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Chapter 783

Chapter 783: Not coming back at night

However, Lothair never imagined that when he thought the war in Vilnius was over, the war was far from over. Lothair forgot a truth, you can initiate a war, but the war will end with

It is not up to you to decide how it will end. Since the Battle of Vilnius started, Tomsk City has carried out many operations around this city. First, the First Army approached Foyan Ridge, and secondly, Zhou Dingshan

The troops, together with the Second Army, began to approach the city of Pusk. Only two days later, they met Yorkoren's troops stationed on the Ryazan River.

When the two sides met, there was nothing to say but an earth-shattering fight. The cavalry vanguard led by Zhou Dingshan himself was only 8,000, while the Ryazan River garrison had 10,000. The two sides launched a large-scale cavalry confrontation near the Ryazan River.

The heavy cavalry was in front, the chain horses were in the back, and the light cavalry was responsible for the harassment and assassination. The entire Ryazan River was trampled beyond recognition by the two groups of cavalry. The battle lasted for more than an hour. After both sides left a total of more than 3,000 corpses, the northern Shanxi cavalry retreated.

And it's over. The reason why Zhou Dingshan fought this battle was not without reason. He just wanted to tell the Ryazan River garrison and the Mesuda City garrison that the Tomsk City garrison was heading for Pusk City. The battle on the Ryazan River allowed the Germans to

After seeing the power of the Northern Shanxi cavalry, they had to admit that if they really continued to fight hard, the Ryazan River garrison would probably be crippled.

On the second day, the main force of Tomsk City arrived near the Ryazan River. Although Yorkoren was arrogant, he also understood a truth. A good man will not suffer the immediate loss. Yorkoren led his cavalry to withdraw towards Pusk City. Zhou Dingshan led

The main force of Tomsk City almost followed suit, and just after noon, the first offensive and defensive battle of Psk City began.

Lothair attacked the city of Vilnius on the other side, and Zhou Dingshan led his troops to attack Pusk on the other side. However, the city of Pusk was heavily guarded, and the Tomsk garrison did not bring enough siege equipment. After suffering many casualties, they could only retreat temporarily.

Zhou Dingshan ordered to be stationed near the Ryazan River and at the same time divided his army into two. Yorkoren had been worried about when the Tomsk garrison would attack, but how did he know that at this time Zhou Dingshan had already set his sights on Mesuda City.

As long as there is no movement in Mesuda City, he will never retreat. He has done so many things and paid a lot of casualties just to draw out the Mesuda City garrison.

After Bysle was transferred, Quillens, a former member of the blacksmith family, was transferred to Mesuda City. Now Mesuda City has a total of 30,000 troops stationed, which is definitely powerful. Quillens is a very cautious person, and the fighting outside is shocking.

He didn't react at all, not to mention sending reinforcements, and he didn't even bother to offer condolences. Quilens could bear it, but Yorkelen couldn't. He was afraid that the Orientals would attack the city of Pusk.

In his opinion, Quillens just wants to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and preserve his strength. If Quillens can detach a force to rush to attack the Ryazan River, or attack the city of Tomsk, it can be greatly alleviated.

The pressure on the city of Pusk. Now that all the garrison in the city of Tomsk has been almost emptied, isn't it the best time to attack the city of Tomsk?

The more Yorko thought about it, the angrier he became. Finally, he picked up his pen and did the biggest stupid thing since the war in Vilnius. This letter put the German army into an unprecedented predicament. At this time, Yorko

Lun could never imagine what consequences this letter would bring. Even if Lothair was standing here, he might not feel anything wrong.

The Tomsk base camp formulated a complex and complicated plan. Zhou Dingshan was a key step in the implementation of this plan, and Zhou Dingshan lived up to expectations. He used the sharpest attacks to constantly shake the defense line of Pusk City and uncover the secrets of Yolkolen and others.

Inner fear. Yorkolen was not a fool. When writing this letter, he sought the opinions of several noble captains in Pusk. These people were full of fear of the Tomsk army outside the city, and they all felt that

What Quillens did was a bit too much. A letter was written quickly and due to the urgent military situation, it was sent to Mesuda City at high speed.

Zhou Dingshan was still waiting patiently. He didn't know that Yolkolen had already sent a letter to Mesuda City. In his opinion, the pressure on Pusk City was still too little. In fact, some military generals didn't quite understand.

What was Zhou Dingshan's plan? On this day, Zhou Dingshan once again summoned everyone to discuss matters in the tent. "Now that we have rested, I have decided to attack Pusk City again. Tomorrow, Bai Chong and Min Gui, you two will lead your troops to attack from the east and west directions."

