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Chapter 882 Mobilizing enemy forces

Wei Xiaoyong, leader of the chariot regiment, was very excited.

This was the first time a chariot regiment fought against an established cavalry in a plain area.

In their first battle in Persia, the tanks didn't show much performance at all.

The chariots merely served as mobile artillery to intimidate the unsophisticated Persians.

The cavalry of the European Allied Forces was completely different. They were cavalry who had truly experienced firearms warfare.

At least the war horses they commissioned won't go crazy because of the smoke and gunfire.

Wei Xiaoyong could see the running horses through the observation window of the chariot.

He excitedly gave the order: "Fire, speed up and rush over."

The tank's artilleryman immediately aimed at the group of horses in front and pressed the launch button of the artillery.

While the chariot was moving, he suddenly paused, and then a shell came out of the chamber.

The tank commanded by Wei Xiaoyong fired at the cavalry, and the other tanks followed suit. A large number of artillery shells flew towards the European Allied cavalry.

The chariots accelerated at the same time and rushed towards the European Allied cavalry.

In order to clear the way, the Holy Roman Empire learned about the situation of millions of European allies.

The army they sent was the most elite cavalry with extremely rich combat experience.

But this elite cavalry had encountered only infantry in addition to cavalry before. It had never encountered such a moving iron box.

When the steel box fired the cannon, I saw the cavalrymen flying towards me, and they all wanted to make evasive movements to avoid it.

But because the space between the cavalry is too narrow, there is not much room for maneuver.

They were horrified as the shells fell near them.

Then there was a violent gunshot, and shrapnel flew out.

Within the effective radius of the cannonball, whether they were people or horses, they all became bloody and bloody, and they were obviously not breathing.

The cavalrymen who were farther away suffered less injuries because a large number of fragments were blocked by the horses.

The war horses were either kneeling or lying on the ground, and they were whining constantly.

The tank regiment only carried out a round of artillery bombardment, which immediately slowed down the pace of the attack.

When Wei Xiaoyong, the leader of the tank regiment, saw this situation, he knew that the tank still had a chance to fire a salvo, and then it would come into contact with the cavalry of the European Allied Forces.

The two armies fought together to prevent harm to friendly forces.

The tank's artillery will not fire blindly unless it is absolutely safe.

The cavalry commander of the Holy Roman Empire saw this situation.

He immediately shouted loudly: "What are you doing standing there in a daze?

Rush over to me immediately. Only when we formally engage in battle with the enemy and the two armies are entangled can we have a chance to survive."

While he was shouting at the top of his lungs, a cannonball fell next to him, and then died.

The commander of the tank regiment saw that the tank was about to come into contact with the cavalry of the European Allied Forces.

He shouted excitedly: "Hurry, rush over quickly.

When encountering a difficult enemy, immediately use the vehicle-mounted machine gun to resolve the battle."

Tanks cannot use artillery in chaotic situations for fear of accidentally injuring friendly forces.

But the tank's other major killer, the machine gun, can be used.

The main reason is that the power of the machine gun is indeed a bit small compared to that of a tank.

Machine gun bullets cannot penetrate the armor mounted on the tank.

There is no need to worry about accidentally injuring friendly troops when using machine guns.

They can use machine guns as a big killer on the battlefield without any scruples.

The European Allied cavalry was in a life-or-death situation when its commander was killed, and it lost its unified command.

The cavalry became more scattered. Some people were afraid of chariots and chose to escape before the battle.

Some people think there is no escape and choose to fight to the death.

They picked up their muskets, pointed at the chariot rushing towards them at high speed, and immediately pulled the trigger.

There was a bang and a lead bullet the size of a thumb flew directly in front of the tank.

With a bang, the lead bullet hit the armor of the tank and was immediately ejected.

When the European Allied cavalry saw this situation, they had expressions of despair on their faces.

This kind of movable steel monster cannot be penetrated by artillery, so the only way to stop this kind of steel monster is to be hit directly by the artillery.

Captain Wei Xiaoyong saw the desperate expression of the cavalry on the opposite side from the observation window.

This is the technological generation gap, which brings about a huge gap in strength.

Captain Wei Xiaoyong shouted excitedly: "Crash over, hit me over.

If these cavalrymen dare to stop us, let them become dead souls under the tracks."

The chariot rushed directly into the formation of the European Allied cavalry.

Olled is a knight with a knighthood.

