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Chapter 695 Bloody Battle

Chapter 695 Bloody Battle

Cao Wenzhao raised his hand and couldn't put it down for a long time. Of course there was an ambush. How could the Peeling Family be unprepared for the battle in Black Eagle Valley? But Cao Wenzhao couldn't tell anything because the soldier lost his last breath.

After the sudden change, the soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army on the high slope all tried their best to stand up. With their hands tied, they used their shoulders to bump into each other. Finally, they broke out of a path. A soldier ran down the high slope and shouted,

"Master General Cao... don't enter the valley, there are cavalry in the valley... General Soldier Cao..."

With a pop, the soldier failed to run ten feet. An arrow flew from behind and pierced his back accurately. He fell down the slope like a gourd. Cao Wenzhao didn't know what he should say.

What, these soldiers used the last bit of strength in their lives to fight back, just because they didn’t want him to enter the valley, but how could they not enter the valley?

These are all good men of the Northern Shanxi Army, but their death will never be in vain. A commander seemed to want to step forward to stop him, but Cao Wenzhao pushed him away, raised his long sword, and roared sadly.

He said, "Gather your troops and horses and enter the valley. Cao will sweep the Black Eagle Valley and kill all these bandits..."

The peelers finally angered Cao Wenzhao. More than 2,000 leading soldiers followed Cao Wenzhao and rushed in from the entrance of the valley, and then attacked fiercely on both sides.

Kaev was immediately overjoyed, finally irritating the Easterners, but Kaev still frowned with some dissatisfaction. The Easterners kept sending people to attack both sides, but did not go directly to the hinterland of Black Eagle Valley. It was a pity.

.Perhaps the words of those Eastern prisoners had an effect, but it doesn’t matter. As long as these Easterners are held back, the Krigtisk family’s cavalry will definitely show these Easterners how powerful they are.

Stimulated by the previous scene, coupled with the tragedy in the small town of Meijin, the soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army were already furious. They were like crazy tigers, rushing up regardless. Perhaps Cao Wenzhao was still pretending.

However, these soldiers attacking both sides of the valley entrance are actually participating in the battle. This time, I am afraid it will be difficult to let them pretend to be defeated first. Many people are already red-eyed and blinded by the flames of revenge.

No more military orders.

The left side is relatively flat and wide, making it easier to deploy troops. The soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army invested a large number of troops and horses on the left side. This kind of unobstructed and crazy charge came at a huge cost.

One soldier failed to avoid the rolling stones, and his brain was bleeding from the impact. The person behind him also had his legs crushed. The soldier next to him seemed not to be affected and continued to rush upward. At this moment, the soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army seemed to

Forgetting pain and death, they followed the bloody path left by their companions and kept swooping up. Finally, someone climbed up the high slope, one, two, and three... The Northern Shanxi Army on the high slope on the left

There were more and more soldiers, and they started fighting in close quarters with the people of the Peeling Family. On such a narrow slope, formations were of no use. The only thing that mattered was who was stronger. The Peeling Family were cruel by nature and were born fighters. Unfortunately,

Today, the soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army are crazy. If a group of thugs encounter a group of lunatics, it will definitely be a shocking battle.

The two people hugged each other. The skinned man's shield was thrown somewhere, and the weapons of the soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army were gone. The two people rolled down, and the skinned man touched a stone and threw it at each other.

The soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army made a whining sound and bit the skinner's neck tightly until both sides stopped moving. A soldier of the Northern Shanxi Army had his leg broken, but he still crawled to the skinner who fell to the ground.

Next to the person, he grabbed the other person's hair and stabbed him with the short knife in his hand. The high slope on the left was in chaos, and more and more people died. In front of a big stone, the corpses slowly piled up, turning into a hill.

, many people climbed up the mountain of corpses and continued to fight. If they had no weapons, they would use their fists. If fists were not effective, they would bite them with their teeth. They would use all means just to kill each other.

No one retreats. The family motto of the Peiping family is that there is no room for fear. The soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army also need revenge. The glory established over more than ten years cannot be destroyed in Black Eagle Valley and the small town of Meijin.

The battle situation intensified and was far out of control. Cao Wenzhao waved his long sword to challenge the people who were flying towards him, trying to calm down. Things had gone beyond expectations, and everyone was furious. If they wanted to withdraw, it would be absolutely impossible.


Cao Wenzhao was full of worries. It would not be a good thing to launch a violent attack at this time, because Kaev could easily react. Once the Peeling Family retreated, the plan to siege Black Eagle Valley would be in vain. The soldiers became red-eyed and forgot

He obeyed the military order, but can he blame them? Cao Wenzhao could not blame these ordinary soldiers. After experiencing the tragedy in the small town of Meijin, and watching dozens of his companions being killed, this feeling of powerlessness would drive a person crazy.

