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Chapter 646

Fu Xiucheng returned to the Hou Mansion. This courtyard was a reward from Emperor Su He, and he was surrounded by brothers who were together in the world.

It's just that the brothers are now far apart and it's difficult for them to get together.

He parked the car in front of the house and saw his wife Zhang Ruoqing leaning on the gate waiting for him with a worried look on her face.

Fu Xiucheng stepped forward and said in a relaxed tone: "When the dust has settled, your husband and I are the governor of the East India Governor's Mansion. This time I got what I wanted.

I became a landowner and became a scholar, and it was very smooth."

As a lady of the family, Zhang Ruoqing usually manages all issues of the Marquis Mansion. Her husband is also a high-ranking official in the empire, so she has a good understanding of official positions in the empire.

She asked worriedly: "My husband has many governor-general offices in East India, and the governor-general office in East India is the only overseas governor-general office in the current empire where military expansion is carried out.

Once your husband leaves, it is very likely that he will not be able to return to the capital for five or even ten years.

I want to go to the Governor's Palace of East India with my husband.

Yu'er and Lu'er can now remember things, and having their father by their side to teach them is also conducive to their growth."

Zhang Ruoqing is worried that he and her husband have been separated in two places for a long time. Since her husband is a governor, there will definitely be no shortage of women around her.

Her status will inevitably be challenged, and it is very likely that her status will not be preserved.

In their circle of ladies, there are many who are unwilling to go to their post with their husbands.

A woman with a weak background will most likely fall out of favor.

She didn't want to end up like this.

Fu Xiucheng heard his wife's request, and the empire also supported the local magistrate's appointment, accompanied by his family members.

This request from my wife is a very normal request and is not difficult at all.

Fu Xiucheng immediately agreed and said at the same time: "I haven't been back to my hometown for five years. I wonder how my parents and eldest brother are doing?

After taking office this time, I estimate that I will not be able to return to my hometown for several more years.

I became a marquis this time, which can be regarded as a homecoming. I want to go back to my hometown to visit.

Ruoqing needs to be prepared. My parents haven't met Yu'er and Lu'er yet, and they will definitely be very happy after seeing them."

Zhang Ruoqing smiled and said: "Husband, you concentrate on preparing the arrangements for taking office. Leave the trivial matters at home to me."

When Fu Xiucheng saw his wife's statement, he felt most relieved. With a wife who could handle housework properly, he didn't have to worry about housework.

When he took office, most things were arranged by the empire.

The only preparation you need to make is to choose a master.

The master controls most of the secrets of his work and is the closest person to him besides his family members.

Such a key candidate must be treated with caution.

As a soldier, Fu Xiucheng didn't understand the twists and turns here, so he had to ask for help from someone who understood.

Most of the people in his circle of friends work in the military system just like he did before.

Only a few have jumped out of the military and achieved considerable success, and the number of people he can seek advice from is also limited.

Fu Xiucheng waited until Emperor Su He's decree was issued and everyone in the court knew that he was the governor of East India, then he chose to visit cabinet minister Qu Xiangyang.

Qu Xiangyang was born in the military. After entering politics, he became a cabinet minister, the pinnacle of this kind of civil servant.

Fu Xiucheng and Qu Xiangyang have worked together, and they still have some affection. Qu Xiangyang should be willing to give advice as long as no major interests are involved.

This action of his was also an expression of goodwill to Qu Xiangyang.

Fu Xiucheng did not want to be involved in the struggle between various forces as soon as he became a civil servant.

But no one in the court spoke, and many things could not be handled.

He expresses his attitude of getting closer at this time, but does not really join. If there is a better choice later, there is room for maneuver.

Fu Xiucheng went to meet Qu Xiangyang only after Emperor Su He issued the order.

He did not want to convey to the outside world that he was Qu Xiangyang's man, and that the governorship was obtained with the help of Qu Xiangyang.

Fu Xiucheng came to Qu Mansion and was warmly received by Qu Xiangyang.

Qu Xiangyang is also a marquis. In the Great China Empire, apart from military merit, it is extremely difficult to be promoted to a noble title. You must obtain achievements that are recognized by the world.

After the two of them exchanged brief greetings.

We talked about Wu Jie, the most popular Cai Wang in Beijing during this period.

Fu Xiucheng said with emotion: "I have worked with King Cai Wu Jie for many years, but I never thought that he would sell his official position. It is not a loose official, but an official with real power.

If Cai Wang and Wu Jie do this, it will mess up the entire national system. I am not very optimistic about this approach.

As a civil servant, he studied hard for ten years and passed the imperial examination, which was an extremely difficult journey.

The military general was wrapped in horse leather and fought with his life to make a future.

Now you can get the same treatment with just a few taels of silver, which is really heartbreaking."

