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Chapter 584: Contest of Hundred Schools of Thought (3)

Chapter 584 A Hundred Schools of Thought Contention (3)

Author: Feng Xiaomu

Emperor Su He saw the fate of the Legalists, and then many elementary school sects who did not understand the reason came up.

The Huang-Lao School of Taoism came to power, preaching that governing a large country is like cooking small delicacies, and advocated governing by doing nothing.

Taoists, Quanzhen Sect, Longhushan and other forces also sent people to make up the numbers.

When Taoists came, Buddhism did not give in. They sent several great monks to represent them.

Emperor Su He listened at first, but saw that these people were talking nonsense.

He couldn't help but frown, and he looked at the cabinet minister Qu Xiangyang and ordered: "I thought before that there were only a few well-known schools of thought.

How can you gather thirty-six participating groups?

There is no need to pursue the auspiciousness of numbers in this matter. The review must be strict. Some teams that are too ridiculous cannot be allowed to participate in the Hundred Schools of Thought Conference.

Otherwise, the reputation of this conference will be ruined by these people.

The thoughts of the Confucian and Mencius schools are somewhat biased, but their thoughts are also self-consistent.

There is absolutely no merit in what these people are saying now."

Qu Xiangyang said with fear: "Your Majesty, this time the review was not strict, and an abnormal team was mixed into the conference.

When I conclude the conference, I will make a review on behalf of the organizer of the conference."

Qu Xiangyang was also helpless. Emperor Su He did not clearly state the purpose of holding the Congress of Contribution of One Hundred Schools of Thought.

As a minister, he can analyze some purposes, but he cannot publicize them, and it is best not to show them.

Otherwise, he will become a character like Yang Xiu in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

What's more, Qu Xiangyang couldn't guarantee that his guess was definitely correct.

He also followed the advice of his subordinates and lowered the threshold for the Hundred Schools of Thought Conference.

They just wanted to expand the group participating in the conference, in case Emperor Su He liked a certain idea.

If they block this kind of thinking, they are not making themselves uncomfortable.

Qu Xiangyang did not expect that what he did would make Emperor Su He unhappy.

Emperor Su He waved his hands and said: "You are not making a big mistake. This is the first time to hold a Hundred Schools of Thought Conference, and no one has experience.

I allow you to make mistakes, just correct them next time."

Emperor Su He couldn't help but laugh when he saw the people on stage now.

"Military strategists, I didn't expect there would be military strategists this time.

The people in the imperial court who really understand troop formation and national strategy are all in the military academy and the governor's office.

These scholars, who gave them the courage to go on stage to discuss areas they are unfamiliar with."

Qu Xiangyang sat on a chair, half-bowed and asked: "Your Majesty, do you need me to drive them off the stage?"

"It's not necessary. What they said is wrong, and I won't accept it. It's just a fallacy."

Emperor Su He did not ask people to oust the military experts. These people were not good at talking about military affairs on paper, and they had never been in a military camp.

Military generals, even retired officers, will be very sensitive if they band together to form an organization like a military strategist.

It was this kind of military strategist full of mistakes that made Emperor Su He feel more at ease.

Qu Xiangyang was very tormented, and he even regretted not strictly reviewing these schools of thought.

He kept observing Emperor Su He's expression, fearing that Emperor Su He would be dissatisfied with this Hundred Schools of Thought Conference.

When Qu Xiangyang saw Chu Sheng on stage, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and finally got through the most difficult period.

The political strategists represented by Chu Sheng belong to the watershed.

The appearance of the strategists represented that the introductory session of the Hundred Schools of Thought Contest had come to an end.

The schools after the strategists all belong to the school of thought.

When Emperor Su He saw Chu Sheng on stage, he asked in surprise: "I remember that the Hundred Schools of Thought Contest was mainly for young talents to showcase themselves.

Chu Sheng is already over middle-aged, so how come he still appears on stage in person?"

Qu Xiangyang immediately explained: "Your Majesty, the Hundred Schools of Thought Conference is indeed a show of young talents.

But when encountering special circumstances, we can only deal with special circumstances.

To understand the application of the strategist's ideas in the empire, we need the experience of being envoys to foreign countries.

Except for Chu Sheng, all the political strategists were talkative people.

Chu Sheng made a special application and it was agreed that Chu Sheng would represent the strategists on stage."

Emperor Su He recognized this statement. There are countless talents engaged in domestic affairs, but there are too few talents engaged in diplomacy.

The current Great China Empire is in trouble even in selecting ambassadors to vassal states and Europe, as there are no relevant talents.

Ambassadors sent to various countries have corresponding tasks, not just to be mascots.

