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Chapter 466

Chapter 466 The Empress’ Question

Cheng Jiming is very appreciative of Hou Shilu, but sometimes things in the officialdom cannot be controlled by one's own control. Everyone has their own needs, and they are destined to not follow the same path. Thinking back to when they were young, who was not high-spirited?

What about being full of ideals? When you get involved in officialdom, in the face of reality, your original ideals are tainted by interests, and they are no longer as pure as before. A truly pure person is not allowed to be in officialdom, like Hou Shilu, is he really pure?

Hou Shilu generally knew what the cabinet was thinking, and letting Tie Mo attend the congratulatory ceremony was extremely insidious. Now that Tie Mo is self-reliant with troops in northern Shanxi, it is impossible to say that His Majesty has no worries. Since then,

After Yuan Chonghuan took office as the governor of the three provinces, the relationship between His Majesty and Tie Mo was not as harmonious as it appeared on the surface. Cheng Jiming's move is likely to further deepen the rift between the two. Tie Mo supports his troops with self-respect.

It cannot be changed. Even if Tie Mo wants to leave the situation in northern Shanxi alone, Duofu Hao and the powerful people in northern Shanxi will not agree. And the emperor is most worried about those border generals who have too many troops, like Tie Mo.

People like Mo who didn't bother the court with anything were a thorn in the emperor's heart.

Whether Tie Mo comes to the capital or not, Cheng Ji Ming and the others will not lose anything. If Tie Mo is brave enough and dares to come to attend the congratulatory ceremony, then Cheng Ji Ming and the others will have plenty of ways to cause trouble in the capital. If he doesn't come,

Then the relationship between Tie Mo and His Majesty is out of control. He has too much power, but he doesn't come to the capital. What does Your Majesty think? If you don't have a disobedient heart, why don't you dare to come to the capital?

Hou Shilu returned to the Ministry of War with a heavy heart. At the moment, he had no intention of thinking about the New Year. He only thought about how to reply to Tie Mo. Lin Danhan's matter could be ignored. The cabinet was just using this matter as a reason to cause trouble for Tie Mo.

That's all. Similarly, Emperor Zhu Youjian is not in a good mood. He is very conflicted now. On the one hand, he hopes that Tie Mo will come to the capital without hesitation to show his loyalty. But at the same time, he also knows that as long as Tie Mo comes to the capital, he will

You will definitely face all kinds of difficulties.

In the harem, in a quiet courtyard, the sound of silk and bamboo could be heard. Several palace maids and eunuchs stood at the gate, looking a little listless. Although Queen Yi'an had a noble status, she was outdated after all. The palace is a very realistic place, eunuchs

The maids also want to have a better master. Normally, if they can serve a queen, it is a matter of fighting for their scalp, but with Queen Yi'an, it is a different matter.

Your Majesty respects Queen Yi'an very much, but after all, she is just the emperor's sister-in-law. Calling her "empress" is also respectful, but Queen Yi'an herself does not have much say in the harem, and she does not care about anything. Regardless of things, the maids and eunuchs below

There is no benefit to them. People who become eunuchs, don’t they just want some benefits? Why don’t they cut off their lifeblood and enter the palace, what are they seeking? They won’t get any benefits for a long time, and they won’t say anything on the surface.

, but behind the scenes, the eunuchs in the courtyard had some objections.

"I don't know what Eunuch Bai wants to do with the empress. Do you think it's about letting the empress live in the West Palace?" An older eunuch looked worried as he spoke. The previous emperor passed away, and the empress changed her name to the queen mother and moved into Kunning Palace.

However, the situation of Queen Yi'an is a bit special. As the emperor's sister-in-law, she should live in the West Palace according to the rules. One is the harem and the other is the West Palace. The difference is heaven and earth. Going to the West Palace is equivalent to being imprisoned.

In the Cold Palace, the benefits in all aspects will be greatly reduced by then. There is no benefit now. If you go to the West Palace, the benefits in all aspects will also drop, and everyone will not be able to eat well.

The eunuch next to him touched his nose, raised his head and said calmly: "What do you care about this? Anyway, our family has already established a good relationship with Mr. Tian. As long as there is a chance, we must leave this place. Here, stay here."

After a long time, the whole person becomes useless."

People outside the palace can't imagine how real the palace is. There are intrigues in the palace, the people above are not simple, and the maids and eunuchs below are also not economical. Their eyesight is very good. At least, those in the palace

In people's eyes, Queen Yi'an has been like this all her life, she is just a royal sister-in-law, and her life will only get worse day by day. Now she still has some treatment, which is because His Majesty cares about the royal sister-in-law.

At the entrance of the courtyard, the palace maids and eunuchs were chatting, but inside the house, it was a different scene. Eunuch Bai stood aside respectfully, not daring to disturb him. In the palace, Eunuch Bai and Eunuch Tian

They were all eunuchs in charge under Wang Chengen, and they had a respected status. With his status as Eunuch Bai, he still did not dare to make a mistake in front of Queen Yi'an. For some special reasons, Eunuch Bai knew something, which made him not dare to mess with him.

