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Chapter 461 Plague Outbreak, Blockade the Capital

Huo Bai escaped from Helin City, and his pale face regained some color.

He never wanted to think about his encounter with Lin Cheng again in his life.

Guo Dalei, the general of the field army, proposed to buy a large amount of arsenic from the caravan.

Arsenic, a medicinal herb, has limited uses and the dosage is very small.

Not to mention caravans like them, serious medicinal merchants would not stock up in large quantities.

Huo Bai gave a simple explanation and gave all the arsenic carried by the caravan to the army.

He learned from Guo Dalei that the field army planted a large amount of potatoes and corn on the grassland.

These crops have never appeared on the grassland before.

Their appearance not only feeds a large population in the city, but also feeds prairie rats.

There are a large number of rats in the field army corn storage warehouse, and they eat the precious grain.

Even if it means setting out mousetraps and raising cats to drive away these mice.

There are too many mice and this method is extremely limited.

The field army thought of using poisonous food to kill the overpopulated rats.

Huo Bai didn't care at all at first. What's the point of a few mice on the grassland?

There are more rats in the rural areas of the interior, and there are also a large number of rats in the cities.

In the mansions of high-ranking officials and dignitaries, cats are advocated and there are few mice activities.

Most ordinary people keep dogs, which can look after their homes and homes. Not many people keep cats.

There are just more rats in Helin City's granary. Isn't that strange?

This is a real rat. It can eat as much food as it wants. It is not a giant rat.

In the mainland, in autumn, the harvest season, there will be more rats.

But as someone discovered, plague appeared among many tribes.

Symptoms of these plagues begin with large swellings in the neck or thighs, and severe pain in the body.

A few days later, the patient developed high fever, accompanied by skin bleeding and dark spots.

These symptoms immediately alerted everyone in Helin City.

The plague is raging on the grassland, and the main symptoms of the plague are clear to everyone.

Huo Bai knew more about the horror of this plague, which was one of the top plagues.

After Huo Bai noticed that the plague was coming, he immediately sold out all the supplies in the caravan as quickly as possible.

He prepared to return to the interior with a large amount of gold, silver and prairie specialties.

As long as he enters the Great Wall, he can have the money sent back to the prince's house.

If they continue to stay in Helin City, they will most likely be infected by the epidemic and may stay in the grassland forever.

Huo Bai would rather die on the road. The prince's money must be transported back to the capital in time.

He knew better that leaving Helin City at the early stage of the plague was the most effective way to protect himself.

Huo Bai prayed in his heart that their caravan could return to the mainland and not all of them died on the way.

A plague broke out here in Helin City, and except for the garrison troops who had garrison duties, they could not leave.

The leader of the Mongolian tribe immediately took people back to the tribe to guide the tribe in preventing the plague.

Tribes that have lived on the grasslands for a long time have their own unique methods of preventing plagues.

A tribe that is kind-hearted and soft-hearted simply cannot survive on the grassland.


Su He held an emergency imperial meeting in Qianqing Palace.

He received a report from Wu Cheng, the governor of Shuntian County, that a plague broke out in Zhangjiakou Prefecture. A large number of people died of the plague every day. The plague had probably been introduced to the capital.

When Su He received the news, he immediately issued an imperial edict and mobilized the Qinglong Guards from the forbidden army outside the city to enter the city to assist the White Tiger Guards in sealing off various parts of the capital.

The city gates of the capital were the first to be sealed, cutting off all traffic into the city.

People and materials that must enter the city need to be disinfected before entering the capital.

Suhe must ensure that the scale of the plague outbreak in the capital is controlled in the shortest possible time.

The capital of the Great China Dynasty, Beijing, was the most populous city, with a total population of more than five million.

Here is the core population of the Great China Dynasty. Once a large-scale outbreak of plague occurs, the losses caused are immeasurable.

There is no cure for the plague, coupled with the extremely high mortality rate, it has the terrible reputation of the Black Death in Europe.

