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Chapter 877 Mediterranean Naval Battle (2)

The commander-in-chief of the European Allied Navy, the English Admiral Marquis Holtz, commanded the entire strength of the European Allied Navy.

He prepared for a decisive battle with the Imperial Navy in the waters east of the Italian Peninsula.

The European Allied Navy is mainly dominated by the English Navy, which controls 90% of the steam ships in the European Allied Navy.

But the majority of the ships and submarines that drive honorable tactics are British.

The British have not faced an imminent threat and mainly provide ships and trained officers to the European Allies.

Selected to carry out the honorable tactic of dying with the enemy, these people are mainly members of wandering regimes, as well as countries facing imminent threats.

For example, the Greek royal family and its restoration groups were wandering in France, as well as the Holy Roman Empire and Russians who were facing the crisis of national subjugation.

Especially the Russians, who have been oppressed by the Chinese Empire for a long time, and there are many enemies in the country who are willing to risk their lives for the Chinese Empire.

Admiral Holtz knows that the current naval strength of the European Allied Forces is very different from that of the Imperial Navy of Great China.

He chose to launch a decisive battle mainly for two reasons.

The main reason is that the naval strength of the Dahua Empire is constantly growing.

As time continues to drag on, the navies of European countries have no chance of winning.

If they fight a decisive battle one day earlier, they will have an extra chance of winning.

The secondary reason was that the Great China Empire only sent part of its navy, and he believed that the gap between the two armies was not too big.

The armies of the Great China Empire are even more concerned about their lives, and their glorious tactics will only produce the expected results.

This will make the Great China Navy fear them. Once the Great China Navy develops fear, their chances of winning will greatly increase.

Admiral Holtz used his telescope to observe the scene ahead.

He has dispatched thirty submarines carrying out glorious tactics.

Even if two submarines can take away an enemy ship, his tactics will be effective.

He saw a column of water rising up from the sea in front of him, followed by a simmering sound.

Admiral Holtz's lips curled up slightly, the glorious tactics were already at work.

He immediately asked the flag soldiers to issue orders to prepare for combat.

They have entered the warning range of the Great China Navy, and a naval battle can break out at any time.


Zhan Tie, commander-in-chief of the Royal Navy of the Great China Empire, received telegrams from all major fleets.

He kept drawing dynamic situation diagrams on the paper with his pen.

Commander Zhan Tie threw the pen on the table, slapped his hand on the situation map, and said: "I am worried that the European Allied Navy is scattered in various places.

We have to chase them like mice in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean.

I didn't expect these people to come to my door.

This time we must make use of our army's high mobility to annihilate the enemy's ships as much as possible.

Every time we sink a ship, we will be more relaxed in the future."

Chief of Staff Cao Zhengyuan looked at the situation map and said with some regret: "I originally wanted to test the actual combat capabilities of the Qin Shihuang battleship, an emperor-class battleship.

But now, he has no opponent at all.

According to the situation reported by each ship, cruisers are more suitable for dealing with the European Allied Navy fleet.

The cruiser is equipped with a 150 mm caliber rapid-fire gun.

This kind of rapid-fire cannon, which can fire more than ten rounds per minute, cannot destroy enemy ships as long as one shot hits them.

Using the main guns of battleships to deal with these small boats is a complete overkill."

Supervisor Zhao Changkong has different opinions.

"Chief of Staff Cao, even if it means killing a chicken with a bull's-eye, we still have to use it.

Don't forget the Royal Navy's operational goals this time, in addition to controlling the Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean and assisting the Royal Army in combat.

We also have another strategic goal, which is to use strong strength to deter European countries.

No matter how the situation develops next, deterring European countries can bring beneficial results."

Commander Zhan Tie nodded and said: "That's true. The battleship Qin Shihuang will also go all out in this naval battle.

The lion still needs all his strength to beat the rabbit, and he must not be complacent at any time.

There will be many surprises in war, and you can never sit back and relax because you are strong on paper."

After the senior leaders of the Imperial Navy fleet unified their opinions, stern telegrams were delivered to every naval admiral one after another.

They saw that their superiors were well prepared and believed that the European Allied Navy might have extraordinary back-ups.

The military got rid of their impetuous mentality and began to position themselves to deal with the arrival of the European Allied Navy.

There was not much wind and waves in the Mediterranean, but as the distance between the two armies got closer and closer, the atmosphere became very solemn.

Captain Wei Fang of the destroyer Laiyang received blessings from his colleagues.

He has been praised by Commander Zhan Tie for discovering the merits of the main force of the European Allied Navy fleet.

With this achievement, and if he can perform some meritorious service in the subsequent wars, he will definitely be rewarded by the imperial court.

