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Chapter five hundred and eighty fourth lies a storm

 Honjo Shigenaga turned around and saw this scene, he was dumbfounded and was about to give the order to turn around and respond.

Shinbada Shigeie galloped to her side and shouted.

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry and leave! The Takeda Army is about to surround us! If we delay any longer, we won't be able to leave!"

Honjo Shigecho shouted.

"Oitaisuo! Oitaisuo hasn't come back yet!"

Shinbada Shigeie shouted.

"What kind of person is Otai Suo? Why do you need to worry about him? He will naturally turn around!"

The image of Shiba Yoshiyin who is good at fighting was completely rooted in the hearts of the people in Yutai during this battle.

Honjo Shigenaga was still hesitating, but the Takeda army was approaching and encircling them. In desperation, she commanded the Otai brigade to retreat westward.

On the way, they met Tongxin people who came to meet up. Yamazaka Yukimori couldn't see Shiba Yiyin, so he turned pale and asked.

"Where is Your Highness?"

Honjo Nogecho hesitated and couldn't answer. You can't say that the people at the imperial court abandoned the imperial palace and ran back by themselves, right?

Next to him, Shinbada Shigeie pointed forward and rushed to answer.

"The Imperial Palace is right in front."

Yamazaka Yukimori felt at ease, so he turned around together with the Yutai people and retreated to the west.

Honjo Shigenaga glared at Shinbada Shigeie who was talking nonsense, but he only got a wink from her, but he had no choice but to do anything.

A hint of gloom suddenly arose in her heart. What would have happened if His Highness had not turned around? How would this matter end?


Terutora Uesugi commanded the troops to retreat. Murakami Yoshikiyo's troops, Kakizaki Keie's troops, Nakajo Fujisa's troops, and Saito Asanobu's troops all left the battlefield.

As the palace army, Mouri Jingguang, who was guarding the main formation, stayed put and helped the various troops retreat to the rear.

Yamazaka Yukimori led his fellow soldiers and retreated together with the Yutai people from Nobunaga. The further they went, the more frightened they became.

When she reached the palace of Mouri Kagehiro, she couldn't help it anymore and questioned Honzo Nobunaga.

"Where is His Highness? Didn't you say that His Highness left first? Why haven't I seen anyone yet?"

Honjo Shigenaga didn't know how to explain it. Shinbada Shigeie had already lied, and it was hard to regret it at this time, so he said it bravely.

"Who knows! The battlefield is so chaotic. Maybe we ran far away. Let's walk around for a while and have a look."

Yamazaka Yukimori was furious and cursed.

"Go on! If we go on, we'll be out of the battlefield! If His Highness is still on the battlefield, wouldn't we make a big mistake?

Unless His Highness is found, the Tongxin people will not continue to retreat!"

The Tongxin people and the Yutai people were in a stalemate. Maori Jinghiro came over on horseback with Hatamoto and shouted.

"Why are you standing in front of the formation! Why don't you retreat quickly?

Our army was ordered to move to the rear to stop the enemy. If you refuse to leave, are you going to waste time and let my troops die?"

Yamazaka Yukimori knew that he was in the wrong. Withdrawing the army from the battlefield was extremely dangerous. If he delayed for a moment, there would be more danger.

But it was related to Shiba Yiyin's safety, and she couldn't give in even if she died, so she said.

"I'm very sorry, Maori-sama.

Our army is still waiting for the Lord to turn around and cannot retreat for the time being."

Maori Jingguang was stunned for a moment, his mind wandering, didn't Shiba Yiyin withdraw?

The Shinbada Shige family had no way out at this time, so they couldn't admit that they had abandoned their master and retreat first, right?

she retorted.

"Maori-sama, please judge. I said that the imperial office has been evacuated. This fool from the Shiba family just doesn't believe it and insists on carrying it here."

Yamanaka Yukimori glared at Shinbada Shigeie, and just as he was about to curse, Mouri Kehiro said something neutral.

"The imperial office seems to have passed."

Yamanaka Yukimori was stunned and looked at Mouri Kagehiro. Just when she was about to open her mouth to confirm, Shinbada Shigeie seemed to have found a life-saving straw and started to curse first.

"Look! What I said is right! Let's catch up quickly!"

Yamanaka Yukimori was interrupted by her. He didn't think too much for a moment and nodded. He retreated to the west anxiously, looking for his master.

Shinbada Shigeie thought that Shiba Yoshiyin had really retreated, and he felt relieved that the lie was finally fulfilled.

The large group of people galloped towards the west. Honjo Nogicho glanced at the smiling Mouri Kagehiro, and felt a chill in his heart.

