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Chapter 977 Shared Hatred and Enemy

Zhang Wan of Fujian, Bai Yuangui, King of Yue, and Li Fengming, King of Jin, sent telegrams one after another to inform the world.

The states of Fujian, Yue and Jin recognized the validity of the "Treaty of Lexing".

Special envoys from various countries left Qi and returned to their respective countries.

Gu Zunhan boarded the ship returning to China. On the way, he met the Fujian navy's fleet returning to China.

He was invited by the Navy Governor Wei Zhifeng to board the flagship of the Fujian Navy.

When Navy Governor Wei Zhifeng saw Gu Zunhan, he saluted with a military salute and said respectfully: "Mr. Gu, on behalf of the entire army, I would like to thank you for your efforts."

Gu Zunhan smiled and accepted Wei Zhifeng's courtesy.

What he did deserves Wei Zhifeng's respect.

Gu Zunhan also knew why Wei Zhifeng saluted.

Soldiers are most afraid that they will fight to the death on the front line, only to be betrayed by the civilians in the rear.

During the peace talks, he recognized the military's achievements and insisted on retaining the military's achievements, which was recognized by the military.

Gu Zunhan said with a smile: "Eating the emperor's salary is a matter of loyalty to the emperor.

I just did what I should do. The general does not need to thank me. The most important thing to thank is the king for his support to the entire army.

The hard work of the general and others has given me the confidence to stand at the negotiating table.

Only those who win will have the confidence to clamor at the negotiation table.

The army is not performing well, and I am acting iron-clad, but that is of no use."

Gu Zunhan made a scene, and he said mockingly: "Only a sensible person like the general will recognize my contribution.

After I return to China, I will definitely be reviled by some people.

People who do practical things cannot worry about being reviled and stop doing things."

General Wei Zhifeng asked in surprise: "How could such a thing happen? Mr. Gu has done his best to fight for the interests of our country.

All the benefits we deserve are already in our hands.

The fertile fields on both sides of the Nile River are divided according to the actual control line.

Our country has directly acquired more than one million acres of fertile land, and the food grown can feed many people.

As for Vietnam, our army had no ability to retake Danji Port.

Even when a Vietnamese battleship was sunk using a submarine, both fleets still suffered losses.

This is because our naval strength is insufficient.

But the goals before the war have basically been achieved, and our country has already established its prestige. These newly arrived vassal states know that they cannot treat our country as a soft persimmon to be manipulated at will."

Gu Zunhan smiled bitterly and said: "General Wei sees things in a clear and logical way, which is an important reason why General Wei was able to become the naval governor.

But some people are extremely short-sighted. They will only see me signing to give up Tangi Port, and they will criticize me verbally."

Wei Zhifeng said in surprise: "I think the people are sensible people and they should not do this."

Gu Zunhan just smiled and did not continue to discuss the issue.

He also did not ask the Navy for details of this operation.

Gu Zunhan only needs to know the outcome of the war, the process is not important to him.

He discussed with General Wei Zhifeng about General Wei Zhifeng's views on the Yue Navy.

Discussing this kind of thing will neither involve navy secrets nor bore General Wei Zhifeng.

Gu Zunhan could also clearly understand the basic situation of the navies of the two countries.

The waves crashed against the side of the ship, causing splashes of water.

Gu Zunhan stood on the deck. He left the warship and the ship was more focused on its journey. It has now arrived at the port of Athens.

Officials of his level do not need to queue up to enter the port like ordinary civilian ships.

Arrive directly at the port through a special channel.

Gu Zunhan had just landed ashore and was about to take a car to the Min Palace to report all the details of the peace talks to Zhang Wan of Fujian.

Suddenly he heard someone roaring loudly.

"The traitorous officials are harming the country. Beat me."

"Purge the traitors and restore order to the country of Fujian."

Gu Zunhan then felt that several rotten eggs and many rotten vegetable leaves fell on him.

He was immediately protected by people around him and fell into the car on the roadside.

The car quickly got out of the crowd and fled the scene.

Gu Zunhan smelled the stinky smell on his body, with a helpless expression on his face.

While he was on the road, the "Treaty of Lexing" must have spread.

Many people in Fujian were dissatisfied with him, so they treated him in this way.

The car continued to rush to the palace of the King of Fujian. The King of Fujian had previously ordered him to pay an audience immediately after returning to the country.

It was impossible for him to go home to clean himself first and let King Zhang Wan of Fujian wait for him in the palace. He could only go and report first.

Gu Zunhan rushed to the Min Palace and had just gotten off the car.

Little John, the golden-haired eunuch, walked over. He smelled the stench on Gu Zunhan's body and frowned.

"Lord Gu, the king has asked you to attack immediately."

