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Chapter 645: Monarch and Subject Play Right (Part 2)

Fu Xiucheng approached Qianqing Palace with anxiety.

He has been thinking about what Emperor Su He said to him during the conferment of honors these days.

Choose to serve as governor-general in an overseas governor-general or serve as chief envoy in the province.

He did not hesitate at that time and chose to serve as governor in the overseas governor's mansion.

The governor-general of the overseas governor-general and the internal provincial envoy are both second-grade civil servants, and the treatment and status of these two official positions are also different.

Among the civil servants, the status of the chief envoy of the internal provinces is higher.

Fu Xiucheng has been the chief of staff these years. He is the leader of all staff members, but on the battlefield, he serves as a deputy.

He had been a deputy enough in the first half of his life, and he didn't want to be a deputy anymore.

As the saying goes, it is better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

What's more, as a civilian who turned military service, he cannot fit into the mainstream civil service community.

It would be more appropriate for Fu Xiucheng to choose the Overseas Governor's Mansion.

Overseas, the power of civil servants is not strong, and the power of the governor is greater, which is suitable for his early development.

Fu Xiucheng approached Qianqing Palace and immediately threw away all distracting thoughts.

His performance when facing Emperor Su He will determine whether he can obtain the position of Governor of the Overseas Governor's Palace.

If he performs poorly, he will probably be assigned to a certain place for training by Emperor Su He.

After Fu Xiucheng nervously saluted, he was given a seat by Emperor Su He and sat nervously on his seat, waiting for the upcoming test.

Emperor Su He just finished communicating with Wu Jie and met with Fu Xiucheng.

A comparison between these two people reveals a huge gap.

Wu Jie acted very calmly, as if everything was under control.

But Fu Xiucheng looked very nervous, as if he was worrying about gains and losses.

The two of them joined the army at about the same time, and their differences in personality and abilities caused a huge gap in status between the two.

Emperor Su He often communicated with his ministers, and he had summed up experience.

A courtier like Fu Xiucheng cannot chat like usual and must show the difference in status.

Otherwise, they will be frightened and have random thoughts when they go back.

Emperor Su He asked: "Marquis Ningyuan, you are on the front line of the Sino-Russian War. What do you think of Russia?"

He first asked Fu Xiucheng what he was most familiar with to help him relieve his nervousness.

Fu Xiucheng heard Emperor Su He ask him this question. He did not prepare in advance, but this question was in the field he was most familiar with, and there was no need to prepare in advance.

He said confidently: "Your Majesty, the threat from the Russian army does not depend on the empire, nor does it depend on Russia.

The extent of Russia's threat to the empire depends entirely on the extent of the threat that European countries believe the empire poses to them.

This time Russia took the initiative to attack the empire, but two European powers, England and France, were behind it.

Among European countries, Russia has a large population, but it is located in a cold zone and lacks agricultural and other resources.

Russia's agricultural strength is not as good as that of its neighboring Poland-Lithuania Commonwealth.

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth controls the most fertile black land in Europe. This country is rich in food and indirectly feeds many Europeans.

Relying solely on Russia's strength does not require the full strength of the empire.

Relying only on the supplies provided by the northwestern provinces of the empire, the frontline army can easily crush Russia.

But when European countries intervene, the empire will fall into the quagmire of war.

We had speculated at the time that as long as Europe armed Russia at all costs.

They ceded some benefits to the Romanov dynasty and its Russian nobility.

Mobilize the Russian nobles to arm the Russian serfs and never surrender until the last Russian serf is killed.

As a result, the empire was very passive and needed to invest in a huge security force to clear up the local situation.

The empire's occupation of Russia will pay a huge price.

Omi speculates that there is a high probability that it will make ends meet, making this place useless.

This is not alarmist talk. I was evacuating Wuhebao and heard some news from Moscow, Russia.

Some people in Moscow are promoting the theory of the Yellow Peril, and by grafting history on, people across Europe will be more wary of the empire.

This is a preview of the union of European countries.

The Russian priests shouted that they were the people of God and that they were noble Slavs.

They must take up arms to defend their beliefs, their country, their relatives and their property."

Emperor Su He heard Fu Xiucheng's introduction. This was the first time he heard about these things that happened in Russia.

The Xuanwu Guards are very powerful in China, but due to racial differences and lack of preparation, the Xuanwu Guards are similar to blind men abroad.

When Emperor Su He heard this situation, he was not surprised, but he felt that the progress was too fast.

The Yellow Peril theory has appeared, and he is not surprised at all. Under the oppression of the Great China Empire, it is normal for such a situation to occur.

He did not expect that even the embryonic form of nationalism had emerged.

One of the reasons why nationalism emerged in his previous life was because wars entered the age of firearms, and too many people died in each war.