Revenge is all that is left. This is always the case on the battlefield. No matter how good the plan is, it cannot keep up with the changes. Cao Wenzhao will not order a retreat again. If the plan is ruined, he will bear the responsibility. Will be ordered by the emperor

Unable to accept this, Cao Wenzhao took a few steps back, wiped the blood from his face, and fought for half an hour. I am afraid that there were no less than a thousand casualties. Anyone who is not a fool can see what this kind of fighting method can do.

, "Chen Yaofeng...Chen Yaofeng...are the people from behind coming up? If no one comes, the Skinner will run away..."

After shouting for a long time, Chen Yaofeng could not be found. After a while, Chen Yaofeng, covered in blood, came out from behind and said, "General Cao, General Orger's troops have arrived, but General Zhou has not sent a signal yet...

How about withdrawing first..."

"Withdraw your ass, take a closer look, are you still able to withdraw now? If you really can't do it, you can only fight. Tell General Orger not to hide anymore, and send some troops to help capture the valley entrance, and strive to capture the valley entrance as soon as possible.

Come down. Let it be up to God whether General Zhou can block the other end in time." Cao Wenzhao had already abandoned the encirclement plan. With the battle like this, the only hope was to have as few casualties as possible.

Chen Yaofeng was scolded and had no temper at all. Seeing that the situation was not going well, he quickly left the valley in person.

The fighting on both sides of the valley entrance was brutal, which not only exceeded Cao Wenzhao's expectations, but even Kaev did not expect it. Seeing the Northern Shanxi Army rushing up the slope and fighting regardless of casualties, Kaev finally felt uneasy.

The situation is so wrong. In the past, the Easterners attacked the right side and dispersed after being blocked for a moment. But now they are attacking from both sides at the same time, and they are fighting so fiercely. Why is there such a huge contrast between the front and the back?

There is only one explanation, and that is that the hasty escape during the previous attack on the right side was a feint. A feigned defeat means a conspiracy. The Easterners have a large number of cavalry and strong combat effectiveness. Why has no cavalry rushed in from Taniguchi until now? No, Kaye

The husband narrowed his sinister eyes and ran down the slope suddenly, "Malov, Gao Ka, tell everyone to retreat and evacuate Black Eagle Valley from the other end!"

After finishing speaking, Kaev didn't care whether the soldiers and horses participating in the battle could evacuate safely. He got on his horse and rushed towards the entrance of the valley on the other side. There was not one exit on the other side, but Kaev was still very scared. The cavalry was coming out of the valley.

Paradise, but what if you can't get out? Kaev's retreat order was issued, and the Skinner soldiers breathed a sigh of relief and retreated along the crest of the wave.

To be honest, the attitude of the Skinners in executing military orders is still very good. No matter how fierce the fighting is, they will retreat when told to retreat. Although the retreat is disorderly, the most important thing is to have a consistent attitude. Kaev did not pay attention to the infantry behind him at all.

, leading the cavalry to rush towards the valley entrance. The gray-clothed cavalry carried shields on their backs. They were like a group of gray snakes, running along the valley road. The elite cavalry of the Skinner family had always been the most trusted swords and guns.

With a bang, there was a red light in the sky, and Kaev's heart suddenly sank to the bottom. However, he continued to run out. When he reached the exit, the soldiers and horses in the front row suddenly stopped, and the neighing of the war horses continued one after another.

, there was chaos. The two cavalrymen couldn't control their horses and hit the rocks hard. There was no exit at this time. The so-called exit was blocked by rocks. A big stone sealed the exit. There were also scattered along the way.

There are many stones. In short, it is impossible for war horses to pass. If you want to pass, the cavalry should dismount and become infantry, and climb out from the high place.

The cavalry of the Peeling Family were extremely arrogant, but faced with no way out, they were still at a loss. No one knew how the exit was sealed. Why didn't any news come from the Centurion stationed at the mouth of the valley? Thousands of people

How incredible is it that the elite cavalry was silently blocked from retreat?

Kayev was cruel and cruel, but not stupid at all. He knew the importance of the back route, so he deliberately left a hundred-man team to patrol this area, fearing that someone would take the back route and block him in the Black Eagle Valley.

The husband was cautious enough, but he was still blocked. He didn't know how the other party did it.

There was another exit. Although there was little hope, Kaev still ordered his guards to check the other side. The results they got back were disappointing. That side was also sealed. Kaev almost went crazy. He was furious.