However, Wei Fang did not swell because of the blessings from his colleagues.

The war that is about to begin will be the cruelest war he has encountered since joining the army.

Whether he can save his life depends entirely on God's will.

Even the battleships dare not claim to have escaped unscathed from this war, let alone destroyers like them with weak armor.

Wei Fang stood on the deck and looked to the west. He could already see the condensed black clouds formed by the black smoke emitted by the European Allied Navy steam engines.

The two armies have reached the visual limit of distance, and war may break out at any time.

Chief of Staff Xu Kuo ran out of the ship island and said excitedly: "The Fleet Staff has sent the final combat mission.

Our Laiyang ship is responsible for using steel trawls to intercept underwater submarines and prevent submarines from attacking the Qin Shihuang battleship."

When Wei Fang heard that it was this mission, his face showed some relief.

This mission does not require you to go to the cruelest front line immediately, but this mission is also extremely important.

The battleship Qin Shihuang was the flagship of the Royal Navy. Once it was sunk by the European Allies in despicable ways.

The morale of the Royal Navy will drop to the bottom, and even if it wins the Mediterranean naval battle, the rewards obtained by the entire fleet will be greatly reduced.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The Laiyang was able to achieve this mission because it was the first submarine to sink a submarine, and it was still safe and unharmed. The fleet executives believed that his experience in dealing with submarines


Captain Wei immediately ordered the destroyer Laiyang to approach the battleship Qin Shihuang.

He found that at this time, the formation of the entire fleet began to change.

A squadron is formed with one battleship, two to three cruisers as the core, and several destroyers to cooperate.

The entire fleet was divided into three squadrons, forming a triangle to outflank the European Allied fleet.

On the island of the battleship Qin Shihuang, Chief of Staff Cao Zhengyuan said with some worry: "The European Allies adopted the tactics of mutual destruction. Their goal is to sink the battleship, especially the fleet flagship Qin Shihuang.

We sent the battleships Taishan and Huashan to both sides.

When the European Allied Forces see this situation, they will inevitably attack the Qin Shihuang battleship frantically.

If two warships, the battleship Taishan and the battleship Huashan, were sunk, the impact would not be as great as the sinking of the battleship Qin Shihuang."

Commander Zhan Tie said firmly: "I have thought about this decision for a long time and implemented it after thorough consideration.

The most powerful thing about the Royal Navy compared to the European Allied Navy is that we have powerful battleships.

The battleship cannot exert its full strength in this naval battle, which is a complete waste.

Killing a chicken with a sledgehammer requires our army to go all out, so that we can kill a large number of European Allied navies in the first time.

The battleship Qin Shihuang cannot hide at the rear of the fleet and let the destroyers with thinner armor block damage.

The existence of the battleship Qin Shihuang will also draw all the attention of the battlefield to it, creating opportunities for the battleship Taishan and Huashan."

They heard a loud bang on the deck, and then heard the scream of cannonballs.

Then the battleship Qin Shihuang shook slightly.

As the battleship swayed, one shell after another flew towards the direction of the European Allied Navy fleet.

The sound of hydraulic transmission came from the battery of the battleship Qin Shihuang, and the clicking sound of gears also sounded.

The artillerymen cooperated with the automatic ammunition feeder and began to load the main gun.

They stood on the island and looked to the west.

The main gun of the battleship Qin Shihuang has opened fire on the European Allied fleet.

The battleship Qin Shihuang is about 18 kilometers away from the European Allied Navy.

This is the power of the Emperor-class battleship. With an effective range of 18 kilometers, it will be very calm against any warship.

Chief of Staff Cao Zhengyuan picked up his telescope and stared at the European Allied Navy fleet ahead.

"The Qin Shihuang battleship's main gun will not be accurate at its extreme range.

But the special ammunition we use does not require too high accuracy."

Huge artillery shells flew over the European Allied naval fleet with a roaring sound.

It did not hit any ships, but exploded in the sky above the fleet.

The shells exploded and formed fiery snakes, falling towards the battleship below.

The fire snake gave off a special blue color. It fell onto the ship below and immediately began to burn violently.

When the flame falls on the steel hull, it can directly melt the steel with extremely high melting point, and then ignite the wooden shell inside.

When the flame falls on a person, it will burn violently.

The soldiers burned by the flames began to roll on the ground, but the flames still could not be extinguished.

Unable to bear the pain, they chose to jump from the boat into the sea.

Even the sailors who had entered the sea and were ignited seemed to be burning from the inside out. The flames flickered in the sea and were extinguished due to lack of oxygen.