Queen Yi'an was unhappy.

At the end of the song, the pretty Zhang Yan nodded slightly and signaled Eunuch Bai to sit down and talk, "Eunuch Bai, I heard people talking about the trouble in the court again today? Can you tell me what happened specifically?


It seemed to be a discussion, but Eunuch Bai didn't dare to take it seriously, so he quickly and respectfully told the details of the matter. Eunuch Bai knew the relationship between the empress and Commander Iron. If he made the empress unhappy, Commander Iron

In just a few words, squeezing someone Bai to death is like squeezing an ant to death. Mo Jian is also the real-power commander-in-chief. People like Zhao Shujiao and Man Gui are incomparable to Tie Mo. Tie Mo, the commander-in-chief, has ten

Ten thousand elite soldiers are all his own private soldiers. If you want to do something, it is too easy.

He is willing to cooperate with Queen Yi'an out of consideration for himself. Eunuch Bai feels that if he wants to gain a firm foothold in the palace and not be stepped down by others, he must have foreign aid. Otherwise, he may not be able to win over Eunuch Tian. Of course,

In the past two years, they have just spread the word. Eunuch Bai has also taken benefits from Queen Yi'an. Of course, the empress will not give any good things with her own hands. The empress is in the palace, how can she have so many good things in her hands? Besides, even if

If you do, you wouldn't dare give it to someone casually, it would be too eye-catching.

Every time the empress would write a letter with a personal stamp on it, and send this letter out, Eunuch Bai's family could receive various benefits from Duofuhao. This exchange of benefits can be said to be

It's the gods who don't know it.

Zhang Yan seems to be very casual, but in fact she listens very attentively. She came to Eunuch Bai today not because she wanted to ask about the affairs of the Jinluan Palace, nor did she want to know what actions were taken by the cabinet. Eunuch Bai would not know anything about the actions of the cabinet.

. She just wanted to hear what His Majesty was thinking in his heart. This was what she cared about most. "Did you say anything after the court meeting ended today?"

"This..." Eunuch Bai hesitated for a moment, but did not say anything. Zhang Yan raised her eyebrows lightly and smiled lightly: "Don't worry, Eunuch Bai, the rest of the people have retreated outside the hospital. It's just you and me at this time."

Two people. And ah, I won’t bother you in vain, it will be your benefit.”

Sometimes Zhang Yan feels that Eunuch Bai is too greedy. In the past two years, the man named Bai has taken away many benefits here, but he is still not satisfied. But Tie Mo doesn't care, and is even very happy. What does Eunuch Bai say?

The more greedy you are, the deeper you will sink. Even if you want to get off the ship in the future, you will not be able to get off the ship. The Duofu is Tie Mo's business, and Tie Mo doesn't feel bad about it. Hai Lanzhu and Chang Minyue don't say anything, and Zhang Yan doesn't even care.

I didn't know what to say, so I went back and forth and offered Eunuch Bai countless benefits. Until now, whenever I ask a question, the man named Bai will give me an answer and take the opportunity to point out the benefits.

But this time, Zhang Yan really thought wrong. It was not that Eunuch Bai was greedy, but that he really hesitated. What he was conveying this time was His Majesty's matter, so Zhang Yan had to hesitate. This was completely different from what he had done before.

The father-in-law didn't speak, and Zhang Yan's face slowly darkened, "Eunuch Bai, are you in trouble? If so, you can go back, and I will ask someone else to ask."

Eunuch Bai's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly realized. How could he be so stupid? Even if he didn't say anything, the empress could still ask the person named Tian to question him. If the person named Tian leaned toward the empress, he would be of no use to Bai. He couldn't do it.

Fortunately, Mr. Bai will also lose his position in charge. After thinking about it, Eunuch Bai quickly raised his hand and said, "Mom, please calm down. I'm just thinking about things, for fear of making any omissions. After the court meeting is over, Your Majesty will return

When we arrived at the study room, the younger one was waiting outside the door. He vaguely heard that His Majesty said he wanted to see Commander Tiet, and he seemed very worried."

After speaking, Eunuch Bai lowered his head slightly, not daring to look at Zhang Yan's expression. Eunuch Bai has been in the palace for so long and knows how sensitive this matter is. His Majesty no longer trusts the Iron Governor, and is even on guard in all aspects.

Of course, there are very few things that His Majesty can interfere with in northern Shanxi.

"Well, thank you, Eunuch Bai." Zhang Yan didn't ask any other questions. She took a letter you had written in advance from behind and pushed it to the edge of the table. "I just wrote a letter. Please help Eunuch Bai take it out."