He saw the enemy's chariots rushing into the camp, trying to divide and surround them.

The soldiers around him saw this steel monster rushing in and chose to avoid it.

Allred had already fired and had no time to load his musket.

He immediately drew his saber, tightened the reins of his horse, and rushed towards the chariot at the front of the team.

He raised the saber and slashed it hard, causing sparks to burst out.

He noticed that the muzzle of the gun on the chariot turned, and then a massive amount of bullets poured out.

Captain Wei Xiaoyong took a sip.

"Unfortunately, I thought this man was here to surrender, but I didn't expect that there would be such a fool who wanted to hack the chariot with a knife.

Since they won't surrender, there's no need to hold back."

The machine gun on the tank began to pour bullets.

The European Allied cavalry was easily torn open.

The chariots took the opportunity to expand their victory, dividing and surrounding the European Allied cavalry, and gradually annihilated them.

The battle situation went without any twists and turns, and the tank regiment quickly completed control of the battlefield.

Under the threat of machine guns, the cavalry of the European Allied Forces chose to surrender one after another. No one would fight to the end.

Wei Xiaoyong was so excited that the chariot regiment achieved a great victory. He immediately sent a telegram of victory to Army Commander Chen Zhongwen, waiting for further instructions.


Lu Chenyang looked at the map. He kept marking the movements of the European Allied Forces.

He threw the pen on the table in frustration and said in confusion: "This situation is not right.

European countries only sent a cavalry force to test the situation in the early stages.

We dispatched a chariot regiment to meet the enemy, and annihilated the enemy's cavalry in a short period of time, achieving another hearty victory.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! But the Chariot Group directly frightened the European countries, so this thing should not happen.

At most, European countries will no longer send cavalry to act alone in the future.

Why haven't European countries made much mobilization?

This shouldn't be the case, don't they want to save the trapped European Allied Forces?"

Chief of Staff Zhang Lei stood aside, and he didn't quite understand the current situation.

European countries should immediately support the European Allied Forces trapped in the Quling area at all costs.

Something was a little abnormal, completely different from their actions.

Supervisor Liang Feng saw the two of them staring at the sand table, and his expression became serious. He didn't know what they were thinking about.

He analyzed: "You two are thinking too complicatedly.

Our army has telegraphs to convey news, but European countries do not have telegraphs.

The messenger can take a small road to avoid surveillance, but it will take a long time.

A lot of time is wasted on the road, and it is extremely difficult to communicate and coordinate multiple departments.

I think European countries are not reacting violently now.

It is very possible that they do not understand the situation of the European Allied Forces at all.

I don’t know if the European Allied forces surrendered and most of them were annihilated, but they still fought hard.”

When Commander Lu Chenyang saw this situation, he thought carefully and agreed with the analysis of the supervisor Liang Feng.

"We must learn to put ourselves in others' shoes and not subconsciously analyze what the enemy should do in this situation based on our army's situation.

European countries should be speculating on the situation of the European Allies.

According to intelligence learned from insiders, armies from various European countries have already gathered in Vienna.

The reason why they haven't taken action yet is probably because they have lost contact with the European Allied Forces.

They do not know the specific situation of the European Allied Forces and dare not make arrangements at all."

Chief of Staff Zhang Lei said helplessly: "European countries are too stupid. Since they are so stupid, we still need to help them.

Find a way to let European countries know that the European Allied Forces have been besieged.

The European Allies stupidly ran into the pocket formation set up by the Second Army and the Seventh Army.

Now the Second Army and the Seventh Army are storing enough supplies so that they can have the strength to fight against the million-strong army of the European Allied Forces."

Commander Lu Chenyang stared at the sand table and said: "Let the intelligence guys think of a way to help European countries understand the situation of the European Allied Forces.

European countries must first be mobilized to see how many troops they can form for rescue.

Only then can we make up our mind to attack the besieged European Allies.

That was an army of one million, more than ten times the size of the Second Army and the Seventh Army combined.

The two armies need to be cautious when dealing with the European Allies.

I think that our final victory is based on the fact that under difficult circumstances, the European armies are not united and will inevitably have internal strife.

Once European countries send too many troops, the First Army will not be able to stop them.

Our army’s plan to close the door and fight dogs has no choice but to give up.”

Commander Lu Chenyang saw clearly that there was a chance to destroy the European Allied Forces. This was of course the best situation.

If the risk of doing so was too great, he would not disregard the safety of the army for these meritorious deeds.