Every time the plague rages across China, it will kill a large number of people.

At the end of Chongzhen's reign in the previous generation, plague broke out in the capital, resulting in the death of a large number of people in the capital, and the plague even broke out among the troops defending the city.

Only then could Li Zicheng successfully take over the capital.

Li Zicheng's Dashun Army entered the capital, but failed to control the plague in the capital, causing the plague to break out again among the Dashun Army.

Coupled with the lax armaments, the generals were dazzled by the prosperity of the capital and had no fighting spirit. The Dashun Army was easily defeated by the Eight Banners soldiers.

Su He looked at Kong Renxin, the Minister of Medicine, and ordered: "Kong Aiqing, many people don't understand the plague. Please tell everyone about the plague."

Kong Renxin, the Minister of Medicine, has always been a transparent person in the Imperial Council.

He didn't expect that the first time he would show off his talents would be at this moment.

Kong Renxin explained: “Before, our understanding of plague was very simple. After the invention of the microscope, disease-causing bacteria can be seen, and medicine has developed rapidly.

We understand the causes of many diseases through microscopy.

The plague currently breaking out in the capital is one of the plagues we know very well.

Plague broke out in small areas in various places, and the Medical Department and the Academy of Sciences collected precious information about this disease.

It is plague. As the name suggests, the main carrier of this plague is rats.

Rats transmit diseases to humans, and humans will become infected if they come into contact with sick humans.

Plague has an incubation period of one to three days, and the longest incubation period does not exceed eight days.

After the incubation period, people become ill immediately, with the main symptoms being fever and vomiting. Patients with mild symptoms recover quickly, and they are mainly young and middle-aged people in good health.

Patients with severe symptoms will soon develop skin bleeding, develop into dark spots, and eventually die.

This disease has a very high mortality rate and there is currently no drug that can treat it.

There are three main points in the prevention and control of plague: the source of the disease, the route of transmission, and the susceptible groups.

As long as we control the rats and sick people throughout the city and limit the spread of the plague, we will soon be able to control the scale of the plague."

Kong Renxin was more optimistic and his tone was not too serious.

Their medical department has compiled effective methods to deal with the plague, which can greatly reduce the speed of the spread of the plague.

The other ministers in the Imperial Council frowned.

It has been recorded many times in history that pandemics have occurred, and it is no joke that only nine out of ten houses are empty.

Everyone is afraid of this plague with a high fatality rate.

Su He looked at the Governor of Shuntian County and asked in a cold tone: "Governor Wu Cheng, please introduce to everyone the whole story of the development of this plague."

Wu Cheng lowered his head, his whole body was shaking. He didn't expect that at the end of his tenure as governor of Shuntian County, his subordinates would set him up for such a big mistake.

If he hadn't discovered something was wrong in time, sent someone to investigate, and reported the matter personally.

Wu Cheng had no doubt that His Majesty would cut down his sacrificial flag.

"Your Majesty, according to the information investigated by Weichen, a small-scale plague broke out near the Horqin tribe in the middle of last year.

As the rats were hidden in the grain, they were transported to northern cities and grasslands.

The plague spread in the grasslands and in the cities near the Great Wall.

Meng Xiangyun, the prefect of Zhangjiakou in Shuntian County, did not report the plague to the court immediately after the plague appeared in the area.

He was afraid of taking responsibility, but he was confident that he could control the plague by himself.

He concealed the truth and took improper handling measures. He did not realize the scale of the plague.

This directly led to a large-scale outbreak of plague in Zhangjiakou Prefecture.

After I realized something was wrong, I sent someone to Zhangjiakou Prefecture to learn about the situation.

Once I find out, I will report it to His Majesty immediately."

When Su He heard the news again, he was still very angry and couldn't help but cursed: "Idiot, loser, waste, he has committed a heinous crime."