The city of Pusk, no matter how much it costs, you will be required to climb to the top of the city once."

Both Bai Chong and Min Gui looked shocked. Pusk City was heavily guarded and the opponent was well prepared. A strong attack would inevitably result in heavy losses, let alone reaching the top of the city. But Zhou Dingshan's expression did not seem to be fake, he was very

Seriously, military orders are military orders, and Bai Chong and Min Gui must carry them out no matter how much they disagree. However, they don't understand why General Yang's acting style is so different from the past?

After the military order was issued, the only thing Bai Chong and Min Gui could do was to find ways to minimize casualties. These two were veterans of the battlefield, so they could naturally think of some ways.

Early the next morning, war drums were rumbling outside the city of Pusk. Four thousand soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army began to attack the city of Pusk from the east and west. This time, the soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army were united and had a posture of not giving up until they reached the top of the city. The soldiers carried

Using the ladder, when approaching the city wall, trebuchets and crossbows began to suppress the city head. In addition to stones, there were also many earthen jars filled with kerosene. After a while, the west wall of Pusk City was engulfed in fire.


Fire and water were merciless, and the Germans guarding the city wall were caught off guard. A German soldier was contaminated with kerosene, and the fire quickly burned his whole body. The people around him rushed to put out the fire. In order to defend the city, the Germans also prepared a lot of equipment.

Rolling logs and other objects are now fueling the fire.

Yorkelen's head hurt a little. He didn't expect the Easterners to have stored so much kerosene. There was a commotion on top of the city and it was impossible to prevent the enemy troops from approaching the city wall. Sure enough, taking advantage of the chaos at the top of the city, the soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army quickly approached.

, ladders stood on the city wall, and the soldiers climbed up little by little, holding wooden shields snatched from the Germans. The shields of the Germans may not be very protective in the battle formation, but when attacking the city

The arrows used to block the enemy are still very effective. There are countless ladders on the west city wall. The soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army rushed up like a tide. The commander guarding the city wall was anxious and his heart trembled. "Quick, take the stone quickly."

Come up, the Easterners have begun to attack the city, knock them down, hurry up." Gu Zao

After the captain's constant shouting, the panicked German soldiers finally regained some consciousness. They began to approach the battlements and threw stones at the soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army who were attacking Pusk City. Stones were much easier to use than rolling logs, and wooden shields could not resist them at all.

Stop, people kept being hit by rocks and falling down. Bai Chong stood at the bottom of the city and shouted hysterically, "Don't be afraid, keep charging up, the Germans can't stop us."

At this time, the trebuchet showed its power again. For fear of accidental damage, they adjusted the range of the trebuchet. Most of the cupping jars fell into the city. In the cold winter, the weather was dry and many places caught fire. Yolkolen was very depressed.

Unexpectedly, the Easterners dared to use trebuchets at this time. After adjusting the range, most of them fell into the city, but some still fell on the city wall. An earthen jar fell next to the rolling log, and instantly ignited a fire.

All the German soldiers were defeated. Seeing another disturbance at the top of the city, the soldiers attacking the city became more confident.

The German captain Glenn looked at everything in front of him with a solemn expression. If the battle continues like this, the casualties will be very heavy. Are the Easterners crazy, or are they bound to win the city of Pusk? There are more and more places where trouble is occurring.

, finally a soldier from the Northern Shanxi Army rushed up with a steel knife. As soon as he climbed to the top of the city, he wielded the steel knife to kill the Germans on both sides. One or two, more and more loopholes appeared in places.

, Glenn saw this in his eyes and was anxious in his heart, "Quickly notify Lord Yorcoln and send reinforcements as soon as possible. We must push them back before the enemy comes forward with a large force."

The reaction of the Germans was quite fast. In fact, Jorcoln had already left a lot of reserves. As soon as he heard that the west wall was in danger, the reinforcements immediately pounced on it. With the reinforcements, the Germans became more morale and reorganized their attack.

They began to encircle and suppress the soldiers of the Northern Shanxi Army on the top of the city.

Although the Northern Shan army attacked the city, the gap in strength was irreparable. The Germans came up like a tide, and the more than 200 people in front were quickly drowned in the German counterattack. The offensive and defensive battle on the west city wall was extremely fierce.

Min Gui, who was in charge of the east city wall, also felt uncomfortable. In order to attack the city, Min Gui had already gone into battle to kill the enemy himself.