Those in power came up with the prototype of nationalism in order to mobilize the army at a lower cost.

The situation is similar now. After this defeat, Russia has exhausted its treasury.

They also have to compensate for the losses of the Great China Empire, and the national treasury is basically dry.

If Russia wants to mobilize the grassroots to defend the country, it must find another way.

The emperor stopped and thought for a moment, and then he praised: "Ning Yuanhou, your idea is very good. It gave me another way of thinking about the situation in Russia.

The weak forces surrounding the empire have now all been annexed by the empire.

The next wars that the empire will encounter will be extremely complex wars and must be considered comprehensively."

Emperor Su He first praised Fu Xiucheng, saying that the news he brought was very important.

The continued expansion of the Great China Empire towards Russia will definitely cause panic in European countries.

If war breaks out again in a short period of time, the empire has little chance of winning.

Even if you want to start a war again, you have to wait until you are fully prepared.

The next main expansion direction of the empire is India.

The Indian region is rich in resources, and the indigenous people there can easily rule.

With low governance costs and high returns, India is an excellent colony.

Emperor Su He saw that Fu Xiucheng did not look nervous, and he said directly: "I am dissatisfied with the performance of the previous Governor of East India, Wen Chenglin.

I have decided to appoint Marquis Ningyuan as the Governor-General of East India.

The empire will provide limited support to the Governor-General of East India, who will expand its power to the Indian region.

The best option is to send a governor who knows the military.

I have been worried about the candidate before, and Ning Yuanhou returned to the capital, and I think Ningyuan Hou is more suitable."

When Fu Xiucheng heard that his position was settled, his face became much more relaxed.

The Governor-General of the East India Governor-General's Palace, which is the first-class Governor-General's Palace among the overseas Governor-General's Palaces controlled by the empire.

Fu Xiucheng did not expect that he would be able to obtain such a good position just after becoming a civil servant.

He immediately stood up, bowed and said: "Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty. I will definitely manage the East India Governor's Mansion well."

When Fu Xiucheng heard Emperor Su He ask him to lie down, he sat back down again with a relaxed expression.

Not long ago, he learned that he was about to resume his duties as governor-general, and immediately checked the information to learn about the major governor-general offices.

Fu Xiucheng had a good impression of Wen Chenglin, the governor-general of the East India Governor's Mansion.

He is a traditional Confucian civil servant, and his most admirable virtue is not being greedy.

As a demoted official, Wen Chenglin could become the Governor-General of the East India Governor's Mansion. This was another benchmark for the empire.

For this benchmark, Emperor Su He decided to remove him.

If Fu Xiucheng didn't take the opportunity to learn the inside story, he would not be safe as a governor.

He boldly asked: "Your Majesty, can you please understand what Governor Wen Chenglin did? It made your Majesty very angry."

Emperor Su He heard Fu Xiucheng's question. This was indeed a question that people with military backgrounds could ask. They were more straightforward and had not learned the tact of civil servants.

When he thought about this problem, he was still a little angry and slapped his hand hard on the table.

"This old guy Wen Chenglin has betrayed my trust.

He only has the talents of one government, so I am asking him to manage a province, which is really too much for someone to do.

If you are less capable, you can make up for it through the day after tomorrow, but you are afraid that you are too stupid.

Wen Chenglin didn't know which garbage master's advice he listened to, but he actually implemented the policy of restraining immigrants in the Governor's Mansion of East India.

The empire spent a lot of money to capture the Governor-General's Palace of East India.

We also spent a huge amount of money to manage the East India Governor-General's Palace, in order to one day convert the overseas Governor-General's Palace into an overseas province and directly rule it under the empire."

Emperor Su He was very angry when he thought of this. The policy of restricting Mi was the policy adopted by England in India in the previous life.

Foreign rulers cooperate with local indigenous leaders to jointly rule a place.

Foreign rulers do not implement actual management of the place.

It only requires a small number of people to control a huge land.

When England chose this method, it was because their local population was too small and they had fewer nobles as managers.

The national conditions of the Dahua Empire are different. Three-legged toads are hard to find, while two-legged civil servants are everywhere.

There were so many civil servants that every time the imperial examination was over, the officials in the Ministry of Civil Affairs began to worry.

When Wen Chenglin's policies were exposed, it wasn't just Emperor Su He who was dissatisfied with him.

This man also offended the civil service community, which led to no one speaking up for him when he was dismissed.

When Fu Xiucheng saw that Emperor Su He was still angry when he mentioned this matter, he knew what his main task would be after arriving at the Governor's Mansion in Dongyin.

He immediately stood up excitedly and said fiercely: "People like Wen Chenglin are black sheep. If he controls too much power, the country will be in chaos.

I also know something about the situation in India.

In addition to the need to pay attention to the status of cattle, he is almost the best area to rule.

