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Chapter 467 Food for Life

Chapter 467 Life-saving Food

Hou Shilu and Zhang Yan had different starting points, which led to disagreements. Hou Shilu considered the overall situation and did not want Tie Mo to go to the capital. At present, the Ming Dynasty was suffering from internal and external troubles. It can be said that northern Xinjiang was so stable because Tie Mo was in charge to deter the various Mongolian tribes.

If we really enter the capital, anything could happen. What can't the cabinet do to get rid of Tie Mo?

Zhang Yan, on the other hand, hopes that the relationship between Tie Mo and Zhu Youjian can be resolved. Of course, Zhang Yan also wants to meet. Tie Mo maintains a good mood about whether to go to the capital or not. He feels that it is not a problem whether to go or not.

, but Wang Zuoguan expressed concern, "Dong Weng, the behavior of the cabinet has become more and more irregular in recent years. When we arrive in the capital, I am afraid that many troubles will arise, so I think it is better to find a reason to refuse. As for Your Majesty's

Bian, given Dong Weng's current situation, it is inevitable to go to the capital or not, and your majesty is always worried. Even if you go to the capital, it is just to let your majesty relax temporarily."

What Wang Zuoguan said was not unreasonable, and Hai Lanzhu thought the same way. She was not as tactful as Wang Zuoguan, and advised with an unhappy look: "Let me tell you, your Majesty the Emperor just carries

He doesn't know the importance, so he has to make small calculations at any time. He just wants to see your loyalty, but he has never thought about the dangers you will face once you arrive in the capital. If something goes wrong with you, Jin

If the north is in chaos, the Mongolian tribes, Lin Dan Khan and Huang Taiji will not be able to immediately send troops to the Hanhai Grassland. By then, there will be no peace in the northern frontier of the Ming Dynasty. Compared with these, is the grudge in his heart more important? "

Hai Lanzhu was really angry. He had just helped suppress the bandits a year ago and had made great contributions. There was no actual reward. However, he still held the title of governor of the three provinces. This was because he wanted to continue to let the northern Shanxi frontier army help in the future.

As for suppressing bandits. That's all. They are still worried about all kinds of things. They follow the cabinet's wishes and let Tie Mo enter the capital. Now Tie Mo is not what he used to be. The cabinet treats Tie Mo and northern Shanxi.

His attitude is also very different. If he really wants to go to the capital, it is the territory of the cabinet. Who can guarantee that those in the cabinet will not do anything out of the ordinary? Is it possible that Zhu Youjian really thinks that some people will follow the rules?

If they really abide by the rules, those people would not be so hated. Of course, Hai Lanzhu also has his own selfish motives. He has always been wary of Zhang Yan, a woman who always feels that this woman is not as reclusive as she seems.

Wu Zheng. Zhang Yan could even feel a little threatened. She had never felt this way even when she faced Chang Minyue and Xiao Ruxue.

Hai Lanzhu and Wang Zuoguan didn't agree, but Tie Mo smiled helplessly: "You are all right, but isn't the most important thing right now is His Majesty's attitude? Don't forget, we are now open to the sea.

During the critical period, shipbuilding in Jiangnan is in full swing, and we have invested a lot of financial and material resources in the Royal Navy. You say, if His Majesty clearly changes his attitude and expresses opposition at this time, how can we still build a naval fleet under such a banner?"

Tie Mo didn't know that it was very dangerous to go to the capital at this time, but he had to go. In fact, it was already a bit late to join the Age of Discovery at this time. He was already catching the last train. If something happened again and was delayed, it would be a big mistake.

The interests of the Age of Navigation have nothing to do with oneself. This is not only a personal loss, but also a loss for the entire China. Think about how terrifying the Western fleets in later generations, armed after a hundred years of voyages, were. They almost swept across the world and occupied

He has conquered countless colonies and snatched countless resources. Now that he has the ability to build a fleet, he must not miss it.

Tie Mo knew the benefits of large-scale navigation, but Hai Lanzhu did not. She glared at her beautiful eyes and patted Tie Mo angrily, "If you ask me, we won't build that naval fleet until the situation stabilizes.

From now on, it’s not too late to do it again. What’s more, the fleet of water divisions that are roaring now is not only consuming a lot of financial and material resources, but also has a grudge against Zheng Yiguan. What are you trying to do?”

"What do you know? Do you know what the great voyage means? Huh, long hair but short knowledge. Don't say this again in the future." Tie Mo was very unconvinced, with a fierce look in his eyes, and glared hard. It's a pity.

The lethality is limited, Hailanzhu is not afraid at all.

Wang Zuoguan sat aside and did not dare to interrupt. Why did these two start a quarrel first while we were chatting? However, Wang Zuoguan sometimes felt that it was a bit too hasty about the naval fleet. To put it bluntly,

It's never too late to wait for the Governor to take control of the north, but the Governor seems to be really in a hurry. He fought against everyone's opinions and promised many benefits before dragging many people in.

