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Chapter 5 After the War

Su He felt that his stomach began to twitch again, which was a signal of physical hunger. Fortunately, the battle ended quickly.

As long as we delay for a while, their combat effectiveness will plummet.

He immediately arranged for people to cook, steam a few more baskets of white flour steamed buns, and deliver them to everyone.

Su He prepares to interrogate Su Juren.

Tables and chairs were arranged in the yard, and he sat on the main seat, using a goose feather dipped in ink as a pen.

The interrogation must be recorded. He is the only one in the team who can read and cannot use a calligraphy pen.

He could only refer to the ancient Western method of writing with a quill pen.

Pencils and pens will be manufactured in the future.

Su Juren was pressed over.

When he saw Su He, he said calmly and forcefully: "Su He, please let me go quickly.

Our family's money, food, and even my women can be given to you.

But you can't kill me. I am a judge, and my son is also a judge. He is the general judge in Fengxiang Mansion.

If you kill me, you will definitely be surrounded by the army and there will be no possibility of surrender.

As long as you let me go, I can create a bridge for you to accept the imperial court's recruitment."

Seeing Su Juren in this situation, Su He still had a sense of superiority that he was superior.

He stepped forward and kicked him twice, and said angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, tell me quickly, your family's hidden silver, IOUs and land deeds are all there."

Su He directly put the knife on Su Juren's neck, and the blade had already cut the skin of his neck.

When Su Juren saw that Su He would not accept this trick, he was afraid that Su He would kill him immediately, so he only vomited a little bit.

"All of Su Ju's people have fallen into my hands, and you are still not honest.

Your family not only has 30,000 acres of fertile land, but also operates mines in other places, and only has a few hundred taels of silver. Who are you kidding!"

Su He noticed Su Juren's dishonesty and immediately executed him.

Su Juren couldn't bear it and told him where these things were hidden.

Su He carefully recorded that these were the capital of rebellion.

Su He will never accept recruitment, he knows his strengths and weaknesses.

When it comes to conspiracy politics, even ten Su Hes combined cannot defeat an ordinary prefect.

He is even more incomparable to the veteran who has been in officialdom for a long time.

Su He will never underestimate the wisdom of the ancients, especially the ancients who have left their names in history. Their wisdom will never be worse than his.

These people just make actions that will be seen as stupid by future generations because of their knowledge and vital interests.

The Four Great Classics "Water Margin" taught in the Chinese textbook taught Su He profoundly that surrendering would never end well.

After Su He obtained the information he wanted, he asked his men to put Su Juren under his guard and prohibit others from contacting him.

Su He was afraid that someone might not be able to bear it and kill Su Juren on impulse, so he could not let him die too easily.

Su Juren's family members and other people in Sujiazhuang were also put under supervision.

Based on Su Juren's confession, Su He found the land deed and IOU in his study.

More than ten cellars were dug, and more than 300 taels of gold, more than 6,000 taels of silver, and more than 10,000 jins of copper coins were found.

Most of this money was accumulated by Su Ju's family over several lifetimes, and a small amount was collected by him when he was the county magistrate.

Su He looked at the money, it was much more than he imagined.

With this money, the rebel team can be rapidly developed and expanded.

Su He personally led the team to move all the money to the main house and placed it in the previous study, under his personal care.

"Nephew, you are so powerful, you conquered Sujiazhuang directly.

I have never eaten such a delicious steamed bun several times in my life."

Su He had just sorted out the land deeds and IOUs when he heard Su Wuniu's voice outside the door.

He looked up and saw soldiers bringing him steamed buns.

After receiving the news of the victory, Su Wuniu and Su Mu rushed to Sujiazhuang.

When Su Wuniu saw the steamed buns brought to him, he picked one up and ate it.

He ate in such a hurry that he choked and whined.

Su He took the tea cup on the table and said with a smile on his face very confidently: "Drink some water and eat slowly. From now on, we will not be short of food."

Su He took the steamed bun and put it on the table.

There are two plates of vegetables on the table, one is boiled peanuts and the other is pickled radishes.

"Don't eat too much. I've seen people suddenly become rich after being hungry for a long time.

He ate three big steamed buns that day and was strangled to death."

Mother Su immediately reminded her.

When Su He heard his mother's reminder, he remembered what he had read in his previous life: people who had been hungry for a long time would eat themselves to death if they saw a lot of food.

Thinking of this, Su He immediately became nervous, and he distributed enough food to his men.

They must be very hungry and will eat a lot. We cannot let them die from overeating.

He immediately ordered people to go back to the village and inform every house, so that everyone could only eat half full.

I specifically asked them to explain the reasons in detail.

Su He and his family started to eat. While he was eating, he discussed some things with Su Wuniu and Su's mother.

"Mom, there are many maids in Sujiazhuang, and many of my men are unmarried.

You are forced to be a matchmaker and make connections for them, and each of them can only marry one."

Su's mother acted as a matchmaker, not only fulfilling his promise, but also preventing anyone from using her status to coerce the woman.

"Uncle Wuniu, after dinner, while our rebellion is not happening, you can take someone pretending to be the steward of Sujiazhuang and go to the county town to buy saltpeter and sulfur.

Buy as much as you can, and don’t be afraid to spend money.”

Su Wuniu is one of the few talents in the village who knows saltpeter and sulfur.

Now is the age of firearms. With a large amount of money in the account, it is necessary to reserve black powder raw materials.

Matchlocks require high technical requirements, as do bronze cannons, mines, and grenades, and their manufacturing methods are very simple.

Su He enjoyed the victory feast, but the village exploded.

Su Xiong led a team of people to deliver food door to door with ten carts of food.

Naturally, they also spread the news about the capture of Sujiazhuang.

The villagers couldn't believe it at first, but then they saw sack after sack of grain being brought into their homes.

They all know that the Su Ju people cannot buy grain from the Su Ju people even with money, let alone borrow grain.

This group of people really captured Sujiazhuang.

Some people are extremely scared. Someone in the village is rebelling, and they are worried about their situation.

Some people don't think so much and just keep an eye on their relatives and friends to see if anyone is moving food.

Their family has more food, but they can only eat one meal every two days.

My former poor relatives have become prosperous, so they need to go out and make connections and borrow some food through favors.

Su Li carried two bags of grain from the bullock cart and walked into the house.

Her wife followed behind with the child in her arms. The child's face was sallow with hunger and he didn't even have the strength to cry.

The wooden door at the entrance of the cave has rotted away and is blocked by a thatched curtain.

There is a white cloth hanging at the door, which means someone in the family has just passed away.

The poor peasant tenants in the village were not as fussy as the gentry and had no money to pay for a funeral after someone died.

They were all wrapped in straw mats and buried somewhere.

Su Li carried the grain into the house and said as he walked: "Xiaohua, look what I brought back? Two whole sacks of grain.

We will have food to eat from now on, so we don’t have to go hungry anymore.

Children also have hope of growing up.

I followed Suhe in the west of the village to rebel, and I didn't have to go far away to do corvee service.

Our days will get better and better."

Su Li feels that he is very lucky. In this era, if he can have enough to eat, he is better off than many people.

This chapter has been completed!
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