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Chapter 884 Allied Forces Surrender

Zhuang Renyi, commander of the Seventh Army of the Royal Army of the Great China Empire, observes the European Allied Forces that have captured the position.

These Allied forces have realized that they are still a long way from breaking through the Royal Army's defense lines.

These European Allied forces with high morale immediately poked at the deflated balloon, and their morale quickly disappeared.

When Commander Zhuang Renyi saw the formation of the European Allied Forces, it became obviously disorganized.

Several major countries within the European Allied Forces are also wary of each other, and they have obviously become alienated from Germany.

Zhuang Renyi said disdainfully: "The trapped beasts are still fighting. They gain strength in one go, then weaken again, and then they are exhausted.

The European Allied Forces' food supplies have reached the bottom, and they should use their last remaining supplies to prepare for an all-out breakout.

The soldiers of the European Allied Forces are now clearly exhausted.

It can be seen that the food and grass in the European Allied Forces camp have been basically exhausted."

When Commander Lu Xiaosong heard what the commander said, he asked excitedly: "Commander, give the offensive task to our third division.

We will definitely be able to completely defeat the European Allied Forces and capture the leader of the European Allied Forces."

Commander Zhuang Renyi waved his hand and said: "If we choose to attack now, the cost-effectiveness is too low, and it will only increase casualties.

I judge that the European Allied Forces have been cut off from food and supplies.

In another three or four days, all the European Allied forces will turn into soft-footed shrimps, and we can go directly to capture the prisoners, which will be much easier."

When Commander Lu Xiaosong heard what Commander Zhuang Renyi said, he knew that he was so eager to seek credit that he did not pay attention to the details of the European Allied Forces' performance and did not continue to request troops.

The Royal Army chose to continue the blockade and cut off all access to the European Allied Forces.

Commander Zhuang Renyi chose a position upwind and placed steamed buns and large elbows. The aroma of the food was blown by the wind to the European Allied Forces camp.

Not long after the food was put on the table, some European Allied troops chose to surrender to the Royal Army just to have a bite of steamed buns.

Commander Zhuang Renyi learned from the people who surrendered that the European Allied Forces had completely run out of food.

The war horses in the army have been killed for meat, and the bark of the surrounding shrubs and trees has been eaten away.

Some people became hungry and began to eat sawdust from bushes or mud cakes to cope with hunger.

Lu Xiaosong learned about the situation of the European Allied Forces. He believed that the time was ripe and if he sent troops now, he would definitely achieve a great victory.

After Zhuang Renyi heard this, he smiled slightly and said: "It is not a good time to send troops at this time.

Ordinary soldiers of the European Allies, they were starving and began to surrender to us.

These people didn't know if they could survive if they surrendered.

But when they were on the verge of starving to death, and whether they surrendered or not, they would die, so they chose to surrender and have a full meal.

But the elite of the European Allied Forces probably have some privately stored food.

They can still maintain sufficient physical strength, and our army will suffer certain casualties now.

It is simply impossible for the army to secretly store large amounts of food.

If this happens, and the soldiers are already hungry and red-eyed, it cannot be restrained by the army.

In two days' time, if someone really hid the food secretly, it would all be consumed.

This is the period when our army sends troops, and can capture millions of European Allied troops almost without a single blow."

Lu Xiaosong gave a thumbs up and praised: "The commander's plan is so wonderful.

We have been waiting for such a long time, no less than two days."

During this period, Zhuang Renyi continued to communicate with Zhang Yunqing by telegram, discussing the cooperation between the two armies and sending troops together to capture the European Allied Forces.

The two armies have already discussed the final troop dispatch plan and just need to wait for the right time.

Zhuang Renyi also arranged for surrendered European Allied soldiers on the front line to eat distributed meals not far from the European Allied camp.

Let the European Allied Forces understand that as long as they surrender in time, they will not be killed.

After this attitude was conveyed, not only the number of European Allies surrendering together increased.

After the Royal Army attacks, the resistance attitude of the European Allies will also be reduced to the lowest point.

Two days have passed, April 26, 4354 (1657 AD).

Based on the prisoners' narratives and his observations, Commander Zhuang Renyi believed that the European Allied Forces had lost their ability to resist.

After notifying the Second Army, he ordered the entire army to launch a general offensive against the European Allied Forces.

After Lu Xiaosong received the order, he immediately urged his men to act quickly.

The Royal Army, with more than 100,000 men, launched an attack on millions of European Allied troops.

They were all close to the European Allied Forces camp, and there was no reaction from the European Allied Forces on the opposite side.

Lu Xiaosong knew that the European Allied Forces had been deprived of food and many people were hungry and unable to resist.