If the voyage does not achieve the expected results, it will be a catastrophic blow to the prestige of the supervisor. Unfortunately, the supervisor insists on insisting, and others can't do anything about him.

Waiting for the bickering between the two to end, Wang Zuoguan thought for a while and said with a sly smile: "Superintendent, you can go to the capital. I will order Liu Guoneng and Zhou Dingshan to bring some troops with you. How about that?"

"Hey, you guys, do you think it's appropriate to bring a large number of troops to Beijing? What would His Majesty think? The cabinet has no reason to impeach, and now it will be handed over to people for impeachment. Don't worry, I already have an idea in mind.

, I sent someone to deliver a letter to Liaodong in the past two days, and dragged the teacher to Beijing with him. With his old man here, what else can your Majesty do to excess? The people in the cabinet don't dare to do anything too outrageous."

After Wang Zuoguan heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. After thinking about it carefully, he raised his hand and said with a smile: "Supervisor, this is a clever plan. With Supervisor Sun here, it can save a lot of trouble. For the sake of Supervisor Sun,

Your Majesty, I'm sorry to give you a hard time. However, the journey from Liaodong to the capital is tiring, and Governor Sun will have to work hard. His body and bones..."

"Teacher's body is quite strong. Besides, I have no choice but to bother him. I happen to have something I want to talk to the teacher about." Speaking of Sun Chengzong, Tie Mo straightened up a lot, his face full of respect.

In fact, there are many things that I have wanted to say to Teacher Sun for a long time, but it has been difficult to say them. However, when things have reached this level, it is time to talk to Teacher Sun. Tie Mo has never thought about rebellion, nor has he thought about doing anything in the north.

King, this kind of thing of supporting soldiers and respecting oneself is completely forced by life. In order to survive and make a future, step by step, we have reached today. Now, it is not only ourselves who support soldiers and respect ourselves, but also those thousands of others.

Tie Mo couldn't let go of the power in his hands unless he died. Even if he let go, the Qiao family, Chang family and other interested families would not agree.

The interest groups in northern Shanxi are like a chariot. Now it is driving on a smooth road. Unless someone can forcibly intercept it, it is a daydream to want this car to stop by itself. I hope Teacher Sun can understand his difficulties and can do it himself.

What I want to do is try my best to control the direction of northern Shanxi and not go down the road that I don't want to see. But there are some things that are beyond my control. The words and deeds of His Majesty and the cabinet are also very important.

Tie Mo moved Sun Chengzong out, Wang Zuoguan no longer objected, and Hai Lanzhu could no longer stop him like before, but she still sighed with some worry: "You have good intentions, and Teacher Sun also has good intentions, but

How effective are the efforts of the two of you? In fact, everyone understands that all the efforts today are just pushing back what must happen. Some things will happen sooner or later, but it is just a matter of time."

"But what we are short of is time, isn't it?" Tie Mo nodded lightly. He could see clearly that Hai Lanzhu was really worried. He took the other person's hand and rubbed it slowly, "Don't worry, so

How many storms and waves have come and how can we still make this difficult? This time when we go to the capital, you and Min Yue should stay in Zhangbei."

Tie Mo didn't want the woman next to him to follow him to the capital for adventure, but Hai Lanzhu didn't wait for him to finish speaking, and took out his hand and said: "What are you talking about? You don't need to say anything. If we go to the capital this time, the Nu family must go with us."

Yes, do you really think that the slave family is worried about the things in your heart? Huh, if I don’t go, you’ll probably go crazy.”

"..." Tie Mo simply turned his head and chatted with Wang Zuoguan. Women, there is really no reason to be jealous. Zhang Yan's matter is really not his iron

Someone took the initiative to provoke this debt. If those people in the cabinet hadn't acted like monsters, they wouldn't have provoked this debt of love. But as a man, once the matter is done, he must be responsible.

At the end of the New Year, the whole Zhangbei area becomes busy. Everyone is not busy celebrating the New Year, but trying every means to ensure Tie Mo's safety. In recent days, Hai Lanzhu and Chang Minyue have fully mobilized the capital's resources, secretly placing manpower, and putting it on the table.

On the contrary, the Duofu was quiet. In short, be sure nothing happens. If something happens, at least ensure that Tie Mo can evacuate the capital safely. For this, Hailanzhu doesn't care how much it costs, even if many people die, it is worth it.

To compare the situation in Zhangbei, the southwest Bashu land of the Ming Dynasty was in a different situation. As the New Year was approaching, Zhang Xianzhong went out of his way and sent troops to attack everywhere, making the entire Bashu unrest. Ai Keqi and Liu Wenxiu defeated each other several times.

