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Chapter 319 New Dynasty System (2)

Su He saw the excitement of the civil and military officials.

He said in a calm tone: "I haven't finished speaking yet, so don't get too excited.

The main function of the parliament is to formulate laws and review the court budget.

As for the impeachment of the prime minister and the removal of the emperor, there are extremely harsh conditions."

When Wang Zhongce and others heard what Qin King Su He said, their excited expressions softened a little.

They did not sit down, but stood and listened to Qin Wang Su He's story.

They are waiting for the final answer.

This kind of yamen cannot be established, and it must be stopped even if there is a death penalty.

Otherwise, the new dynasty will never have peace.

Su He saw their excited expressions and explained:

"To impeach the Prime Minister, the Parliament must have definite evidence of the Prime Minister's illegal activities, such as betrayal of the country, forming a party for personal gain, etc.

Or failure to act on major events, such as a natural disaster but not organizing disaster relief from the court.

Or there may be mistakes in governance, causing public dissatisfaction.

The evidence is conclusive, and more than two-thirds of the parliament members must approve it before the impeachment process can be passed."

After Su He stated this condition, the civil and military officials did not respond.

What they opposed was not the impeachment of the prime minister, but the removal of the emperor.

As the unique being of the country, the emperor cannot make mistakes.

Throughout history, emperors who issued edicts against others were very rare.

It is extremely rare for an emperor to abdicate voluntarily.

Every abnormal change of throne will bring bloodshed.

The most famous event is the Xuanwumen Incident in the Tang Dynasty.

Su He said in a solemn tone: "The terms of the parliament's removal of the emperor are extremely harsh.

When the emperor first ascends the throne, he will not be removed by the parliament until he has been on the throne for five years.

The emperor did not go to court for a long time, was superstitious about immortality, imposed excessive taxes and other unruly behaviors.

Only the Parliament can propose a proposal to remove the emperor.

The proposal to remove the emperor must be approved by 90% of the members of the parliament.

Only then will the emperor be deposed and the prince or prince ascended the throne.

Members of Parliament represent all walks of life in the country, and 90% of them are disappointed with the emperor.

The situation has reached this level. If the emperor does not abdicate, the only choice is to change the dynasty.

The number of clan members in the parliament is over 10%.

Literati, soldiers, merchants, craftsmen, farmers and other groups all accounted for more than 10%.

The emperor has been in power for five years and has not won over even a single class, so he is not a qualified emperor.

There are two situations where parliament does not need to pass the proposal to remove the emperor, and the procedure for removing the emperor will automatically take effect.

cede China's native land to foreigners or make peace with foreign tribes.

The cessation of territory and marriage proved that the emperor in power was definitely not a qualified emperor.

In order to limit the parliament, when the proposal to remove the emperor is passed and the new emperor ascends the throne, the parliament will immediately conduct re-election.

The original members cannot serve as members again."

Su He introduced the yamen of the Parliament and gave it the power to remove the emperor.

Parliament is a pressure relief valve. When the emperor acts recklessly and the people's resentment boils over.

Besides rebellion, the people had another way to overthrow the emperor.

At the same time, it also puts a tight curse on future generations so that they cannot act recklessly.

When the conflict between royal interests and civilian interests is irreconcilable.

The emperor cannot control even 10% of the members, so abdicating is the best option.

Parliament would also be the scene of fierce battles between the emperor and the crown prince.

The crown prince is really capable and able to control the parliament.

He also has the ability to force the emperor to abdicate through formal procedures, without causing serious bloodshed.

After King Su He of Qin finished telling the story, Wang Zhongce and other civil and military officials still opposed the yamen of the parliament.

It has too much power and no corresponding checks and balances.

The emperor and his officials have to look at other people's faces to govern their affairs. This is very inappropriate.

Su He directly pushed hard, and no one who objected could change his determination.

What time is it now?

This was the time when the tide of industrialization was rising.

One hundred years later, all major capitals will complete primitive accumulation.

After the people receive education, they will also begin to awaken.

If they are not given certain rights, driven by careerists, the dynasty is likely to overthrow.

There is parliament as a stage for all forces to fight.

These forces will not unite to jointly target the royal family.

With the existence of parliament, party disputes can also be controlled in parliament.

Su He looked at the civil and military officials and said: "I summarized history and found that the founding emperors were all wise and powerful.

They know the sufferings of the people and know that when the government forces the people to rebel, the people have no choice but to rebel.

After several generations, the emperor grew up in the deep palace.

The probability of the appearance of a foolish king increases sharply.

After the appearance of the foolish king, the dynasty will inevitably go downhill.

