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Chapter 4 Clear Rewards and Punishments

Su He took people to the Sujiazhuang Granary.

There were more than ten servants guarding the granary, and everyone immediately surrounded them.

When the servants saw that Suhe had a large number of people and Shen Han pointed his long sword at them, he knelt down and surrendered.

Su He asked people to collect the servants' weapons. He took the found granary key and opened the granary door.

The granary is full of wheat, and the golden grains make people love it.

Su He estimated that this granary could hold 100,000 shi of grain.

There are ten granaries here. If they are all full, that would be one million stones of grain.

If a person has two meals a day, he can eat two stones of food a year.

Su He opened the granaries one by one and found that they were all full.

There are three granaries among them, which contain old grains that are more than three years old.

The grain in one of the granaries was moldy.

People in Su Ju would rather let the food go moldy than give some food to help people who are in need of food.

Everyone was overjoyed when they saw so much food in the granary.

Some people stuffed grain into their arms, while others whispered that they wanted to divide the grain.

Seeing this situation, Su He drew his sword and shouted: "No one is allowed to hide food secretly. We have won and everyone will receive food."

All seizures must be returned to the public, and anyone who dares to violate military discipline will be executed on the spot."

He was very aware of these people's desire for food. Once looting occurred, the team would become disbanded.

Su Xiong drew out his knife and shouted: "I'll chop whoever touches you."

After Su He attacked Sujiazhuang, he had established prestige among the people.

Su Xiong and others were standing by to intimidate them, and the few who reached out to grab the grain put the grain back into the granary.

Seeing this situation, Su He breathed a sigh of relief. If someone didn't obey the order, he would have no choice but to take action.

He asked the servants in the granary to find where the sacks were stored. Each sack could hold one stone of grain.

Su He directed everyone to load the grain, and they found an ox cart and loaded ten carts of grain.

Su He asked Su Ying and Su Ergou to lead a team of people to guard the granary.

"Su Ying, no one can take away a grain of grain without my order."

Su He asked Su Ying, who had a rigid personality and did not know how to adapt, to look after the granary.

In order to prevent him from insisting on stealing, he also asked Su Ergou, who was quick-thinking, to assist him.

Su Ying said solemnly: "Don't worry, no one can take away a grain of grain without your order."

"Everyone, follow me to the main house. We will share the food there so that everyone can have enough to eat."

Su He led the large troops and drove the ox cart towards the main house.

He was far away from the main house and saw thick smoke billowing from the northwest corner of the main house. Someone was setting a fire there.

When Su He and the others walked to the main house, they saw Su Yan with a gray face. He had just led someone to put out the fire.

"Brother, something happened. Su Baiqun killed Su Juren's concubine and killed his six-year-old child.

He also hid gold and silver jewelry in the house and set the house on fire in order to destroy the evidence."

Su Yan told everyone what happened.

Su He frowned and asked, "How do you know so clearly?"

"I'm just watching from outside."

"Why didn't you stop him?"

"Brother, I told you, but he didn't listen."

"What's the use of the knife in your hand? You're a loser, but you can still lead troops with this kind of character."

Su He looked ferocious, pulled out his long knife and shouted: "Su Xiong, please bring someone to tie up Su Baili."

He watched Su Xiong lead the people out and knew that he had to be severely punished this time.

When a team has just been established, rewards and punishments must be clearly defined. The slightest injustice will break people's hearts.

He had just used military discipline to suppress everyone's greed in the granary. In order for military discipline to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, this matter must also be handled fairly.

Su Xiong dragged Su Baili to the yard of the main house.

Su Baili also shouted: "Isn't it just to play with a woman? I have heard that people in the north did this after the rebellion.

And that little kid is Su Juren’s biological son. If we don’t deal with him, we can wait until he grows up to take revenge.”

Su He stared at Su Baili and said in a cold tone: "Recite the military discipline."

Su Baili frowned and said indifferently: "I don't know."

"If anyone knows, please shout out."

Su He looked at the crowd of people watching.

