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Chapter 555 Intrigue

Chapter 555 Intrigue

The chain of horses was not slow, and rushed over in a blink of an eye. The thieves formed a tight formation, with the heavy cavalry in front, the iron spears stretched flat, and with a bang, the two torrents collided together again, and the chain of iron chains was like a strong wind.

The heavy cavalry was swept down, and the heavy cavalry was stabbed with spears, and many serial horse cavalry fell off their horses. Several red-robed soldiers also showed a look of horror. This is the most elite cavalry, and they did not expect that they would face each other.

, was actually swept away by the opponent.

They still don't know much about the Yunfu cavalry. These Yunfu cavalry wear fish-scale chainmail, and their protective power is not much worse than that of the heavy cavalry. In addition, they are much lighter in weight, so they are more flexible. At that time, the Yunfu cavalry was the first in the northern grassland.

When they first appeared, they fought head-on and defeated the most elite Mongolian cavalry.

It can be said that under the hedging, with the protective power of the Yunfu cavalry and the power of the chain iron chain, it is not inferior to anyone at all. Wang Delao has gained experience at the disadvantage. If it is still a normal cavalry hedging, it is estimated that more people will fall. Limitation

Without the opponent's speed, the entire main force of the cavalry had to be disrupted by this chain of horses.

The front row of cavalry fell to pieces, but the effect was very obvious. The thieves did not rush forward and still maintained a tight formation. The momentum of the chain horses was blocked and their speed also dropped. Without speed, they could only fight head-on. The chain horses

Unable to rush into the crowd, the sharp iron ropes lost their effect. The thieves had an absolute numerical advantage. Wang Delao waved his hand, and more than two thousand thieves began to surround him from both sides. Soon, several hundred thieves were surrounded.

The Yunfu cavalry were surrounded in the middle, and the space for movement became smaller and smaller. They could only remove the iron ropes and began to fight on their own. Under the strangulation of a large number of thieves, the Yunfu cavalry fell one by one.

Du Longyuan could only watch the chain horse being trapped, but he was helpless. At this point, it was no longer something he could change.

After a long time, Wang Delao finally showed a bright smile. The chain of horses was destroyed, and the opponent's infantry formation was cut into pieces. In another hour, these remnants of the army will be killed. There are only less than a thousand.

The cavalry casually killed more than 1,500 believers. This kind of victory was too tragic. Before, I thought that the leader sent nearly 10,000 soldiers and horses to raid Hongnong River, which was a bit fussy. Now it seems that it is completely necessary. Equally

With the strength of the troops, and the bravery displayed by the officers and soldiers, there was no way they could capture the Hongnong River.

The entire Hongnong River turned into a blood-colored torrent, and countless vain souls were wrapped in the long river. Wang Delao was waiting for the last moment. He had not experienced this feeling of victory for too long. Wuwuwu... Suddenly in the east

There was a rumbling sound, which spread across the vast wilderness, and sounded so familiar. Many red-robed believers had suspicious looks on their faces, and they didn't understand what was happening at all. Wang Delao put away his smile, and the expression between his eyebrows

Like ten thousand years of ice that cannot be melted, the earth slowly began to tremble. In the distance, a silver figure covered with sunlight appeared on the horizon, one, then two, and finally turned into a silver torrent.

The overwhelming armored cavalry, carrying a huge momentum, everything is as fragile as ants in front of this torrent. They are the most elite Yunfu cavalry. This time they are attacking with heavy troops. Visual inspection shows that the cavalry is like a tide, but the number is not there.

Under five thousand.

After "withdrawing" for a long time, Wang Delao only said one word, his voice full of unwillingness and anger. If he had supernatural power, he could smash a mountain with one punch, and the anger in his heart could burn the vast birch forest. He was clearly about to win.

, we were obviously about to wipe out the remaining troops of the other side, but why did the other side's reinforcements arrive?

Why is this happening? The officers and soldiers have reinforcements. Where are our reinforcements? We finally crossed the Hongnong River and now we have to go back.

The thieves carried out Wang Delao's military order and retreated unwillingly. They all knew that once the opponent's main cavalry captured the stone bridge, everyone on the north bank would be wiped out. Of course, those caught in the fight would be killed in a short time.

It cannot be evacuated, but we can evacuate as much as we can now. The longer we delay, the more likely it is that big problems will arise.

Wang Delao also wanted to send troops to rescue those who were caught in the struggle. But reason told Wang Delao that they could never send troops and could only rely on themselves. At this time, the officers and soldiers hoped that more people would stay on the north bank. The leaders urged

Looking at the cavalry under his command, when he saw someone picking up arrows on the ground, he directly went up and kicked him, "Quickly retreat, don't worry about anything, you idiot, do you want to die here?"

