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Chapter 464 Solving the Plague

Chapter 464 Solving the Plague

Governor Wang Yanhu saw that the plague situation in the government had stabilized and there was no explosive growth.

Emperor Su He gave him the most important task, to control the plague in Zhangjiakou Prefecture, and he has completed it.

There is no risk of the plague spreading. The next step is to completely eliminate the plague in the government so that the people can live a stable life.

Governor Wang Yanhu relaxed and became sleepy, lying on the desk and falling asleep.

He didn't know how long it took before he felt his body shaking violently and realized that it was Master Ren Anran shaking him.

"Lord Wang, something happened in the city."

When Wang Yanhu heard his master's words, he immediately became alert and asked quickly: "What happened in the city."

"Sir Wang, someone in Xicheng has started to organize people to cause trouble.

The government had previously advertised that the lockdown would only last eight days.

The city has been closed for more than half a month now. Especially after the rural areas were closed, meat and vegetables cannot be transported.

Many of them have been eating bean sprouts for half a month, and now they are making noises about going out to eat meat."

Governor Wang Yanhu thought that the people in the east of the city would start to cause trouble.

This area is full of lower-class people, they have meager incomes, and they are in a plague outbreak area, so they are most affected by the plague.

He didn't expect that a wealthy area like the west of the city would start making trouble just for the sake of eating meat.

The villages in the prefecture have sealed themselves off, and meat and vegetables cannot be delivered to the city.

Wang Yanhu ordered the opening of warehouses for grain storage, and the grain stored in the grain storage bureau's warehouses was provided to the people free of charge.

Well-to-do families also store some pickles and kimchi. Most of the family's dishes are soybean sprouts and mung bean sprouts.

Wang Yanhu said angrily: "How outrageous, which official said it would only be closed for eight days? It was clearly a notice, and it would be closed for eight days after there are no patients.

There are unscrupulous people outside the city trying to get through the card and trying to leave the area, but they have all been caught and thrown into jail.

These people thought that I really didn't dare to take action.

Not to mention just being related to some Beijing officials, even if they are relatives of the emperor, I would dare to take action at this time."

Wang Yanhu immediately went to the garrison office. The current order in the city was maintained by the garrison.

When he saw the commander of the garrison, he showed the sword above and took out the official document and said: "In the name of the imperial envoy, I request the garrison to manage Zhangjiakou Prefecture in a wartime state.

Anyone who dares to attack the defense line will be imprisoned immediately, and if anyone dares to resist, he will be shot directly."

With this order in hand, the garrison can freely pass the order to the soldiers on duty at the front line.

After Governor Wang Yanhu returned to the prefecture's Yamen, he summoned officials at all levels of the Yamen as planned.

"Everyone, you have worked very hard these past two months, but we have already seen the dawn of victory. As long as we persist for a while, we will be able to welcome victory.

Except for the severe cases in the east part of the city, there are only a small number of patients in other places.

As long as there are no more cases for eight consecutive days, those areas will return to normal.

At that time, the imperial court will discuss merit and reward, and officials with outstanding performance will be appreciated by His Majesty."

When officials at all levels heard the governor's words, they were a little tired and regained some morale.

Seeing that the officials had regained their fighting spirit, Wang Yanhu issued an order: "In Fucheng, we will fight the final decisive battle against the plague.

The plague in other places has been brought under control. As long as the status quo is maintained, the plague will be gradually eliminated, with only the east of the city showing signs of illness from time to time.

Now, officials at all levels lead teams to manage the east side of the city, and each official is responsible for an area."

Wang Yanhu must continue to divide the area in the east of the city and put specific officials in charge of each area so that they can manage it seriously.

The situation in the east of the city is a bit complicated, but the dawn of victory can already be foreseen.

The most difficult place now is the area in the north of Zhangjiakou Prefecture. Many places have been cut off from the prefecture, which shows the severity of the plague there.

Other places have also implemented lockdowns, but will report their respective situations at regular intervals.

The plague has been brought under control everywhere.

As Ma Xiaokun walked out of the magistrate's office, he suddenly heard several crisp gunshots.

He was so frightened that his expression immediately changed, and he shouted quickly: "What's going on?"

The faces of all the officials who came out had different changes.

The Dahua Dynasty's firearms management was very strict, and it was difficult for ordinary people to obtain standard rifles. At most, they were home-made muskets.

This special sound can only be the sound made by the guns in the hands of the army.

News spread quickly in the city, and they soon learned that someone in the city organized people to break through the card, and resisted when they were arrested by the security forces, and were directly shot to death by the security forces in the street.

When Ma Xiaokun heard the news, he exclaimed and said: "These people just don't listen to advice. They rely on their relatives to be officials in the capital and ignore the advice of us local officials.

