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Chapter 462 Rat Control Blockade

Chapter 462: Rat Control and Blockade

Su He set up desks and chairs in the doorway outside Huangji Hall to work.

This is a very good location. Unless there are special arrangements for officials below the third rank of the Imperial Court, they will wait outside the entrance of Huangji Hall every day to listen to orders.

The courtyard outside the entrance of Huangji Hall is the largest area of ​​Huangji Hall.

Officials from the General Affairs Department preliminarily selected the memorials of each minister and read out the contents.

Emperor Su He issued an oral edict, and officials from the General Affairs Department wrote the imperial edict and sent it to various ministers.

Su He kept at least five meters away from other people.

Imperial concubine Li Huixin, together with the female bodyguards of the Suzaku Guard, approached the entrance of Huangji Palace with anxious expressions.

Li Huixin ignored the General Affairs Department officials outside the door. She walked directly from the side of the door to Emperor Su He.

Li Huixin said worriedly: "Husband, there is a major epidemic in the capital now, and you are still in contact with hundreds of officials. The risk is too great.

The concubine suggested that the husband should at least issue orders through the door and window to prevent him from contracting the epidemic.

My husband is rich in wealth, how can I take such a big risk?"

Li Huixin was very worried. If something went wrong with her husband Su He, the Great China Dynasty would fall apart.

Su He's heirs are all too young, and any son who ascends to the throne will not be able to govern personally.

The young master suspects that this situation will inevitably occur and the risk to the young monarch is too high.

Su He would not use similar methods. He would rather hand over power to the cabinet and hide in the rear.

He will not exercise his rights in this way, as the risks involved are too great.

Su He looked at his wife Li Huixin's worries and said with a smile: "Huixin, you don't have to worry.

This plague is not pneumonic plague, and as long as you do not come into contact with rats, fleas or sick people, the risk of contracting the plague is not high."

Su He has always been cautious in character. Only after he understood the type of plague did he make arrangements to deal with it.

It’s not just the 12% pneumonic plague, this kind of plague can be spread through air droplets.

This outbreak of plague, the common form of plague, is only spread through rat fleas or direct contact with sick people.

After the plague broke out in the capital, the palace also entered the most stringent disinfection stage.

When an official enters the palace, his whole body needs to be disinfected with alcohol, and then he changes into clothes that have been disinfected with high-temperature steam.

Completely eliminate viruses carried by officials and fleas carried by clothes.

Officials are more hygienic and bathe frequently, and they do not carry a large number of fleas on their bodies.

The work of officials in the General Administration Department is quite special. In order to maintain important orders, secrets must not be leaked within a short period of time.

Officials of the General Administration Department usually work in the palace for a week and go home to rest for a week.

This group of officials had not had contact with the outside world for three days and were really infected with the plague. Most of them had symptoms by this time.

They have no symptoms and are not at high risk of contracting the disease.

Even if they are sick, everyone keeps a safe distance and Suhe doesn't touch the things they come into contact with.

Su He's safety was guaranteed. He simply explained the current situation to his wife Li Huixin and asked Li Huixin to return to the harem.

Li Huixin shook her head and said: "Husband, I am here to accompany you, I can't help you in the harem.

The Queen's sister is organizing the maids and Suzaku Guard soldiers in the harem to carry out large-scale disinfection of the harem.

At the same time, an isolation ward has been established and a large number of female doctors have been mobilized to prepare to treat those in the harem who may be infected with the epidemic."

Su He nodded and continued to put his energy into his work.

Many officials encountered a great plague for the first time. They were at a loss when things happened and needed to ask the emperor for instructions.

In the evening, Suhe spent the most critical day, and a large number of imperial edicts had been issued to various yamen.

Su He only needed to deal with the major emergencies he encountered, and he had already done everything he needed to do.

Whether the Great China Dynasty can survive the plague this time depends on the performance of grassroots officials and people.

Su He took Li Huixin to the harem for dinner.

He was walking on the road to the harem and saw a large number of cats hiding in every corner of the palace.

Su He also saw his favorite big black cat running over with a mouse in its mouth to claim credit.

He stopped the big black cat from coming over and asked the guards to remove the mouse from the cat's mouth and burn it together.

Su He praised: "Dahei, you are such a good cat, keep catching mice."

When the big black cat heard the owner's praise, he rolled happily on the ground and jumped onto the roof of the house next to him.

Su He looked at the palace, where there were more cats than people.

The cats he raises are not pet cats that have been raised for waste. He has always kept them a little wild.

With the protection of these cats, if a mouse appears in the palace, it will be caught by the cats in an instant.

Li Huixin looked at these cats desperately catching mice, and she said happily: "My husband is really far-sighted. Who would have thought that my husband's hobby of raising cats could one day prevent the plague from spreading to the palace."

Doctors said that besides patients, the carriers of plague were rats and fleas.

Rats and fleas usually appear together.

