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Chapter 465 After the Disaster

Huo Bai led the caravan, and after going through many hardships, they finally walked out of the grassland.

Less than a hundred people died in the caravan.

By paying only this small price, Huo Bai was able to turn the tide and stop the loss in time.

Huo Bai knew how terrible the plague was, and some people in the caravan showed symptoms of discomfort.

He showed no mercy and immediately asked the convoy to expel these people from the caravan.

Anyone who has been in contact with a sick person can gather together, carry some supplies, and follow the caravan from a distance, at least one thousand meters away.

Even if members of the escort team need to leave the team and the leader of the escort team Li Shi pleads for mercy, Huo Bai still adheres to his principles.

He knew that these deported people were seriously ill and found it difficult to survive in the vast prairie.

But he must do this and not expel these sick people.

It is impossible for their caravan to leave the grassland.

People who have had contact with these people must also stay away from the caravan for observation.

Many people did not understand his choice, secretly resented him, and were almost shot in the face.

When the people in the caravan saw that the guys following the caravan were constantly infected with the disease, almost all of them died.

Thanks to Manager Huo's timely handling of the caravan, most of the people in the caravan survived.

With this sharp contrast, everyone in the caravan supported Huo Bai's policy.

They carefully prevent rats from coming into contact with the caravan, are wary of all outsiders, and report immediately if they find anyone in the caravan showing symptoms.

It was precisely because of this inhumane control that Huo Bai was able to safely bring the caravan out of the grassland.

Huo Bai thought about the difficulties he encountered on his way back to the city.

He originally thought that the source of the plague outbreak was Helin City.

He did not expect that after entering Monan Province, their caravan would be almost unable to move.

All tribes prohibit outsiders from approaching.

Some tribes were even blocked by cavalry divisions.

He took out the token given by King Cao Li Dazhuang and talked to these soldiers across the camp.

Only then did Huo Bai realize that Monan was the source of the plague.

The grassland tribes where the plague spread were all controlled by the army to prevent the plague from spreading to other places.

The military also provides some simple help to these tribes.

Huo Bai learned about the current situation of the grassland. He did not stop in the grassland, but led the caravan as quickly as possible and continued towards the Great Wall.

This time I earned more than 600,000 taels of silver coins, including a lot of goods used to pay off debts.

He must transport the money and goods to the palace safely.

The goods on the grassland are worthless in the grassland. When they enter the customs, the value of these goods will increase several times.

Something went wrong with the money and goods, and he risked his life, but it was not enough to compensate him.

Huo Bai marched towards the Great Wall. Fortunately, the team brought enough food and pickles, so he could make a fire for cooking if he found a water source.

They were also extremely vigilant against the rats on the grassland and did not even think of approaching the caravan.

Along the way, the caravan did not come into contact with anyone except to consult the officers of the cavalry division.

The caravan arrived near the Great Wall safely.

Huo Bai was very worried about the plague situation in the pass. He learned about it from the officer.

In order to ensure that the plague is eliminated in the customs, border towns in various places have been sealed off and people from the grasslands are prohibited from entering.

Huo Bai was ready to inquire about the situation. Once the road was blocked, he could only send someone to contact the palace and send these supplies into the pass through military channels.

He could finally see clearly the situation in the border town. It was not as he imagined, with heavy troops blocking it.

There are endless tents outside the border town. The distance between the tents is very large. There are people moving outside the tents. They are like the god of plague, avoiding each other.

Huo Bai sent someone to learn about the situation. He quickly knew what was going on here?

The plague in the pass has been completely controlled by the officials led by the newly arrived governor Wang Yanhu.

Except for a few villages that were blocked by the army, most places are no longer plague-free.

The situation inside the customs has improved, and the government has manpower to deal with people who want to enter the customs.

As long as you wait here for eight days and show no symptoms of plague, you can enter the customs.

Huo Bai led all the caravan members to line up. There were too many of them, so a team of officials came out of the border town to take charge of their caravan affairs.

The officials gave their caravan a special place to pitch tents.

Huo Bai learned about the situation inside the pass.

The plague was extremely serious this time, not only in Zhangjiakou Prefecture, but also in the border prefectures and even the capital.

Huo Bai wonders if his family is safe?

His face was filled with anxiety, praying for the blessing of his ancestors so that his relatives and friends could still live to see each other.

Most of the people in the caravan were from the capital. After receiving the news, many people were very anxious.

Huo Bai himself was worried, but he wanted to comfort the others in the caravan.

"The news I heard is that Wang Yanhu is very capable as governor, and he solved the plague in Zhangjiakou Prefecture in just a few months.

