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Chapter 883 European Allied Forces Breakthrough

The Second Army and the Seventh Army discussed a plan of action.

Zhuang Renyi, commander of the Seventh Army, stood up, picked up the clock standing on the table, and said: "Today is April 21, 4354 (1657 AD).

At nine-thirty tomorrow morning, both armies will fire at the European Allied Forces camp at the same time."

Zhang Yunqing, commander of the Second Army, reminded: "Our combat mission this time is to deter the European Allies.

Now is not the time for a general attack.

There is no need to worry about reinforcements from European countries, Commander Lu Chenyang agreed to the battle plan.

The First Army was confident of blocking reinforcements from European countries.

The European Allied Forces realize that they have been cut off from logistics, and they will definitely counterattack desperately.

We must be more vigilant to prevent casualties caused by the European Allied Forces' counterattack on our troops.

As long as they can't break through our army's defense line.

As food is consumed, the strength of the European Allied Forces will become weaker and weaker.

The Quling area is lacking in resources. Even if the European Allied Forces scratch the ground, he will not be able to feed a huge army.

The only way to prevent the army from starving to death is to go south to build ships and fish at sea.

But the navy has been controlled by the Royal Navy, and their only way to survive is also to die.

An army of one million people consumes food very quickly. In only three to five days, the European Allies will inevitably run out of food.

At that time, let alone us, even if the militiamen were armed with wooden sticks, they would not have the strength to resist."

When the generals listened to Zhang Yunqing's words, they all smiled.

The European Allied Forces are the turtles in the urn, and they have no way to escape.

Even a small group of troops can take advantage of gaps in the defense line to escape the blockade.

But with millions of people, the traces left by the march were too obvious, and there was no way to escape.

The generals are gearing up and preparing to show the European Allied Forces the power of the Royal Army tomorrow morning.

Even if the Royal Army has not undergone mechanized transformation, it will never be able to resist a low-level army like the European Allied Forces.


The commander-in-chief of the European Allied Forces, Prince Louis II de Bourbon of France, looked up at the bright moon in the sky, feeling very sad in his heart.

Setting fire to the mountain was their clever plan to escape their pursuers, but now it has become a wall of fire surrounding them.

Five days ago, supplies from the Holy Roman Empire had been cut off.

The European Allied Forces were barely able to survive on the supplies they had delivered previously.

Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, was a very cautious man. By choosing to attack the Greek region, he had already set aside two battles for the army in two months.

But all these provisions were lost outside the Rock Fortress.

Logistics supplies have been cut off again, and the army has begun to run out of food.

Some auxiliary soldiers could only chew bark and grass leaves, and only the elite could eat a small piece of bread every day.

Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, thought there was something wrong with the Holy Roman Empire.

When he saw the unique flag of the Great China Empire blocking the road ahead of them.

Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, realized that the European Allies had reached the end of their rope.

If the Royal Army of the Great China Empire can rush in front of them, there is only one possibility, which is to transport troops by sea.

If the European Allied Forces had a powerful navy and they chose to retreat from the sea, they would not have wasted such a long time in the Balkans.

Prince Louis II de Bourbon of Condé thought about it carefully, and he got even more alarming information.

The Royal Army of the Great China Empire can easily reach Austria by sea.

The European Allied Navy, with the British Navy as its core, must have been severely damaged by the Royal Navy of the Great China Empire.

This would eliminate the difficulty of escaping by sea.

The fire that the European Allies personally lit made their retreat a dead end.

The only directions left to break out are the north and the west.

But these two directions are already firmly controlled by the Royal Army of the Great China Empire.

Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, led the European Allied Forces into the pocket formation deployed by the Royal Army of the Great China Empire.

He glanced at the red sky in the east.

The fires in the bushes were not large in scale, but it was just after winter and there were still a lot of grasses on the hills, which were excellent flammable materials.

Shrubs and grass don't burn as long as woods, but short-term fires are not something the European Allies can endure.

Their only way out is to fight their way out before the fire engulfs the Allied forces in Europe.

The chef brought over a large pot of delicious meat and vegetables.

When Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, saw the chef preparing the dishes, he ordered his soldiers to call the commanders of the countries over.

The Russian commander-in-chief Vladimir Ivanovich approached the camp and smelled the smell of meat and wine.

He said boldly: "The smell of vodka, and this strange meaty smell.

Your Excellency the Prince's food is really good. France has more food and grass, so we Russians should be given some.

You use us Russians as cannon fodder, but you cannot let us fight hungry."

Alfred Hohenzollern, the commander-in-chief of the Holy Roman Empire, opened the tent and heard the words of the Russian commander-in-chief Vladimir Ivanovich.