Now when they encounter the governor who is more tough-minded, these people are completely in trouble."

Ma Xiaokun has a very clear understanding of the new governor's methods.

The security forces outside the city had already opened fire to scare the crowd who wanted to escape.

Those people have become accustomed to fleeing to other places when encountering plague.

The imperial court blocked the road, and many people wanted to break through the barrier.

The security forces immediately arrested them and sent them to isolation prisons.

Those who dared to resist were shot directly by the defenders.

It was precisely because of this tough approach that the people were obedient and obeyed the court's arrangements and did not run around. They could not escape at all.

These wealthy families in the city are used to being domineering everywhere, and they always have an obsessive self-confidence. They think that their status is noble, and the security forces dare not shoot them.

When Ma Xiaokun learned about the situation, he felt more relaxed.

Under the high pressure of the governor, everyone will cooperate with the court's arrangements, making his job much easier.


Governor Wang Yanhu came to the train station and received news that several trains were about to arrive at the station.

After more than half a month of preparation, support from the court arrived.

Governor Wang Yanhu did not wait long as five trains arrived at the station one after another.

The first person to get off the train was a person he knew well, Lin Yongguang, the prefect.

Wang Yanhu still remembers that when he took office as the prefect of Nanning, Lin Yongguang, who was still an army officer at the time, led the army to help him fight floods and plagues.

He immediately stepped forward and said enthusiastically: "Prefect Lin, I have been looking forward to seeing you."

Lin Yongguang said apologetically: "My lord, the imperial court has allocated personnel and materials from Liaodong Province to support Zhangjiakou.

In order to coordinate related supplies, I delayed my appointment. The governor has worked hard during this time."

"No hard work, this is what I should do." Wang Yanhu said modestly, and then asked: "Prefect Lin, how much supplies are you carrying this time."

Lin Yongguang responded: "A division of garrison troops, they are fully armed, equipped with protective clothing and related equipment.

I also brought more than 30,000 cats. In order to keep these cats wild, I only fed them a small amount of food on the road.

There are also plenty of medicines and doctors.”

When Wang Yanhu heard the news, he smiled for the first time after not smiling for half a month.

With this support, he is confident that the plague will be completely eradicated within a month or two.

Wang Yanhu looked at the supporting security forces, who were wearing protective clothing and carrying shotguns.

This kind of firearm can effectively control the situation and eliminate rats.

There are also some people who carry spray bottles and are responsible for disinfecting various places.

He looked at the big cat in a cage with sharp teeth and claws, and the smile on his face grew wider.

Since ancient times, cats have defeated mice. With so many cats, we can definitely eliminate the hidden mice in the city.

Once the rats are eliminated, the plague loses its most important transmission route and can be quickly resolved.

Governor Wang Yanhu held a simple welcoming ceremony for Magistrate Lin Yongguang.

After discussion, he and Magistrate Lin Yongguang assigned their respective tasks.

Lin Yongguang was in charge of affairs in the city, and Wang Yanhu was able to get away and lead the team to the north where the plague was most severe.

Prefect Lin Yongguang didn't have much experience in controlling the plague.

He returned to Cao and continued to implement the relevant policies left by Governor Wang Yanhu.

Prefect Lin Yongguang has more resources in his hands, and he is very confident in eradicating the plague.

The situation in Fucheng has changed greatly compared to the past.

In the evening, more than 5,000 cats were released from their cages.

The cat, which had been hungry for several days, sniffed the smell of mice in the air.

They move with vigorous and agile steps, walking in corners or crouching on roofs.

When night comes, rats come out and move around.

These cats move very quickly. After discovering the traces of mice, they jump up, press the mice to the ground with their sharp claws, and eat them in their stomachs in a few bites.

Even if a cat is full, it will hunt mice for fun.

A large number of cats constantly eliminate rats in the city.

Magistrate Lin Yongguang was not idle either. He directed the garrison soldiers and officials who came for support to search for patients from house to house.

These people carried disinfection equipment and used quicklime and alcohol to thoroughly disinfect people's homes.

Funded by the prefect's Yamen, every citizen was given a new set of clothes.

All their old clothes are boiled in large pots on the street to eliminate any fleas and germs they may carry before they can be worn again.

Officials urged the people in the city to wash their hair and bathe frequently and remove fleas from their bodies.

Prefect Lin Yongguang implemented the strategy of Governor Wang Yanhu and gradually controlled the scale of the plague in the city through multi-pronged methods.

After his management, except for the eastern part of the city, which was the most serious, there have been no new plague patients in other areas for eight consecutive days.

Prefect Lin Yongguang announced that these places will be lifted from the blockade.

Local officials and people all cried with joy.

Most people have relatives and friends who died from the plague, but such a serious plague.

After being governed by the imperial court, he managed to get through it safely with only a small amount of death.