The capital city is the most important city of the imperial court, and the imperial court will definitely solve the plague in the capital city as quickly as possible.

We don't need to worry, our family will be fine."

Eight days was a short time, and Huo Bai's wait was very long.

Among the people waiting outside the customs, some people began to show symptoms of plague, which shows that this method is extremely effective.

Huo Bai came to the border town, and their caravan spent the past few days safely.

Even though he came here, he did not relax his vigilance. Except for contact with people from the government, the caravan was prohibited from contacting outsiders.

During these days of waiting, the government has been making preliminary preparations for them to enter the customs.

The government ordered everyone in the caravan to take a shower and change clothes.

Remove fleas from your body, especially those in your hair. If you fail the inspection, they will not be allowed to enter the customs.

The officials also led several large dogs to inspect the caravan's goods.

These dogs sniff everywhere, and once they find the smell of mice, they will immediately bark.

All preparations for their caravan met the requirements perfectly and they were allowed to enter the customs.

Under the guidance of the officials, Huo Bai drove the camel cart into the border town.

He saw many soldiers with guns standing guard in the border town.

They carefully checked the people entering the customs and if they found any symptoms of plague or fleas on their bodies, they would be stopped immediately.

Huo Bai saw all the caravans entering the customs, and he brought all the supplies into the customs.

The situation he had been worried about did not appear.

The caravan followed the cement road to Zhangjiakou Fucheng, where they had the nearest train station where they could take a train back to the capital.

Huo Bai could feel that Zhangjiakou had indeed encountered an extremely serious plague.

When he left customs here, there were caravans everywhere along the way, as well as vendors who specialized in selling food to the caravans.

The road he was walking now was very desolate, and there were not many pedestrians along the way.

As the caravan approached Zhangjiakou City, its popularity recovered somewhat.

Huo Bai encouraged everyone: "I will charter a few trains to take us back to the capital.

Everyone will soon be able to meet their parents, wives and children."

When everyone in the caravan heard Huo Bai's words, some color returned to their faces.

As Huo Bai approached Zhangjiakou City, he heard the sound of firecrackers ringing out continuously in the city.

He saw many paper mice as tall as a person on the street.

Pedestrians passing by threw firecrackers into the iron bucket next to the mouse.

They shouted at the same time: "Drive away the plague rats and keep me healthy."

When the street vendor saw Huo Bai dressed in gorgeous clothes, he said loudly: "Sir, would you like to drive away the plague rats, disperse the evil spirits, and get some luck? It only costs one penny."

Huo Bai threw out a large copper coin worth a hundred copper coins and imitated the others, saying, "Keep away the plague rats and keep me healthy."

When the vendor saw the copper coins in front of him, he said happily: "Folks, the plague rats have been dispersed. I will send the plague rats to heaven right now."

After the vendor finished speaking, he lit the fuse under the rat, and the big rat-shaped fireworks immediately flew into the sky and exploded.

The people around saw the plague rats exploding in the sky, and they shouted loudly: "Dispel the plague rats."

The child next to him saw the ferocious big rat exploding into the sky. He said in a sweet voice: "Rat, it's terrible and hateful. My rhubarb is the hero, killing many rats."

Huo Bai observed the situation in Zhangjiakou City along the way. It has regained some of its popularity and the train station here is still functioning normally.

He booked a train, led the caravan's personnel and goods, and took the train back to the capital.


Ambassador Andre came to Tianjin Railway Station again.

He completed the transaction with Dahua on behalf of Anjili and watched the fleet return home.

He returned to the capital of the Great China Dynasty from Lefo City.

Ambassador Andre believed that after the caravan of the Chinese Dynasty arrived in London.

When domestic businessmen learn about the prosperity of the Dahua Dynasty, they will not let go of the opportunity to make a fortune.

As an ambassador, Andrei will serve the businessmen who will come in the future.

If he establishes good relationships with these big domestic businessmen, his future career will be smoother.

While Ambassador Andrei was waiting for the train, he heard businessmen chatting around him.

"Who would have thought that Beijing would be locked down for more than two months.

I have a batch of goods that need to be transported to Beijing for delivery.

It was delayed for more than two months, and the cost of the warehouse was as high as more than three hundred taels of silver coins."

"You just lost a lot of money, and it's okay as long as you are fine.

After the lockdown in Beijing was lifted, the housekeeper immediately came to inform me.

There are more than thirty people in my family, and twelve of them died from the plague this time.

The sixty-year-old mother and her babbling son were both killed by the plague.

The eldest son did not die from the illness, but the root of the disease was left behind. I don’t know how long he can live.”

Ambassador Andre, I heard that many people around me are talking about the plague.

