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Chapter 696 surrounded

Chapter 696 Surrounded

Kaev's sinister eyes showed some ferocity, and he wanted to capture the hateful Easterners alive. No wonder they haven't used muskets and bullets to cover them up until now. It turned out that they had been planning to capture them alive from the beginning. For Kaev,

This situation is simply more uncomfortable than being killed. How could the people of the Skinner family be captured alive?

The subsequent soldiers and horses charged several more times, but they were either stabbed to the ground or dragged into the formation with a noose around their necks and knocked unconscious. The soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army did not kill them at all, otherwise the Peipijian soldiers would have been killed and injured by now.

At this time, Kaev had no choice but to order a temporary withdrawal. The Northern Shanxi Army did not take the initiative to attack. Now nearly 30,000 troops surrounded Black Eagle Valley, and the passages on both sides were also blocked. They were afraid that these people would escape.

Lost? In the middle of winter, the ice and snow have not yet melted, and the Peeling family has no luggage. How long can they hold on? If the Peeling family does not take the initiative to attack, then they will wait until they are exhausted from hunger, and then go in to capture them alive.

Malov's face was pale, and his body was shaking uncontrollably. No one could have imagined that the soldiers of the Skinner family would encounter such a situation. Kaev sat alone behind a stone, with a gloomy face and said nothing.

We need to work hard to come up with a way. I really don’t know how the Easterners did it. It is absolutely impossible to do this just relying on the troops and horses that attacked the valley entrance before. If you want to control the high slopes on the east and west sides, you need at least one

It only takes 5,000 soldiers. How did so many soldiers and horses come to Black Eagle Valley?

Don't blame Kaev for not being able to figure it out. In the final analysis, Kaev paid the price for his arrogance. He didn't understand the methods of the Northern Jin Army at all. Cao Wenzhao's soldiers and horses were just a cover.

Isn’t that just wishful thinking to control most of the Black Eagle Valley by ordering troops and horses? What really occupies the high slopes on both sides is Orger’s army. It always takes time to get from Komi to Black Eagle Valley. In order to confuse the skinners

The spies of the Northern Shanxi Army even forcibly drove the Slavic people in the southern part of Komi to move north. A large number of people migrated. Sure enough, they deceived the spies of the Peeling Family. All Orger had to do was to sneak into the Black Eagle Valley among the crowds. Facts

It proves that Kaev is too young. If it were Huang Taiji or Lin Danhan, he would never suffer this loss.

This was the first time Org faced the soldiers of the Skinners. He looked at these Slavs in gray and their triangular shields looked so fragile. The telescope was observing the situation in the valley, and when he heard footsteps coming from beside him, he handed over the telescope.

In the hands of Cao Wenzhao, "General Zhou blocked the other side in time. Now the skinned animals are already turtles in the jar. I just don't understand why the governor must capture them alive as much as possible."

"No matter what we do, we only need to follow the orders. None of these skinned beasts can escape. It is best to avoid getting close. Once the soldiers become jealous, it will be difficult to capture them alive." Cao Wenzhao

He was still frightened by what happened before and had a good plan, but once the fight started, many people had lost their minds. Orger also felt bad. Fortunately, he arrived in time, otherwise the skinned man would really run away.

Cao Wenzhao's men fought bravely. Although the results were good, they also alarmed the Skinners. It can be said that the Skinners really escaped from the Black Eagle Valley within a quarter of an hour at night.

Countless war horses were looking for food in the valley. The soldiers of the Skinners seemed very quiet. However, this quietness further showed the low morale of the Skinners. Being trapped in Black Eagle Valley, and thinking about the companions who were captured alive, they all felt that it was an irony of God.

.How arrogant do Easterners have to be to think of capturing them alive?

Malov came to the stone, leaned on it, and said with a gloomy expression, "Kayev, we have no choice but to wait. We didn't expect what would happen before. We don't have much baggage. If we don't want to rush out, we

We can't hold on for two days. Unless... unless... we order the slaughter of the war horses, but I'm afraid it will still be difficult to find something to keep out the cold at night..."

The heavy supply of food and grass almost cost Kaev his life. Due to the special circumstances of the Black Eagle Valley, the Skinner soldiers have been stationed in the villages northwest of the Black Eagle Valley. When they entered the Black Eagle Valley, they only stayed for one day.

Rations. It's all good now. Being trapped in Black Eagle Valley, food is a problem.

I am afraid that some people have already run out of food. Kaev held a sharp short knife and kept scratching the stones in front of him. "Kill, since the matter is a foregone conclusion, don't think too much. Order people to kill all the horses. In short, we can't."

Leave it to the Orientals. Make a fire to dry the horses to keep out the cold at night, and the horse meat can also replenish the food and grass. Hum, the Orientals want to capture us alive, hey, let’s see who can outlast the other. If you have the ability, just rush in.”