The dynasty, which had a profound foundation, collapsed suddenly after experiencing several foolish kings.

A dynasty with a shallow foundation will lose its ability to rule after one or two weak kings.

Before ascending the throne, no one could tell which prince was a coward.

After he ascended the throne, there was no one left to rule him.

If you want the dynasty to be long-term and stable, you must limit the imperial power, especially the power of the weak emperor.

I will formulate the highest constitution of China and the civil law to stipulate the power of the emperor.

One of the clauses in the Dahua Constitution is the condition for the emperor to abdicate automatically.

When the emperor reaches the age of seventy, he will automatically abdicate and the throne will be passed to the crown prince.

People become rarer in the seventies, and by that time people have become Lao Hu Tu.

Ordinary people are not terrible at Hutu, but for an emperor, the consequences of Hutu are too terrible.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, a wise and powerful emperor like Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, also became Lao Hutu in old age, looking for the elixir of immortality."

Su He could see clearly that the probability of a wise king appearing in future generations was much lower than the probability of a faint king appearing.

His newly established dynasty must have a correction mechanism.

Everyone is dissatisfied with the emperor, and the emperor must abdicate.

If he doesn't abdicate, he will have to change the dynasty.

The average life span of people nowadays is fifty or sixty years old.

The emperor's life span was even shorter.

Su He set this rule to prevent emperors from living too long.

When people reach old age, their brain power can no longer keep up.

The situation in the dynasty will definitely be controlled by the powerful ministers.

It would be better for the country to abdicate early.

While the Dahua Constitution limits imperial power, it is also the cornerstone of ensuring the country's long-term prosperity.

The emperor does not act like a monster and does not mess up the country.

The rotation of prime ministers every ten years can also ensure normal class mobility.

The vitality of the country will not disappear, coupled with the support of overseas territories.

Only the Great China Dynasty will prosper forever, and it will really reach the point where the feudal dynasty collapses.

With the addition of Parliament and the Dahua Constitution, it can be easily converted to a constitutional monarchy.

A powerful country like Dahua that has completed industrialization will only die from internal strife, not from foreign enemies.

The civil and military officials saw King Qin's firm tone and said that the matter of the parliament could no longer be changed.

Wang Zhongce and others accepted the existence of the parliament.

Su He saw their expressions of strong opposition and helplessness.

He emphasized his tone and said: "Let's talk about the inheritance of the throne."

As soon as Su He spoke these words, the eyes of all the civil and military officials focused on him.

The inheritance method of the throne is the most important system of the country, which is related to everyone's vital interests.

“Since the Han Dynasty only respected Confucianism, the succession to the throne in all dynasties has basically been based on the eldest son inheritance system.

This is the Confucian etiquette system, which has certain advantages, but also many shortcomings.

The emergence of stupid kings one after another, including the "why not eat minced meat" type, is all the fault of this system.

Some people are not suitable to be emperor.

Song Huizong Zhao Ji was an excellent calligrapher but not a qualified emperor.

Li Yu, the empress of the Tang Dynasty, was an excellent poet, but not a qualified emperor.

The succession system of the throne of the Great China Dynasty is no longer the succession system of the eldest son.

If a mediocre person succeeds, he will be dismissed by the parliament.

The prime minister moves from the prefecture to the cabinet step by step. People with poor governance skills are screened out by this mechanism.

If a prince wants to become a crown prince, he must go through a certain screening mechanism.

Only the best prince can become the crown prince and the heir apparent of the country."

Since ancient times, the selection of the throne has basically been based on two routes: establishing direct lineage and establishing virtuous people.

Su He chose the route of Lixian.

This will cause fighting between princes, but there will be no fratricide.

Because the prince who does this will be eliminated early.

Just like raising a poison, the prince finally won the victory after fighting.

His ability is definitely better than that of a prince with the eldest son inheritance system.

When princes fight for the throne, aristocratic families will definitely bet on it.

If they fail to suppress it, they will be liquidated by the new emperor.

In this way, it is difficult for a great power to appear, a long-lasting aristocratic family to control the dynasty.

No minister came out to object to the succession to the throne, and no minister gave corresponding suggestions.

This kind of matter will be decided by King Su He of Qin, and the ministers will protect themselves wisely and will not overstep their bounds.

If you really get involved in the whirlpool of the prince's succession, even the strongest minister will probably be shattered to pieces.

It's just that in the Qianqing Palace, the expressions of the two relatives were somewhat different.

Wang Zhongce's eyes flickered. He most hoped that King Su He of Qin would adopt the eldest son inheritance system.