Gu Zunhan pointed to his own situation, frowned and said: "If I go to see you in this smell now, it is not a collision with Wang Jia."

Little John, the golden-haired eunuch, said helplessly: "Master Gu, the king is already aware of your situation.

The king insists on his opinion and wants you to enter the palace immediately."

When Gu Zunhan heard that this was the case, he had no choice but to follow the golden-haired eunuch Little John into the palace.

The King of Fujian Zhang Wan saw Gu Zunhan's somewhat embarrassed figure and smelled the pungent smell on his body.

He immediately stood up from the dragon chair and comforted: "Gu Aiqing is suffering. You are misunderstood by the people for the sake of the country of Fujian."

Gu Zunhan's eyes were red and he said: "With these words from the king, no matter what suffering I suffer, it will be worth it."

The king of Fujian, Zhang Wan, waved his hand and said: "I have made arrangements for Gu Aiqing to take a bath with me."

King Zhang Wan of Fujian led Gu Zunhan to the bath in the palace.

The two of them took a bath under the service of the palace eunuch to wash away the dirt on their bodies.

Zhang Wan, the king of Fujian, leaned on the edge of the bath and asked Gu Zunhan next to him: "Gu Aiqing is a talented strategist who is famous in all countries.

What does Gu Aiqing think of the current situation and subsequent developments?"

Gu Zunhan was a little flattered, but he had already thought clearly about the issues asked by the Fujian King Zhang Wan on his way back to China.

"Your Majesty, the signing of the "Lexing Treaty" will definitely increase the hatred between our country and the Jin and Yue countries.

We must use various methods to guide this hatred.

Let the power of hatred not become the source of civil strife in Fujian, but become the driving force for the development of Fujian.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! I use an idiom to summarize this incident, it is the same hatred and the same enemy.

Regardless of whether the citizens have hatred for this matter, they are all citizens of Fujian.

The king must unite the strength of the people and guide the strength of the people to jointly deal with the threats of Yue and Jin.

The current recognition of the country of Fujian among the people is still too low, which is why the people can immigrate easily.

They regard themselves as Han people, not as Min people.

They feel that other vassal countries have better treatment, and there is no psychological burden at all, so they will immigrate to these countries immediately.

In this situation, for ordinary citizens, their development space is broader.

But for Fujian, this is not conducive to long-term peace and stability in the future.

The power of hatred is also very useful. We must use the power of hatred to build consensus and let them know that they are Fujianese."

Zhang Wan, the king of Fujian, praised: "Gu Aiqing is talking about national identity.

I have been doing this kind of thing all the time. In the past, it was mainly based on factors such as policies, treatment, and living habits.

I haven't thought about starting with hatred.

Listening to what Gu Aiqing said, I really gained a lot."

The King of Fujian, Zhang Wan, then held an imperial meeting to discuss the implementation of the "Lexing Treaty".

There is also the use of hatred to build consensus and strengthen the identity of the Chinese people.

They all know the importance of publicity and public opinion.

The authoritative media and private tabloids in Fujian began to consciously guide public opinion.

Gu Zunhan hid in his mansion and did not dare to go out. He would only go out in a car under the protection of guards when he went to court every day and was summoned by the King of Fujian.

Now he brought this all on himself.

As the state of Fujian began to use state power for propaganda, the people's hatred of the Yue state and worries about the Jin state increased sharply every day.

If the Chinese people have hatred in their hearts, they must vent it out.

Unable to vent their hatred against Yue and Jin, they targeted Gu Zunhan.

He looked at the newspaper on the table. The title of the newspaper already showed the power of using hatred to build consensus.

The Fujian Daily reprinted the report of the Jin Daily.

Gu Zunhan read out the main contents of his summary.

"The King of Jin Li Fengming deeply mourns the soldiers who died in the self-defense battle.

When talking about the lost territory, Jin King Li Fengming cried bitterly."

He took another look at the report in the Fujian Entertainment News.

During the performance of the drama "Consultant Chen Ermao", militiamen shot the actors in the audience.

This play tells the story of the fort staff officer Chen Ermao who led his soldiers and fought hard, preferring death to surrender, and died heroically.

Gu Zunhan looked at the newspaper reports and knew that many people in Fujian had reached a consensus without going out.

They all believed that Yue and Jin were enemy countries. Even if they immigrated to other countries, they would not choose Yue and Jin.

Using this method can indeed build national consensus in a short period of time.

But as time goes by, it will definitely lead to intensified conflicts between countries.

Normally, Gu Zunhan would never come up with this idea.

But at this time, there is no need to wait for civil sentiment to explode. European countries will definitely break out into larger-scale wars due to conflicts of interest.

The idea of ​​great unification in the hearts of the Han people has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

If there are multiple Han-dominated countries in a region, a war for unification will inevitably break out.

