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Chapter 919 Paris Uprising (1)

Walker, a worker at the steam engine factory, walked out of the factory at sunset, carrying his hammer.

The factory owner is too stingy and the tools used by the workers are all brought by themselves.

Walker did not dare to put the hammer in the factory. The price of this hammer could allow their family to eat meat for several days. It was the time for his children to grow up.

Other workers were very tired, but he didn't feel much discomfort.

Because of his strong body, Walker often helped other workers at work, and he had a high prestige among the workers.

The arsenal needs a large number of steam engines, and the steam engine factory is full of orders.

The factory owners don't want to spend money to recruit more workers, so they can only let the old workers work hard.

Walker left the factory, walked through several streets, and soon returned to his home in the slums.

The house in his family is just a simple wooden house. This house is older than his father.

As soon as Walker walked to the gate of the courtyard, he saw the fat-bellied tax official surrounding his house aggressively.

His wife, Elaine, had several whip marks on her body and was lying motionless on the ground. His youngest son, Jack, was lying next to his mother and crying, and there was also a whip mark on his arm.

When Walker saw this situation, he immediately strode to the gate of the courtyard. He ignored the tax officer and squatted down to check on his wife Elaine.

He touched his wife Ailian's stiff body and looked at the dried blood at the corner of her mouth.

She knew that her wife Ailian had been dead for a long time.

Walker looked at the miserable state of his wife Elaine, his knuckles holding the hammer cracked, and his angry eyes could no longer be concealed.

The tax official waved his whip, making a crackling sound in the air.

He looked at the citizens around him and yelled: "This is what happens if you dare not pay taxes.

Anyone who resists taxes will definitely not end well."

The surrounding citizens heard the tax collector say these words.

There was a look of fear on their faces, but they whispered to the people beside them.

"The Volker family is in such a miserable state. The eldest son was forcibly drafted into the battlefield and there is no news at all.

Yesterday, my second son was forced out of the city again. I wonder what will happen to him?"

"These days, there are many noble officers who have escaped from the front line.

Rumors are already spreading in the city that the Han army has already reached the outside of Paris."

"This is not a rumor, my relatives' friends are stationed at the defense line outside the city.

He specifically told my relatives that the Han army was about to storm these defense lines.

Even the fortresses carefully built by the kingdom cannot stop the Han army, and the defense line outside Paris will be breached sooner or later."

"I digress, what is going on at Uncle Walker's house?"

"Before the tax officials come to collect taxes, other taxes have been collected last year and this year.

The tax collected this time is very unusual. They will collect the poll tax from this year to twenty years from now.

It's not just Uncle Walker and Aunt Elaine who have to pay taxes.

Even their eldest son, who had not been heard from since he was drafted, and their second son, who was taken away, need to pay taxes.

Even the younger son who is not yet an adult will have to pay taxes because he will become an adult twenty years later.

How could Uncle Walker's family get such a large amount of money?

Aunt Ailian complained, and she was immediately beaten to death by the tax officer in the street."

The tax officer looked at the furious Walker. He had seen too much of the anger of these untouchables during this time.

The kingdom wanted money, and the nobles above him wanted money. He himself couldn't keep away from such a large sum of money.

So many people want money, so we can only find ways to squeeze more money out of these untouchables.

Walker looked at the aggressive tax official, and he could no longer suppress the anger in his heart.

There is no news from his eldest son and his second son, and there is a high probability that the situation is in danger.

His wife Ailian was killed by the noble's lackey. He really swallowed his breath and handed over the remaining money.

He and his youngest son will definitely starve to death on the streets.

Walker clenched the hammer in his hand. He immediately stood up and swung his hammer.

He hit the tax collector's head directly with the hammer like he was hitting steel.

The tax collector was observing the reaction of other citizens. He did not expect that these untouchables would resist.

Walker felt that hitting the tax collector on the head was easier than his usual hammering.

The tax collector's head was like a smashed watermelon.

Walker didn't stop, he immediately swung the hammer at the three thugs of the tax collector.

