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Chapter 978: Sin yourself edict

Xu Fengyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Jin, went to the hospital for treatment surrounded by citizens.

Due to his identity, he quickly received the best treatment in the hospital, had surgery to remove the warhead, and was admitted to the most upscale sterile ward.

Xu Fengyan leaned on the hospital bed, the muscles on his face twitching continuously.

When the operation was about to end, he woke up from anesthesia and was pressed on the operating table by the doctor to complete the operation.

For a person of his status, doctors would not dare to use large doses of anesthetics.

The level of doctors in Jin was limited, and patients overdosed on anesthetic drugs and could easily never wake up.

Reduce the dosage of anesthetic drugs, especially for people who drink alcohol, as it is easy to wake up before the operation is over.

The lesser of two evils will only make the patient more miserable.

Xu Fengyan was in physical pain, but he was happy in his heart.

The port attack was a scene he directed and acted.

He heard the warning from his friends on the road and thought about how to guard against possible attacks.

This kind of thing is definitely unavoidable. The earthen jar collides with the porcelain, and it can be done countless times. As long as it succeeds, it is worth it.

Xu Fengyan did the opposite and followed his opponent's path, leaving his opponent with no way to go.

He was unable to eliminate the hatred of some factions in Jin who had seriously damaged their interests.

But he can find a way to divert the hatred of these people.

Now we can only wait for the results to see if his plan is successful.

In the ward, Xu Fengyan frequently received condolences from representatives from all walks of life and interviews from reporters from major newspapers.

He only stayed in the hospital for three days. After his condition stabilized, he immediately left for Luoyang to report to Jin Wang Li Fengming the relevant details of the signing process of the "Lexing Treaty".

While Xu Fengyan was riding the train, he heard a newspaper reading from the loudspeaker in the carriage, and his name was chanted many times.

When he heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

This injury was well worth it. Most of the people's hatred has been transferred away from him.

Taking his incident as a trigger, many forces in the Jin Kingdom made their voices heard one after another.

The main propaganda direction is that weak countries have no diplomacy.

What cannot be obtained on the battlefield cannot be obtained at the negotiation table.

Jin did not want to be humiliated again, so it could only work hard to become stronger.

Strengthening yourself is the fundamental way to solve problems.

Xu Fengyan felt warm in his heart when he saw this kind of propaganda direction.

He no longer has to worry about his own safety.

People know that a weak country has no diplomacy, which is an important principle for dealing among countries.

They would not put their hatred on him.

Everything he does is remarkable, and he is not afraid of others looking at him with a magnifying glass.

Xu Fengyan got off the train from Luoyang Railway Station. He judged that he would not be attacked, but he was still a little nervous.

He didn't relax completely until he got into the car sent by the royal family.

Absolutely no one would dare to attack the royal family's vehicles despite the disdain of the world.

The royal family of any country will choose to suppress any behavior that dares to challenge the majesty of the royal family.

Xu Fengyan got off the car in the palace. Under the leadership of the eunuch chief, he went to meet Jin Wang Li Fengming.

When he saw Jin Wang Li Fengming, who looked a little haggard, he immediately saluted and said: "Xu Fengyan, Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, pays homage to the king.

The minister is incompetent, which brings shame to the king and brings shame to the state of Jin.

We can only sign the "Lexing Treaty" which humiliates the country."

Jin Wang Li Fengming ordered: "Give Xu Aiqing a seat."

He then waved his hand and said: "If we are not as strong as others, if we don't sign the treaty, the Fujian Congress will seize more territory.

I'm not one of those ignorant fools.

If it weren't for the other vassal states putting pressure on the Fujian state, they would have won more victories before choosing to cease the war.

If our country wants to cease the war, it must meet more conditions from Fujian.

This incident was not Xu Aiqing's fault, nor was it the Jin army's fault.

The Jin army sacrificed tens of thousands of people. It was not that they did not want to win the war, but that they were powerless.

In this matter, we want to trace the person responsible for the mistake, and I have an unshirkable responsibility."

When Xu Fengyan heard Jin Wang Li Fengming take the initiative to admit his mistake, he immediately knelt on the ground in fear.

"These are all the fault of the ministers."

Xu Fengyan is familiar with history, and he knows that a monarch will never admit that he is wrong unless he is forced to admit his mistakes.

When a monarch admits that he was wrong, he completely negates what he has done before.

It would be extremely painful for an ordinary person to deny himself, let alone a monarch who wields absolute power.

When a monarch admits his fault, it also damages his prestige.

He will not leave a very good evaluation in the history books.

Jin Wang Li Fengming saw Xu Fengyan's fearful look.