Eunuch Bai understood the idea, stuffed the letter into his sleeve with a smile on his face, and then said goodbye and left. After Eunuch Bai left, Zhang Yan thought for a long time and then let out a sigh. She really wanted to help no one, of course, she hoped even more.

Tie Mo and His Majesty can always live in harmony. Unfortunately, fate plays tricks on people, and the world forces her to make a choice. With what happened between herself and Tie Mo, how could she not stand on Tie Mo's side?

Your Majesty is too suspicious. As long as he is not too forced, Tie Mo will never betray the imperial court. Tie Mo has his own special reasons for supporting the army and respecting himself. Living in the northern Shanxi area, he is accompanied by death every day, and he cannot fight his way out.

Come, then it will become a pile of loess in northern Shanxi. Once lying on the couch and listening to Tie Mo talk about his previous experiences, it was something Zhang Yan could not imagine.

The vast desert, the cold wind and loess, the world is full of hunger and death, the people are numb in the land of northern Shanxi, the flash of swords, the shadow of swords, if you don't kill you, I will kill you. Tie Mo has come step by step to where he is today. Those soldiers and horses are

His method of self-protection was the strongest support for him to get to this point. The court ignored him and even threatened him many times, but he still got through. There is no reason to let Tie Mo listen to the court now.

Yes, Tie Mo agreed, but others didn’t agree either.

As long as Tie Mo is willing to guard the northern border for the Ming Dynasty, is willing to listen to the court's call, lead troops to suppress bandits, and conquer foreign aggression, wouldn't it be great?

But His Majesty thinks too much. He always thinks that everything is under control, and always wants to take back his power. Many times, he will think of the late Emperor. The late Emperor seemed to be doing nothing and doing nothing, but there is one thing he did better than His Majesty today.

He knew how to employ people and dared to employ people. The late emperor still used people like Wei Zhongxian like an arm to guide him and solved many troubles for himself.

But the present Majesty will never employ people like the late Emperor. The fundamental reason is that there is a huge difference in the capacity to accommodate people. After thinking for a long time, Zhang Yan slightly parted her lips and showed a complicated smile. For a moment, she actually wanted to

Tie Mo can come to the capital, which means that he has another chance to get together with this man. Two years have been really difficult. If it weren't for the special circumstances, Tie Mo would have found a way to get him out of the capital.

For Zhang Yan, the palace is not a place of wealth, but a beautiful birdcage that locks up youth, happiness and dreams. If you stay here, you will not go crazy, and there is still hope for everyone.

It's because of this man.

Even Zhang Yan herself couldn't tell whether it was pure love and attraction with Tie Mo, or physical and spiritual desire. She simply didn't think about these messy things. After a long time, she sat next to the bookcase, sleeves

Holding the pen in hand, he slowly wrote a letter. I believe Hou Shangshu has already sent the letter to Zhang Bei, but what Tie Mo really wants to wait for is his own letter. Tie Mo doesn't care what the cabinet thinks, what he really cares about is

It's the relationship with His Majesty.

The fact that the Guan Ning Army and the Northern Shan Army jointly sent troops to attack Lin Dan Khan was deliberately revealed by the cabinet and spread throughout the streets and alleys of Gyeonggi Province. This matter became the hottest topic of discussion in the past year. There was a lot of discussion among the people, and it was roughly divided into

Some people felt that Guan Ningjun and the Northern Shanxi Army were out of spite, and it also gave Lin Danhan a taste of being beaten. Some people had the same idea as the cabinet, fearing that Guan Ningjun and the Shanxi Northern Army were

This move by the Northern Army would cause Lin Dan Khan to turn against the Ming Dynasty, and eventually he would collude with the Jurchen Huang Taiji and launch an attack on the Ming Dynasty at the same time.

While the discussion in the capital was lively, Zhangbei was calm. It's not that people here don't know what happened in Liaodong, but they don't care at all, or that many people think it's natural. Previously, Lin Danhan sent troops to Hanhai Grassland to cause trouble, and

Ulan City was beaten to a state of ruin. Now that the Iron Governor is sending troops to retaliate, what's Lin Dan Khan's problem? If Lin Dan Khan refuses to accept, let him lead the troops to fight.

This place in northern Shanxi can be said to be martial. Because of historical reasons, and many of the refugees who settled here are refugees who have experienced hardships. In order to defend their homeland, they work harder than anyone else. Therefore, as long as Lin Danhan dares to lead troops

Come, the men in northern Shanxi will actively respond to the government's call and join the army to fight against Lin Dan Khan.

The letters from Hou Shilu and Zhang Yan were delivered to Tie Mo almost immediately. It was the same letter, but the meanings of Hou Shilu and Zhang Yan were completely different. Hou Shilu hoped that Tie Mo would find a reason to stay in northern Shanxi and not go to the capital.

Water, while Zhang Yan hoped that Tie Mo could make arrangements and come to the capital for a visit.

This chapter has been completed!
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