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Chapter 585 Contest of a Hundred Schools of Thought (4)

Chapter 585 A Hundred Schools of Thought Contention (4)

Author: Feng Xiaomu

Chapter 585 A Hundred Schools of Thought Contention (4)

Xiang Wenzhong relies on his heavier body and faster speed.

He was the first to stand in front of the microphone and immediately began to introduce.

Xiang Wenzhong wonders how his teacher Qian Mingyi negotiated with Master Qu, the organizer of the conference?

He was actually allowed to appear on stage with Wang Baoyu, a sissy.

He must seize the opportunity. Between the two major factions of the Gong family, whoever speaks first will be the orthodox one in the minds of others.

"I am Xiang Wenzhong, a representative of the Gong family.

If a country wants to be strong, it must rely on industry.

If a country wants to be prosperous, it must rely on industry.

If the army wants to be strong, it must rely on industry.

The emergence of the steel industry got rid of small workshop production and the country no longer lacked steel.

Farmers did not even have iron farm tools, and the days of using wooden and stone farm tools were gone forever.

The industrial production of muskets and gunpowder eliminated cold weapons.

The new army is invincible on the battlefield.

The emergence of water-powered textile machines enabled large-scale production of cloth, which brought a lot of wealth.

Plenty of cloth was put into the market, and no one was left naked because he could not afford it.

The emergence of grain seeds, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides has led to a steady increase in grain production.

The emergence of the steam engine completely freed industry from its shackles and ushered in its take-off."

Wang Baoyu watched Xiang Wenzhong boasting. He looked at the situation around him with a very troubled face.

He didn't get the upper hand, and even his father, Wang Dagang, couldn't protect him.

You will definitely be despised and laughed at by others in the future.

Wang Baoyu took advantage of Xiang Wenzhong's lack of attention and pushed him aside.

"I am Wang Baoyu, the representative of the Gong family.

The Gong family's philosophy of governing the country is to develop industry.

The results of industrial development are obvious to all.

We can conquer such a large territory and eliminate Japan, Siam and other countries.

This is the powerful Royal Army of Dahua, and they will do everything they can to capture it for us.

But without industry, these are just castles in the air.

The ammunition consumed in a battle can reach tens of thousands.

Without the support of industry, this is simply unimaginable.

If a country wants to expand overseas, it must rely on powerful warships.

War weapons such as battleships must rely on huge heavy industries to maintain them.

For the development of industry, the state should issue policies to guide government-run factories such as Shaofu to develop industry.

Unless the government has the ability to develop and expand steel plants, the cornerstone of industry, it is not feasible to leave them to the private sector."

After Xiang Wenzhong was pushed away, he did not start a big fight with Wang Baoyu on the stage.

In this situation, once he does this, it will be a huge demerit.

But when he heard Wang Baoyu say this, he really couldn't tolerate it.

In a battle of ideas, one must not give in even an inch and fight for a winner.

Xiang Wenzhong took a step forward, held the microphone with both hands, and pulled the metal ring directly over, with the disc facing him.

"What Wang Baoyu said does not represent the views of the Gong family.

Many government-run factories have become inefficient and on the verge of bankruptcy.

If it weren't for the government's continuous investment, these factories would simply not be able to survive.

If the industry wants to develop greatly, the imperial court's positioning is policy guidance.

Let factory owners compete freely, and the market will survive.

Excellent factories will naturally survive, while factories that are not suitable for survival will inevitably go bankrupt and liquidate.

The court should not interfere too much and only need to provide the services that the government should provide.

The government should be an arbiter, not a participant."

Xiang Wenzhong and Wang Baoyu used examples to refute each other's views.

Emperor Su He looked at the two industrial representatives. They were friendly at first on the stage, but when they got excited, they started to quarrel fiercely.

He understood the differences between Wei Shiming and Qian Mingyi.

Wei Shiming was born as a blacksmith. The place where he rose to prominence was Hetao, where he was responsible for running the Baotou Iron and Steel Group.

His main political achievements were all related to heavy industry, and his thoughts were certainly biased towards heavy industry.

Qian Mingyi was born as a businessman, and his rise was in Henan and Guangdong.

Henan is not a heavy industry center, but Guangdong is. But when Qian Mingyi took office, Guangdong's heavy industry had already developed.

His main achievements were to guide business and develop light industry.

In particular, as the Great China Empire expanded overseas, Guangdong relied on its geographical advantages to provide a large number of industrial products to Nanyang and other places, mainly light industrial products.

Emperor Su He sighed with emotion: "I think this new school of Gongjia does have merit.

The development of industry in recent years is indeed obvious to all.