Pulling at his short yellow hair, he asked, "What the hell is going on? The Easterners have blocked the escape route. Why hasn't any news about our centurions been sent back?"

Ta... ho ho, when I looked up again, I saw only figures on the surrounding heights, blocking the sunlight. A silver-armored general held a spear and looked coldly at the entire valley. A thick shield blocked the front, and then

Coupled with the fact that the opponent was condescending, bows and arrows were destined to lose their effectiveness. For some reason, the Easterners only defended, not attacked, let alone shot with bows and crossbows.

Anyway, there are many obstacles and this road is blocked. How about going back? Haha, even if we rush out, the other side is not suitable for cavalry combat at all. More importantly, will the Easterners give them a chance? I'm afraid there is an ambush on the other side, just waiting.

The Krigtisks have thrown themselves into a trap.

Kaev was familiar with the terrain of Black Hawk Valley better than anyone else. In order to lead the war more confidently, he explored Black Hawk Valley several times and determined that it was suitable for a large-scale ambush. After that, he chose the location of Black Hawk Valley.

Valley. Because he understood it, he felt a little inexplicable despair. Black Eagle Valley was only accessible in the north and south directions. Not only were the high slopes on both sides steep and rugged, but there were also many broken ravines. Not to mention the cavalry, even the infantry were very difficult to navigate.

It is difficult to pass smoothly.

In short, once trapped in Black Eagle Valley, there is only one way to die. Originally, the plan was to trap the Eastern soldiers and horses in Black Eagle Valley, but now everything has changed. The Krigtisk family's soldiers and horses actually fell into it themselves.

Now there is a glimmer of hope, that is, the Easterners have only blocked the north and south passages, and have not yet occupied the high slopes in the middle. As long as the Easterners have not occupied the high points in the middle, then the cavalry will give up.

War horses, it is still possible to climb out from the high slope.

As for whether you can escape the Eastern Cavalry's pursuit by climbing out, you have to leave it to fate. At this point, we can only take it one step at a time. Kaev simply ordered the retreat and did not immediately attack the Northern Shanxi Army on the way out in the south.


The hinterland of Black Eagle Valley is very wide, and there are soldiers and horses on the surrounding high slopes. It is the perfect ambush location. As long as you plan carefully and rely on the terrain advantage, it is definitely not a problem to ambush 10,000 people with 5,000 people. But now, northern Shanxi

The army was not fooled. It was the soldiers of the Skinners who were really in danger. Looking at the high slopes in the west, the oval-shaped hills were undulating continuously, surrounding the valley. It was empty. Kaev breathed a sigh of relief and immediately got off the horse.

"Everyone gave up their horses, quickly climbed up the high slope, and slid down the other side."

Kaev is a ruthless person. He always leads troops like this. Sometimes even if there is a sea of ​​fire in front of him, he will let people rush over. On the other side of the high slope on the west side, there is a steep mountain wall with no obstruction.

, it was mostly gravel. If it slid down from there and rolled to the bottom, I don’t know how many people would be killed. Kaev’s order was very arrogant, but the soldiers of the Skinners did not hesitate at all. They gave up their horses and did not pay attention to their formations.

, hurriedly climbed towards the high slope. In order to increase the marching speed, they gave up many unnecessary things. Most of them only kept their weapons and the shields on their backs.

Most of the people in the skinning family knew that the current situation was not good, so they were very anxious when climbing the high slope, and did not even leave anyone to prepare for a sneak attack. They were about to rush up, but they heard the sound of drums.

Several flags were erected from the snowy high slopes, and rows of black-armored soldiers blocked the view ahead. This was a group of typical oriental infantry, with thick shields blocking the front, and countless wooden sticks sticking out from behind.

There is a snare hanging on it. It is not a spear, but a snare. Everyone in the skinning family knows this kind of snare. Generally, these snares are used to capture wild wolves and trap slaves.

The soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army had been lying in wait for a long time. When they suddenly appeared, many of the Peeling Family soldiers were already very close and could not react even if they wanted to. Many of the Peeling Family soldiers were stunned for a moment, and then the snares were wrapped around their necks.

The soldiers exerted their strength, and a thumping sound was heard. One by one, the Skinner's soldiers fell to the ground and were dragged over. The Skinner's soldiers had no temper at all. This kind of pole has obviously been improved and is much longer. Even if it wants to kill someone, it can't be stabbed.

They couldn't reach it, and the soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army were at a high altitude, with shields covering the front, and their bows and arrows were useless. Just like that, in the blink of an eye, hundreds of Peeling Family soldiers were dragged into the formation, and the shields were separated and closed again.

Very fast.

This chapter has been completed!
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