He immediately retorted: "How much food and grass is there? Everyone knows it. If anyone hides food and grass, there is no way to hide it."

Alfred Hohenzollern, the commander-in-chief of the Holy Roman Empire, made these complaints.

Mainly because there were some rumors among the army that the Holy Roman Empire's army had hidden some food and grass.

They were responsible for contacting the civilians who transported grain and grass to the Holy Roman Empire.

Sensing that something was wrong, he hid a batch of food and grass in advance.

When everyone is hungry, the consequences of such rumors are dire.

Otto von Schmidt, the commander-in-chief of the German Confederation, was the last to arrive at the tent, but he sat aside and smelled the meat without making any complaints.

France, the Holy Roman Empire, Russia and other European powers have the ability to speak.

The German Federation is a weak country. Under such circumstances, even if it speaks, it will not be adopted.

Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, expressed his guess to the commanders.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Everyone has speculations about the current situation in the military.

Logistics has been cut off, and the army has run out of food.

Winter has just passed and there is not much natural food in the hilly areas.

There are some villages around, but their food reserves are certainly not enough to meet the needs of the army.

There is a raging fire behind, and it will burn down the camp in a short time.

The sea route was probably controlled by the Han, making it impossible to evacuate by sea.

Our only choice now is to break through the Han blockade.

This is the only way to survive now.

We also have a great advantage, that is, our numbers far exceed those of the Han people.

We have no other choice. If we rush over, we can live. If we can't, we can only die."

Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, directly stated the current situation of the European Allies.

Everyone in the camp was silent for a moment, and they all noticed.

Now after listening to the words of Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, it confirmed what they were thinking.

They also know in their hearts that the survival of the European Allied Forces is not only related to themselves, but also related to the life and death of the country behind them.

The national strength of European countries is not too strong. They have lost hundreds of thousands of troops and it will be difficult to raise hundreds of thousands more troops in a short period of time.

Even if the newly formed soldiers are urgently formed, the results will not be optimistic against a powerful enemy.

Alfred Hohenzollern, the commander-in-chief of the Holy Roman Empire, clenched his fists and said excitedly: "We are going to fight bloody battles to the end, and we must drive the Han army out of Austria."

Russian commander-in-chief Vladimir Ivanovich supported: "If you stay, you will die, so it is better to fight to the death.

Before morale dissipated, the soldiers were eager to return home.

We must try our best to break the myth that the Han army is undefeated."

Otto von Schmidt, commander-in-chief of the German Confederation, agreed: "The German army fully supports it."

Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, pointed to the meat in the pot and said: "This is the meat of a war horse.

The horses will be killed early tomorrow morning so that the soldiers can have a full meal.

We only have this one chance and we must seize it.

The war horses have been eaten and we cannot break through the enemy's position, so our army will be out of food.

What will happen if the army runs out of food? You don’t need me to talk about it."

They ate stewed horse meat and discussed plans to send troops tomorrow.

Prince Louis II de Bourbon of Condé said confidently: "After my observation, I already know the weak points of the Royal Army position of the Great China Empire.

If we attack this weak point, we will definitely be able to break out of the encirclement deployed by the Royal Army of the Great China Empire."


Zhuang Renyi was walking on the back side of the hills. He watched the soldiers carrying baskets of ammunition as they rushed to the front line.

The yellow-orange bullets and cannonballs represent Zhuang Renyi's determination to win.

In his mind, the Royal Army was invincible in defensive operations until the ammunition was exhausted.

He soon arrived at the front of the hill. From the mountainside to the top of the mountain, the Royal Army formed five lines of defense in sequence.

Most of them are simple temporary fortifications built with sandbags.

There are some reinforced concrete fortresses in other directions, but this hill has no permanent fortifications.

But even this kind of simple fortifications, combined with the powerful firepower of the Royal Army, can definitely stop the European Allied Forces.

They can't fill these lines of defense even if they use their lives to fill them.

This is a specially set aside loophole. In fact, the firepower here is extremely strong and it is close to the ammunition warehouse.

Zhuang Renyi looked down from the hills and saw the huge military camp of the European Allied Forces right in front.

When he looked at the European Allied Forces military camp, he saw something unusual happening in the military camp.

The Allied forces in Europe no longer had much food and fodder. They had rarely fired in the past few days and the smoke was very sparse.

Today, there is suddenly more smoke in the military camps of the European Allied Forces.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. This situation immediately attracted Zhuang Renyi's attention.

He immediately informed the front line that the European Allied forces were likely to launch a surprise attack on their positions.