The wealth accumulated in the past ten years is not as much as the wealth accumulated in one year by our Great China Empire.

But I can’t tell which theory of the two schools is correct, and I’ll leave it to time to verify them.”

Emperor Su He had the knowledge of later generations, and he certainly knew about the heavy industry represented by Wei Shiming and the light industry represented by Qian Mingyi.

They are both extremely important. If you walk on two legs, you won't be able to walk fast without either one.

But the potential of the Gong family is too great, and its power will expand rapidly in the future.

Due to the conflict of interests, they were divided into two factions, which was conducive to the rule of the empire.

In the future, Emperor Su He will guide merchants to seize the interests of workers, making this force form a tripartite force.

The second prince Su Lei heard the introduction of the Gong family. He walked up to the emperor Su He and said excitedly: "Father, I am more interested in the Gong family. Can I choose a teacher from this sect?"

Emperor Su He looked at his son Su Lei's cautious look.

He knew that Su Lei was too nervous and wanted to compete for the position of crown prince. His power was not as strong as that of Su Shu. This was his chance to overtake him.

Emperor Su He encouraged his sons to compete with each other.

For those who can stand out from the competition, it is somewhat difficult to become a Mingjun Saint, but as a sage, it is not difficult.

"I have promised before, and there is no problem with your choice."

When Su Lei heard his father's words, there was an expression of surprise on his face that could not be concealed.

Cabinet minister Qu Xiangyang saw Emperor Su He finish speaking with the princes.

He walked over and saluted and said: "Your Majesty, the introduction to the Conference of Hundred Schools of Thought has been completed.

They will next debate each other in the Baijia Academy, allowing his theory to be questioned by everyone.

According to the situation at the scene, there are also replies received by the newspaper after the report was published.

After a month, a school of thought that is powerful for the development of the country is selected and receives support from the imperial court."

Emperor Su He nodded and encouraged Qu Xiangyang.

He left the Hundred Schools Academy with his concubines and allowed the princes to continue visiting the Hundred Schools of Thought Conference.

Many officials in the audience also chose to leave when they saw Emperor Su He's motorcade leaving.


The various academic factions participating in the contention of a hundred schools of thought returned to their respective lofts.

As soon as Lu Yuanpeng changed his clothes and came out, he saw Li Zizhan constantly looking outside.

"Zizhan, what are you looking at? You should pay attention to your image. There may be noble people among the crowd.

The masters all say that he is a noble person, so his status must be extremely noble."

Lu Yuanpeng immediately corrected the demeanor of Li Zizhan and others.

After they introduced this sentence, this ushered in the Contest of Hundreds of Schools of Thought, the longest and most cruel testing stage.

Other schools of thought are likely to challenge them.

They will also be challenged by some people.

If it fails to withstand the test, the reputation of the school will plummet.

Not only was he unable to obtain support from the court, he was unable to write the school's ideas into textbooks and was given the opportunity to be a teacher to the prince.

Lu Yuanpeng was also very nervous, but when he saw Song Kangnian playing chess with his friends in the attic, his nervousness immediately disappeared.

When Li Zizhan heard Lu Yuanpeng's rebuke, he immediately corrected his posture.

When he came to the capital, he realized how big the world was.

There are many knowledgeable people, but he behaves very average among the crowd.

He must embrace the farmer's thick legs in order to make a difference in the capital.

Li Zizhan asked: "Brother Lu, what should we do now?

We challenge other farmers and make our farm famous.

I still give lectures here to attract the attention of other scholars."

When Lu Yuanpeng changed his clothes just now, he had already thought about what he should do.

"Our peasant family is not very powerful, so we should not offend other schools of thought.

We are not like the Confucians who have a large number of people and have a profound cultural heritage.

We still focus on giving lectures, and if anyone dares to provoke us, it will not be too late to fight back."

Lu Yuanpeng arranged for Li Zizhan and others to give lectures outside the attic.

They use farmers' ideas to attract others to join farmers.

Li Zizhan walked out of the loft and saw many reporters standing outside the loft.

Some reporters even buried their heads in the cameras, preparing to take photos of the scene.

When Li Zizhan saw this scene, he had some stage fright and his legs couldn't help but tremble.

He took a few deep breaths, straightened his chest and faced everyone.

"I am Li Zizhan, a farmer. Today I will explain to you the thoughts of farmers."

Li Zizhan explained in simple terms the peasant ideas taught to them by Song Kangnian.

His knowledge is not as outstanding as Lu Yuanpeng's, but he can explain some issues according to the script without difficulty at all.

Many people who can come to the lofts around the farmhouse are interested in the farmhouse.

When they heard Li Zizhan's story, they heard cheers from time to time.