Wang Delao ordered a decisive retreat. In less than a quarter of an hour, about 4,000 thieves retreated to the south bank. At this time, a large number of Yunfu cavalry had already rushed over. In front of them was a silver-armored general, holding a silver gun.

, like a god, with a flick of the spear, a red-robed cultist was directly pierced. Wang Delao swallowed his saliva with some fear. He knew this person, his name was Zhou Dingshan.

In his hands, the cavalry were like a group of assassins, advancing and retreating like the wind, unstoppable. Fortunately, they retreated quickly enough, otherwise they would have been swallowed up by the officers and soldiers. Zhou Dingshan frowned, and could not see the slightest bit of joy. When he thought about it,

This was a good opportunity to severely injure the rebels. As long as the stone bridge was blocked and a large number of rebels were trapped on the north bank, this elite cavalry could be completely wiped out. However, I did not expect that the opposing commander was so smart and ordered a retreat immediately.

Although he was unwilling, Zhou Dingshan did not order to cross the stone bridge. If he missed the opportunity, he would miss it. Now the most important thing is to eliminate the remaining soldiers on the north bank. In short, eat as much as you can. "Divide into six teams, two teams of chain horses, and one team

Change the heavy cavalry to grab, and the other three teams will gather at the stone bridge to prevent the bandits from rushing over to rescue."

There were five thousand cavalry, including three thousand of the most elite Yunfu cavalry. Under the leadership of the Yunfu cavalry, this huge cavalry quickly formed six teams. Two teams of chain horses quickly assembled and began to attack the thieves who stayed on the north bank.

The attack. The retreat was blocked, and the thieves who stayed on the north bank were already panicking. They knew the power of the chain horse, so they gave up the remaining troops of Du Longyuan and wanted to flee southwest along the Hongnong River, but they had just opened a distance.

, I saw a cavalry appearing in front of me. The cavalry was in a tight formation, holding a dark heavy cavalry gun.

Boom, some people's heads were about to explode, and the front was blocked. Just when they were about to turn around and go back to fight, a shower of arrows fell. The arrow rain was very dense, and even people and horses neighed tragically.

The piece fell.

With obstacles in front and pursuers behind, we were now in a desperate situation. There was no hope of escape, and the ferocity of some thieves was forced out. They stopped their horses, brandished their spears and roared loudly, "Brothers, turn your heads.

, fight with the officers and soldiers, one life for another, we will not lose. We must also let the officers and soldiers know that we are not easy to mess with, kill...kill them..."

Someone took the lead, and the remnant soldiers began to gather. They did not attack the heavy cavalry. In their view, charging against the heavy cavalry was a fearless death. But they did not have Wang Delao's mind and did not know how to deal with it. They concentrated their forces and launched a series of attacks.

Horse hedging is the stupidest choice.

The chain of horses seems to be loose, but the iron chain is connected, the formation is stretched, the range of control is wider, and the lethality is greater. The speed of the cavalry is so fast that there is not enough time to think. In an instant, the two torrents rush together, and the result is

It is conceivable that the thieves wanted to fight desperately, but only after they really rushed forward did they realize how ridiculous this was. The iron rope swept across, the cavalry sword passed by, the war horse was caught, and the cavalry sword reaped life with a cold light, one by one.

The cavalry swords were so sharp that even though the cavalry was hedging, it was like harvesting straw.

After entering the chain horse formation, there are iron ropes to block it, so it is impossible to rush forward. On the contrary, the chain horse can attack head-on. This is a battle without suspense. It seems that the opportunities are equal, but in fact it is a one-sided massacre. The chain horse

With the help of heavy cavalry and the help of hundreds of remnants led by Du Longyuan, the remaining German soldiers who fell on the north bank of the Hongnong River were swallowed up little by little. When the last thief fell to the ground, the cavalry battle finally came to an end.

Wang Delao's eyes were full of tears, and the pain tore his heart apart. He knelt in the river and could not stand up for a long time. The bodies of the warriors were floating on the river, but they could only let them move with the current. The autumn wind swept by, and the ground was desolate.

, the living people are also shivering in the harvest season. Wang Delao understands that the defeat of Hongnong River will directly affect the entire battle for Tongguan. The most certain battle ended in failure, and the blow to morale was inexhaustible.


In the Battle of Hongnong River, both sides gathered their forces around the stone bridge and used all their elite troops. In the end, both sides suffered losses. Du Longyuan's army was almost wiped out, and Wang Delao's army also sacrificed the lives of more than 4,000 warriors. It seemed that the casualties were equal.

But in fact, Wang Delao lost more. Du Longyuan's troops were mainly infantry, but Wang Delao's subordinates were all elite warriors. In total, it was definitely a disastrous defeat. The cavalry and infantry were exchanged, and the transaction was paid to his grandma's house.