After scolding him, he issued an order: "Transfer Lin Yongguang, the prefect of Jinzhou, to the prefect of Zhangjiakou.

Wang Yanhu, the governor of Hebei Province, is the governor of Shuntian County.

Du Yuan, the Minister of Civil Affairs, was the governor of Hebei.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate immediately arrested Meng Xiangyun, and the three judicial divisions held a joint trial.

Wu Cheng was demoted to governor of Turpan and took office immediately."

When Wu Cheng heard Emperor Su He's decree, he immediately knelt down to thank the Lord for his kindness.

He was only demoted, not demoted to the end. This was already the best ending.

Su He discussed with civil and military officials how to control the plague.

The Great China Dynasty encountered a large-scale plague for the first time since its establishment, but they knew the plague more clearly than previous dynasties.

Su He issued several orders one after another.

He looked at the Grand Governor Li Fengming and ordered: "I ordered the army to block all the gates of the capital, but this is not enough.

In order to control the development of the plague, I decided to let the army take military control of the capital and divide the capital into regions.

In this way, it only takes three to five days to mobilize all the manpower to clean up the places where the plague is serious."

Su He even wanted to restrict the movement of everyone, but with the current official system, it was impossible to do so.

We can only control major traffic arteries and restrict crowds to a certain place.

The Grand Governor Li Fengming immediately stood up and replied: "Your Majesty, the army has entered the city, and I will follow the relevant plans immediately.

Arrange various armies to implement military control in various places in the capital and restrict the movement of people."

Su He added: "According to my order, frontline soldiers are allowed to kill those who attack the ban without permission, regardless of their identity."

Su He looked at Prime Minister Wang Zhongce, and he ordered: "Wang Aiqing, you are responsible for going to the surrounding provinces of Shuntian County and directing the prevention and control in other places.

Let these provinces block the main roads immediately.

To prevent people from escaping Sunchon County and bringing the plague to other areas."

Su He looked at the cabinet minister Li Zhisheng and ordered: "Li Aiqing, you are responsible for allocating resources in various places. When the warehouses should be opened to release grain, you should open the warehouses to release grain.

Ensure the supply of food and medicinal materials in various places."

Su He finally set his sights on Kong Renxin, the most important medical minister.

"Kong Aiqing, the key to surviving this plague is to eliminate rats and control the disease.

The medical department organized doctors from all over the country to use various drugs to treat mild plague patients.

Severely ill patients can only resign themselves to their fate."

After Kong Renxin, the Minister of Medicine, accepted the order, he suggested:

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen recommends that all patients and clothes of those who died from the plague need to be burned at high temperatures.

In rural areas, the militia cooperated with the township government to conduct blockades on a village-by-village basis.

Carry out rodent control and quarantine patients until the plague is completely over.

The Metropolitan Government dispatched garrisons, militia and other military forces on the grasslands to control the movement of these tribes on a tribal basis and limit the development of the plague.

Only by controlling all areas can the harm of this plague be minimized."

Su He listened carefully to Kong Renxin's suggestion. He accepted it in full and issued an order to order various yamen to implement it.

He finally said in a cold tone: "Now that we have entered a wartime state, anyone who dares to obstruct the control of the plague or refuse to carry out the orders of the imperial court will be killed without mercy."

In the Dahua Dynasty, all levels of government offices, from the cabinet to the township offices, were mobilized.


Qian Yunyun, the owner of Degui Building in Beijing, said cheerfully: "Today is the day when the new president of the China General Chamber of Commerce, Li Gong, takes office.

I specially invited Mr. Liu from Caifeng Pavilion and others to perform.

Please invite Mr. Liu to perform on stage."

The crowd burst into applause, and Liu Rushi walked out from the backstage with her sisters Dong Xiaowan, Gu Hengbo, and Li Xiangjun.

Liu Rushi and others wore gorgeous clothes and performed on stage with musical instruments in their arms.