Kaev is as cruel to others as he is to his own people. He will never allow others to lead him by the nose, even if he still fails in the end. For a time, the mournful screams of the horses in the Black Eagle Valley continued to sound, and one after another the horses fell.

On the ground. With horse meat to satisfy their hunger, the Skinner's soldiers don't have to worry about running out of food for at least half a month.

Kaev prepared a posture of long-term consumption. He felt that the Orientals may not be able to continue to consume energy. As long as the Orientals rush in and fight hard, that would be the best. They can have a back-up when they die. The people of the Peeling Family are very decisive.

, without any hesitation, Cao Wenzhao and others did not expect that Kayev would be so decisive. After nightfall, Zhou Dingshan also climbed up the high slope from the side cliff through ropes. Now the two defense zones in the north and south have become the most stable high slope.

The defense line was the easiest to break through. The soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army were on full alert, but the Peipei family didn't seem to have any intention of making a sneak attack at night.

When they met, they couldn't help but talk about what happened in the past two days. Cao Wenzhao was also curious about how Zhou Dingshan silently blocked the south exit. It turned out that Zhou Dingshan's arrival at Black Eagle Valley was not slow.

When a fierce battle started on the other side, he had already arrived at the outskirts of Black Eagle Valley. However, there were many Skinner soldiers patrolling at the mouth of the south valley at that time. Zhou Dingshan was afraid of attacking rashly and alerting the main force of the Skinners in the valley, so he thought of a way.

There are several Komi villages in the south of Black Eagle Valley. Zhou Dingshan sent soldiers and horses to drive the people in the villages to the vicinity of the valley. These villagers were both male and female, and they looked like refugees. The Peeling Family soldiers were afraid that these people would enter the valley and cause trouble.

, instinctively gathered the Taniguchi guards to intercept, and some even attacked those Slavic women.

After attracting the patrol's attention away, Zhou Dingshan personally led more than 20 soldiers to abandon their horses and climb up the cliff, directly blocking the patrol's way into the valley. Cooperating with the main cavalry, those who were patrolling the perimeter

All the soldiers of the Skinned Centurion were poisoned, and it became a wishful thinking to rush into the valley to deliver the news. After dealing with the patrols, the Yunfu cavalry allocated their manpower to throw stones at the valley road, completely blocking the way for the Skinned family to escape from the Black Eagle Valley.


After listening to Zhou Dingshan's narration, I realized how thrilling this battle was. If Zhou Dingshan hadn't responded to the situation, I'm afraid the plan to encircle Black Eagle Valley would have failed. The Skinners are very cruel, but they are not stupid at all. When they take the initiative

, a team of 100 people can still be left to guard and patrol. The Skinners are cruel and can run rampant in Tomsk. It is not for nothing, because they are cautious enough and will ensure a retreat under any circumstances. However, they met Zhou Dingshan

, Zhou Dingshan has matured a lot over the years, but once he gets angry, he can also be very crazy. Not to mention driving Slavic villagers and risking climbing cliffs, I am afraid he can do more cruel things.

"The Peeling Family slaughtered the war horses and hugged them to keep warm. It seems that they have figured out our purpose. They are planning to consume us." Zhou Dingshan's eyes showed a fierce look, and Orger also sneered, "Huh, the Peeling Family thought they wanted to

Can it be consumed as soon as it is consumed? Let’s beat the drum every half an hour in the second half of the night to see if they can still sleep. In addition, a certain family has ordered the brothers to prepare snow, and we can give them a big gift tomorrow


In the dead of night, only the cold north wind was constantly raging. There was a lack of tents and things to keep out the cold. Many Skinner soldiers could only huddle together tightly. In a daze, a rumble of drums suddenly sounded, accompanied by

The shouts of killing were louder than the waves. The soldiers of the Skinner family were suddenly awakened and nervously alerted. However, except for the sound of drums, there was no sign of the enemy. The shouts of killing continued, but the sound was still far away.

, Kaev was also awakened. He waited in a daze for a long time, but no sign of the Northern Shanxi Army was found. Soon after, the shouts of killing disappeared, the drums stopped, and the Black Eagle Valley became dead silent again.

Kaev felt very uncomfortable. He felt that he was being strangled by someone. It was very difficult for him to breathe smoothly. What kind of conspiracy were the damn orientals playing? He couldn't wait for the attack, so he could only continue to rest, but he just closed the door.

Eyes closed, the drums and the killing sounds sounded again, over and over again, making the Skinners feel restless and exhausted. Many of the Skinners soldiers were on the verge of collapse. They had never experienced such a strange thing in their lives.