"What are the conditions for joining a farmer's family?"

Li Zizhan heard the onlookers ask this question.

He immediately stopped teaching and answered this question.

“The threshold for our farmers is very low. The first condition is to be literate, and the second condition is to agree with our ideas.

With just these two requirements, no one will be charged."

"This condition is that there are no conditions. How can people who can come to Baijia Academy still be illiterate?"

"That's right, except for spies from other families, joining the farmer's family means agreeing with the farmer's ideas.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be easier to join Confucianism.

After all, we have been studying Confucian classics since childhood."

Li Zizhan heard from the scholars watching that they wanted to join the farm family.

He pointed to the attic at the back and said: "Please go to the attic and join the farm family.

After you join the farm, the list will be published in the newspaper and reported to the Ministry of Rites.

It's easy to join a farmer's family, and it won't be difficult to quit in the future as long as you don't sell out your farm's interests.

But after you leave the farm, other schools of thought may not accept you.

You should consider this matter carefully."

"Brother is really good, and he told us the inside story."

"Half-hearted people are not welcome anywhere.

If we want to join the farmers, we really recognize the farmers’ ideas.”

Li Zizhan guided the onlookers through the process of joining a farmer's family.

He saw more and more farm children, and a smile kept appearing on his face.

The increasing number of children from farmers means that farmers are really about to usher in great development.

As a farmer, he can also gain more benefits.

Even if he fails the imperial examination this year and stays in the farmhouse to give lectures, he can still survive in the capital.

When Li Zizhan was enjoying himself, he heard a loud roar full of anger, and his expression immediately changed drastically.

"You guys who are just looking for fame and fame are violating the teachings of the saints here."

Li Zizhan saw a middle-aged man wearing a military uniform and walking slowly with a cane.

He stared at himself with angry eyes.

Li Zizhan knew that this was someone who came to challenge the farmer, and he must not be frightened.

"Excuse me, you are here to challenge the farmers, so please point out what is absurd in our farmers' thinking."

This is the first person to formally challenge the Hundred Schools of Thought Conference.

The farmhouse attic immediately became lively, with a large number of reporters and onlookers gathered.

When Li Zizhan saw this, he knew that he must not lose, otherwise the price would be too high.

To be on the safe side, he sent someone to notify Lu Yuanpeng, ready to come out and give him the scoop at any time.

This man doesn't have martial ethics, he's old enough to be on a crutch, and yet he came to sneak attack a young man like him.

Their farmers engage in wheel warfare, which is also a normal response.

Jiang Kouhu folded his hands on the crutches and stood the straight crutches in front of him.

"I just heard you talk about the peasant mentality. The important thing to note is that there is land to the tiller.

He advocated the protection of farmland, and no one could steal farmers’ farmland.

Then what do you think about the forcible plundering of landowners’ fields in the early years of the empire?”

When Li Zizhan heard this question, the sweat immediately ran down his face.

This question was completely out of scope, and he didn't know how to answer it.

There are so many people present and reporters are taking notes. If he answers wrongly, he will be the sinner of the farmer's family.

Li Zizhan saw with the corner of his eye that Lu Yuanpeng had walked out of the attic, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He clasped his hands and said, "I'm sorry, I'm just responsible for guiding scholars to join farmers.

Representatives of our farmers will arrive soon to debate with you."

After Li Zizhan finished speaking, he turned around to greet Lu Yuanpeng.

He told Lu Yuanpeng the relevant issues.

Lu Yuanpeng confidently walked to the opposite side of the challenger.

"As for your question, our farmers have a very unified view.

Our farmers support farmers to get rich through labor, but do not support landlords to get rich through land rent and usury.

We farmers support the empire and crack down hard on the landlords.

The formal landlord group hindered the development of Chinese agriculture.

The land of the world is the land of the people of the world, not the land of a certain group of people."

Lu Yuanpeng's tone was calm, but he clearly stated the farmer's point of view.

There is no room for ambiguity in this view.

Jiang Kouhu began to debate with Lu Yuanpeng, and several of the points he raised were easily refuted by Lu Yuanpeng.

Jiang Kouhu knocked hard on the cement floor with his crutch.

He cursed loudly: "You are helping the tyrants to commit evil, and you will definitely die a bad death in the future."

Lu Yuanpeng ordered: "Brother Li, go and call the officer who maintains order. This man is making trouble unreasonably. He will be expelled from Baijia Academy immediately."

Officials arrived soon and took Jiang Kouhu away.

Lu Yuanpeng was preparing to give a lecture when a huge noise came from the attic of the Legalist School.

Most of the reporters and spectators who were watching immediately changed their attention and went to the attic where the Fa family was located.

(End of chapter)

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