They looted all the prefectures and counties. Deng Yanda, under Aikeqi, was cruel by nature. After taking over two prefectures and counties, he ordered wanton looting. Many women suffered. The people in the city rose up to resist and killed many bandits.

, Deng Yanda was furious and ordered the massacre of the city, causing the people in the two prefectures and counties to die. This incident shocked the entire Bashu, and the Chengdu Prefecture immediately sent an official document to the capital.

The people of Bashu were boiling with resentment. In contrast, Zhang Xianzhong had an indifferent attitude. He didn't seem to think that Deng Yanda had done anything wrong. Now Deng Yanda became even more angry. Then he led his troops to capture a town and started to eat.

The sale of humans and sheep. His thugs captured a dozen boys and girls, threw them directly into a big pot and cooked them. Finally, it was called a banquet of humans and sheep. Deng Yanda’s behavior reminded people of the cannibal in northern Shaanxi.

The devil is Yuan Ma, a red-eyed Rakshasa. And Deng Yanda’s evil behavior of eating boys and girls is simply worse than Yuan Ma. After the incident spread, there was a lot of scolding in Chengdu Prefecture, and people kept asking for a fight.

The soldiers and horses from all walks of life in Chengdu Prefecture were so murderous that many people wanted to rush to the east to fight the bandits. Qin Liangyu kept suppressing the people below and did not dare to nod. Qin Liangyu has been leading the army for many years, how could he not be aware of the risks involved? Nowadays, there are all kinds of soldiers in Bashu and Shu.

Soldiers and horses have gathered in Chengdu Prefecture, and it is no longer easy to defend western and southern Sichuan. Northern Sichuan has become like that, and western and southern Sichuan can no longer be chaotic. If we really go out of Chengdu to find a decisive battle with rogue bandits, it is really unknown who will win and who will lose. What's more,

What's more, the Chengdu Prefecture is also facing a big problem, that is, the food problem has not yet been solved. The soldiers and horses have not yet moved the food and grass. If the food and grass problem cannot be solved at the moment, how can they go out to fight the rogue bandits?

Under the boredom, Qin Liangyu couldn't help but think of the cunning fox. Not long after, he came to Geng Zhongming's residence. Geng Zhongming seemed to have expected Qin Liangyu to come. He filled a cup of hot tea and said with a warm smile: "Commander Qin is here."

Come here, it must be because the ministries are asking for war, right? In fact, Geng also knows General Qin’s worries, but what Geng wants to say is that in this case, a battle must be fought to dampen the arrogance of the rogue bandits. As long as we

If arranged properly, it won’t be a big problem.”

"This...General Geng, how to fight this battle? We can make arrangements in advance, but if the food and grass problem is not solved, time will drag on, and morale will be lost. How can we fight against the rogue bandits?" Qin Liangyu smiled bitterly.

"Haha, there is something that Geng just learned about. Before he had time to inform General Qin, the Superintendent came forward and asked the First Lady to help us find food. In two days, the Wusi Tibetans will send us a batch of food.

, which is enough to meet our urgent needs. Therefore, General Qin doesn’t have to worry about the food and grass issue for the time being."

"Wusi Tibetans? Do they still have food for us?" Qin Liangyu was stunned for a moment. As a chieftain of Bashu, she knew the Tubo people very well. Food was not abundant there, and food was very valuable.

Do you still have enough food left to support others?

Geng Zhongming smiled and sighed helplessly: "There is nothing we can do about it. It is a helpless move for the eldest lady to do this. There is no guarantee for transporting grain from northern Shanxi and other places. The safest route for transporting grain at the moment is

That’s it. Taking grain from the mouths of the Tibetan people must have paid a high price, but these are not what we should be concerned about.”

"Hey, thanks to the help of the Superintendent this time, please General Geng write a letter and send it to the Superintendent to convey Qin's gratitude. You can tell the Superintendent as much as you can. If the Superintendent has errands in the future, the sons of Bashu will never refuse!"

Qin Liangyu's assurance was no lie. In the past two years, Tiemo had done too many things to the people of Bashu. Under such difficult circumstances this time, he and the officials of Chengdu Prefecture wrote to the court countless times to request for the deployment of troops and food supplies, but those

Official documents fell into the sea like mud. In the end, the one who really helped solve the problem was the iron governor in northern Shanxi. If we don't keep this kindness in our hearts, are we still human?

Qin Liangyu finally understood that following the Iron Governor was much more reliable than following the imperial court. At least in times of crisis, the Iron Governor would not give up easily.

Everyone knows that it is very difficult to adjust grain from the Central Plains and the Gyeongsang Province. Whether it is difficult is one thing, and whether it can be done is another. At least the supervisor has tried hard.

This chapter has been completed!
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