Emperor Su He's choice of ambassador was to be incompetent rather than indiscriminate.

It is very difficult to do something well, but it is too easy to destroy something.

The ambassadors sent to various countries by Emperor Su Hezhen will be entrusted to unreasonable people and will become the trigger for the enmity between the two countries.

He listened to Chu Sheng explain the political strategist's philosophy.

"I am Chu Sheng, the representative of the Strategist Family.

Don't think you think I'm old, but I'm actually really old.

He couldn't understand the thoughts of a political strategist without certain experience and experience in working in foreign countries.

I can only go on stage shamelessly and ask for your patience.

In the current situation of your empire, the strategists are of no use internally. They are mainly used to regulate the relations between vassal states and overseas countries externally.

How does the empire control a vassal state tens of thousands of miles away?

How can we get along well with each other in a foreign country where we don’t understand each other’s writing and language?

We politicians believe that it is based on strength and comes from interests.

A man will not look kindly upon an insect which he can crush to death.

The same is true between countries. Only with equal strength can there be equal opportunities for exchanges.

If you are much stronger than the other party, the other party can only be annexed.

If you are slightly stronger than the other party, the other party will become a vassal.

The two countries have almost the same strength, and there is no obvious conflict of interest.

That is, cooperation will benefit both sides, and we can come together because of common interests.

Precisely because interests come together, once interests conflict, the relationship between the two countries will change rapidly."

Chu Sheng saw himself opening his mouth to speak for his own interests and shutting up for his own interests. Many scholars shook their heads after hearing this.

He knew this statement, but many scholars did not like to hear it.

Chu Sheng immediately changed his story. He came to participate in the Hundred Schools of Thought Conference just to promote the strategists and recruit more talents.

He was responsible for the diplomatic affairs of the Great China Empire, and then discovered that diplomatic talents were extremely scarce and could only be cultivated by himself.

"We politicians believe that the foreign policies of small countries are related to their life and death.

With the size of the Great China Empire, its foreign policy will be more flexible, mainly to maintain its own interests.

Aspiring young people can come to our Strategist's Home and experience how to destroy a small country alone without having to fight with a single soldier.

Those who fall behind will be beaten, and we must unite as one to develop the Great China Empire into the most powerful country."

Through him, Chu Sheng learned about historical examples and helped others understand the thoughts of political strategists.

The eldest prince Su Shu could not help but applaud and said: "Master Chu said it very well. I can roughly understand what the Zongheng Family does."

The second prince Su Lei immediately agreed: "If you fall behind, you will be beaten. The empire must move forward bravely and leave the enemy far behind."

Emperor Su He looked at the reactions of the people around him and was very satisfied with Chu Sheng's performance.

Traditional scholars do not understand the power of diplomacy.

As the Great China Empire annexed surrounding forces, they did not have the strength to annex the world.

The importance of diplomacy will continue to rise.

Doing this can also avoid a lot of conflicts.

Emperor Su He looked at the princes with different expressions.

Emperor Su He was very pleased with their performance.

Especially the eldest prince and second prince reacted very quickly.

"My name is Lu Yuanpeng, and I represent the farmer.

Chinese civilization is an agricultural civilization, and our lives are inseparable from rice and wheat.

People can go a day without reading, but they cannot go a day without eating.

Only when you have a full stomach can you have a family and a country.

Letting people starve will only cause unrest.

The main idea of ​​our farmers is to curb land annexation.

Ensure that every farmer has at least one acre of land.

Our farmers will go down to the grassroots level, guide farmers to farm better, and teach them to develop side businesses.

As long as the farmers at the bottom get rich, the Great China Empire will be on the right path."

Emperor Su He praised: "Farmers have performed very well. The largest group in the empire is farmers.

As long as they are settled well, the empire will be as stable as Mount Tai."

When the eldest prince Su Shu and the second prince Su Lei heard this, they immediately applauded.

In their minds, they remembered the emperor's words of peace very deeply.

When his father taught them, he often emphasized the importance of farmers.

Emperor Su He said to Qu Xiangyang: "Song Kangnian is very tricky when it comes to problems.

No one else set their sights on farmers, they mainly fought for scholars.

However, Song Kangnian did not hesitate and put his treasure on the farmers.

Farmers can really organize a group of scholars to help farmers become rich.

I will also appreciate what they do."

Emperor Su He is not afraid that this sentence will spread. If the farmer can really do this, he will not be stingy with the reward.

This kind of thing is easier said than done. Emperor Su He wanted to implement it with imperial power, but the main force was very strong, so he had to give up in the end.

Emperor Su He was attracted by the sound coming from the stage.

