is the name of the country.

The great development of industry shocked the world, and some people proposed that labor should be the title of the country.

King Su He of Qin valued the law, and some people proposed that the law should be the title of the country.

Everyone proposes a corresponding country name, which is closely related to their interests.

Wang Zhongce looked at the crowd and proposed more than ten country names.

These national titles were not recognized by most people, including the King of Qin.

Wang Zhongce saw that many people were still arguing, and he had been thinking about the issue of the country's title.

I had a meeting with King Su He of Qin a few days ago and also discussed the issue of the country's title, but no final opinion was reached.

He thought of several country names that satisfied everyone, and first proposed the one with the greatest hope to give it a try.

As soon as Wang Zhongce opened his mouth, Qianqing Palace immediately fell silent.

"Your Majesty, the land under our feet has many names. The names that are recognized by everyone include China, Huaxia, etc.

The word Huaxia has been widely used in "Shangshu" to refer to the land beneath our feet.

Kong Yingda wrote a commentary for "Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan Zhengyi" and said a sentence that has been widely circulated to this day.

"China has great etiquette, so it is called Xia; it has the beauty of attire, so it is called Hua."

He injected cultural thinking into the word "China".

The country name Xia has been used before, but the country name Hua has not been used by any unified country."

When Su He heard the name of the country Hua, he said with satisfaction: "Hua Xia! Hua Xia! Hua Xia!

The first dynasty in China was Xia, and the last dynasty was Hua.

This is a very good meaning, so we will use it as the name of the new dynasty."

Su He was very confident that the Dahua Dynasty was the last dynasty in China.

With industrial development and overseas colonization, people's consciousness awakened.

In the late dynasty, there were only two options.

In a constitutional monarchy, the emperor is a mascot.

Overthrow the feudal dynasty and let the elite take turns as the head of the country.

With a large number of overseas territories, the law of dynastic cycles will not take effect in this new country.

The Dahua Dynasty has been passed down for three to five hundred years, and Su He is still very confident.

Three to five hundred years later, that will be the period when the feudal dynasty system collapsed.

Su He would try his best to use various systems to guide future generations to choose a constitutional monarchy.

This is the only arrangement he can make for future generations.

As soon as Su He said this, no one would refute it.

The new dynasty's national name was Hua, and this matter was completely settled.

Wang Zhongce said: "Your Majesty, you must have thought about the idea of ​​a new dynasty for a long time.

For the system of the new dynasty, you first provide a framework, and we will make corresponding supplements."

As the founding emperor, Su He had decisive power over the system of the new dynasty.

He followed the advice of civil and military officials, and everyone was happy.

If you don't listen, there's nothing anyone else can do.

Zhu Yuanzhang, the Hongwu Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was born in a humble background and had little knowledge.

The Ming Dynasty system he established was relatively good in the early dynasty, but was full of loopholes in the late dynasty, and it was still implemented for hundreds of years.

Su He has seen various political systems in later generations, and China will definitely want to centralize power.

If the territory is too large and the central government does not centralize power, the entire land of China will be in constant war, and the people will not be able to make a living.

He was in the capital during this time, thinking repeatedly about the system of the new dynasty.

During this period, I had in-depth discussions with civil and military officials and eliminated some inappropriate ideas.

The core point of the Dahua Dynasty system is centralization of power.

All systems serve this system.

The system of the new dynasty was centralized, not centralized by the emperor.

Su He looked at everyone and said from the shallower to the deeper: "The etiquette of the Great China Dynasty is in line with the Spring and Autumn Period.

Except for major ceremonial occasions, the etiquette of kneeling and worship is abolished."

This system is not surprising to anyone.

The tables and chairs placed in the Qianqing Palace proved that King Su He of Qin would not allow them to kneel down and worship.

After these years of working together, they have become accustomed to this kind of etiquette, and no one wants to kneel down to others at every turn.

Su He looked at Li Fengming and other officers and said, "Let me talk about the military system first.

The Great Hua Dynasty implemented the system of separation of civil and military affairs.

In addition to annual military expenditures, which need to be reviewed by the emperor and parliament, the cabinet is responsible for disbursing military expenditures.

The army is responsible only to the emperor.

The military is not allowed to do business or have any economic dealings with other people or forces.

The emperor serves as the Grand Governor of the army, and the army is commanded by the Grand Governor's Office and usually managed by two to five deputy governors.

The Governor's Mansion consists of the General Staff Department, Military and Administrative Department, Military Law Department, Logistics Department, Army Department, Navy Department and other departments.

In various regions, such as the southwest region, the Southwest Governor's Office was established to manage local military affairs.

The army implements a recruitment system.

The father and son of the Ming Dynasty inherited the military household system, which had obvious shortcomings and did not save the court any money.

The biggest shortcoming is that this kind of army, in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, had a remarkable combat effectiveness.

After years of institutional corruption, the military household system has completely lost its combat effectiveness.

The main powerful armies of the Ming Dynasty were recruited troops.

The Dahua Dynasty had a better tax system and the court was not short of money, so it directly adopted the military recruitment system."

Regarding the army, Suhe still maintained the original system of the Qin Palace.

This system is running very smoothly now, and there were no major problems in the process of destroying the Ming Dynasty.

As long as the military's financial and personnel rights are preserved, the imperial court can control the military.

In the early days of the Ming Dynasty, the personnel power of the army was still controlled by the Governor's Office of the Fifth Army.

Soldiers have a certain sense of honor, and the Ming army's early combat power was pretty good.

After the Tumubao Incident, the military power belonging to the nobles was taken away by civilian officials.

In the Ming Dynasty's army, even the promotion of generals depended on the looks of civilian officials.

Most of the commanders in charge of the army are civilian officials who do not understand military affairs, and the combat effectiveness of the army is getting weaker and weaker.