There is no mouse, the most important route of transmission.

There is no way for fleas to bite a mouse and then bite a human to transmit the germs to humans."

Su He was well prepared, and after his power was established, he used his hobbies to influence dignitaries to raise cats. One of his main purposes was to control the number of rats in the city.

He nodded and said: "Eradicating rats is the most critical step in controlling the plague. I have already issued an order to the cabinet to mobilize the people in the epidemic areas to carry out rat eradication operations.

People can use rat tails in exchange for steamed buns."

After Li Huixin heard about the reward, she asked with some confusion: "Husband, why are you only rewarded with a steamed bun, which is worth a few cents?"

Su He looked at Li Huixin. She was born at the bottom, but she had not been exposed to too many dark sides and had high expectations for people's morality.

"Huixin, believe it or not, if I increase the reward to one hundred cents, someone will breed a large number of rats in exchange for the reward.

Raising rats for a few pennies is a thankless task, but for a hundred pennies, many people risk it.

Only with appropriate rewards and punishments can we truly eliminate the rat swarm."

After Li Huixin heard what her husband said, she covered her mouth with her hands and looked in disbelief. She thought about it carefully, and the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became.


At dusk, officials at all levels in the capital have completed their mobilization.

Ma Yilu, a junior official from the ninth rank, led two of his men on the street of Huanghuafang. He struck the gong with his hand and his men shouted in turn.

"Rat and fleas spread the plague. We must eliminate the rats and clean up the fleas."

"Your Majesty called on all the people to eradicate rats. One rat tail was exchanged for a big steamed bun. Three days later, there were still rats in the house. Each rat was fined one tael of silver."

Liu Rushi and others were lying in front of the window of Degui Building, watching the soldiers blocking the street downstairs and the officials loudly reporting the situation.

Gu Hengbo's originally pale face gradually regained some color.

"It turns out that rats and fleas spread the plague. We don't have fleas on our bodies, and there are no rats in Degui Building. We sisters are relatively safe."

Dong Xiaowan looked out the window and saw a waiter-like man in the large courtyard opposite the Degui Building, carrying several rats and handing them over to the officials outside.

She was so frightened that she screamed: "Rat, such a big rat."

When the businessman living opposite heard the screams, he shouted with some dissatisfaction: "What's so scary about mice? In my hometown, dried mice are a delicacy."

Liu Rushi and others were so frightened that they screamed again. They could not imagine that mice could become delicacies.

They saw a group of specially equipped government officials walking down the street.

This is a government official from Shuntian Mansion. He was holding a gun and leading a dog to arrest prisoners.

They are now armed with double-barreled shotguns and mouse traps, each carrying dozens of big cats, hunting rats from house to house.

There are government servants behind, who are specially responsible for towing the kerosene truck and burning the rats.

There were also people hired by Shuntian Prefecture in the rear. They used iron spray cans to spray alcohol on the streets and sprinkle quicklime on the roads and dark places of the houses.


Officials in the capital city acted very quickly. In the countryside outside the capital city, the village chiefs received the imperial order and began to mobilize.

Niu Erbao, the head of Yunchuan Township, received a notice from the county magistrate and learned about the contents of the imperial edict and the relevant policies formulated by the cabinet.

He immediately called a meeting with the village chiefs, patrol directors, and militia captains of each village.

Township head Niu Erbao waited until everyone arrived at the township office and said in a serious tone: "I received an order from my superiors to inform everyone of an extremely important matter.

There's a plague here in Shuntian County. The plague is no joke. If it really breaks out, all the rooms will be empty and none of us here will be able to escape."

"Head of the township, what should we do? Why is there suddenly a plague?"

"Let's escape quickly! When I was a child, there was a plague at home. There were more than ten people in the family, and I was the only one left.

By selling oneself into slavery, one can wait until the new dynasty is established and freedom can be restored."

Niu Erbao saw that everyone became extremely panicked when they heard the news about the plague, and some people were clamoring to leave.

He said angrily: "Run, where are you running? Can we outrun the plague?

This plague is the plague, and as long as we deal with it properly, there is a way to get through it.

Our place is not the center of the plague outbreak, so we still have a chance to survive."

After Niu Erbao shocked everyone, he began to convey the orders from his superiors.

Taking each village as a unit, militiamen were dispatched to block the roads to the outside world, and no one was allowed to enter or leave.

Each village organized villagers to eliminate rats in the village, calling on villagers to boil their clothes in boiling water, take frequent baths, and clean their bodies of fleas.

Once someone is found to be sick, they are immediately sent to the township health center for isolation.

All people who have been in contact with the sick person should be isolated separately and cannot come into contact with anyone. If they do not get sick within eight days, they can be released home.

After Niu Erbao finished speaking, he pointed at Li Bingdao and said: "Village Chief Li, your hair is full of white fleas, and your big yellow dog is covered in fleas.

People like you are the focus of attention in the township.