He said with a relaxed expression: "If you are wrong, you are wrong. I still have some responsibility.

We have made mistakes in the first place, and we have not deeply reviewed our mistakes and completely reversed our wrong policies.

It is impossible for Jin to stand up again.

If Jin wants to change its direction 180 degrees, it must break up the vested interest factions.

This effect cannot be achieved by letting anyone take the blame.

Only if I carry this pot on my back can I achieve the effect of sinking the cauldron and sinking the boat.

I can carry this pot on my back. Only if I carry this pot on my back can you go into battle with ease, smash the bottles and cans of Jin State, and let Jin State start sailing again.

The foundation of our Jin country is always stronger than that of the newly established vassal states.

These countries are prosperous, but our Jin country is lifeless. This situation is very wrong."

Xu Fengyan started to work again. When he saw the calm and graceful King of Jin Li Fengming, he was filled with admiration.

Only when he works under such a king can he truly accomplish important things.

He did not expect that Jin Wang Li Fengming would know the difference between domestic and foreign countries without going abroad.

When he canvassed various countries this time, his biggest impression was the prosperity abroad.

The country of Jin was like a backwater. Even if immigrants from Jin were treated better, immigrants from the empire would choose those newly established countries.

After visiting many countries, he realized that the people at the bottom of the Jin Kingdom no longer had the opportunity to grow.

Their highest achievement is to become farmers or small businessmen.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Jin State does not give people hope, so these people will naturally run to places where they can get hope.

Shangshu Xu Fengyan learned about Jin Wang Li Fengming's attitude.

He began to report on the performance of officials from various countries before and after the signing of the treaty.

He introduced the situation of each vassal country in his eyes from the perspective of an onlooker.

It's just a straightforward introduction without any personal subjective opinions.

After Jin Wang Li Fengming listened to the report, he said without surprise: "Xu Aiqing's report is similar to what I learned.

There is a big gap between the Jin State and other vassal states. The failure of this war is a reminder to us.

This king would like to thank this war, which directly awakened the Jin State, which had been dormant in its former prosperity.

The king left the empire too early and did not realize the rapid development of the empire.

For some situations, the response is too slow.

It is not too late for me to wake up now, Jin still has a chance to become a powerful country."

After Xu Fengyan finished his report, he returned to the mansion with a relaxed expression.

Jin Wang Li Fengming's in-depth conversation with him made him full of hope for the future.

Jin Wang Li Fengming's heart-to-heart talk this time is a signal that he will be reused in the future.


Shangshu Xu Fengyan had the most peaceful sleep at home.

He got up in the morning and glanced at the Jinguo Daily as a habit. He was surprised by the headlines on the front page.

After he had an in-depth talk with the King of Jin Li Fengming yesterday, he knew that the Jin Kingdom would face a huge storm.

The front page of the most authoritative newspaper in the Jin Dynasty published the "Edict of Sin" written by King Li Fengming of Jin Dynasty.

Jin Wang Li Fengming apologized to all citizens in an edict.

He bluntly pointed out that the reason why the Jin army failed was not because of the command errors of the frontline generals or because the frontline soldiers fought without their lives.

It was he, the king, who failed to develop the country well and failed to pay attention to the innovation of weapons and equipment.

Let the good men of Jin use backward weapons to deal with the enemy.

The Jin State is in the midst of tremendous changes and must not dwell on its past glory.

Their enemies are no longer the indigenous tribes, but powerful countries that are also Han Chinese.

Jin Wang Li Fengming's "Edict on Sin" caused an uproar in the Jin Kingdom.

King Li Fengming of Jin took the initiative to bear the blame, so many officials in Jin did not have to take the blame.

Governor Gu Lingjun, Minister of Foreign Affairs Xu Fengyan, and generals who failed in frontline operations.

They were either fined or demoted, but did not completely withdraw from officialdom, thus maintaining the stability of Jin's political situation.

However, the relevant policies of Jin State ushered in great changes.

The Jin State completely deregulated domestic commerce, allowing anyone to do business freely.

The Jin State also provided policy guidance to give higher status and more preferential treatment to businessmen who opened factories.

Based on the experience of this battle, the Jin State also made major adjustments to the command of the Jin army.

The generals of the Jin army should make full use of new technologies when commanding operations. Wireless telegraphy and telephone technologies were popularized on the front lines.

The Jin army's firepower was no weaker than that of the Fujian army, but its command was poor and its reaction speed was slow.

This is the summary after the war and the important reason for the failure.

The issuance of the "Edict of Sin" also brought about a change in Jin's policy.

