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Chapter 53 Judgment

Su He was listening to the report from Dali Temple Minister Wu Donglin.

"Commander Su, the selection of prisoners has been completed.

He had not committed any evil deeds and was an ordinary military household of the Ming Dynasty.

Those who are willing to serve as soldiers are handed over to Brigadier Li of the Guards Brigade to train new recruits.

Those who were unwilling to serve as soldiers have been released.

We use various methods such as complaining and reporting to reduce sentences.

We have fully grasped the crimes of the Ming generals and servants.

For more than twenty days, I have accepted complaints from people.

After careful screening, we have captured all the criminal gentry.

Some of the gentry's crimes were relatively minor, and they were guaranteed by the officials who took refuge in them.

I followed Commander Su's instructions and asked them to pay the fine and compensate the victims.

The gentry and their minions who committed heinous crimes have been detained.

All the preliminary work has been prepared, whether our Dali Temple will start a public trial."

Su He checked Wu Donglin's report and approved the death penalty and the treatment of Rui Wang Zhu Changhao with a red pen.

"We can prepare for a public trial, but these people should not be sentenced to death."

The people who have bypassed Suhe's life are those who have mastered unique skills.

Most of these people were domestic slaves of the gentry. They aided the tyrants and deserved death.

But they master some important technologies and it would be a pity to kill them.

These people are not the main culprits, and they are allowed to do hard labor for life.

Wu Donglin took over Su He's instructions and immediately prepared for a public trial.

Su He and Wang Zhongce were walking on the street of Fucheng, Hanzhong.

There are still soldiers standing guard on the streets of Hanzhongfu, and the gates of Hanzhongfu are closed.

Grain and salt are supplied by department stores, and each family sends a person to buy daily necessities with the guarantee of a familiar official.

"Wang Zhongce, how did the official assessment go?"

Wang Zhongce responded: "Wu Donglin was really ruthless. Most of the Hanzhong government officials and subordinates were arrested.

We arrested so many people, and the others were frightened, fearing that someone would arrest them directly.

I recruited some people based on their usual performance.

Now I can basically manage the entire Hanzhong Mansion."

Su He looked at the depressed Hanzhong Mansion and said as he walked: "Get them on duty as soon as possible, and allocate the land to the villagers this winter. Don't delay spring plowing.

Let these officials watch the public trial, and if they dare to bully the people again, those people will suffer their fate."

Su He ordered the general staff to withdraw the patrolling soldiers and hand Hanzhong Mansion over to Hanzhong for inspection. Su Yan sent the patrol to inspect the area.

The city of Hanzhong Prefecture and the Han River were opened to allow merchants and people to enter and exit freely.

Yang Wencai, a big merchant in Hanzhong City, saw the soldiers withdrawing outside the courtyard gate.

He wiped the sweat from his head and sighed: "This world is too difficult."

He had been on tenterhooks these past few days, fearing that a group of soldiers would come and capture him.

Except for his neighbor on the left, Wang Yuan, most of the men in the family were taken away, leaving only a few female relatives.

Dong-dong-dong, there was a knock on the door.

This frightened Yang Wencai, and he looked out along the crack in the door. He saw a short fat man knocking on the door. This was his neighbor Ding Wannian.

"Old Ding, what are you doing? You scared me to death."

Yang Wencai cursed angrily and opened the door.

"My son-in-law informed me that Dali Temple is going to put King Zhu Changhao and officials and gentry on trial.

After the public trial, some of the gentry's properties will be auctioned.

It’s mainly shops and cultural properties, but they won’t sell the land.”

When Yang Wencai heard about the property auction, he was a little moved. He and Ding Wannian walked to the Yamen of Dali Temple together.

"Old Ding, you have made a profit this time. Your son-in-law is a rebel leader, so you don't have to worry about your wealth or life." Yang Wencai said enviously.

"Oh! This is life. I didn't expect that the marriage that had been delayed for six years would become the life-protecting talisman of our family.

This is also because the crime I committed was not serious and there was no lawsuit involving anyone's life.

It's just an ordinary case of bullying and dominating the market. Just pay a fine and it will be over."

They arrived outside the Yamen of Dali Temple.

Yang Wencai saw that many officials came to the scene.