If you still look like this tomorrow, I'll have someone take you to the river to wash yourself."

After Li DaDa listened, he quickly promised that he should clean his body and clean his home immediately.


Prime Minister Wang Zhongce left the city with the imperial edict. He went to Taiyuan, Shanxi, and at the same time sent people to Tianjin, Hebei.

These two provinces are close to Shuntian County, especially Datong Prefecture in Shanxi Province, which is very close to Zhangjiakou Prefecture, so they are likely to be affected by the plague.

The messengers who delivered the news ran faster than Wang Zhongce and his party.

The imperial edict and the transfer order from the Governor's Office were quickly conveyed to the Governor's Office of Shanxi and Hebei, as well as the Governor's Office of the two provinces.

The governor immediately organized the government to prepare for epidemic prevention.

After receiving the order, the Governor's Office immediately mobilized the local garrison, blocked all connections between the two provinces and Sunchon County, and prohibited the passage of people.

Among them, Datong Prefecture is the most nervous. They not only have to guard against Zhangjiakou Prefecture, but also against the entry of Mongolians from Monan Province.


In Tongliao City, the capital of Monan Province, Zhang Guanghan, the governor of Monan, was very satisfied with his ambitions.

The Chahar tribe was almost disbanded, and Lin Dan Khan went to the capital to retire. His Majesty issued an imperial edict that Monan Province annexed Chahar Province.

The two provinces of Monan and Chahar used to be intertwined with each other and were full of enclaves. The capital Tongliao was cut off by Chahar Province, making it very difficult for the governor's office to communicate with other places.

Governor Zhang Guanghan knew that the imperial court did not choose the traditional gathering place of Mongolian tribes, but chose the new city of Tongliao as the location of the governor's office of Monan Province.

The main purpose is to dilute the influence of Mongolian culture, gradually eliminate the traces of Mongolia, and assimilate the Mongolian people in Monan.

Zhou Yu, the master of Governor Zhang Guanghan, walked in with a frightened look on his face.

"Sir, Your Majesty has issued an imperial edict to rebuke you."

Before the Master finished speaking, Governor Zhang Guanghan asked with a look of horror: "What happened? I have been working hard, how could I be reprimanded by His Majesty?"

Zhou Yu handed the imperial edict to Governor Zhang Guanghan.

After reading the contents of the imperial edict, he felt that this was an unreasonable disaster.

"Small-scale plagues often break out on the grasslands. I have done a good job in preventing a large-scale outbreak in Monan. Every time there is an outbreak, I report it to the court in time.

Who could have thought that the plague that broke out in the Horqin tribe would have such a huge impact."

Governor Zhang Guanghan knew that he could only avoid this crisis by controlling the Monan plague and making amends.

He immediately mobilized officials at all levels in the governor's office to convey the imperial decree and sent them to supervise the various tribes on the grassland.

Let these officials cooperate with the cavalry division to seal off the tribes where the plague broke out and prevent them from wandering around.

The commander of the 9th Cavalry Division, Gao Dasheng, was ordered to lead a team to blockade the Horqin tribe.

They came to the Horqin tribe and saw that the tribe was lifeless, with a large number of people holding bows guarding the tribe.

There are many fresh earth pits around the tribe, and they can still see wizards worshiping near the earth pits.

From time to time, people with pale or blood-red faces were driven out of the tribe. They helped each other and walked away.

Gao Dasheng looked at Deputy Division Commander Battelle and asked, "What is going on?"

Barter introduced: "Master Gao, after our prairie tribe discovers that the plague has broken out, the wizards will expel all people who come into contact with the plague.

To prevent other people in the tribe from being infected with the plague by these people.

In this way, even if it costs nearly half of the population to leave, as long as the plague is stopped, the tribe can be successfully saved.

Otherwise, the entire tribe will be defeated by the plague."

Gao Dasheng looked around the Horqin tribe and saw rats running around from time to time.

"Haven't you ever encountered this kind of plague that only chases away people but doesn't eliminate rats?"

Battle asked: "Why eliminate rats? What does the plague have to do with rats?"

Gao Dasheng ignored the illiterate Battle. He knew that unless the Horqin tribe eliminated the source of rats, it would be difficult to end the plague in a short time.

His mission is to seal off the Horqin tribe, prevent people from this tribe from running around, and at the same time eliminate the plague in this tribe.

He must eliminate the Horqin tribe and the plague.

Gao Dasheng now did not dare to contact the people of the Horqin tribe, so he informed them of his intention to come by writing letters.

The Ninth Cavalry Division sealed off the Horqin tribe and at the same time taught the tribe about the plague and asked them to eliminate the rats around the tribe.

Cavalry divisions and field armies across the Mongolian grasslands are in action to control the movement of grassland tribes and prevent the plague from being introduced to other places.

Teach these ignorant nomadic tribes about the plague and let them use more efficient methods to solve the plague.

(End of chapter)

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