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Chapter 876 Mediterranean Naval Battle (1)

The Imperial Royal Navy's huge fleet, with the battleship Qin Shihuang as its core, launched an attack on the Italian Peninsula.

Admiral Zhan Tie arranged the tasks of each ship type in the fleet based on the information he received.

The outermost destroyers of the fleet, they are equipped with wire trawls and depth charges.

The mission of the destroyer is to be on guard. It uses wire trawls to deal with submarines hidden deep under the sea.

According to the information Admiral Yang Wanjun learned, the depth of submarines of the European Allied Navy is generally between ten and twenty meters.

At this depth, it is appropriate to use a wire trawl net to catch them as fish.

The middle level of the fleet is the cruiser. Its firepower is not as powerful as the battleship, and its armor is not as thick as the battleship.

The only feature is that it is faster and more flexible in combat.

The cruisers of the Imperial Royal Navy, when compared horizontally, are more powerful than the battleships of the European Allies, and they will be the main force in naval battles.

The European Allied Forces are mainly composed of small destroyers.

When a battleship fights a destroyer like this, it's like using cannons to fight mosquitoes, which wastes too much firepower.

Cruisers are perfect for dealing with destroyers, with superior firepower, armor, and speed.

As the core of the fleet, one of the missions of the battleship is to attack the enemy.

Most of all the problems encountered by the fleet can be solved as long as the battleships come forward.

In the war room of the battleship Qin Shihuang, the senior and middle-level generals of the Imperial Royal Navy gathered together.

Commander Zhan Tie pointed to the colorful flags of the Italian Peninsula on the sand table.

"If it hadn't been for the introduction by Admiral Yang Wanjun of the Mediterranean Fleet, I wouldn't have known that a small Italian peninsula could have so many countries.

They had escaped the rule of the Holy Roman Empire.

But this time European countries formed an alliance to form the European Allied Forces.

These kingdoms and principalities on the Italian peninsula are too weak to withstand our attack.

These countries do not belong to each other, which gives us time to defeat each other.

The mission of our Royal Navy is to eliminate the European Allied navies in the major ports on the Italian Peninsula.

Marines landed on the Italian peninsula and destroyed the enemy forces on the island.

We move on land and sea side by side to completely control the Italian peninsula."

After Commander Zhan Tie said the target, he looked at the generals of the Royal Navy and said seriously: "This is probably the most important naval battle for the Royal Navy in the European battlefield.

Everyone must show off their talents. Your performance in this war is closely related to your future destiny."

The generals of the Imperial Royal Navy said in unison: "Commander Zhan, please rest assured that we will fight this battle well.

It will never embarrass the Navy."

Commander Zhan Tie saw that morale was available, and he nodded with satisfaction.

The Royal Navy is not like the Royal Army, which is divided into three branches. They only have this fleet.

The upcoming naval battle will be a major test for the reforms of the Royal Navy during this period.

There are also many factions within the Royal Navy, and the giant ships and artillery series they belong to win in stages.

The Emperor-class battleship Qin Shihuang was only launched after they worked hard to make Mawei Shipyard see the future.

Commander Zhan Tie glanced at the clock in the war room.

There are two clocks placed side by side, one of which is the time of the capital of the Dahua Empire, and the other is the local time.

"The fleet still has one day's journey to reach the Italian peninsula.

The fleet is now close to the control range of the European Allied Navy.

Our two armies may encounter each other at any time, and a war is imminent.

Everyone returns to their respective ships and must break the backbone of all European countries through this war."

Zhan Tie gave the order to adjourn the meeting, and the naval generals walked out of the war room one after another.


The destroyer Ling Hai is on guard ahead of the Imperial Royal Navy fleet.

Chief of Staff Yu Lu held a telescope and kept observing the sea surface, trying to find the submarine's breathable rod.

Captain Wen Xun stood at the stern of the ship, observing the tension of the main rope of the wire trawl.

The pores of the wire trawl net are relatively large, and unless they are big fish like whales, ordinary fish will escape through the holes.

The purpose of setting up a trawl net is not to catch fish.

Captain Wenxun suddenly discovered that the tension on the main rope of the trawl increased sharply.

He said in surprise: "Start the diesel engine quickly and tighten the trawl net as quickly as possible.

In this case, if nothing else happens, the big guy should be caught."

The high-power diesel engine drives the rotating shaft to rotate, and the steel wire rope as thick as a thumb is continuously tightened.