Once encountering a surprise attack by the European Allied Forces, the position is allowed to launch a counterattack immediately.

Zhuang Renyi already had a high degree of confidence that the European Allied Forces would fight to the death.

The army, which had run out of food, suddenly saw smoke rising from the barracks.

That could only allow the soldiers to eat extremely precious stored grains and keep them full.

This was the last full meal for many soldiers.

What will the enemy use it for? There is no need to think too much.

Things developed just as Zhuang Renyi expected. Around 7:40 in the morning, the smoke from the European Allied Forces' cooking stoves had dispersed.

Most of the well-fed soldiers, armed with guns, formed a scattered formation and rushed towards the Royal Army's position.

Zhuang Renyi saw the European Allied Forces and indeed chose to attack this position. His previous preparations worked and he smiled happily.

Even if the war broke out two hours earlier, the Royal Army was more prepared.

Zhuang Renyi immediately ordered the artillery troops deployed on the top of the hills to fire at the European Allied Forces.

Artillery shells exploded among the ranks of the European Allies.

The powerful power of the artillery shells immediately caused heavy casualties to the European Allied forces.

The Russian commander-in-chief Vladimir Ivanovich saw the army he commanded stunned by the shelling.

He immediately shouted: "Go forward, keep going.

Seize the front position and victory will belong to us."

After Russian Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Ivanovich finished speaking, he took a sip of vodka.

The lower-level Russian officers drank a bottle of vodka and immediately urged the lower-level soldiers to move forward.

The Russian army marched at a scattered pace, braving the artillery shells that kept flying down from the top of the hills.

They gradually approached the front line of defense, holding rifles in their hands, ready to pull the trigger.

On the Royal Army position, a clicking sound immediately sounded.

Then a large number of bullets poured down from the position.

The heavy machine guns on the defense line have opened fire.

The Russian troops shouted "Ula" and prepared to rush into the position one after another.

However, they were constantly shot by bullets and fell to the ground or rolled down.

Russian commander Vladimir Ivanovich saw batches of soldiers killed in front.

But they didn't even break through the first line of defense of this hill.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! There are several similar hills behind the Royal Army of the Dahua Empire.

When Russian commander-in-chief Vladimir Ivanovich saw the soldiers in front, their morale gradually collapsed and he prepared to withdraw from the position.

He immediately shouted: "The supervising team is dispatched immediately, and the army in front must not be allowed to collapse."

According to the previously determined tactics, the Russian army is responsible for this line of defense.

Only by breaking through this line of defense can they retreat.

Zhuang Renyi watched the European Allies fighting to the death, and they were really going crazy.

The European Allied forces completely ignored the shells and grenades exploding around them.

The corpses of fallen soldiers were all over the road, and now the European Allied forces were stepping on the corpses of their companions, and they were still launching attacks.

Four of the five lines of defense in this hilly area have been lost, and the fifth line is also crumbling.

Five or six barrels of the heavy machine guns in the forward positions have been replaced.

Ammunition consumption in forward positions is extremely high.

Zhuang Renyi saw that one-fifth of the ammunition stored in the material warehouse had been used.

The only thing that made him happy was that in this defensive battle, the soldiers hid in trenches and alleys, and there were not many casualties.

Zhuang Renyi saw that the sky was getting dark, and he ordered: "Inform the soldiers to retreat according to the original plan."

The defenders of the position were ordered to lay a large number of mines on the position and retreat along the safe alleyways.

News of the Seventh Army's retreat was simultaneously conveyed to the Second Army via telegram.

Russian commander-in-chief Vladimir Ivanovich has been rotated for the second time.

He led his soldiers and took the position.

He was immediately overjoyed and climbed to the top of the hill.

He saw that this place was originally the location of Han artillery.

A large number of shell casings were left here, as well as several damaged army guns.

Russian commander Vladimir Ivanovich saw these remaining army guns.

He was so excited that he immediately went up to check.

Russian commander-in-chief Vladimir Ivanovich did not know that this was a trap.

There are a large number of mines surrounding the artillery.

Russian commander-in-chief Vladimir Ivanovich stepped on one directly.

There was a loud bang, and half of Russian commander Vladimir Ivanovich's body was blown up.

Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, climbed the hill he had finally conquered.

He ignored the body of Russian commander Vladimir Ivanovich.

Instead, he stood on the high ground of the hills and looked towards the west.

He saw that there were still hills of different sizes in the west.

On these hills, the dragon flag of the Great China Empire flies.

Louis II de Bourbon, Prince of Condé, felt his throat was so sweet that he immediately vomited blood and fainted.

This chapter has been completed!
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