When you meet a civil servant who understands military affairs, it's like the Ming Emperor's ancestral tomb is smoking.

Su He learned this lesson and the personnel power of the army was controlled by the Governor-General.

The highest personnel power in the army is controlled by the emperor, and no one can interfere.

The financial power of the military is controlled by the emperor, parliament and cabinet.

The military cannot control its own finances.

The army can engage in business and obtain sufficient military expenditures on its own.

This means that the country does not control the army, but the army controls the country. Big problems will definitely arise.

After Qin King Su He finished talking about the army system, all the military generals breathed a sigh of relief.

The military's system has basically not changed, and they don't have to adapt again.

Except for the addition of an additional parliament that I have never heard of before, there is not much difference from before.

After Su He explained the military system, no one made any suggestions.

He looked at the civil officials and said that the official system of the new dynasty had changed a lot in Suhe.

“The country’s highest decision-maker is the emperor, and the highest decision-making office is the Jinluan Hall Grand Chao Hui.

Government affairs decided by the court meeting are generally handled by the cabinet.

There are six ministries under the cabinet, including the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the Patent Office and other offices.

There are also several yamen, which are not under the control of the cabinet and directly take orders from the emperor.

They were adapted from the original Secretariat and were responsible for internal and external communication with the General Affairs Department.

The Shaofu responsible for managing all government-owned enterprises.

The State Administration of Taxation is responsible for collecting taxes.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate is responsible for investigating corruption among officials.

Dali Temple is responsible for the review.

A new Yamen Council was established with the same status as the cabinet.

It is responsible for the communication between high-level officials of the country and the people, and is responsible for formulating laws.

All civil servants have a term of office, and each position has a term of five years. After the expiration of the term, the Metropolitan Procuratorate and superiors will evaluate the officials.

Cabinet members including the Prime Minister, heads of departments, local governors, prefects, county magistrates and members of parliament.

There are term limits, and no one can hold the same position twice."

Su He did not make any major adjustments to the civil service system.

He just added a new Yamen Council.

The role of the parliament in the early dynasty was mainly to formulate various laws.

It is also left behind by Suhe to cope with the great changes that will take place hundreds of years later.

With the yamen of parliament, after the collapse of the feudal dynasty, it will inevitably move towards a constitutional monarchy.

Its main function is to check and balance the imperial power and the power of the prime minister.

Su He set term limits for cabinet officials in order to limit the power of the prime minister.

Even if future generations cannot suppress the Prime Minister, a Prime Minister can only serve a term of ten years at most.

Such a short period of time, under normal circumstances, is not enough for a powerful minister to grow into the power to subvert the country.

After Wang Zhongce heard this, he realized that this was related to his vital interests.

He immediately asked: "Your Majesty, the prime minister's term is limited to ten years. Is this time calculated from before or after the founding of the country?

When the prime minister's term ends, can he still serve as a cabinet official?"

Wang Zhongce had known the news for a long time, and his tone was relatively calm.

Su He said: "Term limits, of course, started from the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The term of office of the Prime Minister and the terms of other cabinet ministers are not calculated together.

But in addition to the position of prime minister, other ministers in the cabinet, no matter what area they are responsible for.

Each official can only serve two ten-year terms in his lifetime.

Resigning or being demoted midway will be considered as consuming an entire term.

After their term of office expires, cabinet officials such as the prime minister can hold other positions, such as serving in the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Parliament."

Su He explained very clearly that an official who enters the cabinet and eventually becomes prime minister can only serve in the cabinet for a maximum of twenty years.

When Wang Zhongce heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Calculating the term of office from now on, he still has twenty years left.

Twenty years later, he was also very old.

He may not even be able to serve as prime minister for ten years.

King Qin Su He had revealed the truth to him before.

It is very difficult for a civil servant to be crowned king overseas, and it requires immortal meritorious service.

But as the founding prime minister of the country, he must have had a share in the overseas kingship.

Wang Zhongce now only wants to do his last job, accumulate enough merits, and serve as a prince overseas.

His conversation with Su He made everyone clearly aware of the term system for the prime minister and other officials.

Only then did Wang Zhongce notice that King Su He of Qin had established a new institution - the Parliament.

He discussed the national system with King Su He of Qin. At that time, he had not heard of this yamen called parliament.

He was really curious this time and asked with a somewhat expectant tone: "Your Majesty, what kind of yamen is the Parliament?

We have never heard of this yamen."

Other civil and military officials in Qianqing Palace also looked at Su He with their eyes.

None of these people understand the specific role of parliament.

Su He simply explained: "The parliament has a speaker, who is responsible for presiding over meetings, and his status is equivalent to that of the prime minister.

In the allocation of parliamentary seats, each province has three members.

There are a total of 365 remaining members.

In addition to the fixed seats of members of each province, other members.

Distributed according to status, clans, nobles, soldiers, merchants, craftsmen, and farmers all have corresponding quotas.

The main function of the parliament is to formulate the laws of the new dynasty.

The minority obeys the majority, and laws must be approved by more than half of the members of Parliament.

It can only be implemented after the emperor signs it.

To amend the law, two-thirds of the members must agree.

The second role of the parliament is to review the court's budget and supervise the operation of various yamen.

During their term of office, members enjoyed criminal immunity and could not be imprisoned by the emperor's order.

After breaking the law, the speaker can deprive him of his status as a member before he can be tried.

The greatest power of parliament is that it has the power to impeach the prime minister and remove the emperor."

When Wang Zhongce heard about the power of the parliament, he stood up in shock and shouted: "Your Majesty, no, this is a policy that will harm the country."

Other civil and military officials also stood up excitedly and opposed the power of the parliament.

This chapter has been completed!
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