Although they did not capture the entire city wall, the Northern Shanxi Army attacked the city in a short time, which greatly stimulated the Germans. They had to send more troops. The fierce offensive and defensive battle continued. Near noon, the sound of golden gongs sounded in the rear.

Sound, Min Gui and Bai Chong have all been defeated. Now that they have attacked, they already have some opportunities. Why did they withdraw their troops at the request of Jin?

Zhou Dingshan has been observing the offensive and defensive battles on the city wall. The moment Bai Chong's soldiers and horses hit the city wall, he knew that the mission had been completed. The reason why he didn't withdraw his troops until now was because he didn't want to arouse the suspicion of Yorkelen and others. Anyway,

, the Northern Shanxi Army paid gold and retreated, which still made the Germans breathe a long sigh of relief. As soon as the Northern Shanxi Army left, the German noble captains found Jorkelen. They were really frightened by the previous offensive and defensive battles.

"Lord Yorkelen, we must find a way as soon as possible. The Easterners are willing to spend their money for the city of Pusk, regardless of casualties. More than two thousand people died in just a short while, and they almost captured the western city wall. If

No one can divert the attention of the Tomsk garrison. With the strength of the Tomsk garrison, they can wear us to death."

Facing that kind of crazy attack, no one would not be afraid, even Jorkelen was a little frightened. If we can defend it this time, if the Easterners send tens of thousands of troops to attack the city on all sides, can we still defend it?

Passive defense is always the stupidest way. The best way now is to have a force to contain the Tomsk garrison. Thinking of this, Yorkelen wrote another letter in full view of the public and continued to send it.

Go to Mesuda City.

In the city of Mesuda, Quillens didn't have much reaction after receiving the first letter. He felt that Yolkolen had completely exaggerated. The city of Pusk had thick walls and so many soldiers and horses stationed there. The Easterners

It was a god who could shake the city of Pusk. Quillens' first reaction was to stand still. He always insisted on one thought in his heart, that is, to defend the city of Mesuda. As long as he did not move, there would be no flaws.

But what he didn't expect was that soon the second letter was sent to the Great Mesouda City. After reading the content of the second letter, Quillens had to take it seriously. The Orientals actually attacked the city. How long did it take this time?

They have already attacked the city. Are the Easterners already so powerful? Quillens does not think that Joel Coron is lying. This red-robed bishop is a man of arrogance. In just two days, he was heavily guarded.

How shameful is it to let the Easterners attack the city?

If it had not actually happened, Yorkelen would not make up such an excuse to smear his dignity and glory. Putting down the letter, Quillens rubbed his forehead and asked with some distress, "Hasn't the scout come back yet? There is no news in the direction of the Ryazan River yet.

Has the news come back? Damn it, Yorcolon is so worried about the city."

A commander sitting under his command gently shook his head. In fact, the news near the Ryazan River has never stopped, but Quillens needs the most detailed information near the Ryazan River, which will take a while. Not only the garrison situation, but also

It is not easy for a scout to get a specific number of people.

As evening approached, the scouts finally came back. No more than a dozen people passed by, but only four came back, and all of them were injured. One of the relatively good scouts said intermittently, "Sir Quillens, there is an east side of the Ryazan River.

There are nearly 30,000 soldiers and horses, including 12,000 cavalry. Except for the garrison in Tomsk, I am afraid that all the people in the Second Army Camp are on the Ryazan River."

"Hiss" Quillens did not doubt what he said after eating. The news these people brought back with their lives could not be false. No wonder the pressure on Pusk City was so great. Yorkelen frequently requested reinforcements. He dared to express his gratitude to the Tomsk City garrison and the third

The two armies have all arrived at the Ryazan River. If this is the case, wouldn't it mean that the troops near Tomsk city are empty and hungry? At this moment, Quillens was a little moved. He was cautious by nature and was called the "Rat Commander", but he was cautious.

Once an excellent opportunity presents itself, he will never miss it.

Perhaps Yorkoren was right. Attacking Tomsk at this time would not only reduce the pressure on Pusk, but also deal a heavy blow to the arrogance of the Tomsk base camp. He did it as soon as he thought of it, and Quillens quickly made arrangements.

, leaving more than 10,000 soldiers and horses to guard the city of Mesuda, and the rest of the soldiers followed him to attack the city of Tomsk. The nearly 20,000 troops, taking advantage of the lack of troops near the city of Tomsk, will definitely bring a heavy blow to the Tomsk base camp.

This chapter has been completed!
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