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Chapter 554 Collision

Chapter 554 Collision

The corners of Wang Delao's mouth turned up, and he cursed secretly in his heart. These idiots should learn a lesson. Crossing the river was necessary. Wang Delao racked his brains and thought of a way. Suddenly, he remembered what happened in the north of Tongguan. The cavalry dismounted and Can't they be used as infantry? To capture the stone bridge, infantry is much easier to use than cavalry. So I did it as soon as I thought of it. Hundreds of cavalry dismounted. Since the Maitreya Cult spent a lot of money to build a lot of heavy armor, it was just in use now. , a group of heavy infantry walked in front, causing most of the bullets and arrows to be ineffective.

Du Longyuan's eyes widened, and he secretly complained in his heart. He also responded in a hurry, without adequate preparations. There was no kerosene, no stones, and there was nothing he could do about these stupid tortoise-like heavy infantry. The armored heavy infantry was slow, but very effective. They got closer and closer, and finally crossed the stone bridge. Du Longyuan knew very well that he could not retreat. At this point, he could only press forward and retreat in front of the cavalry. Isn't that looking for death?

"The shield came forward to hold them back, and the ramming wood was lifted up to kill these iron bastards." Du Longyuan got off his horse and personally acted as the commander of the battle formation. He lifted the ramming wood and it had a remarkable effect. These heavy heavy The infantry was too inflexible and was hit hard. Although it was not fatal, it still caused the internal organs to shift. However, within this short period of time, relying on the resistance of hundreds of heavy infantry, the thieves had already crossed Arrows rained down from the stone bridge. Although it dealt a heavy blow to the bandits, it could not stop their attack at all.

Du Longyuan knew that this battle was dangerous, but he had to persevere. What he was fighting for now was perseverance. Both sides actually relied on something and had reinforcements behind them. Although the rebels had crossed the stone bridge, the area at the north end was limited, especially the soft soil along the Yellow River behind them. , the cavalry cannot be used, and the cavalry's strength and speed advantages cannot be used. It is not easy to defeat Du Longyuan's troops in a short time.

Now it depends on whose reinforcements arrive first. Which side's reinforcements arrive first can immediately reverse the situation of the battle and break the balance on the battlefield. This battle is very cruel. Thousands of soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army stick to the bridgehead position and limit the rebels to a small group. Within the range, the one behind him who dies will immediately replace him, and in short, he will never retreat. Facing the cavalry, it is necessary to limit the opponent's movement space. The smaller the space, the less power the cavalry can exert. The shield array squeezes forward, The spearmen followed closely, "Stab...stab...stab..."

The river was turbulent and had long been dyed red with blood. The stone bridge lost its original color and was covered with a layer of loneliness and desolation. Wang Delao became more and more anxious. Seeing that he could not break through the forward position, he immediately shouted and cursed, "Prepare your bow and arrow, throw it towards the rear." , focus the attack on the left wing, and first open a gap in the opponent's shield formation. Quickly, the heavily armored soldiers are in front, and a gap must be opened."

Wang Delao knew very well that even though he had an advantage now, this advantage was very subtle. Once the opponent's reinforcements arrived first, the cavalry crossing the river would be cut off and their retreat would be blocked. Facing the officers and soldiers, do not underestimate them. There can't be any. Many people have underestimated the officers and soldiers before, and they all suffered in the end.

Wang Delao's decision was not wrong. Even if a certain price was paid, a breakthrough must be achieved quickly. The cavalry was restricted near the stone bridge, and its power was greatly reduced, and it was faced with risks at any time. As Wang Delao roared, the heavily armored soldiers cooperated with bows and arrows and began to attack the left wing. Launching a violent attack, many thieves jumped directly from their horses into the crowd, fighting with their lives to weaken the shield array in front of the Northern Shanxi Army.

Under this crazy fighting, a hole was finally torn open in the left-wing formation of the Northern Shanxi Army. Du Longyuan led his troops to rush to the rescue, but still could not block the hole. Like a dam that burst, the hole was getting bigger and bigger.

The soldiers rushed in like a flood.

Du Longyuan's face was pale, his lips were chapped, and his heart was full of despair. It was over, it was really over this time. The enemy cavalry rushed in along the opening, and then cut it vertically and horizontally. All of these thousands of brothers would probably be buried near the Hongnong River.


The Kachiwill River flows slowly, with loud noises on both sides, still blocking the constant trickling of the river water. The vegetation is slightly yellow, tainted with the colors of autumn, the birches are flying, the forest is covered with thick leaves, the golden autumn, the scenery is beautiful. This

In season, after the harvest, it would be so beautiful to lead lovers' hands to browse the scenery. Unfortunately, no one appreciates the beautiful scenery, and everyone is busy fighting. Wang Delao, commanding nearly 10,000 elite cavalry, is bound to capture the Kaqiweir River.