After finally surviving the night, the soldiers of the Skinners were all confused and unable to cheer up the next day, but what kind of things were waiting for them? Kaev made up his mind, as long as the Easterners did not take the initiative to attack, he would

They would definitely not send anyone to attack Gaopo. How could they go up there and deliver prisoners to the Easterners? However, the fact that the Peiping Family did not attack did not mean that the Northern Shanxi Army would not take action.

As time passed, many snowballs and snow cubes were sent up the high slope, along with dozens of large iron cauldrons for the march. Soon after, the fire was lit and the snow in the large iron cauldron began to melt into water. Kaev stared.

With scarlet eyes and heads full of questions, what do the Orientals want to do?

Kaev is not very old, but he has experienced a lot. Perhaps due to the unique parenting style of the Krigtisk family, Kaev is much more mature than his peers. He is well-informed and advocates violence.

It is very rare for people in his family to still love reading. But at this moment, Kaev really couldn't understand the intentions of the Oriental. He boiled water in an iron pot and had no crossbows. The Oriental's actions became more and more disturbing.

Can't understand anymore.

After the snow in the iron pot melted, it slowly became warm. Many soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army were holding a strange bamboo tube with a leather strip tied to one end, and the leather strip pulled the stopper. This bamboo tube was adapted from the water hose used to put out fires.

Yes, the principle is similar to the slingshots of later generations, which is to use the pulling force of the leather strap to shoot the water out of the bamboo tube. The spray distance of this simple water dragon is not far, but the distance of six or seven feet is still there. In addition, it is condescending and takes advantage of the terrain to project the water.

More than ten feet is definitely not a problem.

Pour warm water into the bamboo tube, loosen the plug, and with a bang, the water arrows flew out like cannonballs. A Skinner soldier was raising his head curiously, wanting to see what the Easterners wanted to do, and his eyes were bright.

The hidden weapon flew towards him, and he raised his hand to block it out of habit, but the hidden weapon fell on him with a crash. The Peeling family soldier was dumbfounded, what kind of hidden weapon was this? The Peeling family soldier sniffed it hard, and suddenly smiled bitterly, what kind of hidden weapon was this?

Water. Grandma is such a badass. Have Asians taken the wrong medicine? How can they use water as a hidden weapon?

Crash, countless water arrows began to fall, and thousands of bamboo water dragons were unleashed together. It was as if it was raining in the hinterland of Black Eagle Valley. There were no woods or caves in the hinterland of the valley, so there was no way to avoid it. Besides, there were no soldiers from the Skinners at all.

Taking the water arrows seriously, some people even shouted arrogantly in front of the water arrows. These idiots used warm water as a hidden weapon. They must have lost their minds. What use can this thing do?

Not only was the warm water non-lethal, but it was also warm when it fell on the body. As a result, each and every skinned soldier was turned into a drowned rat by the warm water. A few of the skinned men even spoke in Slavic, banging their shields and shouting, "Damn it.

Sons of the East, come again... come again... quack..."

Kaev was not spared. Under such a large-scale coverage, he was successfully doused several times. Now his hair was wet and his thick fur was dripping with water. Kaev was shaking all over, wasn't he?

He was not cold, but angry. He felt that the Orientals were playing monkey tricks. Why were they using water arrows? Even the flying rockets would not be so cowardly. How arrogant did the Orientals have to be to attack with water arrows?

Mingming regarded the skinners as harmless sheep. However, Kaev could only get angry but did not dare to attack. If he attacked, wouldn't he be caught alive like a sheep?

"Marov...Marov...let a few people stand at the bottom of the slope to urinate...Let's see how long these Orientals can endure it." Kaev decided to take the initiative to provoke. Now

The Orientals had the advantage, could they endure such an insult? After a while, dozens of skinners began to hiss in response to the water arrows fired by the Northern Shanxi Army.

Many soldiers were stimulated by the Skinner's actions. Seeing that the soldiers were a bit provoked, Zhou Dingshan also changed his face, "Ignore the Skinner's provocation and continue to fire water arrows. Chen Yaofeng...

Get the stuff and add some ingredients to the skinners, huh, these bastards, how come they are so clever?"

Zhou Dingshan is a very arrogant person. Unless he is forced to do anything, he will never use those disgusting tricks, but the skinner's actions are completely challenging his bottom line. Chen Yaofeng scratched his head, looked at Olger, and saw that Olger

Erge didn't say anything and immediately led the people to the back slope to collect things. During the march, there were no latrines. The soldiers couldn't hold it in anymore and went to the back slope to solve the problem. It can be said that the entire back slope was a natural hut. Chen Yaofeng came to find it.

They tied their noses with cloth strips and led a group of people to start collecting filth. Soon a lot of messy filth was thrown into the big iron pot. Once it was boiled in boiling water, the hard things melted away, and suddenly there was a wave of filth.

The stink dissipates.

This chapter has been completed!
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