This is the first time that a school of thought has sent a female representative to the stage at the Congress of Hundreds of Schools of Thought.

"I am Han Lulu, the representative of the merchant.

People are roughly divided into four categories: scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, and merchants are one of them.

As the name suggests, our business is the study of the influence of businessmen on the country.

The dynasties before the empire paid more attention to farmers.

This is because arable land is limited, and only by stabilizing farmers can problems avoid problems.

In addition, some businessmen go to any lengths for profit, resulting in a somewhat bad reputation for businessmen.

We merchants do not discuss the good or evil of merchants, only the influence of merchants on the country.

The situation observed by merchants is that there is no stability without agriculture, and there is no wealth without business.

The reason why the southern part of the empire was richer than the northern part was that the flow of goods from the south was faster.

As far as we know, the empire’s commercial taxes this year are as high as 100 million taels of silver coins, which is an astronomical sum.

From this aspect, we can see the contribution made by businessmen.

Looking at the decline and fall of major dynasties, one common feature is the emptiness of the treasury.

As long as the empire has money, no matter how difficult the problem is, it can be easily solved."

Emperor Su He didn't even listen carefully. As soon as the business representative spoke, he understood what these people were doing?

"Qu Aiqing, the merchant really regards this display process as a display process.

All they have to do is say directly that their business represents the interests of businessmen, so that businessmen can unite to them."

Emperor Su He was very wary of merchants.

He planned to let the Xuanwu Guards and the Inspectorate keep an eye on the merchants.

These businessmen are accustomed to using gold coins to bribe someone with a large amount of money.

There are always people who are greedy for money in the court. If businesses develop through this situation, they are forming cliques for personal gain.

Qu Xiangyang smiled awkwardly and reluctantly explained: "Wu Hongyi is behind the business, and he is not very powerful here in the capital.

He could only unite businessmen who no one cared about and create a new school of thought called businessmen.

Their main idea is that money can solve everything."

Qu Xiangyang directly expressed his own analysis.

A dead Taoist friend will never die but a poor Taoist.

Wu Hongyi cannot be held jointly and severally responsible for what he did.

The third prince Su Meng walked up to Emperor Su He and asked honestly: "Father, can money really solve all problems?"

Emperor Su He looked at the expectant eyes of the third prince Su Meng. He must be holding something back in his heart.

"Su Meng, money can solve most problems, but it cannot solve all problems.

There are many things that money cannot buy.

There are many problems that no amount of money can solve."

The third prince Su Meng pouted and said angrily: "Father, then they are not lying.

Such a big liar, I don't want him to be a teacher.

My mother takes care of my little brother every day and ignores me. I also want to give my mother a sum of money so that he can spend more time with me."

Emperor Su He couldn't help but laugh when he saw his son's innocent look.

Most matters in the court can indeed be solved with more money.

As long as businessmen pay enough taxes, they don't have to fear government suppression. There are many channels to help them solve their problems.

The business environment for officials in the Dahua Empire is already very rare.

The Inspectorate often catches officials who interfere with the market and abuse their power.

Emperor Su He provided this security guarantee to merchants, of course, in order to collect more business taxes.

With money in the treasury of the Dahua Empire, Emperor Su He was very confident and could deal with various natural and man-made disasters.

He soon saw that the representatives of the merchants had finished their introductions, and only the representative of the last one was slowly walking up to the stage.

Emperor Su He saw two young men, one fat and one thin, ascending the stage.

He was very confused. Chu Sheng was old and had special circumstances.

It's really strange that these two people are on stage together.

Qu Xiangyang saw Emperor Su He's confused eyes.

He immediately explained: "Your Majesty, they are all representatives of the industrial sector.

Gongjia is a new school created by Wei Shiming and Qian Mingyi respectively.

The mainstream thoughts of Gongjia are not much different, but Wei School and Qian School say that they belong to different schools.

After careful identification, I believe that these two schools of thought are the same school.

Confucianism split into several schools, which means that their main ideas have greatly differed.

The craftsmen of Wei School and Qian School are very similar, with only subtle differences.

I don’t agree with their statement. It is precisely because of the special characteristics of the Gong family that I put it at the end of the list of hundreds of schools.”

Emperor Su He smiled and said, "I find it very interesting to hear you say that.

I want to see what kind of school Wei Shiming and Qian Mingyi have created.

They also want to learn from the sages and create their own school of thought.

This school of thought is better not to be as superficial as business school."

Emperor Su He looked at the two people secretly competing on the stage.

The little fat man on the left quickly gained an advantage. He walked up to the microphone and prepared to introduce the situation of the workers.

This chapter has been completed!
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