Su Hu recited it first, and everyone followed him, and the voices became louder and louder, becoming more and more uniform.

"All actions follow orders.

All seizures shall be returned to the public.

Do not insult and kill women and children."

"Su Baili violated the second and third military disciplines, and his crime is unpardonable.

I declare that Su Baili will be executed on the spot."

Su He raised the long knife in his hand and loudly announced the results of his treatment word by word.

When Su Baili saw this situation, he was immediately frightened. Su He really wanted to kill him.

He begged loudly: "Su He, you can't forget your roots.

My grandfather and your grandfather are brothers.

I am your brother whose blood is thicker than water. We are from the same clan. I am your most trustworthy person. You cannot kill me.

I will never violate military discipline in the future, brother, give me a chance."

Su He ignored Su Baili's plea and cut him off with his sword.

"Those who violate military discipline should be like this."

Military discipline is the unshakable bottom line.

As long as anyone in the army violates these three military disciplines, no one will be killed without mercy.

Su He said in his heart: "I will lend you your head and let me strictly control military discipline."

He saw everyone's tense expressions and knew that this punishment had left a deep impression on them.

"Su Yan."

Su He stared at Su Yan and shouted loudly.

Su Yan was so frightened that she immediately knelt down and begged for mercy: "Brother, I was wrong, don't kill me. I will definitely take care of anyone who violates military discipline in the future."

"Get up, I didn't say I wanted to kill you. You were wrong, but your sin does not lead to death.

Su Yanguan was confined in a small dark room for three days."

When Su Yan heard about the punishment, she had a smile on her face.

Su He arranged for someone to force Su Yan into a firewood shed and put her in confinement.

He was not prepared to use corporal punishment in the army, which would increase the hostility between soldiers and generals and affect the combat effectiveness of the army.

It will also lead to the warlordization of the army, becoming like the Ming Dynasty official army and the bandit army, which can only fight against the wind.

Instead of corporal punishment, more humane punishments such as confinement and forced labor imprisonment were adopted.

After Su He announced the punishment, he immediately began to reward.

"Everyone in our team will be rewarded with two stones of grain and ten acres of good irrigated land.

Those who kill the enemy and perform meritorious service will be rewarded with an additional five stones of grain and five acres of land.

Let’s take a break and have a good meal today, and then start dividing the land tomorrow.

After a period of time when the village is stable, I will have someone organize a blind date meeting so that each of you can get a wife."

After Su He finished speaking, he personally distributed the food to everyone.

Su Li burst into tears immediately after receiving the food.

"Dad! You left too early. If you hold on for another two days, our family will have food."

As he cried, bursts of crying erupted from the scene.

This is because someone in the family died of starvation, and I couldn't help but think of sad things.

Su Li cried for a while, picked up the food and ran outside the village.

Su He immediately stopped him and asked, "Why are you running outside in such a hurry?"

Su Li said with a cry: "My family has been without food for three days, and my wife has been without milk for one day. If we don't bring food back, my wife and children will starve to death."

"Don't worry, our families are all out of food. I will send bullock carts for you to take the food back home."

Su He asked those who had finished distributing food to replace those on guard until he had distributed food to everyone.

Only half of the people in Sujiazhuang were left to guard the prisoners and sort out Sujiazhuang's belongings.

Su Xiong and his other half drove the bullock cart and went home with all the rewarded grain.

Su Yan deserved seven stones of grain and Su Baili received two stones of grain, and Su He told Su Xiong to deliver it to their homes in person.

Ten trucks of grain were unloaded and reloaded. This may seem unnecessary, but the meaning is completely different.

People rebelled with him and gained enough benefits, so that they could strengthen their confidence and follow him.

It also allowed other people to see it and rush to join the team that followed him in rebellion.

Su He asked Su Hu to lead people to block various intersections in the village, and the villagers would not be allowed to go out without his order.

The day the news of the rebellion spreads out one day later will give him one more day to develop.

This chapter has been completed!
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