Supervisor Zhao Changkong said with some fear: "The war is extremely cruel, and I bear all the blame for it."

It has reached the final moment of the war, and the Royal Navy fleet's senior officials are still hesitant about whether to use special ammunition white phosphorus bombs.

The Imperial Weapons Research Institute studies many extremely inhumane but extremely lethal special bombs.

Poison gas bombs and chlorine gas bombs used to deal with large crowds can kill more people than machine guns.

Napalm bombs, often used by the Navy, are extremely effective against wooden-hulled ships.

Thermite bombs are specially designed to deal with ironclads. The temperature of thousands of degrees can melt steel.

There is also the most terrifying white phosphorus bomb. Its temperature can not only ignite steel, but also resemble maggots attached to bones.

Conventional methods cannot put out the flames at all and can only wait for the white phosphorus bomb to burn out.

If white phosphorus sticks even a little bit to a person's body, it will quickly burn through bones and ignite internal organs.

After the white phosphorus sticks to it, unless it touches the limbs and cuts them off quickly, there is no hope of survival.

The most difficult thing about special bombs is not manufacturing them, but storing them safely.

This requires extremely high industrial capabilities. Currently, only the Great China Empire has the strength to use these special bombs.

Zhan Tie and Cao Zhengyuan are both pure soldiers, and they do not want to use what they consider to be crooked means.

Supervisor Zhao Changkong insisted on using special bombs.

His reason is simple: he does not want this war to drag on for too long and quickly render the enemy incapable of fighting.

As long as they have a little industrial strength, European countries can also produce special bombs.

They all use tactics of mutual destruction, and have weapons that are obviously copied from the Empire.

Once the method of making special bombs is leaked, the European Allied Forces will definitely use special bombs.

They want to strike first to gain the upper hand. Whoever strikes first in a war will gain the advantage.

Supervisor Zhao Changkong used his own reasons to persuade the stubborn two people.

He saw that as the white phosphorus bombs fell, some European Allied ships were ignited by the white phosphorus, forming fireballs.

He roughly estimated that about one-fifth of the ships were loaded with large amounts of yellow explosives and prepared to use the tactic of mutual destruction.

Supervisor Zhao Changkong sneered: "War means destroying the enemy at all costs and using all means.

War has no place for women's kindness.

Everyone has seen how terrifying the enemy army is.

If special measures are not taken, the fleet will suffer huge casualties."

When Zhan Tie and Cao Zhengyuan heard Zhao Changkong's speech, they both remained silent.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! By agreeing to use white phosphorus bombs, they have already agreed with Zhao Changkong's approach.

But as a conscientious soldier, I still can't bear the consequences of white phosphorus bombs.

Captain Wei Fang of the destroyer Laiyang concentrated his attention and asked the battleship Qin Shihuang to draw a circle.

He worked together with several destroyers to form a large network connected end to end, which would never allow the submarines of the European Allies to cross their defense line.

When he heard the scream of cannonballs overhead, he knew that a naval battle had broken out.

Wei Fang was still thinking about the bombardment of the giant ship's cannons. Although he commanded the destroyer, he also had to learn the tactics of the giant ship.

The battle at the beginning was completely beyond his expectation.

The battleship Qin Shihuang directly used fire attacks. This round of attacks disabled nearly a quarter of the enemy's battleships from the ability to attack.

Wei Fang opened his mouth wide and said with emotion: "No wonder someone can become a commander, I'm just a low-level soldier.

Who knew that the enduring fire attack could come up with new tricks.

This tactic, which has been passed down for thousands of years, is so effective."

Captain Li Pinglang of the Taishan and Du Qiwen, the captain of the Huashan.

They were shocked when they saw the consequences of the special bombs.

They know the instructions for use of special ammunition.

But when it was actually used in war, it was a purgatory-like scene that people would never forget for the rest of their lives.

They saw that the European Allied naval fleet encountered a sudden fire attack. While their morale plummeted, their formation was in chaos.

The Taishan-class battleship has no ammunition room to store special eggs and can only use conventional artillery shells to fight the enemy.

Captain Li Pinglang stood on the ship island. When he saw the enemy's condition, he immediately issued an order.

"Taking advantage of the enemy's confusion, the fleet immediately launched a salvo to eliminate more enemy forces."

A fleet composed of the battleships Taishan and Huashan.

Begin firing salvos at the European Allied naval fleet from both sides.

The battleship Qin Shihuang led the fleet and still approached the European Allied Navy fleet at an extremely fast speed.

Every officer in the fleet, seeing the tragic situation of the European Allied Navy fleet, had already celebrated the arrival of victory in their hearts.

This chapter has been completed!
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