In this way, his sister's son Su Shu will definitely be the next emperor, and their royal family will be victorious forever.

Li Dazhuang showed a happy expression. This is the succession system for the throne set by King Su He of Qin.

His sister's son Su Lei can also compete.

It is better to have the hope of competing than to have no chance to compete before.

"An important reason for the demise of the Ming Dynasty was financial bankruptcy.

In fiscal bankruptcy, not only the gentry's taxes cannot be raised, but also the business taxes cannot be collected.

And the most important point is that the money spent on raising the clan in the Ming Dynasty was really too high.

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the clan's population was small and its expenditures were not large.

By the middle and late period of the dynasty, the clan's population was so large that it exceeded the capacity of the court.

After the establishment of the new dynasty, in addition to the royal family.

All clans do not need support from the court.

The Zongrenfu used the profits of their companies as a guarantee.

When each clan member is underage, provide them with basic living security and provide for them to go to school.

When you reach adulthood, you will be given a gift for getting married.

No more preferential treatment will be given.

The clan can make its own way out, and they can participate in scientific examinations and be allowed to do business normally."

Su He would never let the clan drag down the court.

The registered clans only need to ensure that they are not starved to death, but do not need to ensure that they live a luxurious life.

These people survive by their own abilities, and people with strong abilities will live very well.

People with poor abilities will not be too impoverished if they have help from the clan government.

Su He's decision made the civil officials present very satisfied.

One of the shortcomings of the Ming Dynasty was that the clan cost too much.

This problem can only be solved by setting corresponding rules during the founding period of the People's Republic of China.

Except for the founding emperor, facing the huge clan power, other emperors had no way to solve this matter.

This is what Su He said about the institutional arrangements of the royal family.

What remains is the emperor's selection of concubines, the education of the princes, and the marriage of princes and princesses.

These issues are of no importance and do not need to be discussed in this solemn forum.

Su He looked at Song Kangnian, the Minister of Rites.

"Next we will discuss the system for selecting talents for the country.

We continue to implement the integration of officials and civil servants and the imperial examination system.

Regarding the imperial examination system, so many imperial examinations have been carried out.

The advantages and disadvantages of our current imperial examination system are obvious to all.

Let’s talk about what improvements the imperial examination system still needs.”

When the civil servants heard that the imperial examination system was going to be discussed, they became excited.

The imperial examination system was the most important system related to the longevity of their family.

Song Kangnian, the Minister of Rites, was the first to speak: "Your Majesty, women can participate in the imperial examinations you previously stipulated.

However, the overall social atmosphere is conservative, and in recent years, few women have participated in the imperial examinations.

Ordinary women can hardly pass the provincial examination, and few get the honor of being a civil servant.

There is not a single woman who has won the title of Jinshi.

Women are not suitable to participate in the imperial examination. Should women's right to participate in the imperial examination be revoked?"

Su He ordered in a firm tone: "We will continue to allow women to participate in the imperial examinations and shall not cancel it.

In the past, women could not pass men's imperial examinations because they had not received a better education before.

It is allowed that their level is low, they cannot pass the test of others, and they are brushed off normally.

But we cannot deprive women of their right to take the imperial examination.

I believe that sooner or later, a female champion will appear."

Cabinet Minister Li Zhisheng suggested: "Your Majesty, I think the imperial examination should reduce the proportion of classics and meaning.

Add questions to test their practical ability.

Among the talents who have taken the imperial examinations for so many years, many have already passed the Jinshi examination.

During their studies in the Imperial College, their abilities were not even as good as those of an imperial examination.

After half a year of study, many people have the ability to serve as county magistrates.

These Jinshi simply do not have the ability to be officials.

The imperial examination is to select officials for the country, not to select some old scholars for the country."

Wu Donglin, Minister of Dali Temple, also stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the Ministry of Rites wants to explore a more suitable imperial examination process.

The imperial examination went through the process of calculating scores by subject and combining scores.

When calculating scores by subject, we can admit scholars with higher scores in criminal law.

After these students came to Dali Temple, their work ability was very strong and they would not cause any injustice.

After the merger, the results of the criminal law subjects were not outstanding.

We admit some scholars with higher grades, but they don't understand the criminal law at all.

After many employees joined the company, they often made unjust, false, and false accusations and were expelled from Dali City."

Su He listened to the suggestions of the civil servants and combined them with his own thinking during this period.

Comprehensive consideration has been given to the imperial examination system of the new dynasty.

"The imperial examination system of the new dynasty should make some adjustments."

As soon as Su He finished speaking, all the officials listened intently, not daring to miss a single word.

This chapter has been completed!
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