Through the words of these people, he analyzed that the plague was a plague.

He was very curious about the situation of the plague and bought several newspapers dedicated to introducing the plague.

Ambassador Andrei was reading the newspaper. He suddenly stood up and exclaimed in English: "My God, the plague turned out to be the Black Death.

My God, the Black Death was actually spread by rats. This is extremely important news and must be reported to the king as soon as possible.

In the capital of the Great China Dynasty, the Black Death broke out. This was the Black Death.

The Black Death that nearly wiped out Europe in the Middle Ages.”

Ambassador Andre thought of the horror of the Black Death, and he did not dare to go to the capital.

In his impression, it was impossible for humans to contain the spread of the Black Death.

We can only wait until all the damned people die and the population density drops to a certain level, so that the Black Death will not continue to spread.

He repeatedly confirmed that the Black Death was really solved, and the most important method was to kill the rats, and then he boarded the train to the capital.

Ambassador Andre decided to carefully observe the situation in the capital. Once he discovered that the content in the newspaper was false, he immediately took a train and fled.

The main purpose of his trip to the capital was to learn about drugs that could cure the Black Death.

There was no cure for the Black Death in Europe, and most people who got sick died slowly.

The Great China Dynasty was able to save more than half of the people in the early stages of the Black Death.

When this magical medicine is brought to Europe, it will inevitably be snapped up by European nobles.


Emperor Su He returned to work in Qianqing Palace.

The most severe period of plague was during the first seven days of the outbreak.

At that time, the officials were inexperienced and the people were extremely panicked.

After the hectic first seven days, everything was on track.

The capital responded extremely quickly and contained the plague in its early stages.

Even the most severe plague did not cause extremely serious effects, with less than 3,000 deaths.

This is already an extremely low figure for a capital city with a population of millions.

Su He watched Governor Wang Yanhu report in his memorial that Wanquan County, where the plague was most severe in Zhangjiakou Prefecture, had not seen any plague patients for ten consecutive days.

The last nail was pulled out, and the wave of plague in the pass was completely eliminated.

There are still sporadic cases of plague spreading on the grasslands, but all major border towns implement extremely strict immigration policies.

People suffering from the plague on the grassland could not enter the border towns at all.

The population density on the grasslands is not high, and the local government imposes restrictions on the movement of grassland tribes. This situation is not conducive to the spread of plague.

As long as the Central Plains region is not affected, the situation will be under control.

Emperor Su He held an imperial meeting to deal with the end of the plague.

All the high-ranking officials of the Dahua Dynasty came to the Qianqing Palace.

Emperor Su He looked at the many ministers and said: "In response to the plague this time, officials and people worked together to survive this catastrophe.

There are many touching stories emerging from it.

I will reward those who have merit.

According to their merits, they were awarded official positions or titles.

I will also give preferential treatment to the families of the martyrs who died fighting the plague.

But there are always some officials who feel ashamed of the imperial court's support and carelessly stretch out their hands when facing a national crisis."

Emperor Su He looked at Li Yuanzheng, the censor of Zuodu, and said: "The Metropolitan Procuratorate must strictly examine the officials who did not act or acted randomly during this plague.

We must deal with them seriously and uphold the laws of the country."

Li Yuanzheng, the censor of Zuodu, stood up and said: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that the Metropolitan Procuratorate will investigate carefully and not let every criminal go.

Wei Chen is also cleaning up the procuratorates in various places."

Li Yuanzheng would never be soft on these corrupt officials.

Su He looked at Kong Renyi, the Minister of Medicine, and ordered: "This time the plague, the medical department performed very well, mobilized a large number of doctors to support the disaster area, and effectively reduced the mortality rate of the plague.

Our current plague disaster has the lowest mortality rate in history.

I believe that with the development of medicine, the mortality rate of plague will gradually decrease in the future.

But if the plague can become so widespread, the medical department has an unshirkable responsibility.

One of the responsibilities of the Medical Department is to monitor the development of plague in various places.

The Zhangjiakou Prefecture concealed the epidemic, but the medical department knew nothing about it. I don’t want this situation to happen again.”

When Kong Renxin, the Minister of Medicine, heard Emperor Su He's reprimand, he tremblingly promised: "I thank you for your magnanimity. The Medical Department will make up for the loopholes in time, and similar things will never happen again in the future."

Emperor Su He asked the cabinet and the governor's office to make arrangements for the aftermath of the plague.

Relevant compensation for mobilized officials and troops must be paid promptly.

To respond to the plague this time, effective policies must be implemented and relevant systems must be formed.

If a major plague breaks out again in the future, all localities can implement relevant policies as quickly as possible.

This chapter has been completed!
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