However, he did not give up his vigilance and asked the soldiers to throw grenades to blow up the fence of the European Allied Forces camp.

It would be better for the European Allied Forces to suffer greater casualties than to suffer meaningless casualties among one's own men.

When Lu Xiaosong walked into the European Allied Forces camp, his troops had basically controlled the situation in the area.

He saw many European Allied soldiers and climbed out of their tents.

They don't even have the strength to walk.

The Royal Army asked the prisoners who had surrendered before to shout that the people in the camp should come out immediately.

Once there was no response, they first threw a grenade in and then checked the situation inside the camp.

The Royal Army operates in this way to minimize the risk of being shot.

Lu Xiaosong saw some soldiers from the European Allied Forces who were a little out of character.

They had been without food for several days and relied on drinking water and eating bark and soil to survive.

Lu Xiaosong saw that these European Allied soldiers also had muskets and grenades in their hands.

He believed that this was an extremely dangerous situation. No matter how weak the European Allied soldiers were, they always had the strength to pull the trigger.

Lu Xiaosong continued to explain, making the logistics department cook a lot of gruel.

Use the gruel as a lure to guide the European Allied soldiers hiding in the tent to come out.

As long as they hand over their weapons, they can drink a bowl of hot gruel.

After Lu Xiaosong completed the arrangement, he discovered that this was to ask European Allied soldiers to take the initiative to hand over their weapons.

This greatly improves efficiency, and only one shift is needed to manage thousands of prisoners.

It is even safer than the previous method of supervising the European Allied Forces.

Lu Xiaosong's method was effective and was immediately promoted by the entire Royal Army.

As soon as the method of supplying gruel was introduced, it directly destroyed the will of most of the European Allied forces to resist.

The Royal Army adopted a step-by-step approach.

After the perimeter of the European Allied Forces was resolved, the prisoners were immediately moved to the rear and supervised by specialized personnel.

The Royal Army continues to advance towards the core of the Allied camp in Europe.

In the process of advancing towards the core of the camp, the European Allied forces encountered certain obstacles.

But these obstacles have become fragile under the threat of large-caliber artillery and heavy machine guns.

The European Allied Forces that are resisting now must be die-hard loyalists of various European countries.

It is extremely difficult for these people to reform, and they will always yearn for their homeland no matter what.

There is only one way to deal with these die-hard elements, and that is to eliminate them physically.

There were occasional gunshots, but most of them were the sounds of people swallowing gruel.

Zhuang Renyi and Zhang Yunqing met in the core camp of the European Allied Forces.

Zhang Yunqing looked at the European Allied forces entering the city. They had learned to build fortifications with sandbags.

Cannons were set up within the fortifications and would fire at the Royal Army from time to time.

He said: "In this case, there is no need to capture prisoners and let artillery destroy this camp."

Seeing this situation, Zhuang Renyi shook his head and said: "I think these people are just bluffing.

There are indeed people in the European Allied Forces who are not afraid of death, but they are definitely not these senior leaders.

If they are really not afraid of death, they will stay and fight near the Rock Fortress instead of running to the Holy Roman Empire.

They chose to retreat because they wanted to survive.

Let the artillery fire two shells first to convey our resolute attitude.

The attitude of these people is just to test our army and prepare to negotiate a good surrender condition.

When they see our army's resolute attitude, they will immediately choose to surrender."

Zhang Yunqing thought for a moment and said: "Then give it a try, these people still choose this way.

Then use cannons to send them to meet the God they believe in."

The artillery regiment received the order, and the two artillery pieces fired one after another and landed in the European Allied Forces camp.

Russian commander Vladimir Ivanovich saw artillery shells roaring towards them.

He immediately chose to lie down. Alfred Hohenzollern, the commander-in-chief of the Holy Roman Empire next to him, reacted a step too late and was directly hit in the chest by flying shell fragments.

Russian Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Ivanovich looked at his clothes, which were covered with little blood stains.

There was also a look of panic on the faces of their guards.

The two shells exploded and took away more than 200 people.

Russian Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Ivanovich looked at Commander-in-Chief of the German Confederation Otto von Schmidt.

His voice was a bit shaky as he said: "Old man, we have to find another way to make a living, and we can't continue to resist.

You have everything only if you are alive, if you continue to resist now, you will lose your life in vain."

After Prince Condé died of vomiting blood, the commander-in-chief of the German Confederation, Otto von Schmidt, died.

He proposed to surrender. At that time, negotiations could still take place to obtain their treatment.

The rest, especially the French who wanted to avenge Prince Condé, strongly resisted surrender.