Wang Delao did not retreat directly, but guarded the south of the stone bridge. The main force camped in the birch forest to rest. The autumn breeze did not stop, bringing waves of desolation. The living thieves leaned together in twos and threes, their faces full of loneliness and fear.

The destructive power brought by the serial horses is too shocking. These are a group of devils who kill creatures. On the North Shore, those brothers who want to fight for their lives don’t even have a chance to fight for their lives. If they encounter them again, how will they deal with them?

What about the cavalry?

Heavy cavalry in front, infantry protection, continuous vertical and horizontal cuts, light cavalry roundabout and shooting, the Eastern cavalry has always used this routine, but they know exactly what the opponent is doing, but they just can't stop it. Strength can sometimes overwhelm everything. Wang Delao once suggested that Li Dengfan also

After training a chain horse, it took a long time to get it right, and many people were killed and injured during the training. What's more terrible is that the chain armor and war horse armor used by the Northern Shanxi Army could not be made. Someone was sent to study it, although

Armor can also be imitated with the same effect, but the weight will increase a lot, and the huge cost is not something that the Maitreya Cult can bear.

However, from this point, we can also see how rich the Living King of Hell is. He can raise so many elite cavalry. With the wealth of the Maitreya Sect, it is incredible to be able to raise 5,000 people.

After sunset, Gao Yingxiang led the main force to finally arrive near the Hongnong River. After hearing the battle situation on the north bank of the river, the army fell into silence. This time, Gao Yingxiang did not blame Wang Delao. This battle was not Wang Delao's command mistake, but the reinforcements from the other side.

Too fast. If there is any blame, it is Li Dengfan's responsibility. If Li Dengfan, a fool, had not been so hasty in doing things, Wang Delao's army would not have been defeated so miserably.

Everything depends on man and God. Many times, it also depends on luck. He patted Wang Delao on the shoulder and Gao Yingxiang comforted him, "Wang Protector does not have to blame himself. Victory or defeat is a common occurrence in military affairs. No one can fight without victory."

It's not a win. What's more, we didn't get nothing. At least we knew the location of the opponent's main cavalry. Now that most of the Yunfu cavalry are concentrated near the Hongnong River, the Luonan frontline cavalry must be very weak. If we take the opportunity to attack Shangluo area

, officers and soldiers may not be able to stop us."

Gao Yingxiang had ups and downs in his life, and experienced countless storms and waves. A defeat was nothing. He just felt a little sorry and quickly regained his composure. If the rebels wanted to capture Tongguan, the biggest obstacles were Shangluo and Tongguan.

In fact, Gao Yingxiang did not want to fight against the soldiers and horses of the Living King of Hell so soon. He stayed in Jingxiang area and developed slowly, and the results were very good. However, the situation in Shaanxi forced him to fight out the soldiers and horses in advance. Let it go

The Living King of Hell killed Zhang Xianzhong and Wang Ziyong, and Gao Yingxiang would not benefit him at all. Although there were many conflicts on weekdays, he still understood the meaning of death.

Nowadays, the rebel army is developing rapidly. It seems that the situation is good, but in fact it is very fragile. The reason why the imperial court cannot wipe out the rebel army in a short time is because the rebel army has spread so widely that the imperial court is in a state of distress. But if Gao Yingxiang is concentrated on attacking him, then Gao Yingxiang will be in trouble.

But I don't think I can stop it.

Wang Delao calmed down, and when he thought of the believers who died on the north bank, he felt angry and said, "King Chuang, leave the task of raiding Shangzhou to me. Wang promises to capture this city within the stipulated time.


Gao Yingxiang looked at Wang Delao thoughtfully. In fact, Gao Yingxiang already had a candidate in mind. He felt that Liu Zongmin was the best candidate. Liu Zongmin fought bravely. Although he lacked some flexibility and wisdom, his direct style of play was most suitable for raiding Shangzhou.

. But now that Wang Delao has personally requested the military service, he has to think about it. Before Gao Yingxiang agreed, a man in red robe next to him had already stood up and objected, "Wang Protector Wang just led his troops in a fierce battle, and he must be very tired, so why not make a surprise attack?"

Leave the affairs of Shangzhou to us."

The red-robed man's name is Bai Zhuo, and he is the Zuotian King of the Jin Chan Sect. During this expedition to Shaanxi, Tang Zifeng, the leader of the Jin Chan Sect, sent him out. Bai Zhuo's words were clear and logical, but Liu Zongmin, Wang Delao and others all showed a trace of

With a look of disgust, Bai Zhuo is really too arrogant. He really thinks that he can do whatever he wants. Before Wang Delao, the client, expressed his dissatisfaction, Liu Zongmin had already sneered with a livid face, "Tsk, tsk, how noble King Zuo is, he is the right-hand man of the Tang leader.

, I think Zuo Tianwang will no longer need to do those dirty and tiring tasks."

This chapter has been completed!
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