They are just one army, and the empire has two more armies working hard.

They are now equivalent to resisting the pressure of European countries alone.

If there is a disadvantage, it is excusable.

When the other two armies advance into Europe, they will have the opportunity to counterattack, and their final achievements will not be too small.

As long as you don't rush forward, you can achieve huge achievements.

This is one of the reasons why Commander Lu Chenyang has always had a strong determination and never makes any rash advances.

When the Royal Army deploys various affairs stably according to the plan.

There has been great turmoil within European countries.


In the palace of the Holy Roman Empire, the emperor looked at the busy Duke Haddovey von Habsburg with an anxious expression.

"Grand Duke Hadovey, has the news been confirmed?"

Duke Hadowy von Habsburg nodded and said: "I have been traveling to and from France during this period, and eight horses have been killed. I dare not delay for a moment.

The Hokkien people who instigated rebellion in France, England, and Spain received extremely horrifying news.

The European Allied Forces captured more than 80,000 people, and the rest chose to retreat from the Balkans.

They set fire to the mountains along the way to hinder the pursuit of the Dahua Empire's army.

But they didn't expect that the British Navy would be defeated so miserably.

The armies of the Great China Empire landed directly from Austria, and they blocked the way back from the European Allies.

Now they are organizing a large army to annihilate the European Allied Forces in a hilly area.

These internal agents have already been corrupted and have done many evil things.

They found that the only option was to shoot them.

Several pieces of information that should be provided can corroborate each other, so there is no doubt about the reliability of this information."

When the Holy Roman Emperor heard the news, he immediately slumped in his chair.

The Holy Roman Empire has more than 300,000 young men. Once all are lost, it will be difficult for them to recover in a short period of time, let alone continue to compete with the army of the Great China Empire.

Duke Haddovey von Habsburg saw the emperor's behavior.

He immediately comforted him: "This is not something our family should be anxious about.

France, Germany, and Russia all have a large number of young people trapped.

Once something goes wrong with these young people, it can be said that a large number of families in these countries will ask priests to mourn their dead souls.

They couldn't bear such heavy losses.

In the end, all countries reached an agreement that they must send troops to rescue the European Allied Forces.

Only in this way will we have room for maneuver.

Countries still decide the number of people to join the army in proportion."

The Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire understood the contents of the agreement. He could only shake his head helplessly and finally signed his name.

The most important thing now is to rescue the trapped European Allied forces and at the same time kill as much as possible the troops of the Great China Empire.

After the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire signed, he asked: "When will the troops from France and other countries arrive."

Duke Haddovey von Habsburg said helplessly: "This depends on the arrangements of France and other countries.

But I believe that at this critical moment, the procedures for forming an army will be simplified.

The armies of France and other countries will be able to reach us soon.

Of course, we have to pay some price.

Who knows that without their help, we would not be able to deal with the brutal Dahua Empire."

The Habsburg family began to use their ancestral precious metals to support the Holy Roman Empire in forming a new army.

Not only the Holy Roman Empire, but also European countries will learn about this news and it will soon spread.

Big countries are desperately trying to expand their armies, while small countries are worried about their own situation and choose to protect themselves wisely.


Commander Lu Chenyang received the telegram from the intelligence department, and he immediately came to the sand table in the war room.

A job that looks glamorous may have many pitfalls.

When European countries learned that the European Allied Forces were trapped, they thought about it for a while, and knowledgeable people have already thought of various scenarios that could happen.

This has directly led many talents to choose to immigrate and leave the maelstrom of Europe.

They looked around and saw that there was only one choice left in the world.

Commander Lu Chenyang looked at the newly formed armies from various European countries and wanted to support the battlefield.

The total number of troops is 200,000, which seems to be the limit of European countries.

The number of this army is far greater than that of the First Army, but their combat strength is definitely not as powerful as the First Army.

Lu Chenyang did not argue about this trivial matter. He ordered: "Notify the Second Army and the Seventh Army to prepare to close the door and beat the dogs."

He determined that the risk of attacking the Allied forces in Europe was not high, so he decided not to delay it any longer.

A telegram traveled across mountains and seas to the camp in the hills.

The Second Army and the Seventh Army immediately held a joint meeting to discuss the details of the attack, how to deal with accidents, and other situations.

The joint meeting ended soon, and they were ready to find the right opportunity to launch a fatal blow to the European Allies.

This chapter has been completed!
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