Captain Wenxun saw a cylinder about five meters long gradually floating on the water.

He only felt his body shaking for a while, and then lost consciousness.

Commander Zhan Tie was on the deck of the battleship Qin Shihuang when he suddenly heard a loud noise coming from the right front of the fleet.

He saw a huge fireball rising in front of him on the right, followed by a thick plume of gunpowder smoke.

Commander Zhan Tie saw a thousand-ton destroyer being thrown high into the water for a short distance and then smashed down again.

He immediately realized that this was an encounter between the Imperial Royal Navy and the European Allied Navy.

Commander Zhan Tie immediately sent a telegram to the warships near the ship, asking them to check what happened and report it in time.

Chief of Staff Cao Zhengyuan came over and said with some worry: "We are likely to lose a destroyer.

Will the morale of the fleet be affected by such heavy losses just after the war started?"

When any army starts a war, it wants to get off to a good start.

A good start is extremely important as it can stabilize the morale of the army.

Commander Zhan Tie shook his head and said: "Under normal circumstances, it might be like this.

But the strength of the Imperial Royal Navy has the absolute upper hand.

Even if there is some failure at the beginning, it will never affect the morale of the fleet.

The greater possibility will arouse the anger of the soldiers and make them fight more bravely."

As soon as they finished chatting, a brief summary of the situation was sent via telegram as soon as possible.

After reading the contents of the telegram, Commander Zhan Tie immediately ordered: "The situation of the Linghai will be reported to the entire army as a typical example.

The European Allied Navy had two common weapons: submarines and small steamships.

How come there are still people who don't learn the lesson and imagine all the enemy forces we encounter as the cruelest enemy forces?

Only when they lay down their weapons and choose to surrender and we confirm their safety can we capture them."

Chief of Staff Cao Zhengyuan got angry unexpectedly when he saw Commander Zhan Tie.

He was curious about what was going on, so he took the telegram and looked at its contents.

After Chief of Staff Cao Zhengyuan read it, he sighed and said: "We are still a teacher of benevolence and righteousness.

Many of the officers and soldiers on the destroyer Linghai have never experienced war.

They don't understand the cruelty of war and are a little naive in their actions.

The occurrence of this situation also proves that real war cannot be simulated in training.

Every experience gained leads to wisdom, and war will expose all the weaknesses of our army."

Commander Zhan Tie soon waited for the second telegram.

Most of the officers and men of the destroyer Linghai have died, but there are still a few who were stunned.

The side of the destroyer Linghai has been torn apart and the power system has been completely destroyed.

Although he did not sink, he became a veritable cripple.

After Commander Zhan Tie learned about the specific situation, he issued an order to the soldiers at the front to open the sea valve of the destroyer Linghai.

The fate of this warship is to sink into the sea.

Chief of Staff Cao Zhengyuan tried to stop it, but if the war started, the ship would sink. This would be very unlucky.

This will also affect their reputation.

But he thought about it and agreed to the plan.

This warship has completely lost its combat capabilities and has no value in repairing it. If it continues to remain in the fleet, it will be a complete drag.

When Zhao Changkong's supervisor heard about this, he rushed back immediately.

He heard that the commander-in-chief and the chief of staff had already made arrangements for this matter.

Zhao Changkong suggested: "The Linghai made some small mistakes, but it was attacked by the European Allied Navy.

The officers and men on the ship will be reported as martyrs."

Zhao Changkong knew that as the supervisor of the army, he was not against the people in the army, but to prevent this army from becoming the general's private army.

As a general, he must get along with ordinary soldiers in order to obtain the true movements of the army.

Commander Zhan Tie readily agreed. This would win the recognition of the grassroots soldiers and would be of great benefit to his reputation.

Their decision was quickly circulated to the entire army.


Captain Wei Fang of the destroyer Laiyang heard a shout from behind that the steel wire trawl net had caught a big fish.

His expression changed and he immediately shouted: "Hurry up and throw the depth bomb, set the water depth to ten meters.

At the same time, the trawl net was lifted to a depth of ten meters."

Wei Fang had just received the telegram informing the entire army, and he did not know the tragic situation of the Linghai.

But he doesn't want to become the next Linghai. Safety is the most important thing.

Following the commander's instructions, the soldiers began to control the distance of the trawl net and dropped depth charges underwater.

The depth charge uses a unique fuze design.

It can not only detonate the depth charge directly when reaching the designated location, but also hover at the designated location and be detonated only after touching it.

