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Chapter five hundred and eighty third retreat accident

 Sibo Yiyin cursed.

"Get out of here! I've tolerated you for a long time, Teru Uesugi! If you don't get out, I'll be really angry!"

Terutora Uesugi shivered and looked at his furious sweetheart. Although he always felt that something was wrong, he still nodded helplessly.

"I will lead the team to retreat first. You must be careful and retreat quickly."

Yiyin waved his hand impatiently.

"Come on, hurry up! You're talking like a man on the battlefield!

You are the general, and the whole army is still waiting for you to command the retreat!"

Uesugi Teruhora gritted his teeth, turned around and ordered the Nagatails to leave the battle line and retreat westward.

Yiyin is right, she has her own responsibilities.

Naoe Keizuna should have withdrawn to the Saikawa Ferry, and Uesugi Teruhora needs to bring his entire army back to Saikawa to join forces in order to be considered safe.

This is not the time for children to be in love, both of them have their own things to do.

Terutora Uesugi gave Yoshigan a cherished look and turned away resolutely.

Yiyin smiled slightly and said to Honzo Nogecho next to him.

"Let's charge for a while and see if we can kill Takeda Harunobu."

Honjo Shigenaga lowered his head and bowed, and said hello. The two girls behind her exchanged glances, it was Irocho Minoru and Shinbada Shigeie.

No one is a fool, and the last team to withdraw from the battlefield is the most dangerous.

Although it was said that Maori Kagehiro's imperial army would cut off the rear for them, the Yutai people's horses were exhausted and would fall to death soon.

At this time, we have to take risks to charge into the formation, and the danger is greatly increased. The three leaders of the Yutai people, including our village Shinchang, know what they are doing, and they must be cautious about charging into the formation this time.

If the situation is not right, flash immediately.

Little did Yiyin know that these Yutai people under his command had already begun to think carefully.

When the Doshinzos clashed with Takeda Nobushige, the team broke up, and Yamanaka Yukimori and Kamaojigo were not with him.

In order to protect Terutora Uesugi from retreating and to ensure that the Nagao people did not suffer too many losses, he could only lead the Otai people to charge for a while longer.

Fortunately, the fighting was strong and the kill value was sufficient, so Yiyin felt confident. Even if more people from the Imperial Guard died, his own safety would still be no problem.


Takeda Harunobu watched Uesugi Teruhora leading his team away from the front from a distance, furious but helpless.

If the right-wing troops were defeated a moment later, she would order her troops to stick to Uesugi Teruhu and prevent her from evacuating easily.

But the situation was unclear before, and Takeda Harunobu himself also had the intention of running away, so of course he would not complete the matter.

What if it’s you who runs away and gets stuck?

Now that Takeda's reinforcements have arrived and are rolling towards the battlefield, the longer it takes, the better it will be for Takeda Harunobu.

However, due to the unstoppable rollback of the defeated troops on the right wing, Takeda's main formation lost the possibility of entangling Uesugi Teruhu's troops, and could only watch her calmly retreat.

Just when Takeda Harunobu felt pity, the troops on the right wing let out a cry of panic, and then attacked the formation more violently, making Takeda Chibi unable to take care of the home governor's location.

Takeda Haru felt alarm bells ringing in her heart and ordered.

"Hatagonists, come closer to me!"


In the crowd, the bannermen tried their best to get closer to their master.

At this time, the silhouette in the distance was getting closer and closer, and the defeated soldiers became more and more uneasy, howling like ghosts and wolves trying to escape further.

"Shiba Yiyin is here! Run!"

Takeda Harunobu's body was shaken, his eyes were red, and he looked into the distance.

I saw a warrior leading the way, his white clothes stained with blood. Thousands of troops did not dare to stand in front of him, and they all fled in all directions.

Takeda Haru felt a pang of confidence. Was Nobushige's part in the blood stains?

She let out a low growl from her throat like a wounded beast, then held a knife in her hand and gave the order.

"Hatamoto gathers together!

The person who takes off Sibo Yiyin’s head has knowledge and practice of thousands of stones! I will grant her the status of a sect!”