When Qu Xiangyang heard this, he smiled and said: "Governing a big country is like cooking small dishes. For a big country like an empire, when issuing a policy, all aspects must be considered.

Cai Guo is just a small country, so it will be easier to govern it.

As the saying goes, a small boat can easily be turned around. Even if there is a problem, Cai Wang and Wu Jie can make timely adjustments.

King Cai Wu Jie used this method to raise a large amount of funds for the founding of the country, but he was also forced to do nothing.

After all, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a living without rice, and how can a country be built without money?

Cai State is located in the desert, and just to feed the immigrants requires a large amount of expenditure to purchase food."

The two of them talked a lot about recent events.

Both of them have relatively straightforward personalities, and the more they chat, the more they become more and more speculative.

Fu Xiucheng asked bluntly: "Brother Qu, I want to choose a master when I take office. Do you have any good suggestions?"

Qu Xiangyang said: "The secret to selecting a master is very simple. Anyone who has read various books for more than ten years and is not a nerd can be qualified for the job of a master.

The most critical point is trust.

Civil servants who come from a family usually choose a master from the same clan or an ally of the family.

Civil servants from the same school of thought will generally choose a master who was born in the same school of thought.

There are no familiar people around, so you can only choose strangers, which is Brother Fu's current situation.

I recommend candidates from poor families who have been failing the imperial examination for many years.

If he wants to become an official, the best way is to take the path of a master.

If you want to get up from the bottom, it is more difficult than the imperial examination.

A child from a poor family with a relatively clean background."

Fu Xiucheng cupped his hands and thanked him: "Thank you, Brother Qu, for your guidance. I already understand how to choose a master."


Fu Xiucheng's family boarded the train to Longxi County.

He looked at his wife comforting his children who were not used to it after getting on the train and were crying.

When his children were born, they were still leading troops to fight in the field.

The child is now six years old, but I have only met him briefly a few times, and now I am not familiar with him at all.

Next to Fu Xiucheng, there was a scholar two or three years older than him, waiting at the side.

This is exactly the master he chose, Li Baishao.

This master, who came from a poor family, had a pretty good literary talent, but he was from a humble background and had not learned the examination skills, so he always failed in the imperial examinations.

Li Baishao is innocent and will not be a spy for other forces.

His purpose is also very clear. After serving as a master for a few years and accumulating enough merits, he hopes to be decentralized and become the leader of a county.

It is for this reason that many people who failed in the imperial examinations compete to become masters.

Li Baishao accompanied him during this period to make plans before taking office.

Fu Xiucheng was very satisfied with the ability he showed.

Fu Xiucheng was sitting on the train, feeling that his hometown was getting closer and closer, and he felt a sense of timidity at home.

"When I was young, I left home and my boss returned. My local pronunciation has not changed and my hair on my temples has faded.

Whenever I think of this poem, I always feel that it is a reflection of my future."

When the master heard Fu Xiucheng's emotion, he quickly enlightened: "Master Fu, this time is different from the previous dynasty.

Nowadays, railways are developed, even from west to east and from south to north.

Taking the train only lasts a month or two.

If adults want to take a month or two away, they can still do it.

In ancient times, it often took one or two years for officials to take office in remote areas.

The Song Dynasty dealt with political opponents by constantly mobilizing them to make them tired from the journey and die on the road due to acclimatization.

Su Dongpo, a bachelor of Su University, enjoyed this kind of treatment.

This kind of thing does not happen now. The train is extremely fast and the environment inside the carriage is very good. It is almost like staying in an inn, and people will not feel the pain of the fatigue of the journey."

Fu Xiucheng just sighed for a moment, and he discussed with his master the pros and cons of various policies issued by former Governor Wen Chenglin.

The train was very fast, and they arrived at their destination, Longxi County Railway Station, in less than a month.

If Fu Xiucheng wants to go to his hometown of Ningyuan County, he still needs to take a carriage and arrive by road.

There are no trains in his hometown yet.

They had only been riding the carriage for five days, and they could clearly feel the pain of the journey.

Fu Xiucheng is used to it, but his wife and children are not used to this way of traveling.

Fortunately, they had already arrived in Ningyuan County and headed to Fujiazhuang, located outside Ningyuan County.

This place was not called Fujiazhuang before, but Gaojiazhuang.

Fu Xiucheng saw his father, Fu Shan, waiting eagerly at the intersection of Zhuangzi.

He was accompanied by local officials such as the magistrate of Ningyuan County.

The news of his return to his hometown to visit relatives was not kept secret, and the local officials would definitely have made preparations in advance.

Fu Xiucheng felt that the local officials treated him as if they wanted to send away the plague god, and everyone was extremely cautious.

These people are afraid that accidents may occur and affect their career.