The defenders soon heard the sound of depth charges exploding.

Waves appeared on the sea surface, and then there was a huge explosion.

A powerful impulse directly rushed the destroyer Laiyang to the side.

The destroyer Laiyang seemed to be encountering strong winds and waves, constantly swaying left and right.

The ship quickly stabilized, and Wei Fang breathed a sigh of relief.

No wonder the Linghai was severely damaged. The European Allies were too cruel. How much yellow explosives were installed to achieve this kind of power?

You must know that the submarine is restrained by a steel wire mesh. It cannot get close to the destroyer Laiyang, and the distance is far more than ten meters.

Wei Fang calmed down and saw many small black spots in the west.

He was shocked and looked carefully with a telescope.

He discovered the main force of the European Allied Forces, which consisted of more than 300 warships slightly smaller than the Laiyang, sailing towards them in a mighty manner.

Wei Fang said excitedly: "Send the flagship quickly, we have discovered the main force of the European Allied Navy."

A radio wave centered on the destroyer Laiyang and spread to all directions.

The formation of the Imperial Royal Navy fleet changed accordingly.

The warships guarding the rear of the battleship Qin Shihuang began to speed up and rushed towards the main force of the European Allied Navy fleet.


European Allied naval commander, British Admiral Holtz.

When he received the news of a large-scale attack by the Han navy, he immediately notified the fleet in the port to launch an attack on the European Allied Navy.

Admiral Holtz was the inventor of submarines and the wolf pack tactic at sea.

He based on the gap between the British Navy and the Chinese Navy.

Propose a strategy for offshore warfare and asymmetric warfare such as wolf pack warfare.

Everyone wants giant ships and cannons, but with the current strength of England, it is impossible to build the destroyers that the Great China Empire talks about. They can't even build cruisers.

The previous battle with the Imperial Navy of Great China was a disastrous defeat.

The outcome of the Battle of the Atlantic has told everyone that now is the era of ironclads.

No matter how powerful a warship made of wood looks, it will not be able to fight back when it encounters an armored ship.

They are also ironclad ships. They don't need to consider ocean warfare, so they can use steam engines with slightly less power.

This kind of steam engine can be produced in England.

Small warships do not need to be equipped with overly large artillery.

Just because of the breakthrough in artillery technology between England and France, the navy and army can share the same type of artillery, which can save resources.

Holtz's strategy has already yielded initial results.

They blocked the Mediterranean Sea, and Fujian was unable to break through, which resulted in a huge defeat for Fujian.

This victory made Admiral Holtz more confident in his strategy.

As soon as the Imperial Navy of Great China set out for the expedition, they were discovered by a submarine under the sea and rushed back to report.

This kind of reconnaissance submarine is not equipped with weapons, but is loaded with more fuel and can run farther.

There are two main power sources for submarines. When the snorkel can be extended, a steam engine is used as the power source.

In their final sprint underwater, when they couldn't extend their snorkel, they had to rely on compressed air to move forward.

This kind of reconnaissance submarine is different from ordinary submarines.

After getting rid of the enemy, you can float on the sea and drive quickly on the sea like a normal ship.

The European Allied Forces Navy does not have the miraculous long-distance communication capabilities of the Great China Empire Navy.

They relied on this stupid method to grasp the enemy's movements in time.

After Admiral Holtz learned about the enemy's movements, he immediately decided to send out all the navy to fight to the death with the Imperial Navy of Great China in the eastern part of the Italian Peninsula.

Once the narrow strip of Italy is blocked at the port by the Chinese Imperial Navy, their artillery has a short range and can only be beaten passively.

Only by taking the initiative and having the courage to sacrifice the navy can we gain a glimmer of hope.

Their European Allied Navy has a favorable geographical location and has several times as many warships as the Great China Navy. Even if both sides suffer losses, as long as they can block the Great China Navy, it is still worth it.

Admiral Holtz knew what he wanted to achieve by leading the European Allied Navy.

It was through this war that they told me that the Chinese Empire and their European countries were by no means soft persimmons.

It is by no means that if the warships of the Chinese Empire sail to the Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean, they will tremble and surrender.

Let the Dahua Empire know that they are not easy to mess with and will suffer heavy losses after attacking.

Only in this way will the Great China Empire consider the gains and losses and postpone its attacks on European countries.

Even if the army is not as good as others, all strategic depth is lost and the strength of the navy is relied upon.

They also hope to defend the British Isles and leave a spark of revenge.

This chapter has been completed!
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