India has a very special caste system.

Chen believes that this is a variant of the slavery system, but the indigenous people in India are very accepting of this system.

When I went to the Governor-General's Palace in East India, the first thing I wanted to do was to get the locals to accept that the Han people were a high caste.

As long as this goal is achieved and we can rule the Indian region in the future, we will get twice the result with half the effort."

When Fu Xiucheng first learned about the caste system, he was shocked by it.

I don’t know which genius came up with this system.

As long as the caste system exists in India, no one in the world will compete with the indigenous Indians for the best ruling group.

After listening to Fu Xiucheng's statement, Emperor Su He was very satisfied with Fu Xiucheng.

It's the military background that appeals to him, and he speaks crisply and neatly.

"Marquis Ningyuan has a clear view of the Governor's Mansion of Dongyin. I have given Marquis Ningyuan the responsibility for the Governor's Mansion of East Yin. I can rest assured and focus on other matters."

Emperor Su He summoned Fu Xiucheng after this, and he recognized this man's strength.

He directly took out the imperial pen and the imperial edict, and wrote an imperial edict on the spot appointing Fu Xiucheng's position.

When Fu Xiucheng saw the young eunuch hand over the imperial edict that he had just written, he immediately knelt on the ground and took the edict with his hands.

He quickly scanned the imperial edict with his eyes and officially appointed him as the governor-general of East India.

Fu Xiucheng said loudly: "I thank your Majesty for your kindness. Your Majesty has handed over the Governor's Mansion of Dongyin to me. I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

Fu Xiucheng was about to get up when he saw the young eunuch hand over a new imperial edict.

The content of this new imperial edict is very simple. Emperor Su He ordered the Governor-General of East India to recruit militiamen and wait for opportunities to expand the sphere of influence to the Indian region in the west.

Fu Xiucheng was very excited. With this imperial edict, he could recruit troops openly without being impeached by the ubiquitous censor.

"Marquis Ningyuan, please call me. I will pass the content of the imperial edict to the cabinet and the major yamen, so that they can cooperate with the work of the East India Governor's Mansion."

When Fu Xiucheng saw Emperor Su He's support for him, he immediately felt ambitious and wanted to accomplish something.

He showed a bitter expression and asked: "Your Majesty, when I take office, I have to pass through a city not far from my hometown.

My parents are still living in their hometown and I haven’t seen them in five years.

My parents are old, and I don’t know when I will be able to return to my hometown when I take office this time.

I would like to take a day or two off to go to my hometown to visit my parents."

Emperor Su He smiled and said: "Be filial to your parents, this is what every child should do.

There is no urgent matter in the local area, so there is no need for Ningyuan Hou to rush too hastily.

I have a deep understanding of this situation when a child wants to be raised but cannot be cared for by his parents.

I allow Marquis Ningyuan to rest in his hometown for a few days."

Fu Xiucheng knelt on the ground again to thank him and said, "Your Majesty, Fu Xiucheng, would like to thank you for your kindness."

When Emperor Su He saw Fu Xiucheng's retreating figure, he fell into deep thought.

Civilians governed the internal provinces, and their political achievements were remarkable.

Emperor Su He believed that this was thousands of years of experience, guiding civil servants on how to do things.

The situation in the Overseas Governor's Mansion is somewhat complicated, except that the culture and customs of the Jiaozhi Governor's Mansion are similar to those in China, which facilitates civilian governance.

Other overseas governor-general offices have not performed satisfactorily.

Among them, Wu Hongyi's performance was the most outstanding. With his efforts, the Nanyang Governor's Palace became Nanyang Province, but it still did not lose its vitality.

In places like overseas governor's offices, governors have to break the rules.

Civil servants who are accustomed to sticking to the rules are not suitable to serve as governors in overseas governor's offices.

Emperor Su He hoped that Fu Xiucheng would become civil servants who had retired from military service. He would be like a big catfish, revitalizing the officialdom that was like a pool of stagnant water.

He gave Fu Xiucheng the important task of expanding into India, which shows his trust in Fu Xiucheng.

As long as the Great China Empire captures the booming domestic industry in India, it will not have to worry about where raw materials are produced and where products are dumped.

Fu Xiucheng walked out of the palace with the imperial edict in his arms, his eyes bright and clear.

He encouraged himself in his heart: "Fu Xiucheng, you will definitely succeed, Fu Xiucheng, you will definitely be able to live a different life..."

He originally thought that it would be extremely difficult to become a civil servant, but he did not expect that His Majesty the Emperor would be so kind to him and send him directly to the Governor-General's Mansion in East India to serve as Governor-General.

This position can bring out all of Fu Xiucheng's strengths.

There is one more thing he needs to solve urgently, which is to find a reliable master. (End of chapter)

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