The glory of the nobles will never allow him to take a step back. If he takes a step forward, he can cross the Khachivel River and threaten the city of Mesuda. If he can swallow the city of Mesuda, it will be a great victory. On the western defense line of Kiev formed by officers and soldiers,

Driving a nail can make this steel defense line full of holes. Wang Delao has his own pride. In the Qiusuming jungle battle, he retreated after defeat, full of unwillingness. This time he has to prove himself. The left wing has been torn apart

After opening a hole, the thieves who had crossed the stone bridge were like old cats smelling the smell of blood, rushing in through the hole. Wang Delao looked excited, Du Longyuan had a gloomy face, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

, he kept cheering himself up, there must be a way, and he would be able to withstand the thieves' attack.

After a while, the left wing had been torn in half by the bandit soldiers. The gap became wider and wider, turning into a wide corridor. The soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army used shields to protect the spearmen behind them and kept squeezing towards the gap, but where

He was the opponent of the thief soldiers. The thief soldiers did not care about casualties, but only wanted to break down the formation quickly. When one person fell, the ones behind him immediately took up the place. Du Longyuan stretched out his hand and wiped his face, which was covered with blood. He opened his mouth and showed a ferocious smile, "

Luo Chong, gather all our cavalry and cooperate with the left wing to attack the traitors. No matter what the cost, we must block the gap."

Luo Chong gasped, his voice became trembling, and he looked at the crazy Du Longyuan in shock. Those thousands of cavalry were the last trump card. With the existence of these thousands of cavalry, and the possibility of rearing, these cavalry should be used now.

Sending them out is tantamount to cutting off their own retreat. Without these cavalry, a few thousand soldiers in the temporary camp can only fight to the death on the Hongnong River, with no possibility of retreat. "No, General Du, these cavalry are our last bargaining chip."


"What are you still doing? Isn't Du's words clear enough? Send them up. In this situation, the only way to survive is to sink the ship. If we allow the traitors to overwhelm the left wing, we will really have a chance.

All gone. Go quickly, if you dare to delay again, don’t blame Mr. Du for being ungrateful.” After fighting for a long time, Du Longyuan’s whole body exuded a bloodthirsty and violent aura. Du Longyuan knew what Luo Chong and others were thinking.


After all, these people still have no plans to fight to the death and still want to rely on the cavalry to retreat. Hum, let’s cut off these people’s retreat now. At this time, there are still so many tricks.

His thoughts were purely seeking death. Seeing Du Longyuan's scarlet eyes, Luo Chong's heart froze and he did not dare to say anything more.

A moment later, the Yunfu cavalry, who had been prepared for a long time, rushed towards the left wing under the leadership of a burly man. At this time, the left wing had been penetrated by thieves. The infantry formation had to resist the frontal enemy and face the flank.

The cutting and impact could not be ignored at all, and the entire infantry formation was left full of holes. The Yunfu cavalry finally arrived and rushed directly towards the gap. The two cavalry parties, one with silver armor like water, the other with black and red all over the ground, in the blink of an eye

Just collide together.

The formation could not be deployed, and the cavalry on both sides had to be taken into account. There was no way to form a chain of horses. The Yunfu cavalry could only fight head-on. A head-on collision, without any skills, the brave won, the weak died. The horses collided, and a harsh neighing sound was heard.

The war horse was hit in the neck. Under the huge impact, the neck tilted, and the huge body fell to one side. The limbs struggled and splashed countless mud. The cavalry behind him could not hold back the momentum. The horse's hoof stepped forward and stepped on the belly.

A hole as big as the mouth of a bowl.

Fighting on the battlefield and cavalry confrontation are not as beautiful as the legends at all. There are only tragedies, blood, violence, and broken meat. In the eyes of others, the majestic cavalry battle is the most cruel battle for those cavalry.

The Yunfu Cavalry was founded in the Longmen Desert. Since its establishment, it has adhered to the principle of advancing like fire and retreating like the wind. Without military orders, it will never retreat until the last soldier stands. After being tempered by the flames of war, the Yunfu Cavalry has become illustrious.

The reputation was earned with the blood of countless ancestors. This honor must not be ruined in the Hongnong River. Every Yunfu cavalry is a warrior who is willing to die. In the face of the most cruel battle, the red robe army finally showed a flaw.

Although the Red Robe Army was not afraid of death, they had not experienced many large battle formations after all, so they inevitably wavered. In addition, the infantry of the Northern Shanxi Army on both sides squeezed in, and the thieves in the gap could no longer rush in.

Can't get up. Once the cavalry can't get up, it will become a toothless tiger.

Many rogue cavalry also began to panic. Their rich battlefield experience told them that they must retreat at this time. Once they are trapped in the gap, they will be swallowed up by the angry officers and soldiers. A leader glared and stabbed with his hand.