Did Shiba Yiyin really pass by? Logically speaking, he was taken east by the frightened horse, and there was no way he could come back faster than the Yutai people by taking a detour.

Mouri Kagehiro and Shiba Yoshigan had a grudge against their mother, and Shigeie Shinbada, a fool, might have been used as a weapon by someone else.

If Shiba Yiyin had not left the battlefield, the trouble would have been huge!

The armies retreated in panic. Maori Jingguang could later say that he was blind and had made a mistake.

But Shinbada Shigeie spoke righteously when he saw Shiba Yoshigan retreating.

If something really happened, Maori Jingguang could get himself out, but the Yutai people would not be able to escape the charge of abandoning their master!

Honjo Shigenaga felt uneasy, but there was nothing she could do about it. Shigeie Shinbada, this fool, had said it to death, and if she wanted to talk back now, the matter would be even more serious.

We can only pray that Shiba Yiyin really takes a detour, otherwise Yamanaka Yukimori will not let it go, and the Shiba family will never let it go!

Maori Jinghiro looked at the retreating Shiba cavalry with a sarcastic smile on her lips. Of course she did not see the man retreating.

Sibo Yiyin, I hope you die a worthy death.


Uesugi's army took advantage of the collapse of Takeda's right wing, rolled back the bead curtain, and quickly broke away from Takeda's army. Mouri Kagehiro protected the army and retreated slowly.

On the edge of the Saikawa River, Naoe Keizuna guarded the crossing, and Uesugi Teruhora ordered the army to cross the river quickly.

Naoe Keizuna led his troops and cooperated with Mouri Kehiro, and the two armies blocked Takeda's pursuit.

Seeing that there was no profit to be made, the Takeda army had no choice but to watch the Uesugi army cross the Sai River and return to Zenkoji Temple.


Both sides suffered heavy losses in this battle.

All units of the Uesugi army, except for the Kashiwazaki troops of the Imperial Army, suffered losses of more than 30%, and more than 3,470 people were lost in the battle.

The Takeda army suffered more than 4,630 casualties in the battle, and the most tragic ones were the Kai tribe on the right. Several important members of the family were killed, and even the Nobushige Takeda, the No. 2 figure in the Takeda family, was killed.

The casualties in the Battle of Kawanakajima far exceeded the expectations of the two family governors. Several famous families that had been passed down for hundreds of years were lost, and dozens of ordinary samurai families were extinct. The retainers of both sides were unwilling to fight again.

Uesugi Teruhora returned to the Zenkoji Temple, Takeda Harunobu returned to the Yantian City, and the north and the south licked their wounds.

At this time, the disappearance of Shiba Yoshigan triggered a new storm in the Uesugi army.


It is said that Uesugi Teruhora returned to Zenkoji Temple and established the honjin shogunate, and the entire army was stationed for repairs.

Only after the palace troops of Mouri Kagehiro and Naoe Ketsuna entered the station did they feel relieved.

The battle at Kawanakajima was full of twists and turns. Terutora Uesugi did not expect that Takeda Harunobu, who liked to play tricks, would be so strong and dare to fight.

I thought that after unifying Echigo, the top, middle and bottom would unite as one, and they would be invincible. However, on this small Kawanaka Island, they fought a bloody battle with the Takeda family that would hurt both sides.

The battle damage lists sent by each ministry after rough calculations were shocking to see.

The battle damage exceeded 30%. If it weren't for the fierceness of the Echigo samurai family, the general military strength would have collapsed long ago. But Takeda Harunobu's side was not having a hard time, and neither side took advantage.

When Naoe Keetsuna and Mori Kehiro returned, Uesugi Teruhora summoned them to the main formation and gave them a few words of praise.

At this moment, Kakizaki Keike rushed into the main shogunate. Without waiting for Uesugi Teruhora to get angry, he bowed and said urgently.

"Your Highness, go and have a look! Sibo and his fellow soldiers are confronting the Yutai people with weapons, and a fight is about to begin!"

Teru Uesugi was shocked.

What's going on with Shiba Yoshigan? The two groups of Hime warriors under his command are actually going to fight against each other?

The Shiba family and the Uesugi family are allies, and Uesugi Teruhu doesn't want to get involved in the internal affairs of the Shiba army.

But then I thought about it, the army has turned back, each unit is doing its own thing, and Sibo Yiyin has not sent anyone to report that it is safe.

Thinking of this, Uesugi Teruhu's complexion suddenly changed and he rushed out of the formation.

Behind him, Naoe Keitsuna was so nervous that he followed him out. Maori Kehitsun lowered his head and fell a few steps behind. His eyelids were drooped, not knowing what he was thinking.

This chapter has been completed!
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