As the Qing herders on the Qinhuai River, their fate ushered in a turning point after the establishment of the Hua Dynasty.

To become pure shepherds, they can only show off their skills, but cannot sell their bodies. There is no power behind them to control their destiny.

They only use their ability to serve others with sex, and rely on their beauty and talents to gain a great reputation in Jiangnan.

Dong Xiaowan proposed the strategy of building a reputation and committing herself to noble people at that time.

Sister Chen Yuanyuan married her childhood sweetheart Mao Pijiang, and Mao Pijiang became a successful governor.

Sister Bian Yujing married Min Guogong Zhang Yuliang as his concubine and became the noble wife of the Duke of Min.

This made Liu Rushi and others clearly realize that the literati in Jiangnan were already weak, and the upstarts of the new dynasty were their targets.

It is difficult for them, poor husbands and wives, to become official wives. As concubines, they must choose to marry nobles.

After Liu Rushi discussed with her sister, they immediately set off to the capital city where there were the most noble people. In just half a year, they became famous all over the capital city.

The sound of singing and dancing made everyone in Degui Tower intoxicated.

Suddenly, the closed door was pushed open, and a huge noise made everyone look at the door collectively.

Liu Rushi and others stopped singing and dancing and stood on the stage at a loss.

Seeing the unexpected situation here, my face changed with fright, and I hid in the corner holding my musical instrument.

As the host of this banquet, Li Gong showed anger on his face.

That he can become the president of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce is a reflection of the strength of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce.

Now some people don't give him face, that is, they question the strength of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce.

When he saw clearly who was coming, the anger on his face immediately subsided.

These men in military uniforms, loaded with guns and ammunition, surrounded Degui Tower.

Li Gong murmured in his heart, which businessman caused a big case, and the court actually sent troops to take action.

Qian Yunyun saw the person pushing the door into the house. He was one of her husband's friends and she had met him several times before.

She stood up and said, "This is my husband's friend. I'll go over and say hello first."

Hou Xiaobai ignored everyone at the banquet.

When he saw Qian Yunyun approaching, he made a stop gesture and took the initiative to introduce his identity.

"I am Hou Xiaobai, commander of the White Tiger Guards. Following His Majesty's imperial edict, I am sealing off Huanghuafang.

No one is allowed to enter or exit Huanghuafang now.

You can only move around in Huanghuafang."

Hou Xiaobai learned that most of the businessmen who liked to move around were concentrated in Degui Tower, so he chose to lead his troops to Degui Tower himself.

When Qian Yunyun heard that it was His Majesty the Emperor's imperial edict, she turned a little pale and quickly asked: "Master Hou, how long do you want to block it for, and what happened to the capital."

When Hou Xiaobai saw Qian Yunyun asking, he replied succinctly: "I don't know how long the seal will last. I'm waiting for His Majesty's imperial edict.

What I know is that plague has appeared in the capital, and it is a very serious plague."

As soon as the word plague came out, all the businessmen turned pale with fear, and those who knew about plague were even more frightened.

Among the major plagues that have ravaged the country, smallpox has been eliminated by the cowpox vaccine.

The three most terrifying plagues are plague, cholera, and typhoid.

People who lived in Huanghuafang immediately ran out of Degui Building and rushed back to their homes, preparing to stay shut to avoid the ravages of the plague.

Businessmen who live elsewhere can only choose to stay in Degui Building.

Liu Rushi looked at his three sisters. The Caifeng Pavilion they bought was located in the most prosperous Dashi Yongfang in the capital.

The only option was to stay in Degui Tower and observe the changes in the plague.

The prosperity of the capital has disappeared, and everyone is hiding at home, at a loss to face this situation.

Grassroots officials in Shuntian Prefecture were quickly mobilized to explain the seriousness of the plague to the people.

Order everyone not to hide the sick, and call on the people to carry out rodent eradication operations.

This chapter has been completed!
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