The wails continued, and the three thugs tried to load their muskets in a panic, but they were in a panic.

Walker immediately got close to him and smashed all three losers to death with three consecutive hammers.

He immediately took up three muskets and a flintlock pistol.

Walker's father was a knight who offended the nobles and was stripped of his knighthood.

He taught Walker since he was a child that as much power as you have, you must never give up the opportunity to enhance your strength.

Walker put away his musket and walked into the house holding the body of his wife Elaine. Tears flowed silently, but he did not cry loudly.

Birds of a feather flock together.

Many people living nearby are factory workers.

They never thought that Walker would have such a ruthless side.

"What can we do? Uncle Walker killed all the tax collectors.

The city government and noble lords will definitely not let Uncle Walker go. Will we be implicated?

The noble lord is never unreasonable."

"Wolker killed well, these tax collectors deserve to be killed.

They now want to take away the last piece of bread from our hands, and they do not want to give us a way to survive."

Walker put his wife Elaine on the bed, and walked out of the door with his musket.

He just acted impulsively and killed the tax collector in order to avenge his wife Elaine.

Now that this matter has been done, he must consider the aftermath.

Someone like him who dares to resist taxes will definitely be hanged in public.

His younger son will also lose his support and end up wandering on the street, and may even die.

In the current situation, no one’s family is rich, and if you want to feed a child, you need to pay too much.

I have no relatives or friends, so I won't raise other children at all.

Walker thought of many ways. The only way he could survive was to incite more people to resist the Kingdom of France.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Only in this way will he have a chance to survive.

Walker stood in front of everyone with his musket in hand.

"Guys, everyone knows who I am and what my character is like."

"Everyone is also aware of the noble Lord's usual style.

If I kill the tax official this time, I will definitely bring trouble to you.

You all understand what happened, and ask yourselves whether the tax collector, a pawn of the nobles, should be killed."

The Kingdom of France has continued to increase taxes during this period, and has even begun to collect taxes for the next twenty years.

The savings of the lower-class workers in Paris during this period were almost wiped out.

Anyone who dares not to pay taxes will be thrown into jail immediately.

During this time, being thrown into jail is no longer effective.

The tax officials chose to take more radical measures to force these people to pay taxes.

Volker's questioning directly allowed these people to express their anger.

"If they should be killed, they should be killed."

"Damn it, in order to pay taxes, my family can no longer afford food, and I owe a lot of money to my friends."

Walker heard the people around him making noises one after another. They were all full of hatred for the tax collectors and the nobles.

Seeing this situation, Volker gained some confidence in leading these workers to resist the Kingdom of France.

He raised the musket in his hand and roared angrily: "These nobles want to take away our last bit of money and starve our whole family.

During this period, there was no young person from any family who was captured. After they left, there was no news at all. They were probably no longer alive.

The nobles took away our relatives and now they don't want us to live at all.

We are still indifferent, and the result of waiting is starving to death at home, or being caught by the nobles and sent to the front line."

"Uncle Walker is right. The Han army has already reached near Paris. After the nobles arrest the young people, they will definitely come to arrest us.

No noble lord will ever go to the front line in person.

The useless noble officers who have returned from the city in the past few days, as well as the troops that are frequently mobilized out of the city, can all prove this."

Walker was very happy to see someone dare to resist the nobles.

"Wickam, you are a great young man.

You are right, we must not sit still and wait for death.

The nobles have bared their fangs and are preparing to use more cruel methods to collect taxes.

Today my wife Ailian was beaten to death by a tax officer, and my child was almost beaten to death.

Tomorrow my misery will fall on you.

The noble Lord wants endless money, and we simply don’t have the ability to satisfy the noble Lord’s appetite.”

Volcker's words resonated with many people.

Most people are deep in thought, considering the pros and cons of doing so.

They usually act like ostriches and bury their heads in the sand, because as long as they don't think about these things, they won't happen to them.

Now seeing the tragic situation in the Walker family, they recalled the horror of the noble master.

What Walker said has a high probability of happening.