There are more than a dozen vassal states in Europe, and as long as there is a king of one vassal state who wants to unify Europe.

War between major vassal states is inevitable.

There are not just one or two kings who think this way, but most of them.

Anyone with insight can see the situation in Europe.

Gu Zunhan sometimes thought that Emperor Su He must have anticipated this situation.

Emperor Su He acquiesced in this situation because he wanted to continue to consume the local aborigines through wars between vassal states.

Emperor Su He's vision was broader. He didn't care which country dominated Europe, but only which ethnic group dominated Europe.


Wan Liang, the cabinet minister of Vietnam, quietly returned to the country.

On the way to Xiyang by train, he heard many people talking about the "Lexing Treaty" and him.

"Wan Liang is just a mediocre person, and he could be replaced by any ordinary citizen, even if he is replaced by a dog.

The content of the signed treaty is similar to his."

"Brother is right, our Yue country has the upper hand.

It was easier to supply the fleet, but as the war continued, it became clear that Fujian could not hold on.

Fujian experienced difficulties in supplying fuel and ammunition.

Wan Liang, a mediocre official, was anxious to sign the treaty.

Tangi Port is originally occupied by our country based on its strength. It is a happy event that we have taken this bridgehead to control North Africa.

But why didn’t Fujian compensate for the losses caused by the sinking of the battleship Glory?

If anyone can think of something, why doesn’t Wanliang do it?”

When Wan Liang heard these people's theories, he was very helpless.

These people only know the basics of the situation, so they can speak freely.

The State of Yue thought too well before going to war and had forgotten Sun Tzu's teachings.

Soldiers are a major event for the country.

The fact that the Yue State was unprepared and resorted to using swords and soldiers to fight like this is already a factor that the Min State was also unprepared.

This war in the country of Yue made the country of Yue realize.

They often won battles before because they had the powerful platform of the empire.

The establishment of the Yue Kingdom was too short, war supplies were not fully prepared, and there were too many areas that needed to be made up for.

The Yue Kingdom did have the upper hand, but as the war continued, the Yue Kingdom's development collapsed.

This war did not bring much loss of interests to Vietnam.

On the contrary, because of the war situation, the impetuousness of the Yue Kingdom was cleared.

Wan Liang believes that if Vietnam goes to war again, it must be fully prepared.


Xu Fengyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Jin, set foot on the land of the State of Jin with fear.

On his way back to China, he had already received a telegram from his colleagues.

Certain factions within the Jin Kingdom were affected by the signing of the "Lexing Treaty".

Xu Fengyan sold the huge territory north of Lianghu City.

These people thought that he was a treacherous minister of the Jin State, and some wanted to kill the treacherous minister.

There are also some people who believe that Xu Fengyan is a spy of the enemy country, and they want to clean up the traitors for the country.

When Xu Fengyan signed the treaty, he knew that besides Governor Gu Lingjun, he was the most important candidate to take the blame.

During this brief conflict between Jin and Min, they have discovered many problems in Jin.

The most important and unsolvable problem is that the Jin army is too weak.

Sun Tzu's Art of War all introduces the siege of a city. The attacking party must besiege the city ten times.

However, the Jin army used twice as many troops as the enemy to defend the city, and finally managed to hold Lianghu City.

Once the time drags on too long, the Jin army's lack of training will be exposed, and it is unclear where the war situation will develop.

The word "Xu Fengyan" must be signed.

Xu Fengyan was ridiculed many times by Gu Zunhan in Qi State, but there was one sentence that he thought was right.

You cannot build a strong army by fighting against the indigenous troops.

Life in the Jin Kingdom was too comfortable, and all the Jin troops were trained as young master soldiers.

He usually behaves very well, but once he goes to the battlefield, his true colors are revealed.

The army is not strong, and as a civil servant, he desperately wants to fight for the interests of the Jin State, but there is nothing he can do.

Shangshu Xu Fengyan had just landed ashore and was preparing to leave the port in a car.

"Kill the traitorous officials."

A roar sounded in the harbor.

A crisp gunshot sounded, and Xu Fengyan let out a cry. His right arm was shot and bleeding.

The guards around him immediately surrounded him and protected him.

The guards reacted quickly, took out their pistols, immediately wounded the assassin, and snatched the gun from him.

Xu Fengyan pushed away the guard's hand, glanced at the citizens watching the excitement, pointed at the assassin, looked up to the sky and sighed: "You are so brave, why don't you go to the front line and drive away the enemies who have invaded our territory.

What you are doing now is the courage of an ordinary man.

A man must protect his family and country with dignity and dignity."

What Xu Fengyan said was secretly recorded by the camera next to him.

This assassination was a show.

This chapter has been completed!
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