Jin Wang Li Fengming thought it would cause a huge disturbance in the country.

He has already arranged the army to suppress any possible rebellion in the country at any time.

The continued development of the Jin State must not be stagnated because of the interests of a small group of people.

Jin Wang Li Fengming would rather abandon some people than he would like the Jin royal family to become prisoners of others one day in the future.

However, he found that this group of people was far less powerful than he imagined.

There is no need to send out troops at all. All it takes is the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, carrying a piece of official documents, to capture them all.

Ordinary citizens of the Jin Kingdom saw the "Edict of Sin" written by King Li Fengming of Jin, and their support for the Jin Kingdom became even more enthusiastic.

They prefer a monarch who corrects his mistakes after he realizes them, rather than a monarch who is superior.

The changes in Min, Yue, and Jin have always been concerned by the other vassal states.

The impact of changes in these three countries indirectly affected the policies of the other vassal states.


In the Xuanjing Palace of Gui Kingdom.

King Qutian of Gui and Prime Minister Tong Hegui were discussing the Three Kingdoms of Fujian, Yue, and Jin.

Prime Minister Tong Hegui sighed: "The countries of Fujian, Yue, and Jin all chose to build national consensus through propaganda of opposition and hatred.

This is very detrimental to the regional environment, as countries have conflicts of interest.

As hatred intensifies, conflicts among countries become more acute.

This is like a high-pressure boiler that is constantly adding coal and may explode at any time.

Your Majesty, our country must prepare in advance.

Fortunately, the northern part of our country is backed by the empire, so the pressure on national defense is not that great.

The Empire does not pay attention to the wars between vassal states, and we do not need to defend ourselves against the Empire's situation.

If the empire really wants to intervene in the war between its vassal states, with our country’s capabilities, it can’t stop it at all.”

Prime Minister Tong Hegui felt a sense of powerlessness when he thought of the empire's mighty power.

Now let's simply keep the empire out of the scope of decision-making.

The Gui Kingdom has the power to fight against other vassal states, but against the Empire, they don't even have a chance to resist temporarily.

The number of tanks publicly reported by the empire has exceeded 10,000.

The terrain of the Gui Kingdom is flat and flat, and it does not require ten thousand chariots. It only needs a thousand chariots to directly penetrate the Gui Kingdom.

Gui Wang Qutian said directly: "Now the performance of the major vassal states has been very obvious.

Give up peace and prepare for war.

There will definitely be a chaotic war in Europe in the future.

When did the empire become involved in other things and its control over Europe weakened.

This was the time when chaos broke out in Europe.

Our country, Gui, will never stay aloof.

Now we must use all means to enhance Gui's war potential.

Only by surviving can you have the opportunity to think about the future."

After Gui Wang Qutian set the tone, he put forward his own opinion.

"I have observed the performance of the Three Kingdoms and think their methods are very good.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Don’t focus on what method they use, whether it is hatred or other methods, the most critical point is to build the consensus of the people.

Only by making the people realize that they are not only Han people, but also Gui people.

Only in this way can we protect our country from the bottom of our hearts and fight for the interests of Gui."

Prime Minister Tong Hegui agreed: “The people’s recognition of the country needs to be done carefully and quietly.

Even if you use propaganda to constantly emphasize it, it will have no effect if the people don't believe it in their hearts.

Only when they recognize Gui Guo can they consider themselves Gui Guo people.

This matter is extremely difficult, but it must be done well.”

Gui Wang Qutian thought of something, and he specifically explained: "Military industry production must be strengthened, and attention must be paid to the empire's new technologies.

When new technologies like tanks are applied on the battlefield, relevant information must be obtained as soon as possible.

Other countries have tanks, but our country does not. If this happens, it would be too dangerous.

The relevant actions of the Three Kingdoms of Fujian, Vietnam and Jin will inevitably lead to a regional arms race.

We must prepare in advance and increase investment in the military and military factories.

Even if our country is not in the lead in the arms race, it must not fall behind.

Countries that lag behind in military competition will inevitably be targeted by other countries and become the first targets to be attacked."

When Prime Minister Tong Hegui heard the explanation from Gui Wang Qutian, he immediately responded: "Your Majesty, the cabinet will definitely support the development of the military industry.

Every penny invested in the military industry can be earned back in the future.

This time cheap weapons from America made a lot of money.

This situation must not happen again in the future."

The monarch and his ministers determined the future development direction of the country and immediately began to implement it.

When the major vassal states learned about the situation in the three kingdoms of Fujian, Yue, and Jin, they all took action. Even Shu, the most peaceful state, made preparations for war.

This chapter has been completed!
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