As soon as these words came out, the bannermen suddenly became red-eyed and desperately gathered in front of the family governor.

One thousand knowledges are enough for the Hatamotohime samurai to rise to the ranks of middle and high-level samurai. Takeda Harunobu also promised to be listed as a sect. This is to marry a son of Takeda blood!

The Takeda family is a famous clan of the Genji family in Kawachi, and their family status is second only to the Ashikaga clan. Becoming a member of the Takeda clan is a step to the top for ordinary Hime samurai!

At this moment, the Hatamoto clan had forgotten the fear of death, and all they could see was Shiba Yoshigan's head.


Yoshigan led the charge, pointing directly at Takeda Harunobu's military flag.

Sure enough, I saw a long-legged imperial sister standing in the formation, with flags surrounding her and waiting in formation.

Honjo Shigenaga signaled the Otai people to move forward on horseback, passed Yoshigan Shiba and rushed into the enemy's position first.

Takeda Harunobu's bannermen were elite members of the family, and they were encouraged by the generous rewards from the family governor. They became ferocious and would not retreat but advance.

The two sides collided, and several Yutai people fell down immediately, fighting with Takeda Hatamoto.

Yoshigan overcame the chaos in front of the battle, ignored the melee of the Hime warriors, and rode his horse to stab Takeda Harunobu himself.

Takeda Harunobu raised his sword to fight, but was hit by a war horse running out from the side. He staggered, dropped his sword and fell to the ground.

Yiyin thought that if he had a good chance, he would shoot her in the head.

At this moment, a person came out from Takeda Harunobu's side and rushed toward Yoshigami. It was Kansuke Yamamoto.

"Take care, Governor, Kansuke Yamamoto is leaving!"

Yiyin stabbed her in the shoulder with a spear, and quickly took her flying out, slamming her on the ground in front of her. Several war horses galloped past, trampling her until she vomited blood and died.

Behind him, Takeda Harunobu took advantage of this moment to catch his breath, rolled over and rolled a few steps away, avoiding the charge of the horse.

Yoshigan led the team to kill Takeda Harunobu's Hatakemen, but found that the number of Odai people around him had dropped sharply, and shouted to Honjo Shigenaga.

"What's going on! Where are the people!"

Honjo Shigenaga knew that Irobashi Minoru and Shinbada Shigeie were deliberately lagging behind, and were wandering around the edge with most of the Odai people, ready to retreat at any time.

But she pretended to be confused.

"Maybe they were dispersed by the defeated troops."

Yiyin was surprised.

These Yutai people have been able to keep up with the queue before, why are they falling behind so much now?

The battlefield was chaotic and he had no intention of thinking too much. He looked at the Hatamotos who had come closer to protect Takeda Harunobu and sighed.

No chance, just retreat.

Yiyin shouted.

"Retreat! The entire army retreats!"

Honjo Shigenaga had been waiting for his words. The Odai people quickly turned around and retreated to the west. Yoshigan Shiba, who was at the tip of the front line, instantly fell to the last position.

Seeing him leaving, Takeda Harunobu shouted.

"Where are the bows and arrows! Fire the arrows! Stop him!"

Several arrows came towards Yiyin, but he didn't care. I have killing mode to protect my body, which will only cause flesh wounds.

Unexpectedly, an arrow pierced the butt of his horse. The tired horse immediately jumped up and almost knocked Yiyin to the ground.

A heroic Chijia Ji warrior took the opportunity to break away from the battle formation, strode forward, and aimed to stab Yiyin with his spear.

Yiyin grabbed the horse's neck tightly and did not dare to let go. In the confusion, he threw out the knife in his hand and hit Warrior Ji on the shoulder.

Warrior Ji's eyes darkened, and he fell to the ground lifeless. Unluckily enough, he triggered the fatal effect of the killing mode.

The frightened horses galloped eastwards with Yoshigage, and behind them came the hoarse cry of Takeda Hime.

"Lord Itoto Huchang!"

This chapter has been completed!
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