Su Hedu, the leader of the yellow-robed thieves, arrived.

There were not many prisoners outside the yamen, but they were all of high status.

There are King Zhu Changhao of Rui, the prefect king in Taiwan, and several gentry who he usually has no contact with.

Outside the Yamen of Dali Temple, there is a row of street light poles. There are no lanterns on them. I don’t know what they are used for.

There are so many people here.

A lot of people came out to watch the fun.

The public trial of the Ming Dynasty Prince may not be seen once in a lifetime.

Wu Donglin was wearing official uniform and looking high-spirited.

He did not regret at all and surrendered to rebel.

If I have the chance to judge the prince in this life, it would be worth dying tomorrow.

Wu Donglin started the trial in accordance with the procedures. The evidence they had was conclusive and the verdict was pronounced on the spot.

When the charges were announced, the people cried from time to time.

Some people even shouted: "Beast, please kill him, Mr. Qingtian, and give my daughter's life back."

Wu Donglin read hundreds of charges and finally announced the verdict.

"The criminal Zhu Changhao was sentenced to death and all his property was confiscated."

Zhu Changhao was carried to the execution platform by two soldiers.

He cried so hard that snot ran down his nose, and he kept wailing.

"I am the Prince of Ming Dynasty, you cannot kill me."

The soldiers pressed Zhu Changhao down and knelt down in the direction of the people.

Put a hemp rope as thick as your thumb around Zhu Changluo's neck.

Several execution soldiers at the rear pulled him upwards hard.

The King of Rui, Zhu Changhao, was hung directly from the lamppost at the entrance of the Yamen of Dali Temple.

An old farmer in simple clothes knelt down and kowtowed continuously in front of the Yamen of Dali Temple.

"Thank you, Mr. Qingtian, for avenging our family."

There are many people who made the same move as him.

Most of the people who were watching cheered when they saw the king Zhu Changhao was hanged.

This is really satisfying. Many people have experienced being exploited by the royal family's slaves.

Some people beat gongs and spread the news to the outside world.

Wu Donglin continues to examine the case.

The criminals Wang Zaitai, Zhou Qisheng, Lu Tianshou, Liu Yingyu, Lu Liang and Liang Ping were hanged.

For committing war crimes, the male member of the family is sentenced to death.

Wang Mingxin, Liu Kaiyun and other gentry were hanged one after another.

Yang Wencai saw that the Ming Dynasty prince and the prefect king were in Taiwan, and all the great gentry and officials were hanged.

He couldn't help but whispered: "This anti-thief method is so cruel that even the Ming Dynasty prince was hung from the street light.

It’s really scary to kill so many gentry.”

Yang Wencai looked in front of him in horror at these hanged gentry.

They also build bridges and roads in normal times, and donate rice and rice to save people in times of disaster. They are all good people.

They usually just do loan sharking and steal a few wives and daughters who have no legs.

In good years, food prices are depressed, and in bad years, food prices are raised.

How can we get these mud-legged people to farm honestly without using various means to scare them?

These were very common methods before.

In the eyes of the rebels, it is a heinous act.

Fortunately, he went to other places to do business all year round and did not buy a large amount of land in Hanzhong.

He was not familiar with the local people and did not sue him, so he escaped.

A man dressed as an old farmer has been silently recording the results of the trial.

After recording the information, he saw that someone could get out of the city, so he also tried to get out of the city.

This time he was not intercepted by soldiers.

He came to a dilapidated house next to a big locust tree in a small village outside the city.

Soon a lot of people gathered here.

"Master Baihu, we are responsible for monitoring Rui Wang Zhu Changhao.

Now that King Rui has been hanged by the rebels, what should we do?"

Jinyi Weibai whispered: "Our troops are divided into three groups, and some of them continue to lurk in Hanzhong City.

Some people went south along the Han River and spread the news back to the capital.

I have already tried to find a way to sneak into the rebel team and will go to Baoji County soon.

I will find a way to tell the governor of Shaanxi, Mr. Yang He, about the news here."

When Hanzhong City was lifted from the blockade, it was not just Jin Yiwei who escaped.

There were many gentry and merchants who also looked for opportunities to escape from Hanzhong Mansion and spread the news here.

This chapter has been completed!
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