When Fu Shan saw that his second son was so promising, he lamented the uncertainty of the world.

He originally thought that his son would become the school boy of the village master Gao's son, and that the highest status in his life would be to become a housekeeper.

Fu Shan did not expect that his son would choose to run away from home and seek refuge with the bandits at that time, which would bring about a turning point in the fate of their family.

Fu Xiucheng walked forward with excitement and saw his father, who was obviously old, and his eldest brother Fu Daniu, who looked honest and honest.

His name was originally Fu Erniu. When he sought refuge in Suhe, he changed his name because he was afraid of affecting his family.

Fu Xiucheng had a brief exchange with his father, after he introduced his wife and children to him.

The local officials of Ningyuan County came to visit him and wanted to invite him to the county as a guest.

Fu Xiucheng declined and explained that he could only stay in Ningyuan County for two days due to official business.

The officials in Ningyuan County were visibly relaxed after hearing the news.

After these people saw the courtesy, they quickly said goodbye and left.

When Fu Xiucheng saw his father dressed as an old farmer, he couldn't help but said: "Dad, our family is not short of money, so don't work too hard now.

If you really can’t sit still, you can walk more with your neighbors.”

"Your father and I, Lao Wangtou, Lao Litou and they often go fishing in the moat.

You have worked hard all your life, and now that you are making a profit, we have long since stopped farming.

Your eldest brother opens a small factory in the countryside and can support their family.

I usually go fishing, listen to music, and enjoy family happiness with my grandchildren. Your father and I live a very happy life."

Fu Shan first briefly explained his situation, and then asked: "Son, how big an official are you now?

The county magistrate usually only pays attention to our family, but now he behaves so flatteringly.

When I saw the county magistrate like this, I was almost frightened to death."

Fu Xiucheng didn't know why his father suddenly paid attention to his official position.

He simply introduced: "His Majesty the Emperor has officially appointed me as the Governor of the East India Governor's Mansion.

The status is equivalent to the governor of the provinces within the empire, and he is the highest local official in the empire.

I was in the military before and had little influence on the local area.

Now that it is a civilian position, even if it is not under my rule, if officials do something illegal, they can be impeached."

Fu Shan was overwhelmed by the official position of governor.

He suddenly jumped up on the spot and cheered: "Guangzong Yaozu, our Fu family's ancestral graves are smoking.

What a pity, the Fu family really has a dragon."

All the doubts in Fu Shan's mind were explained.

Before, he had no idea how big an official his son's position as chief of staff was.

But even a farmer like him knows the official position of governor. How big of an official is this?

When I usually meet the county magistrates, they are all great officials.

Now my son's status far exceeds that of the county magistrate.

Fu Shan's face was full of smiles. When he saw the people in Zhuangzi, he introduced his son's situation. His joy was beyond words.

When Fu Xiucheng saw the people in his hometown, they welcomed him with admiration, and a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

It took him nearly ten years of hard work to achieve this status. Returning to his hometown in fine clothes is to be worshiped by the locals.

Fu Xiucheng came to his home and saw the spacious yard and bright brick house.

The family is living very well now. Not only his family, but also many people in Zhuangzi have a dull look on their faces.

The empire has good governance at the grassroots level and has basically solved the problem of food and clothing.

It is precisely the continuous supply of food from overseas areas that allows the empire to solve the problem of hunger at extremely low costs.

The Governor's Palace of East India, which he is about to release, has always been an area that transports large amounts of food to the country.

Fu Xiucheng made up his mind not to repeat the scene of hunger in China again for the sake of his childhood.

He will definitely vigorously develop agriculture in the East India Governor's Mansion and increase food production.

If the local high-quality land is not enough, then high-quality land will be plundered from outside.

The Fu family had dinner together. Fu Xiucheng saw that his parents and eldest brother's family were doing well, and he immediately felt relieved.

On the second day after Fu Xiucheng came back, the Fu family started clamoring to rebuild the ancestral hall.

When a high-ranking official like Fu Xiucheng appears in the Fu family, he must report it to his ancestors and boast about his achievements to future generations.

And because Fu Xiucheng didn't have enough time to stay here, the rebuilding of the ancestral hall could only be postponed.

The Fu family held a grand ancestor worship ceremony to report to their ancestors the achievements of future generations.

After Fu Xiucheng participated in the ancestor worship ceremony, he persuaded his parents to go to the capital, but they refused.

He left 10,000 taels of silver coins to his parents for living, and asked his eldest brother to take good care of them.

He continued his journey south, and the sooner he arrived at the Governor's Mansion in East India, the sooner he would be able to realize his ambitions.

Fu Xiucheng and his party took the train again. They had to pass through the entire southwest region before they could reach the East Indian Governor's Mansion. (End of this chapter)

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