Now they are all prisoners or about to become prisoners. Even if they choose to surrender, they will not enjoy preferential treatment.

But the situation now is completely different. If you don't surrender, you will die.

Otto von Schmidt, the commander-in-chief of the German Confederation, looked at the body of Alfred Hohenzollern, the commander-in-chief of the Holy Roman Empire not far away.

He didn't want to turn into a cold corpse.

Otto von Schmidt, the commander-in-chief of the German Confederation, agreed: "I think it is better to choose surrender. Only by living can you have a future.

In the future, when the country will deal with the Han army, it cannot do without talents like us who have had in-depth contact with the Han people."

The two unanimously decided to surrender, and they persuaded the others.

Zhuang Renyi watched the two artillery shells fall, and the European Allies did not choose to fight back. He knew that the European Allies were frightened.

After waiting for a while, the flag on a military flag was removed and replaced with a white sheet.

The European Allies raised the white flag and they chose to surrender.

When Zhuang Renyi saw this situation, he said confidently: "Look! What I said is right, these people are just greedy for life and afraid of death."

The European Allies surrendered, and Royal Army soldiers rushed in to control the people inside.

These people were already so hungry that they looked a little out of shape, but they still looked unconvinced.

All European Allied forces were disarmed and held in prison camps.

Zhuang Renyi saw the war ended perfectly. He looked at the flag of the European Allied Forces raised high.

"This battle is relatively easy, not difficult at all, the European Allies are too weak.

I hope that the opponents I encounter in the future will still be such a bad army.

The military report was sent to Commander Lu Chenyang, he must be waiting impatiently."

Zhang Yunqing added: "I also want to ask about the situation of the First Army?

Should our army take action immediately to support the First Army?"


Commander Lu Chenyang has been in the big tent, waiting for the troops to report their results.

The sand table in front of him changes many times every day.

Chief of Staff Zhang Lei personally held a telegram. He came over and said excitedly: "Our strategy of closing the door and beating the dogs has achieved complete success.

After the European Allied Forces' logistics was cut off, the million-strong army could not collect food at all, and everyone was hungry.

How could a hungry army fight? Seeing that the time was right, the Second Army and the Seventh Army captured most of the European Allied forces.

According to preliminary statistics, at least 800,000 prisoners were captured.

Because there are so many prisoners, we can only make rough statistics, and the error will be very large."

Commander Lu Chenyang heard that the Royal Army had captured all the European Allied Forces.

He personally changed the flag of Quling area on the sand table.

Commander Lu Chenyang laughed for the first time since he intervened in the European battlefield.

"Okay, that's great.

The complete annihilation of the European Allied Forces laid the foundation for our army's victory.

If all the European countries were put together, they might not be able to mobilize another million troops.

Especially since all the millions of veterans have been wiped out, Europe no longer has the strength to stop our army.

The development of the situation is moving in a direction that is beneficial to the empire.

European countries are now unable to even maintain their own national existence.

They can barely resist our large army.

The other two armies made breakthroughs, and that was the moment when the empire took over all of Europe.

Once this strategy is achieved, the empire will have no rivals in the world.

Achievements that have never been achieved before and may not be achieved by anyone in the future.”

Chief of Staff Zhang Lei suggested: "At this moment, take advantage of the emptiness of the Holy Roman Empire.

Should the First Army be more aggressive and capture the Austrian region?"

Commander Lu Chenyang was not overwhelmed by the magnificent victory, and he was full of determination.

He looked at the situation on the sand table and only had to think for a moment before he said: "Let the First Army continue to fight steadily and not to advance rashly.

The European Allied Forces had more than 800,000 prisoners.

More than 100,000 people from the Second Army and the Fourth Army were under guard.

Only the combined efforts of the two armies could manage to guard the prisoners.

If these prisoners are not properly placed, the two armies will never be able to go to the battlefield again.

It is too risky to rely solely on the First Army to contend with European countries."

After Commander Lu Chenyang talked about the risks, he began to make suggestions based on the latest situation.

"We are not in a hurry to launch a general offensive.

I think what we need to do now is for the Second Army and the Seventh Army to find some typical military flags and generals of the European Allied Forces.

Let all countries in Europe know that the European Allied Forces have been destroyed.

This made European countries panic, and they were unable to unite with extreme efficiency to jointly deal with our army.

When European countries hear this, the small ones will panic, and the big ones will prepare for war.

Once this happens, the morale of European countries will fall to the bottom."

Commander Lu Chenyang's suggestion was supported by Chief of Staff Zhang Lei.

Implementation of this proposal soon began.

This chapter has been completed!
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