Kill a red-robed believer who was charging randomly, "Stop charging forward, everyone needs to move back, and the people behind will turn around. Are you still rushing, are we going to be delivered to the mouths of the officers and soldiers?"

After killing several guys who were randomly charging into the formation, the momentum from behind finally weakened, but the Yunfu cavalry attacked them unceremoniously. The thieves trapped in the gap dared to think too much, turned their horses and went straight back.

Fleeing. The thieves' reaction was quick enough. Even so, more than two hundred cavalry were left behind. Similarly, Du Longyuan's troops also paid a heavy price. All the chips in their hands were knocked out, as if they had taken off all their clothes.

Something may have changed.

Seeing his men being beaten back, Wang Delao's eyebrows stood up in anger, his forehead was covered with black lines, his ferocious expression looked like he was about to devour a living person, "Keep charging, the officers, soldiers and even the cavalry are sent up,

There is no way out, kill them all."

"Kill them all." Under Wang Delao's call, the thieves regrouped their morale and attacked the infantry formation again in a cone formation. The thieves also learned a lot. Some cavalry took the initiative to dismount and became infantry, and they also cut down some from the birch forest.

Using wood as ramming timber, heavy infantry, shields, ramming timber, and cavalry assault, even though the shield formation of the Northern Shanxi Army had excellent protection, it was still on the verge of collapse due to the impact.

Dozens of people carried a ramming log, and every blow was like a heavy hammer. Half an hour later, as more and more shield soldiers were knocked away, the entire front shield array was filled with cracks. Until this point.

At that time, Du Longyuan could only stare, helpless. Even if he had the power to reach the sky, he could not make up for the gap in strength. The shield formation in the middle collapsed, like dominoes. Both sides were affected and lost support. They were overwhelmed one after another.

At the bottom of the embankment, the protective shield array was peeled off layer by layer. Du Longyuan's blood surged up and he shouted at the top of his voice, "Brothers, if you fight with these dogs, you will have to hold on to someone else even if you die."


"Fight to the death, never retreat, never stop until the death. Fight till the death, never retreat, never stop until the death..." Du Longyuan took the lead, and his blood was stained red. Inspired by him, the soldiers were so excited that they no longer had any fear, whether in life or in death, at the end of their lives.

Every moment, a little color blooms. Every soldier of the Northern Shanxi Army is like a ruthless dead soldier, a crazy person, and they are all terrifying.

An ordinary spearman bravely held a spear and stabbed straight into the neck of a war horse. The painful screams of the war horse reached his ears, but the cavalry was too fast. Under the inertia, the body of the war horse also hit the spearman.

The soldier knocked him back two feet, his chest collapsed, and he kept coughing blood from the corners of his mouth. The red-robed cavalryman on the horse fell to the ground, with a disgraced face. He turned to look at the horse, and saw his beloved war horse constantly screaming, and his life was

The breath is getting weaker and weaker.

The red-robed cavalry was angry. The war horses were like family and friends to the cavalry, but now their lives were taken away by a humble spearman. He got up from the ground, gripped the steel knife, and roared loudly, "Bitch, I'll kill you."

Kill you...ah...kill you..."

He ran over in a few steps, and the steel knife came down, and suddenly penetrated the spearman's chest. Blood spurted out, but he had no intention of stopping. His anger had overwhelmed his reason, and he kept stabbing downward until the spearman's chest was completely broken.

The chest was stabbed into a pile of minced meat. On the cruel battlefield, every soldier is a bloodthirsty beast. There is no skill or mercy. There is only one purpose, which is to kill the opponent. With broken arms and missing ears, as long as he lives,

Just keep fighting.

No one retreated until one party was completely dead. The Yunfu cavalry finally formed a chain of horses. They bypassed the melee crowd and aimed directly at the formation of thieves at the stone bridge. The warriors of northern Shanxi looked at death as if they were home, thundering and thundering wind.

, blazing fire, the chain horse reappeared, Wang Delao's eyelids couldn't help but twitch, he knew the power of the chain horse all too well, "Don't rush, block the opponent head-on, the archers are ready to shoot all the arrows."

Knowing the power of the chain horse, Wang Delao wisely chose not to hedge. The traditional cavalry hedging would only allow the chain horse to play its role. As long as the cavalry is blocked head-on, without speed, and slowly grinding, these Eastern cavalry can be defeated.

They were beaten to death. Without heavy cavalry to clear the way ahead, it would be difficult to break through the line of defense just by relying on chain horses. It was the first time for those red-robed believers to see the legendary chain horses with their own eyes, although Wang Delao's order sounded a bit cowardly.

, but they did not express any objection. The previous battles had already made them realize how important experience is.

This chapter has been completed!
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