Ten rooms and nine empty houses did not appear, and many people were so surprised that they knelt down and knelt in the direction of the government office to thank him.


Governor Wang Yanhu took his master Ren Anran and tens of thousands of guards and officials to the area near the Great Wall in the north where the plague was most severe.

Master Ren Anran said worriedly: "Sir Wang, according to the results reported from various places, the county is relatively easy to prevent.

Rural areas are extremely difficult to protect against. Rats hide in the fields and are impossible to catch.

Farmers were not as hygienic as people in the city. There were so many fleas in their homes that they could not stop the spread of the plague.

The strategy adopted by Mr. Wang is very correct: first treat the areas where the plague is not serious, and then concentrate on solving the areas where the plague is serious.

After such a long period of development of the plague in the northern region, I estimate that many villages have all been infected by the plague, and it is very likely that there will be no roosters crowing for thousands of miles."

When Governor Wang Yanhu heard what the master said, he also believed that this situation was likely to happen.

This is also the reason why the imperial court immediately chose to block traffic arteries.

It was to prevent people who fled from bringing the plague to all parts of the country.

Wang Yanhu deployed personnel and divided the troops into multiple groups.

Centered in various counties in the northern region, they began to control the plague in the north.

Wang Yanhu led one of the teams to Wanquan County, where the plague was most severe.

He saw many corpses lying on the roadside along the way, some of which had been rotting for many days.

These people stayed away from the intersection and were not discovered by the soldiers blocking the road.

They include people who are fleeing, and there are also government officials who are delivering messages.

Governor Wang Yanhu immediately sent people to collect these corpses and burn them with kerosene.

The position of the corpse was disinfected with quicklime.

The villages that Wang Yanhu passed during his inspection were all severely plagued by plague, but he had not yet seen any villages that had been wiped out.

He saw the county seat of Wanquan County. The gates were wide open, but there were government officials to maintain order.

Seeing this situation, he felt slightly relieved.

Wanquan County can still maintain a simple order, and the most serious problems have not occurred here.

Magistrate Wanquan saw the governor arriving with his team.

He immediately led the officials out of the city to greet him, and said with tears in his eyes: "Sir Governor, you are finally here.

The plague is so serious here that almost every household is infected with the plague.

In these days, more than 200 people died every day, and the bodies could hardly be burned.

There are only a few dozen doctors in the county, and all of them have been infected with the disease.

Those of us who are infected with the epidemic can only take a few pills and try to survive."

Wang Yanhu looked at the hard knot on Magistrate Wan Quan's neck. Most of the officials around him were seriously ill.

These people have all been infected with the plague, which shows how serious the plague is here.

Every household is infected with the epidemic, and healthy people need to be isolated as soon as possible to observe whether they are infected with the epidemic.

Actively treat early-stage patients, and there is still hope for them to be cured.

Governor Wang Yanhu arranged for doctors to build a hospital and try their best to treat those who are still alive.

He also sent troops to thoroughly disinfect the city.

Guard soldiers took the extremely hungry cat and searched from house to house.

Cats are constantly meowing in the city, and they are chasing mice.

There are so many rats in the city during the day, which shows how many rats there are in the city.

Governor Wang Yanhu arranged things in Wanquan County and led his team to the surrounding villages.

Wanquan County gave him some hope that there would still be living people in the countryside.

Governor Wang Yanhu led the team to Huaishu Village, Qingshui Township.

He heard dogs barking one after another in the village.

Wang Yanhu felt very relaxed when he heard the barking of these dogs.

If all the people die, all the dogs in the village will also run away.

There are dogs barking in the village, which proves that it is popular.

As they walked into the village, they heard extremely angry curses coming from the thatched huts beside the road.

"You are not allowed to approach my home. Anyone who dares to approach my home will be killed."

Wang Yanhu asked someone to shout that the rescuers sent by the imperial court had arrived.

Only then did some villagers stare at the sickle and open the door at the risk.

When the village chief Liu Shanpi saw that a real official from the imperial court had arrived, he walked out of the house, banged the gong and shouted: "The imperial court has come to save us, everyone is saved."

He knelt on the ground and wailed loudly: "Mother! I'm sorry for you. For the sake of the lives of the whole family, I can only throw you in the woodshed to die."

Wang Yanhu asked people to start rescuing people, and he also learned from the villagers why these people survived.

There was a doctor named Liu Tuo from a nearby village. When he went home to visit relatives, he encountered the plague and warned the villagers to stay away from the disease.

Most of the people who listened to this doctor's warning survived.

Those who ignored it would basically contract the disease and die.

Governor Wang Yanhu led people to control the local situation, isolate the sick and eliminate rats and fleas.

Many people paid the price with their lives and spent months fighting this raging plague.

(End of chapter)

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