A worker with blue eyes and red hair muttered in a low voice: "Let alone the army in the city, we can't even defeat the private soldiers of the nobles."

His voice was low, but in a quiet environment, it was clearly audible.

When Walker heard this question, he was not angry, but ecstatic.

Asking this question means that they are still thinking about resisting.

Once you don't even dare to resist, you are hopeless.

Walker said confidently: "Most of the troops in Paris went out to fight the Han army.

The noble lord cannot bring back the troops that left the city.

Once these troops leave the defense line, the Han army can tear the defense line apart.

The strength of the Han army is obvious to all, and they will definitely capture Paris as quickly as possible.

The aristocratic private armies are not to be feared. There are as many aristocratic private armies as there are civilians in Paris.

As long as we can mobilize some people, we will definitely be able to clear out these nobles."

Walker saw many people meditating, and he said excitedly: "We must not miss the opportunity.

Tonight is the last chance. Tomorrow morning, this opportunity will be gone, and the nobles will definitely deal with us seriously."

Wickham shouted loudly: "If the noble master doesn't give us a way to survive, then we will follow Uncle Walker and kill the noble master.

Why should the aristocratic master be so domineering and get rich every day?

We live precariously, work hard, and our families may starve to death.

Now the noble lord wants to take away everything from us, and we must not agree.

Defeat the noble lord and live a happy life."

Walker pointed at his youngest son and said: "We are used to living a hard life, and we cannot let our children continue to live a hard life.

The Han army besieged the city, and the troops under the nobles had been mobilized outside the city.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us to defeat the nobles.

Defeat the noble lord and let our children live a good life."

Through his words, Walker continued to channel the anger in everyone's hearts.

Every commoner family in France, except those who had just fallen from the nobility, was demoted to commoners.

The rest of the common people all have a deep hatred for the nobles.

They are usually just afraid of the power of the nobles and dare not resist them.

Now Walker is leading everyone to resist the nobles. If they don't resist, the nobles will soon take away all their property and send them to the front line as cannon fodder.

They realized this and immediately supported Volcker.

"Down with the noble lord."

"Down with the noble lord."

They reached a consensus on this street.

Volcker still has certain rules for doing things.

He first organized the workers into groups, selected group leaders, and sent everyone home to prepare weapons and rations based on the group.

This way we can supervise each other and prevent anyone from snitching in advance.

They are just a grassroots team, and there must be many loopholes in their work.

But before Volcker fired the first shot against the aristocracy in Paris, he had to prevent the news from leaking.

In addition to getting weapons when they returned home, they also asked older people to hide with women and children.

Because the team supervises each other, they can move quickly and ensure that secrets are not leaked.

They quickly gathered their weapons and dry food and met on the street.

While they were eating, they rushed to the warehouse near the arsenal.

The arsenal is heavily guarded and they cannot capture the arsenal.

But the warehouses surrounding the factory are not defended by many armed troops.

As long as they can obtain a large number of firearms, they can break into a noble's mansion.

This will allow a large number of lower class people to disenchant the nobles.

Once they understand that the nobles are not invincible, they will inevitably join the team to defeat the nobles.

Factory workers are more disciplined than the French army.

They picked up their weapons and ate dry food while walking to maintain sufficient physical strength.

Everyone only had three long guns and one short gun, and most of them were holding iron pipes, hammers, and wrenches.

Under the cover of darkness, they began to approach the warehouse where weapons were stored.

Volker didn't know why the weapons produced in the arsenal were not quickly shipped to the front line.

But he knew that these weapons warehouses would be something they must fight for.

Many of the workers behind him couldn't even fire a gun.

But they are all a group of strong and strong men, and it is very easy to use simple weapons like grenades.

As long as they master certain firearms and defeat the private armies of nobles, there will be no problem at all.

Volk took advantage of his familiarity with the roads and the fact that not many people traveled at night.

They walked all the way without anyone noticing.

Walker walked to the warehouse door, raised the musket in his hand, and pulled the trigger at the first person.

The bang of a gunshot was the first shot of the rebellion against the nobles.

This chapter has been completed!
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